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Was Michelle Obama a DEI bride?

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 2/11/2025 6:24:29 PM

I have nothing against Michelle. The media tells us that she’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s accomplished, and I’m sure she’s charming. As her husband said about Hillary Clinton, she’s “likable enough.” OK, I’ll admit that I didn’t particularly like her comment that the first time she was proud of America was the night Barack was elected. Surely there was a time in her first 45 years before then that she felt some pride in America. How about when the 1980 Olympic Hockey Team beat the Russians? How about when we put a man on the Moon? How about when we passed the Civil Rights Acts?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: PlayItAgain 2/11/2025 6:29:01 PM (No. 1894308)
You know, I'm kind of bored this afternoon. But I'm going to pass on this one.
22 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: JimBob 2/11/2025 6:54:54 PM (No. 1894326)
That whole mess is happily receding in our rearview mirrors. But just out of boredom I'll pose the question: Was the Scowling Wookie a DEI bride..... or a DEI beard?
49 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 2/11/2025 6:56:51 PM (No. 1894329)
"She's pretty...."???? Yikes.
52 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: cmardh 2/11/2025 7:12:15 PM (No. 1894338)
👆👆👆 Yeah, that’s when I said I’m out……
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: earlybird 2/11/2025 7:20:09 PM (No. 1894343)
I'd swear I saw this article and read replies at least a week ago.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: itsonlyme 2/11/2025 7:27:01 PM (No. 1894346)
Hussein's wife, the Always Angry Wookiee
24 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Hazymac 2/11/2025 7:28:00 PM (No. 1894347)
Most yuppies would say "Yup."
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: earlybird 2/11/2025 7:45:38 PM (No. 1894362)
I've not gone mad. Yet. It was originally published 2/6. It may have been posted then and disappeared. It is bearing today's date so he may have rerun it. No, she isn't even likable...
22 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: chumley 2/11/2025 8:14:01 PM (No. 1894374)
The author cites, right on cue, the latest talking point about Obama and Jennifer Aniston. Its as if the purpose of the whole article was to repeat that little bit of scandalous gossip. Problem is, he asserts facts not in evidence. There are mountains of evidence that Obama is gay and always has been. Further, even more evidence that Michelle is a man. I've seen the pictures, and I believe them to be real. Not buying this.
28 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: padiva 2/11/2025 10:24:42 PM (No. 1894415)
I'm unsure of a few things: Did Barry legally change his name to barak obama or just assume the name? Did Barry 'reclaim' his US citizenship after his mother had him become a citizen of Indonesia so he could attend school there? Did barry attend college as a 'international student'? Did barry's grandmother conveniently die soon after the 2008 election to hid the truth about barry's birth and citizenship? Documentation, please.
15 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: rochow 2/11/2025 11:24:51 PM (No. 1894437)
The dame is not smart, no one could read her paper that she had to write at Princeton. A lefty writer stated it was written in a language that no one speaks. She is ugly. She is anything but charming. She is a moron. Those are just the good things I would say about this size 13-foot sasquatch.
13 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: udanja99 2/12/2025 9:44:10 AM (No. 1894681)
I don’t see them getting a divorce for the same reason that Bill and Hillary stay married - they can’t be forced to testify against each other. Who knows what DOGE may find when Elon decides to look into their finances. Perhaps they’ve decided to have an open marriage instead. Mooch has stated more than once that there were years-long spans in their marriage when she hated him.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Aubreyesque 2/12/2025 9:45:50 AM (No. 1894684)
...pretty?! REALLY?! "She" is one of the MOST unfortunate looking people I have ever seen.
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: nwcudagal 2/12/2025 11:12:02 AM (No. 1894746)
I see no redeeming qualities in Mooch; she's a basket full of grievances. I especially despise her because of her comment "for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. . ." She got that all wrong in the minds of people who have always loved and respected this great country.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: kono 2/12/2025 11:34:38 AM (No. 1894764)
Pretty? Smart? Charming? Glenn gets bored and tries his hand at gaslighting. Please stick closer to realism, Mr. Beaton.
2 people like this.

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Kennedy had a cult-like following. So
did Obama. Personally, I’ll take Trump.
9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/16/2025 1:03:22 PM Post Reply
The Trump-is-Hitler crowd dismisses the 77 million Americans who elected Donald Trump to the Presidency, for the second time, as a cult. They aren’t suggesting that these 77 million people are a cult because they were opposed to another four years of Joe Biden’s drooling corruption. Rather, they’re suggesting that these people are card-carrying, Kool Aid-drinking Trump worshippers. Let’s put this in context. One of the defining characteristics of cults is that they idolize a charismatic, authoritarian leader. Such leaders get away with a lot.
Democrats have run out of epithets, now
they’ll have to talk
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/14/2025 8:14:54 PM Post Reply
“Hitler” was their favorite. Trump was “just like Hitler,” they warned us. Forget about the fact that Trump has close relatives who are Jewish and was a staunch supporter of Israel in his first term – and also before and after. And forget the fact that it’s the Democrats who proudly exhibit sympathy for barbarians who mass-murder, mass-behead and mass-rape the Jews. Democrats’ proof that Trump was Hitler despite the facts we are supposed to forget was that Trump wanted to disallow the illegal immigration of Latinos into America, just like Hitler wanted to disallow the illegal immigration of Jews into Germany. Er, no, that’s not it. Anywaaaaay, you get the point.
Was Michelle Obama a DEI bride? 15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/11/2025 6:24:29 PM Post Reply
I have nothing against Michelle. The media tells us that she’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s accomplished, and I’m sure she’s charming. As her husband said about Hillary Clinton, she’s “likable enough.” OK, I’ll admit that I didn’t particularly like her comment that the first time she was proud of America was the night Barack was elected. Surely there was a time in her first 45 years before then that she felt some pride in America. How about when the 1980 Olympic Hockey Team beat the Russians? How about when we put a man on the Moon? How about when we passed the Civil Rights Acts?
Democrats are still owned by their hate 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/3/2025 5:46:10 PM Post Reply
It was predicted that the changing demographics of America – specifically, more racial minorities – would deliver permanent control of the government to the Democrats by now. Instead, over the past few years the Democrats have lost the Presidency, the Senate, the House, a majority of governorships, a majority of state legislatures, and the Supreme Court. This isn’t just about Donald Trump, though his approval ratings are higher than ever while Joe Biden’s (who?) are lower than ever. It’s broader than that. The approval ratings of Democrats are at historic lows in general, while the approval ratings for Republicans are near all-time highs.
Test scores suggest that 98% of us are
becoming expendable
3 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 2/1/2025 2:01:54 PM Post Reply
Democrats in the Federal government the past few years sent a couple hundred billion dollars to the teachers’ unions the schools to help them fund teacher vacations recover from the needless and destructive COVID lockdowns. I shouldn’t be so cynical about the COVID lockdowns. After all, they did apparently prevent the pandemic from spreading to children, along with preventing asteroid strikes and on-campus bear maulings, all three of which were notably absent in 2020-2021. Oops, I’m being cynical again. OK, I’ll admit that, as an educational tool, the lockdowns were not entirely wasted. For example,
This just in: Illegals are criminals 15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/29/2025 11:04:57 AM Post Reply
For years, the legacy media (hereinafter the “Leg-Meds”) parroted the Democrats’ line that the population of immigrants can be divided into the “documented” ones and the “undocumented” ones. The euphemism “undocumented” finally became a joke, and so the Leg-Meds and the other Democrats eventually surrendered to the word “illegal.” However, within that category of “illegals,” they clung (bitterly) to the notion that about 99.9999999% were “law-abiding” and only the remaining 0.0000001% were criminals. That lie was called out yesterday by President Trump’s new press secretary.
Elites rediscover the power of religion
– to control you
5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/26/2025 6:51:32 PM Post Reply
Pseudo-intellectual elites like to talk about the “arc of history.” Barack Obama loved that phrase almost as much as he loved the word “existential.” Things in Barack’s rhetorical world didn’t just exist. They were in the state of “existential” and forever bending along the “arc of history.” The elites assured that this “arc of history” will take us inevitably to a world of equity, inclusion and diversity – a utopian world the elites have always imagined. They even have a theme song for the journey: “Imagine there’s no heaven, above us only sky, Blah, blah, blah, blahhhh . . .”
Angels at the podium? 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/22/2025 11:35:01 AM Post Reply
Political candidates aren’t always seen by 19,000 people in big sexy arenas like Madison Square Garden. They also play the rubber chicken circuit at little outdoor makeshift venues of a few hundred or a thousand people in rural America. These are places you would never visit unless you were looking for votes. Think “County Fair.” So it was for Donald Trump one ordinary day last summer. He was on an outdoor plywood stage in rural Pennsylvania looking for votes from plain folk. He was just a few minutes into his stump speech, or his stump speech du jour.
Trump brilliantly baited Biden into admitting
the guilt of the Biden-ites
7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/20/2025 7:01:32 PM Post Reply
In one of his very final acts as the putative President, literally minutes before Donald Trump was re-inaugurated, the Big Guy issued a pardon to all his siblings and their spouses. Joe’s five pardons together with his earlier pardon of his son Hunter for tax evasion and gun-running convictions (and all other crimes known and unknown over a period of ten years) bring Joe’s pardons of family members to a total of six. In case you’re wondering what crimes these six family members could possibly have committed that required a presidential pardon, let’s just say it was a family business. It was a lucrative one
A modest defense of tariffs 3 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/18/2025 8:02:38 PM Post Reply
From publications like The Wall Street Journal, you might conclude that tariffs as an economics practice is in the same category as piracy, slavery and child labor, but worse. Economists’ main complaint with tariffs is not that they’re destructive and immoral. Economists don’t make moral judgments, after all. There’s a reason they call their profession “the dismal science.” No, economists’ main complaint about tariffs is that they’re stupid. “Tariffs are stupid” is Economics 101. It’s a given. It’s econo-dogma. The Pope may or may not be Catholic, but popular business publications preach from their printed and pixeled pulpits that tariffs are indisputably, irrevocably, universally, invariably stupid.
Joe Biden’s presidency: “Hold my beer
and watch this!”
2 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/13/2025 5:31:05 PM Post Reply
Question: What do the following have in common? Stupid pet tricks Bungee cord jumping Abolishing the borders that define a country Making oneself a human cannonball Commuting the duly imposed death sentences of convicted murderers and rapists Setting oneself on fire Surrendering Afghanistan to barbarians from the 11th century Jumping Snake River Canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle Closing all the schools to prevent transmission of a disease that barely affects children. Answer: What these have in common is that all are stunts. They are designed to attract attention, and they succeed in doing so. But that’s all they do. If you tell me you’ve taught a poodle to mix a martini and serve it to a parakeet, I’ll probably watch.
These four women destroyed the Democratic
Party with race
21 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 1/11/2025 1:55:15 PM Post Reply
Four young Congresswomen – not even Senators – accomplished something that eluded years of Democratic Presidents and their woes. Jimmy Carter in his malaise, Bill with Monica and his cigar, Lyndon Johnson and his Vietnam War – none of that was able to accomplish what these four young Congresswomen accomplished. They destroyed the Democratic Party. It was a perfect storm that began around the year 2020. China leaked a bioengineered virus from its biowarfare lab – probably accidentally – to produce worldwide mass hysteria and lockdowns of billions of people. It gathered steam when a thug died in the hands of a white cop. Protests and riots ensued, weirdly exempted from the lockdowns.
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Posted by gaboy 2/15/2025 2:13:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sunset 2/15/2025 10:04:12 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/15/2025 2:24:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/16/2025 3:18:47 AM Post Reply
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