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Trump is thinking outside the Ukrainian box

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 2/22/2025 11:00:38 AM

Inside the box, and the Beltway, the thinking all along has been that we must draw a line at Ukraine, else Putin and the barbarians will soon be on the steps of Warsaw and then Berlin and Paris. Besides, Russian aggression and aggressors are morally bad. We owe it to posterity and civilization not to crumble before them. Those are valid points. On the other hand: We are where we are. Where we are, is Vladimir Putin make some understandable miscalculations. One, he miscalculated America’s willingness to support foreign countries. After all, he had witnessed Joe Biden’s Afghanistan surrender debacle.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: earlybird 2/22/2025 11:24:38 AM (No. 1901637)
This may be the best, most well-reasoned article on this subject that I have read anywhere. Beaton makes a very good case for how this could end now.
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Quigley 2/22/2025 11:27:56 AM (No. 1901638)
For me the analysis is Ukraine's non neutrality was a redline for Putin, and when Airhead Harris babbled that "Ukraine can join NATO if it wants to, Russia can't tell it what to do," Putin knew the Bidet regime was clown monkeys with hand grenades. To think that Putin could think he could roll over Western Europe in his lifetime is laughable. He undoubtedly believed that the US could very probably send lots of money to Ukraine initially, but that eventually the money would dry up and he would win the war of attrition. If he believes that Ukraine non neutrality is an existential threat, then all that makes sense. The Bidet Administration caused this war with its sophomoric handling of events. They were deadly unserious people.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 2/22/2025 11:34:00 AM (No. 1901641)
Beaton gets a lot of this right, but I don't think his "option 3" which is nukes is on the list at all. And I do think that if Putin opens the nuclear Pandora's box, he will NOT receive a full on nuke strike back, but a measured nuclear response, probably in the form of an important military base, not too close to a big city, hit with a single nuke, to put a period to the situation. And that would be both necessary, and sufficient to end it. A 'bishop exchange' in chess terms. Beaton is a city ass to call the farmland "cheap land" because it "isn"t Mar-a-lago". In the REAL world, farmland like Ukraine has is rare over the whole planet and EXTREMELY valuable for providing food for the people who own it. Russia, as vast as it is, and most Americans have zero grasp that Russian land area is by far the largest country in the world, but the overwhelming majority of it is essentially worthless taiga, a wet, poor soil subarctic forest, or vast, agriculturally worthless deserts. That prime, best in the world farmland is very valuable to Russia, and is the primary reason that Stalin and now Putin wanted to take Ukraine for their own 'breadbasket". Beaton may be right that the Russian army is spent, but I believe that Putin believes that with five years of peace, he can rebuild it totally, and having cleaned out the rot in three years of war, then be ready to go for Estonia, Latvia, Lituania and Poland. If Trump's intent is the scare the hell out of the Euroweenies, and they RICHLY deserve it, with threats to pull out of NATO, so that their 2% of GDP for their defense, which most cheated hard on, has now become 5% of GDP that they are scrambling to willingly spend, then as a gambit to kick them in the butt, I like it. If it is really pulling out of NATO, I don't like it. The USA as an equal partner, although it can never actually be equal, it can be far more equal, NATO with more members, including the previously neutral and relatively neutered Finland and Sweden, can once again be a REAL deterrent to a resurgent, imperialistic Russia. And don't imagine that "Putin can't last forever" will change anything. There are many more Russian imperialists in line behind him, although not too close, lest they fall out of a 7 story window, to carry on the imperialistic fever to 'rebuild the Soviet Union', a sick fever dream that has never died in the minds of too many Russians. In real poititk, it may be sadly necessary to trade some Ukrainian farmland for peace. This will be a bit more difficult than most ignorant Americans think, and if you react "I'm not an ignorant American", this formerly ignorant American, who was ONLY able to put together a reasonable understanding of the truly unique Russian psyche at the very end of 10 years of working and traveling with them for long periods, will tell you, yes, you do NOT understand the Russian psyche, it is NOT like you think, and the space doesn't permit explanation, and you would not believe me anyway. I know, because I wouldn't have believed it had I not lived it. In any case, we have to live in the real world. The Russian Duma has made the southern oblasts (states) of Ukraine OFFICIALLY and PERMANENTLY, by law, part of Russia. They do NOT control all of that land, so any sane proposal wouldn't give them MORE land than the large amount that they have actually under control by force of arms. So it's harder than most think , Russia has to rewrite their laws, which can happen but is more embarrassing to Putin and Russians. I have to silver bullet for this war, and even if I did, neither Putin nor Trump is listening to me. I will watch and see. But Trump intentionally embarrassing Ukraine and cozying up to Putin has a lot of stink to it as far as I am concerned. A lot.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Italiano 2/22/2025 11:35:54 AM (No. 1901642)
Glenn is spot on here. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the acceptable.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 2/22/2025 11:38:23 AM (No. 1901644)
At the end of my post that should read, "I have NO silver bullet....."
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Reply 6 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 2/22/2025 11:40:15 AM (No. 1901645)
There's another aspect to consider. Trump will finish this war one way or another because he WILL NOT commit the US to a long term war. If Trump had won in 2020 the war would not have started. But senile Biden let it happen. The article talks about 3 more years of war but Ukraine will not last that long without US help and they will NOT have it. Trump has blazed a path out. It isn't pretty but it is workable. AND, realistically, it's the only plan on the table. To go on as things are, EVERYONE will lose. With America First, Trump is protecting America and then trying to do the best he can for everyone else.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Bur Oak 2/22/2025 12:05:51 PM (No. 1901673)
If Putin weakens himself too much in the Ukraine he risks the Chinese slicing off some of Siberia.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 2/22/2025 12:21:04 PM (No. 1901688)
And Trump's part of the deal. He gets to buy Greenland while Putie goes home and watches. The Art of the Deal.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: franco 2/22/2025 1:07:10 PM (No. 1901714)
#3 & #7 - Good insights. To this I would also like to *dispel* the notion that Russia can't be beaten because it has 3x the number of people that Ukraine has. This is favorite talking point of Tucker Carlson. Problem is, by Carlson's logic the nation-state of Israel (outnumbered 15-20 to 1 in various wars since modern-day founding) should also not exist. And yet it does. If "the west" has the stomach to finance Ukraine for 3+ more years (not likely, either in DC or the capitals of western Europe, which are used to Uncle Sam footing their defense bills), Ukraine is showing now that a 3x manpower advantage can be overcome quite easily by flooding the air with drones that kill Russians and Koreans easily for tens of dollars each.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: earlybird 2/22/2025 1:18:19 PM (No. 1901720)
What #9 is ttalking about? Ukraine Is Daring Russia To Open Fire On Swarms Of New Trembita Drones. Many Of The Drones Will Be Decoys.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: earlybird 2/22/2025 1:28:33 PM (No. 1901726)
Meanwhile Russia has drones: Ukraine's air defence downs 82 drones overnight, 75 more go off radar
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Reply 12 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 2/22/2025 5:50:24 PM (No. 1901848)
This is a wonderful, very clear presentation of all the realities of the situation! Answered all my questions....
1 person likes this.

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Trump is thinking outside the Ukrainian box 12 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/22/2025 11:00:38 AM Post Reply
Inside the box, and the Beltway, the thinking all along has been that we must draw a line at Ukraine, else Putin and the barbarians will soon be on the steps of Warsaw and then Berlin and Paris. Besides, Russian aggression and aggressors are morally bad. We owe it to posterity and civilization not to crumble before them. Those are valid points. On the other hand: We are where we are. Where we are, is Vladimir Putin make some understandable miscalculations. One, he miscalculated America’s willingness to support foreign countries. After all, he had witnessed Joe Biden’s Afghanistan surrender debacle.
Colorado wolves are casualties in the
culture wars
7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/20/2025 9:51:09 AM Post Reply
Wolves roamed Colorado for millions of years. At the end of the last ice age, they managed to survive the mass extinctions of megafauna such as mammoths, mastodons, sabertooth tigers, giant cave bears, and huge sloths, an extinction event that was probably caused in part by the arrival of humans from Asia at about the same time. Until the much later arrival of Europeans, those early Americans were living in the stone age. Their weapons were stone-tipped spears and arrows. They didn’t even have horses. But they hunted in a way that was deadly to large herding animals and the predators of the herds: They used fire.
I wish Trump were right about birthright
citizenship, but he’s probably not
21 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/17/2025 12:58:35 PM Post Reply
In determining citizenship, the United States has a very unusual approach. You’re a citizen if you were born here. (You’re also a citizen if you were born abroad under certain circumstances, but that’s a different issue.) That’s a bit crazy, because it means that if a woman (aren’t you glad we don’t have to refer to them as “child-birthing persons” anymore?) makes it into the United States, legally or illegally, in time to give birth – right on the north bank of the Rio Grande, for example – her baby is an American citizen. The mother doesn’t magically become an American citizen by giving birth in America,
Kennedy had a cult-like following. So
did Obama. Personally, I’ll take Trump.
13 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/16/2025 1:03:22 PM Post Reply
The Trump-is-Hitler crowd dismisses the 77 million Americans who elected Donald Trump to the Presidency, for the second time, as a cult. They aren’t suggesting that these 77 million people are a cult because they were opposed to another four years of Joe Biden’s drooling corruption. Rather, they’re suggesting that these people are card-carrying, Kool Aid-drinking Trump worshippers. Let’s put this in context. One of the defining characteristics of cults is that they idolize a charismatic, authoritarian leader. Such leaders get away with a lot.
Democrats have run out of epithets, now
they’ll have to talk
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/14/2025 8:14:54 PM Post Reply
“Hitler” was their favorite. Trump was “just like Hitler,” they warned us. Forget about the fact that Trump has close relatives who are Jewish and was a staunch supporter of Israel in his first term – and also before and after. And forget the fact that it’s the Democrats who proudly exhibit sympathy for barbarians who mass-murder, mass-behead and mass-rape the Jews. Democrats’ proof that Trump was Hitler despite the facts we are supposed to forget was that Trump wanted to disallow the illegal immigration of Latinos into America, just like Hitler wanted to disallow the illegal immigration of Jews into Germany. Er, no, that’s not it. Anywaaaaay, you get the point.
Was Michelle Obama a DEI bride? 15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/11/2025 6:24:29 PM Post Reply
I have nothing against Michelle. The media tells us that she’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s accomplished, and I’m sure she’s charming. As her husband said about Hillary Clinton, she’s “likable enough.” OK, I’ll admit that I didn’t particularly like her comment that the first time she was proud of America was the night Barack was elected. Surely there was a time in her first 45 years before then that she felt some pride in America. How about when the 1980 Olympic Hockey Team beat the Russians? How about when we put a man on the Moon? How about when we passed the Civil Rights Acts?
Democrats are still owned by their hate 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/3/2025 5:46:10 PM Post Reply
It was predicted that the changing demographics of America – specifically, more racial minorities – would deliver permanent control of the government to the Democrats by now. Instead, over the past few years the Democrats have lost the Presidency, the Senate, the House, a majority of governorships, a majority of state legislatures, and the Supreme Court. This isn’t just about Donald Trump, though his approval ratings are higher than ever while Joe Biden’s (who?) are lower than ever. It’s broader than that. The approval ratings of Democrats are at historic lows in general, while the approval ratings for Republicans are near all-time highs.
Test scores suggest that 98% of us are
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3 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/1/2025 2:01:54 PM Post Reply
Democrats in the Federal government the past few years sent a couple hundred billion dollars to the teachers’ unions the schools to help them fund teacher vacations recover from the needless and destructive COVID lockdowns. I shouldn’t be so cynical about the COVID lockdowns. After all, they did apparently prevent the pandemic from spreading to children, along with preventing asteroid strikes and on-campus bear maulings, all three of which were notably absent in 2020-2021. Oops, I’m being cynical again. OK, I’ll admit that, as an educational tool, the lockdowns were not entirely wasted. For example,
This just in: Illegals are criminals 15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/29/2025 11:04:57 AM Post Reply
For years, the legacy media (hereinafter the “Leg-Meds”) parroted the Democrats’ line that the population of immigrants can be divided into the “documented” ones and the “undocumented” ones. The euphemism “undocumented” finally became a joke, and so the Leg-Meds and the other Democrats eventually surrendered to the word “illegal.” However, within that category of “illegals,” they clung (bitterly) to the notion that about 99.9999999% were “law-abiding” and only the remaining 0.0000001% were criminals. That lie was called out yesterday by President Trump’s new press secretary.
Elites rediscover the power of religion
– to control you
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/26/2025 6:51:32 PM Post Reply
Pseudo-intellectual elites like to talk about the “arc of history.” Barack Obama loved that phrase almost as much as he loved the word “existential.” Things in Barack’s rhetorical world didn’t just exist. They were in the state of “existential” and forever bending along the “arc of history.” The elites assured that this “arc of history” will take us inevitably to a world of equity, inclusion and diversity – a utopian world the elites have always imagined. They even have a theme song for the journey: “Imagine there’s no heaven, above us only sky, Blah, blah, blah, blahhhh . . .”
Angels at the podium? 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/22/2025 11:35:01 AM Post Reply
Political candidates aren’t always seen by 19,000 people in big sexy arenas like Madison Square Garden. They also play the rubber chicken circuit at little outdoor makeshift venues of a few hundred or a thousand people in rural America. These are places you would never visit unless you were looking for votes. Think “County Fair.” So it was for Donald Trump one ordinary day last summer. He was on an outdoor plywood stage in rural Pennsylvania looking for votes from plain folk. He was just a few minutes into his stump speech, or his stump speech du jour.
Trump brilliantly baited Biden into admitting
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7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/20/2025 7:01:32 PM Post Reply
In one of his very final acts as the putative President, literally minutes before Donald Trump was re-inaugurated, the Big Guy issued a pardon to all his siblings and their spouses. Joe’s five pardons together with his earlier pardon of his son Hunter for tax evasion and gun-running convictions (and all other crimes known and unknown over a period of ten years) bring Joe’s pardons of family members to a total of six. In case you’re wondering what crimes these six family members could possibly have committed that required a presidential pardon, let’s just say it was a family business. It was a lucrative one
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Posted by Hazymac 2/22/2025 7:50:04 AM Post Reply
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