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Democrats are still owned by their hate

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 2/3/2025 5:46:10 PM

It was predicted that the changing demographics of America – specifically, more racial minorities – would deliver permanent control of the government to the Democrats by now. Instead, over the past few years the Democrats have lost the Presidency, the Senate, the House, a majority of governorships, a majority of state legislatures, and the Supreme Court. This isn’t just about Donald Trump, though his approval ratings are higher than ever while Joe Biden’s (who?) are lower than ever. It’s broader than that. The approval ratings of Democrats are at historic lows in general, while the approval ratings for Republicans are near all-time highs.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: sw penn 2/3/2025 6:18:55 PM (No. 1888558)
Dem tend to sell pleasure, ease, comfort. You don't have to be an obese, drug addicted, syphilitic diabetic to know that pleasure is not happiness. Pleasure is, in fact, the entry to much unhappiness...
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Timber Queen 2/3/2025 6:27:26 PM (No. 1888565)
FTA: "Ironically, the Democrats have continued campaigning against The Man – the establishment – well after they’ve become him." One of the funniest moments when I worked at my county's Socialist Services is a perfect real-world example of this phenomenon. I was the senior analyst for the director of Adult Services. She had one of the old Lefty bumper stickers at the top of her office door; "Question Authority". I'd been there about a year when one day when she was giving me my assignments. I always asked questions to make sure I understood what she wanted. This one day she asked, "Why do you ask so many questions in our meetings?" I got up and walked over to her open office door, and pointed to the "Question Authority" bumper sticker. She just said, "Oh!", and the meeting ended. When I came back from lunch, "Question Authority" was no longer on her door. Boy, did I have grand laugh!
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Italiano 2/3/2025 8:48:44 PM (No. 1888657)
Hate works both ways. They'll find that out when they cross the line. And they will.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: mifla 2/4/2025 4:18:20 AM (No. 1888758)
If you want an update to the current state of the Dem party, check out the circus that was the DNC election.
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Democrats are still owned by their hate 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/3/2025 5:46:10 PM Post Reply
It was predicted that the changing demographics of America – specifically, more racial minorities – would deliver permanent control of the government to the Democrats by now. Instead, over the past few years the Democrats have lost the Presidency, the Senate, the House, a majority of governorships, a majority of state legislatures, and the Supreme Court. This isn’t just about Donald Trump, though his approval ratings are higher than ever while Joe Biden’s (who?) are lower than ever. It’s broader than that. The approval ratings of Democrats are at historic lows in general, while the approval ratings for Republicans are near all-time highs.
Test scores suggest that 98% of us are
becoming expendable
3 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/1/2025 2:01:54 PM Post Reply
Democrats in the Federal government the past few years sent a couple hundred billion dollars to the teachers’ unions the schools to help them fund teacher vacations recover from the needless and destructive COVID lockdowns. I shouldn’t be so cynical about the COVID lockdowns. After all, they did apparently prevent the pandemic from spreading to children, along with preventing asteroid strikes and on-campus bear maulings, all three of which were notably absent in 2020-2021. Oops, I’m being cynical again. OK, I’ll admit that, as an educational tool, the lockdowns were not entirely wasted. For example,
This just in: Illegals are criminals 15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/29/2025 11:04:57 AM Post Reply
For years, the legacy media (hereinafter the “Leg-Meds”) parroted the Democrats’ line that the population of immigrants can be divided into the “documented” ones and the “undocumented” ones. The euphemism “undocumented” finally became a joke, and so the Leg-Meds and the other Democrats eventually surrendered to the word “illegal.” However, within that category of “illegals,” they clung (bitterly) to the notion that about 99.9999999% were “law-abiding” and only the remaining 0.0000001% were criminals. That lie was called out yesterday by President Trump’s new press secretary.
Elites rediscover the power of religion
– to control you
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/26/2025 6:51:32 PM Post Reply
Pseudo-intellectual elites like to talk about the “arc of history.” Barack Obama loved that phrase almost as much as he loved the word “existential.” Things in Barack’s rhetorical world didn’t just exist. They were in the state of “existential” and forever bending along the “arc of history.” The elites assured that this “arc of history” will take us inevitably to a world of equity, inclusion and diversity – a utopian world the elites have always imagined. They even have a theme song for the journey: “Imagine there’s no heaven, above us only sky, Blah, blah, blah, blahhhh . . .”
Angels at the podium? 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/22/2025 11:35:01 AM Post Reply
Political candidates aren’t always seen by 19,000 people in big sexy arenas like Madison Square Garden. They also play the rubber chicken circuit at little outdoor makeshift venues of a few hundred or a thousand people in rural America. These are places you would never visit unless you were looking for votes. Think “County Fair.” So it was for Donald Trump one ordinary day last summer. He was on an outdoor plywood stage in rural Pennsylvania looking for votes from plain folk. He was just a few minutes into his stump speech, or his stump speech du jour.
Trump brilliantly baited Biden into admitting
the guilt of the Biden-ites
7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/20/2025 7:01:32 PM Post Reply
In one of his very final acts as the putative President, literally minutes before Donald Trump was re-inaugurated, the Big Guy issued a pardon to all his siblings and their spouses. Joe’s five pardons together with his earlier pardon of his son Hunter for tax evasion and gun-running convictions (and all other crimes known and unknown over a period of ten years) bring Joe’s pardons of family members to a total of six. In case you’re wondering what crimes these six family members could possibly have committed that required a presidential pardon, let’s just say it was a family business. It was a lucrative one
A modest defense of tariffs 3 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/18/2025 8:02:38 PM Post Reply
From publications like The Wall Street Journal, you might conclude that tariffs as an economics practice is in the same category as piracy, slavery and child labor, but worse. Economists’ main complaint with tariffs is not that they’re destructive and immoral. Economists don’t make moral judgments, after all. There’s a reason they call their profession “the dismal science.” No, economists’ main complaint about tariffs is that they’re stupid. “Tariffs are stupid” is Economics 101. It’s a given. It’s econo-dogma. The Pope may or may not be Catholic, but popular business publications preach from their printed and pixeled pulpits that tariffs are indisputably, irrevocably, universally, invariably stupid.
Joe Biden’s presidency: “Hold my beer
and watch this!”
2 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/13/2025 5:31:05 PM Post Reply
Question: What do the following have in common? Stupid pet tricks Bungee cord jumping Abolishing the borders that define a country Making oneself a human cannonball Commuting the duly imposed death sentences of convicted murderers and rapists Setting oneself on fire Surrendering Afghanistan to barbarians from the 11th century Jumping Snake River Canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle Closing all the schools to prevent transmission of a disease that barely affects children. Answer: What these have in common is that all are stunts. They are designed to attract attention, and they succeed in doing so. But that’s all they do. If you tell me you’ve taught a poodle to mix a martini and serve it to a parakeet, I’ll probably watch.
These four women destroyed the Democratic
Party with race
21 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/11/2025 1:55:15 PM Post Reply
Four young Congresswomen – not even Senators – accomplished something that eluded years of Democratic Presidents and their woes. Jimmy Carter in his malaise, Bill with Monica and his cigar, Lyndon Johnson and his Vietnam War – none of that was able to accomplish what these four young Congresswomen accomplished. They destroyed the Democratic Party. It was a perfect storm that began around the year 2020. China leaked a bioengineered virus from its biowarfare lab – probably accidentally – to produce worldwide mass hysteria and lockdowns of billions of people. It gathered steam when a thug died in the hands of a white cop. Protests and riots ensued, weirdly exempted from the lockdowns.
Like everything else, the debate over
alcohol is turning into a bar fight
8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/9/2025 3:47:31 PM Post Reply
Jesus turned water into wine. Modern-day abolitionists want to turn that wine into poison, and modern-day drinkers want to chase them out of town. We’re come a long way baby. Not. Let’s start with some facts: As a long-time drinker, I can say with some authority that alcohol is a toxin. Half a quart of hard liquor in half an hour will probably leave you unconscious. More than that can kill you. However, people rarely drink that much, that fast. Those who do are probably engaging in many other reckless behaviors, too, that will kill them long before the alcohol does.
Jimmy Carter playing God helped lead to
radical Islamists playing Satan
9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/2/2025 1:12:25 PM Post Reply
Jimmy Carter informed us back in 1976 that he had “looked on many women with lust” and “committed adultery many times in my heart.” The fact that a man’s heart or other organs have lusted after many women is not exactly news. The reason men don’t go around broadcasting their lust is because it’s obvious. It would be like saying, I get horny on days that end in a “y.” But Carter did tell us about his lust – in a formal interview with Playboy, perhaps fittingly. He evidently thought that a man’s lust was newsworthy, if the man was him.
Increase legal immigration 13 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 12/27/2024 3:56:07 PM Post Reply
Guess what these people have in common: Albert Einstein Enrico Fermi John Audubon John Muir Elon Musk Nikola Tesla Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Irving Berlin Arnold Schwarzenegger Levi Strauss Dikembe Mutombo Liz Claiborne Mariano Rivera Melania Trump Andrew Carnegie Audrey Hepburn Yo-Yo Ma Ayn Rand Elie Weisel Sergey Brin Bob Marley Sammy Sosa Carlos Santana Henry Kissinger Rupert Murdoch Alexander Hamilton You’ve probably guessed it – each was born outside the United States, and immigrated here. Most became full, legal American citizens after undergoing the citizenship process, including passing history, civics and English language tests that most American college graduates would flunk. The list could go on for thousands of pages, but you probably get the drift.
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/4/2025 9:32:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 2/4/2025 11:46:34 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/4/2025 8:06:20 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Harlowe 2/4/2025 3:37:58 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/5/2025 5:58:45 AM Post Reply
What the hell did I watch? If anything, the anti-Elon Musk rally last night proved two things: Trump derangement syndrome has been replaced by Elon Musk derangement syndrome. Second, the Democratic Party has no idea how to win elections. The reports of a rudderless, leaderless, and divided organization were confirmed last night. It also showed that they have no message other than ‘me no like this Trump administration,’ of which Elon Musk is a top agent of the president. His Department of Government Efficiency is wiping the table clean, exposing waste and fraud, and getting these lazy DC government workers to quit.
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/4/2025 10:25:45 PM Post Reply
Black History Month has been a regular feature of life at Air Force bases around the world for decades. No longer. A directive from Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, headlined "Identity Months Dead at DoD," wipes Black History Month and similar celebrations off the military calendar — starting immediately. "Our unity and purpose are instrumental to meeting the Department's warfighting mission. Efforts to divide the force — to put one group ahead of another — erode camaraderie and threaten mission execution,” Hegseth said in the directive, formally known as a "guidance." “Going forward, DoD Components and Military Departments will not use official resources, to include man-hours, to host celebrations or events
Unhinged Democrats Protest In Front of
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“Goddammit! Shut Down the Senate…
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Posted by Imright 2/5/2025 5:16:51 AM Post Reply
Unhinged Democrat lawmakers protested Elon Musk’s DOGE team in front of the Treasury Department on Tuesday evening. Democrat Reps. Ayanna Pressley and LaMonica McIver called for violence during the “Nobody Elected Elon” protest outside the Treasury Department. “We will not take this!” Rep. LaMonica McIver shouted before attacking Elon Musk. “We will fight back! And goddammit shut down the Senate! We are at war!” WATCH: (X Video)
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in backyard chickens
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Posted by Imright 2/4/2025 9:33:43 PM Post Reply
NEW YORK— Thinking about backyard chickens as egg prices soar? Think hard, especially in light of the bird flu outbreak. Keeping home chickens as a pastime has continued to grow since the pandemic. But if eggs are the goal, remember that it takes planning and investment to raise the chickens and protect against bird flu. Costs might go well beyond the nationwide average of $4.15 a dozen that commercial eggs sold for in December. “Anyone who’s done an ounce of research will very quickly understand that there are no free eggs, there are no inexpensive eggs in keeping chickens,” said Kathy Shea Mormino, a home chicken blogger and author who
Sen Dem: If USAID Doesn’t Keep Sending
Money to Terrorists, Americans Will Be ‘Unsafe’
21 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 2/4/2025 3:09:11 PM Post Reply
The reconstruction of USAID from an independent terrorist and international leftist funding entity to a subsidiary of the State Department has Democrats involved in the foreign policy apparatus freaking out and desperately trying to get Americans to care. Here’s Sen. Chris Coons, former ‘bearded Marxist’, taking his best shot at it in the paper of big government. Trump’s attack on USAID is an assault on Americans’ safety – Washington Post. Coons claims that “USAID’s programs, like all our foreign assistance, play a central role in combating extremism, promoting stability and protecting our homeland.”
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/5/2025 1:31:21 AM Post Reply
As we reported earlier, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) made it clear the left was going to be ramping up their protests in the streets against President Donald Trump. Their claims are truly unhinged — because special government employees, Elon Musk and his DOGE team, are operating as part of the Executive Office of the President to review government expenditures. Yet Democrats have been leveling all kinds of crazy accusations against Trump and Musk, especially since Musk has been looking into the hornet's nest that is USAID. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) even accused Musk of "raiding the government, attempting to steal taxpayer money" from the Treasury Department.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 2/4/2025 8:02:04 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/4/2025 10:04:33 PM Post Reply
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