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Poll: Nearly a Quarter of Gen Z Identifies

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Posted By: Imright, 2/22/2025 7:44:58 AM

LGBTQ+ identification in the United States has spiked to 9.3 percent — an increase driven by Generation Z adults, a poll has found. The percentage of U.S. adults who say they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than heterosexual has nearly doubled from 2020 and is up from a mere 3.5 percent in 2012, according to the Gallup survey. “In the 12 years that Gallup has been tracking LGBTQ+ identification, it has nearly tripled, as those becoming adults during that period have been far more likely than their elders to say they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender,” Gallup “The recent increase is largely due to

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Reply 1 - Posted by: minuteman 2/22/2025 7:51:27 AM (No. 1901480)
As planned by the grooming perverts in the government, media and “education”.
40 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mifla 2/22/2025 7:52:49 AM (No. 1901482)
And next year, when the next Tik Tok fad comes out, they will embrace that as well.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Calvinesq 2/22/2025 7:56:42 AM (No. 1901486)
We have a mental health crisis in the US caused by demented media and fascist educators.
46 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Hazymac 2/22/2025 7:59:00 AM (No. 1901488)
Jumping on that bandwagon! In reality, about 3% of the population is homosexual or bisexual. The remainder who think themselves to be something they're not possess the most malleable, weakest minds I've ever seen. Scripture is not equivocal on the matter of sexual morality. A lot of people are proudly going to hell over this. Let them go.
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: philsner 2/22/2025 8:00:48 AM (No. 1901489)
What you are saying is that 25% of Gen Z has been taught that sexual perversion is normal. That can be reversed over time. Now I would speculate that 90% of the 25% are just lying.
32 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 2/22/2025 8:24:39 AM (No. 1901499)
I wonder what % of those were led to embrace it by their teachers?
25 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 2/22/2025 8:37:23 AM (No. 1901510)
Where was the poll conducted, at the New York City Pride Parade?
19 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 2/22/2025 8:39:18 AM (No. 1901511)
Butch Whinefartin has been succeeding in her goal to brainwash our chillun. Time to reverse course.
14 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: bpl40 2/22/2025 8:40:07 AM (No. 1901513)
Homosexuality has been proven to affect 1.4% of the adult male population. Lesbian is more difficult to pin down but is not very much higher. The rest is all cultural.
26 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: franq 2/22/2025 8:40:15 AM (No. 1901514)
At work,, I still the see the (she, her) pronouns after email signatures. It's a cult. A mind (soul) is a terrible thing to waste.
17 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: udanja99 2/22/2025 8:49:35 AM (No. 1901520)
Oh, please. For GenZ, this is just the latest fad. One has to indentify at the very least as B to get on the cool kids list. This will pass just like Beanie Babies, mullets and Taylor Swift.
19 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Encore 2/22/2025 8:56:26 AM (No. 1901522)
I’d wager 25% aren’t gay or trans but simply weak minded. Sheep, easily controlled. They’ve been programmed perfectly for the future handover of our Country. That bus needs to be turned around.
20 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: red1066 2/22/2025 9:05:55 AM (No. 1901527)
They're young and stupid and just want to belong to something. I wonder if their friends were standing next to them when this question was asked.
14 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Californian 2/22/2025 9:09:40 AM (No. 1901531)
Nonsense. It's just the fotw cool thing to say. Virtue signaling. 99% of them will find a spouse, have children, etc.
12 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: chumley 2/22/2025 9:18:38 AM (No. 1901542)
Kids always want to be different but not TOO different. Now, in order to ruin the next generation they had to move the goal posts as to what is too different. So now kids convince themselves they are gay or trannie or engage in miscegenation, because those freakish behaviors are weird but still inside the goal posts. Like many choices kids make without thinking, these can have lifetime consequences.
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 2/22/2025 9:30:49 AM (No. 1901547)
I have to wonder. If you go to a party, drink a lot, use some drugs, and end up in an LGBTQ+ encounter, but find out it doesn't appeal to you, does that mean you are forever LGBTQ+? Since being LGBTQ+ is much more in the open today, I would speculate the chances for such encounters are greater today than they were. So when you "self identify" as LBGTQ+, what does that mean? That you are actively in that lifestyle or that you have experimented and maybe dabble a bit? For example, if you have had one lesbian encounter, does that make you a lesbian? Or if all your encounters are lesbian, only then are you a lesbian? I know many (younger) people who have gone down one path or another only to "chose" yet another later on. A previous girlfriend turned out to be a lesbian. I would suggest that the current atmosphere allows more experimentation. Again, does a couple experiments mean you are now set in a fixed pattern? People are likely to report as if a decision has been made about who they are when, in reality, they are still trying to figure it all out. Again, a friend's daughter was a committed lesbian. Now she is married to a man and they have a family. Has she changed her self identification? Who knows? I am deeply suspicious of "polls" that show major shifts in attitude toward sexuality. And, in some ways I don't care. Live your life as you see fit. But stop trying to condemn me and others who are not interested in your life choices. Also, don't expect me to pay to support your lifestyle and that includes sexual reassignment surgeries, ESPECIALLY on children. Also, I don't insert my sexuality into schools and other venues for children and you shouldn't expect to either.
13 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 2/22/2025 10:07:47 AM (No. 1901573)
How are they getting a “quarter “ from 9.3%?
7 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: downnout 2/22/2025 10:33:28 AM (No. 1901592)
Whatever. The little darlings are behaving like five year olds.
4 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: paral04 2/22/2025 10:41:59 AM (No. 1901604)
They are a bunch of unhappy people that think if they change genders their minds will change also. A few weeks of hard labor might switch them to a gratitude attitude when they stop.
4 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: hershey 2/22/2025 10:42:52 AM (No. 1901608)
These people all need mental health help...they are surely sick..
5 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: kono 2/22/2025 10:45:03 AM (No. 1901611)
9.3 is "nearly a quarter"? Nobody is satisfied with reporting polling results plainly. Not even Breitbart...
5 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 2/22/2025 10:59:02 AM (No. 1901626)
Number 1 job sought after by high school and college grads: Social media influencer. Proof people are easily manipulated and that many people like telling others what to do. It's definitely a statement about society. Personally, I tend to put some distance between myself and other people. A few friends and companions that accept me and I am happy. I don't need people that will lecture me and browbeat me.
7 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: bighambone 2/22/2025 11:22:54 AM (No. 1901636)
Within the GenZ demographic being connected to the LGBTQ+ crowd is considered to be fashionable and to the age group that factor appears to be very important.
1 person likes this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 2/22/2025 11:41:59 AM (No. 1901648)
Their brains filled with mush, products of goobermint schools.
2 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: mc squared 2/22/2025 11:44:18 AM (No. 1901649)
Not for a second. I suspect that young people want to be liked and befriended so they dare not say they are straight.
3 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: DVC 2/22/2025 11:58:12 AM (No. 1901666)
Sowing a massive streak of "I want to be cool", perhaps, or maybe a lot of real mental illness created by Demonrats which will require a whole lot of curing to correct.
3 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: FLCracker 2/22/2025 12:02:09 PM (No. 1901671)
"...adults who say..." Yeah, but do they walk the walk and talk the talk? As it were.
2 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Venturer 2/22/2025 12:27:34 PM (No. 1901694)
If you tell kids it's ok to be homosexual, that there is nothing wrong with, a certain amount of them will try it. They have an orgasm and they are convinced everything is cool. With many churches accepting it, and school teaching it, parents accepting it , certainly the numbers are going to go up,
2 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: DVC 2/22/2025 12:33:51 PM (No. 1901698)
Re #17 & #21, that's the New Media Math.
1 person likes this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Dannee 2/22/2025 1:34:50 PM (No. 1901730)
So you say you're a homosexual male... prove it. We have a guy in the next room waiting for a BJ. Go perform on him and then we will confirm that you're really a homo. Guessing there will be quite a few who decline the offer.
1 person likes this.

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Poll: Nearly a Quarter of Gen Z Identifies
30 replies
Posted by Imright 2/22/2025 7:44:58 AM Post Reply
LGBTQ+ identification in the United States has spiked to 9.3 percent — an increase driven by Generation Z adults, a poll has found. The percentage of U.S. adults who say they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than heterosexual has nearly doubled from 2020 and is up from a mere 3.5 percent in 2012, according to the Gallup survey. “In the 12 years that Gallup has been tracking LGBTQ+ identification, it has nearly tripled, as those becoming adults during that period have been far more likely than their elders to say they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender,” Gallup “The recent increase is largely due to
Trump’s ‘Garden of Heroes,’ including
black Americans, won’t be in New York
— thanks to the #Resistance
5 replies
Posted by Imright 2/22/2025 7:30:07 AM Post Reply
Speaking at a Black History event Thursday in the White House, President Donald Trump praised the memory of Prince Estabrook, a slave and Massachusetts Minuteman who was wounded at the 1775 Battle of Lexington. Trump noted that the African American patriot was “one of the first in the nation to spill blood in that very, very tough time,” and went on to announce that his statue will be erected in the coming National Garden of American Heroes — a project the president put forth in his first term, and has revived. The new “statue park,” Trump explained, will “honor hundreds of our greatest Americans to ever live, including countless black American icons.”
Oh, You Knew CNN Was Going There With
This Attack on Trump
8 replies
Posted by Imright 2/22/2025 7:25:24 AM Post Reply
I don’t even need to explain to you why this is wrong. There’s no way there’s been this much of a shift. The media got the memo: start attacking Trump again because everything he’s doing is being well-received by the voters. So, CNN highlighted the four lefty polls showing Trump’s declining approval to manufacture a fake narrative that the nation is turning against him. The overall aggregate still has him with a higher approval rating. Now, they’re saying the Department of Government Efficiency's (DOGE) work is hurting Trump:
Poll: Most Democrats Oppose Trump’s
Embrace of Biological Truth Recognizing
Two Sexes
22 replies
Posted by Imright 2/22/2025 12:31:36 AM Post Reply
A majority of Americans agree with President Donald Trump’s embrace of biological truth in recognizing only two biological sexes — but most Democrats do not — a Quinnipiac survey found. The survey — gauging sentiments on many of Trump’s early moves — asked respondents, “Do you support or oppose President Trump’s executive order recognizing only two sexes, male and female, in the United States?” Most, 57 percent, support it, compared to 38 percent who oppose it. There are varying opinions on party lines, as over three-fourths of Democrats — 77 percent, oppose the executive order recognizing biological truth. Only 14 percent of Democrats support the order.
Adams sues Trump admin over clawback of
$80M migrant shelter funds from NYC
19 replies
Posted by Imright 2/22/2025 12:09:08 AM Post Reply
New York City filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration on Friday to recoup $80.5 million of congressionally approved migrant funding the feds quietly seized from the city’s coffers last week. The city’s Law Department blasted President Trump for conducting an “unlawful money grab” that snatched Federal Emergency Management Agency payments without any advance notice, according to the suit filed in the US District Court in the Southern District of New York. The payments were dispersed to help pay back local governments, including New York City, for shouldering the massive cost of the migrant crisis.
Supreme Court Punts on Trump Firing Legally
Protected Official
9 replies
Posted by Imright 2/22/2025 12:06:51 AM Post Reply
The US Supreme Court put off ruling on the case of fired Special Counsel, the improbably named Hampton Dellinger. In a ruling with dissents by four justices, the Supreme Court agreed to put off ruling on the government's appeal of the order reinstating Dellinger until the DC Circuit issues its ruling on Wednesday. "In light of the foregoing," wrote Chief Justice John Roberts for the majority, "the application to vacate the order of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia presented to THE CHIEF JUSTICE and by him referred to the Court is held in abeyance until February 26, when the TRO is set to expire."
Trump’s Ukraine envoy Keith Kellogg
speaks to wounded Ukrainian troops during
‘emotional’ visit to military hospital
3 replies
Posted by Imright 2/22/2025 12:02:28 AM Post Reply
KYIV — US special envoy to the Ukraine war retired Gen. Keith Kellogg visited wounded Ukrainian soldiers Friday to thank them for their sacrifices, which he argued has “given us time” to figure out the “right” way to end Russia’s war on their nation. Kellogg, who previously served as a national security adviser to the vice president and chief of staff of the National Security Council in the first Trump administration, met with about 20 veterans of the nearly three-year-long war at Irpin Military Hospital just outside of Kyiv, some of whom have suffered life-altering injuries defending Ukraine from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s forces.
ICE Raids Texas Bakery: 8 Illegal Aliens
Arrested, Owners Charged for Harboring
and Aiding Illegals
12 replies
Posted by Imright 2/21/2025 11:58:07 PM Post Reply
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raided Abby’s Bakery in South Texas, arresting eight illegal aliens and slapping the bakery’s owners with charges of harboring and abetting criminals. The bakery owners, Leonardo Baez and Nora Alicia Avila-Guel, admitted to knowingly hiring and sheltering illegal aliens—an act that flouts federal law and contributes to the ongoing border crisis. Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) confirmed that the pair was charged with bringing in and harboring aliens and aiding and abetting the harboring of aliens, offenses that carry serious penalties under U.S. law.
Squad Member Under Fire After Admitting
She's 'Rooting Against America'
19 replies
Posted by Imright 2/21/2025 9:37:21 PM Post Reply
In a stunning display of partisan opposition, Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) recently stirred controversy by openly expressing her support for Mexico and Canada over the United States amid President Trump's administration. Her comments, which have raised eyebrows among many, reflect a troubling trend of prioritizing foreign interests over national unity. It's a stark reminder of how far some are willing to go in resisting political opponents, even if it means undermining American interests in favor of foreign nations. As Crockett herself put it, “It’s really wild” – and the implications are anything but trivial.
Watch: AG Pam Bondi Swears in FBI Director
Kash Patel, VP Vance Swears in Commerce
Secretary Howard Lutnick
3 replies
Posted by Imright 2/21/2025 9:33:42 PM Post Reply
Washington—Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick and FBI Director Kash Patel were sworn in Friday following their respective Senate confirmations. Lutnick, confirmed by a 51-45 vote, was sworn in by Vice President JD Vance in the Oval Office as Trump looked on. (X Video) “We are going to get rid of so much waste, fraud, and abuse. We’re not going to hurt anybody, but we’re going to get rid of it,” Lutnick said. “And then we are going to grow this economy in a way that we have never seen.” (X Video) Lutnick said his goal is for the administration to balance the budget because of Trump’s understanding of global business, calling him
Pentagon says it will cut 5,400 probationary
workers starting next week
14 replies
Posted by Imright 2/21/2025 9:02:55 PM Post Reply
Washington— The Defense Department said Friday that it’s cutting 5,400 probationary workers starting next week and will put a hiring freeze in place. It comes after staffers from the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, were at the Pentagon earlier in the week and received lists of such employees, U.S. officials said. They said those lists did not include uniformed military personnel, who are exempt. Probationary employees are generally those on the job for less than a year and who have yet to gain civil service protection. “We anticipate reducing the Department’s civilian workforce by 5-8% to produce efficiencies and refocus the Department on the President’s priorities
ABC News’ Take on L.A. Fires: Transgender
Residents Hardest Hit!
16 replies
Posted by Imright 2/21/2025 8:52:34 PM Post Reply
ABC News is reporting that the transgender community in Los Angeles was the “hardest hit” by the recent deadly wildfires, because of “the destruction of a safe space, built with love and care to support their healing.” The claim is that because three “transitional” homes burned down, transgender residents suffered more than other residents, after thousands of homes, churches, libraries, grocery stores, community centers, andThe “transitional” homes were not even unique to transgender residents; they were also halfway houses for people recently released from prison, and for homeless people whom L.A. is trying to move off the streets. ABC reported: businesses were lost.
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is letting world's deadly infections into America
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Posted by ConservativeYankee 2/21/2025 2:31:18 PM Post Reply
Leading doctors are warning that President Donald Trump is potentially letting one of the world's deadliest infections take hold in the US following his freeze on global health aid. Dr Amesh Adalja, a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of public health, told that mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - could become a real global emergency in the wake of Trump's drastic move. In August 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared mpox a 'public health emergency of international concern', following a surge in cases in the The US government, up until now, has maintained partnerships in global health security and development with the DRC and throughout Africa,
Mexican President Pushes Changes to Constitution
to Protect Cartels from U.S. Government
34 replies
Posted by Imright 2/21/2025 5:53:41 PM Post Reply
Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum filed a controversial series of changes to the country’s constitution that would essentially block any investigation or action by foreign law enforcement agencies without their permission. The provisions could enable Mexico to criminally pursue anyone involved in those investigations. The changes come after the United States designated six Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations and announced the intent to eradicate them. This week, Sheinbaum filed a series of changes to the country’s constitution that, if approved by the legislative branch, would change Articles 40 and 19 of Mexico’s constitution.
Poll: Nearly a Quarter of Gen Z Identifies
30 replies
Posted by Imright 2/22/2025 7:44:58 AM Post Reply
LGBTQ+ identification in the United States has spiked to 9.3 percent — an increase driven by Generation Z adults, a poll has found. The percentage of U.S. adults who say they are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than heterosexual has nearly doubled from 2020 and is up from a mere 3.5 percent in 2012, according to the Gallup survey. “In the 12 years that Gallup has been tracking LGBTQ+ identification, it has nearly tripled, as those becoming adults during that period have been far more likely than their elders to say they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender,” Gallup “The recent increase is largely due to
Carville: Trump ‘Collapse’ Is Already Underway 30 replies
Posted by Hazymac 2/21/2025 9:26:20 AM Post Reply
During an appearance on Thursday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” long-time Democrat strategist and media commentator James Carville declared the collapse of President Donald Trump to be underway already. Carville, who predicted former Vice President Kamala Harris would be elected to the presidency last November, cited polling and urged Democrats to “just sit back” and let the so-called “collapse” take place. “[L]et me back up,” he said. “We went with our seven-string quarterback, and we lost by a point and a half, and we actually picked up a congressional seat. So, if you’re asking me, did I think that she was going to win and she didn’t win? Yes,
Wisconsin Democratic governor proposes
replacing 'mother' with 'inseminated person'
in state law
25 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/22/2025 1:35:07 PM Post Reply
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, is facing backlash for introducing a budget recommendation that changes the word "mother" to "inseminated person," and "paternity" to "parentage" in certain parts of state law. The Evers administration's budget recommendation for the 2025-2027 fiscal period advises several other gendered terms be changed, as well. References to "wife" or "husband" are changed to "spouse" in the proposal. In other places, the word "father" is changed to "parent," and "mother" is swapped out for the phrase "parent who gave birth to the child.”
It’s Time for Israel to Unleash Hell 23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/21/2025 12:04:39 AM Post Reply
After Hamas terrorists paraded the coffins of the Bibas children around Gaza before their Thursday release, it was hard to imagine that there was any room for the family’s tragic ordeal to get even worse. And yet, somehow it has. A short while ago, the Israel Defense Forces announced a forensics examination identified Kfir and Ariel Bibas (who were nine months old and four years old at the time of their abduction) as two of the bodies returned by Hamas, determining that they were brutally murdered in November 2023. While this tragic news was expected, another detail came as a shock: “During the identification process, it was determined
Poll: Most Democrats Oppose Trump’s
Embrace of Biological Truth Recognizing
Two Sexes
22 replies
Posted by Imright 2/22/2025 12:31:36 AM Post Reply
A majority of Americans agree with President Donald Trump’s embrace of biological truth in recognizing only two biological sexes — but most Democrats do not — a Quinnipiac survey found. The survey — gauging sentiments on many of Trump’s early moves — asked respondents, “Do you support or oppose President Trump’s executive order recognizing only two sexes, male and female, in the United States?” Most, 57 percent, support it, compared to 38 percent who oppose it. There are varying opinions on party lines, as over three-fourths of Democrats — 77 percent, oppose the executive order recognizing biological truth. Only 14 percent of Democrats support the order.
‘Speaking Truth To Power’: Dem Rep
Literally Says She Is ‘Rooting For’
Foreign Nations Over Trump
21 replies
Posted by snakeoil 2/21/2025 5:56:12 PM Post Reply
Democratic Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett disclosed on Friday that she is “rooting for” Canada and Mexico due to their opposition to President Donald Trump’s administration. Trump influenced both Canada and Mexico to pledge on Feb. 3 to bolster their border security efforts with the United States in exchange for a 30-day pause on the 25% tariffs he had announced. Crockett, on “The Breakfast Club,” admitted it is “really wild” that she is supporting these nations over her own, but said she appreciated their defiance of the Trump administration.
‘Morale low’ at ‘The View’ after
hosts asked to dial back Trump criticisms,
layoffs: sources
21 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 2/21/2025 2:13:37 PM Post Reply
The fiery hosts at ABC’s “The View” have faced pressure to dial back their anti-President Trump rhetoric — even as “morale is low” among staffers following layoffs and unpopular cost-cutting moves, The Post has learned. A source close to the show’s co-hosts — Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Sara Haines, Alyssa Farah Griffin and Ana Navarro — said the mood on the set is increasingly tense at the daytime talk show. That’s partly because Brian Teta, executive producer of “The View,” spoke to staffers about “going easy” on Trump-related commentary in the days leading up to the 47th president taking the oath of office,
Pres. Trump Announces Plan to Inspect
Fort Knox Gold Reserves to ‘Make Sure
the Gold is There” — Musk Suggest
to Do Livestream
21 replies
Posted by Imright 2/21/2025 1:22:43 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump announced Thursday his intention to personally inspect the United States’ gold reserves housed at Fort Knox. This announcement comes amid growing speculation regarding the actual contents of the United States Bullion Depository. As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has called for a long-overdue audit of the U.S. gold reserves at Fort Knox—reportedly something that hasn’t happened in nearly 50 years.
White House denies plans to take control
of Postal Service, which could lead to
privatization, end service to rural customers
21 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 2/21/2025 10:21:18 AM Post Reply
The Trump administration is considering steps that could give it more control over the independent US Postal Service, according to multiple published reports. It’s a move that could upend how Americans get critical deliveries including online purchases, prescription drugs, checks and vote-by-mail ballots. The Washington Post first reported late Thursday, citing numerous anonymous sources, that President Donald Trump planned to disband the US Postal Service’s Board of Governors and place the agency under direct control of the Commerce Department and Secretary Howard Lutnick. The Wall Street Journal also Friday reported on the plan to dissolve the commission, citing government officials. The Postal Service did not respond to requests for comment.
Fired: Joint Chiefs Chairman, Top Navy
Leader, Air Force Vice Chief, Service
Judge Advocates General
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/21/2025 10:13:20 PM Post Reply
In a historic and unprecedented move, the Trump administration on Friday night fired the Joint Chiefs chairman, the Navy's top officer, the Air Force vice chief of staff, and the judge advocates general of three service branches. President Donald Trump, in a social media post, announced the firing of Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Charles "CQ" Brown and nominated currently retired and little known Air Force Lt. Gen. Dan "Razin" Caine to take the post. Then, minutes later, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth announced that he had fired the Navy's top officer -- Adm. Lisa Franchetti, the first woman to hold the post
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