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Ellul Redux: Propaganda replies
Posted by DVC 5/1/2024 3:57:43 PM Post Reply
Less like a Fifth Column and more like a Third Reich, the Nouveau Nazis on and about college campuses (and elsewhere) need no new theories to explain their behaviors. Today’s Hamas-supporting Sturmabteinlung- and Schutzstaffel- wannabes are deaf to facts, but have preternatural hearing for propaganda and lies. Some wonder why the supposed “best and brightest” and their mentors/teachers/profs have pudding for brains. The product of affirmative action, academic administrative torpor, DEI, and grade inflation, these presumed smarties behave exactly as Jacques Ellul described years ago. Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) was a renowned French philosopher.[snip] He believed in the importance of decentralized, self-governing communities and the preservation of individual freedom and autonomy.