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Prop 47 Repeal Makes the California Ballot,
but Dictator Newsom Hates the Will of
the People

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Posted By: sunset, 6/12/2024 7:52:33 PM

Crime in California has become a nationwide cautionary tale, but California's elected leaders, from Governor Gavin Newsom to Attorney General Rob Bonta to the Democrat Supermajority legislature, have done little except put a new paint job on a red-tagged building. From blue sky initiatives like high-tech surveillance to banning self-checkout, none of these addresses the root issue: people who do the crime in California rarely do the time. There are no consequences for criminal behavior; therefore, there is no reason not to escalate that behavior. Ergo, crime continues to be rampant. After decades of this, Californians have taken matters into their own hands.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 6/12/2024 8:16:23 PM (No. 1736187)
The voters of California made a very bad choice with Prop 47. Will they make good choice this time? Even if they do, maybe it won't make any difference because of the Soros non-prosecutors.
13 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: crashnburn 6/12/2024 10:12:39 PM (No. 1736223)
Don’t blame me I voted against Prop 47 before I fled the state. I will miss the house where I lived for 33 years and my late wife lived with me for nearly 27 of those years. ( Fraud-Chi’s “vaccine “ killed her a year and a half ago. ) But I won’t miss KalifornicateYou! Every time I think they can’t get any crazier, they go farther off the deep end!
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Axeman 6/12/2024 11:54:24 PM (No. 1736245)
Captain Obvious strikes again. "We'll do it right this time" loses again. LoFos never learn (be definition) though, so WASS anyway. You can't fix stupid, you can only...*NSFLDOT*
2 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Trigger2 6/13/2024 3:37:55 AM (No. 1736282)
Repeal it! There's no question anymore and get rid of all Soros backed prosecutors.
4 people like this.

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Michigan Republicans reaffirm opposition
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Posted by sunset 6/15/2024 10:30:18 PM Post Reply
Republicans in the Michigan House of Representatives are doubling down on their opposition to a Democrat-led bill, which could put the state’s 15 electoral votes in line with the national popular vote in presidential elections. The effort comes as other states have passed measures looking to align themselves with the national popular vote, rather than their own state’s popular vote, as a way to change the way a president is elected. Seventeen states and the District of Columbia have already agreed to a compact which would have them vote in line with the popular vote, rather than their respective jurisdiction’s popular vote,
Prop 47 Repeal Makes the California Ballot,
but Dictator Newsom Hates the Will of
the People
4 replies
Posted by sunset 6/12/2024 7:52:33 PM Post Reply
Crime in California has become a nationwide cautionary tale, but California's elected leaders, from Governor Gavin Newsom to Attorney General Rob Bonta to the Democrat Supermajority legislature, have done little except put a new paint job on a red-tagged building. From blue sky initiatives like high-tech surveillance to banning self-checkout, none of these addresses the root issue: people who do the crime in California rarely do the time. There are no consequences for criminal behavior; therefore, there is no reason not to escalate that behavior. Ergo, crime continues to be rampant. After decades of this, Californians have taken matters into their own hands.
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Posted by sunset 6/12/2024 1:59:26 AM Post Reply
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Israel says Hamas rejects key elements
of US ceasefire plan for Gaza
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Posted by sunset 6/12/2024 12:46:35 AM Post Reply
Hamas formally responded on Tuesday to a U.S. ceasefire proposal for the eight-month-old war in the Gaza Strip, and Israel said the response was tantamount to a rejection while a Hamas official said the Palestinian group merely reiterated longstanding demands not met by the current plan. Egypt and Qatar said they had received Hamas' response to a proposal outlined by U.S. President Joe Biden on May 31 but did not disclose the contents. The Hamas official reaffirmed its stance that a ceasefire must lead to a permanent end to hostilities in Gaza, withdrawal of Israeli forces, reconstruction of the Palestinian enclave and release of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.
Trump: ‘When I Get to Office, We Are
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Posted by sunset 6/9/2024 11:11:31 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump promised that if elected president in November, his administration will eliminate taxes on tips. During a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Sunday, Trump told the crowd his administration would not be taxing the tips of people working in hotels, restaurants, or other jobs. “So, this is the first time I’ve said this. And, for those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy,” Trump announced. “Because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips — people making tips.”
Federal court rules COVID shots don’t
stop transmission of virus, sides with
anti-mandate lawsuit
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Posted by sunset 6/9/2024 12:32:37 PM Post Reply
An appeals court ruled that mRNA COVID-19 shots do not prevent viral transmission and therefore that mandating COVID injections lacks legal basis. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Friday vacated the dismissal of a lawsuit against a California school district for mandating COVID shots, brought forth by the Health Freedom Defense Fund, California Educators for Medical freedom, and other plaintiffs. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) had required that employees get the injections or “lose their jobs,” which the plaintiffs said “interfered with their fundamental right to refuse medical treatment,” the appeals court noted.
Israel rescues four hostages in operation
Gazan officials say killed more than 200
6 replies
Posted by sunset 6/8/2024 11:02:11 PM Post Reply
The Israeli military rescued four hostages in a special operation in the Nuseirat refugee camp, central Gaza, that Gazan authorities said killed 236 people and injured more than 400 others. Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv, were rescued by the Israeli military, intelligence and special forces from two separate locations in Nuseirat, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Saturday. All four were kidnapped from the Nova music festival on October 7. “They are in good medical condition and have been transferred to the ‘Sheba’ Tel-HaShomer Medical Center for further medical examinations,” the IDF added.
Texas court asked to reverse pardon in
Black Lives Matter protest killing
10 replies
Posted by sunset 6/5/2024 4:31:48 AM Post Reply
A Texas prosecutor asked the state's highest criminal court on Tuesday to reverse a pardon granted by Governor Gregg Abbott to a former U.S. Army sergeant convicted of murder and sentenced to prison for fatally shooting a Black Lives Matter protester. Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza, a Democrat whose office tried the murder case, said he asked the state Court of Criminal Appeals for a special order, called a writ of mandamus, to overturn Abbott's action. Garza told a news briefing that Abbott violated the separation of powers doctrine of the state's constitution and failed to follow proper legal procedures in the way he pardoned Daniel Perry last month.
Nato reveals bombshell plans for World
War 3 with Russia 'in the next 20 years'
17 replies
Posted by sunset 6/4/2024 10:29:42 AM Post Reply
NATO has plans in development to see American troops rushed to the front line should Russia begin a ground war against Europe. The "land corridors" could see US soldiers arriving at one of five ports along pre-planned routes to confront soldiers sent by Moscow, according to Nato officials. Existing plans have armed forces landing at Dutch ports before boarding trains through Germany and onwards to Poland. These news plans are still being put together and are being made behind the scenes to expand the routes to other ports.
Texas Bolsters Border Defenses, Unveils
New Military Base as part of Operation
Lone Star
6 replies
Posted by sunset 5/31/2024 10:58:34 PM Post Reply
Texas is doubling down on border security with the construction of a new military base camp in Eagle Pass, expected to house up to 2,300 soldiers. Governor Greg Abbott was at the border today to greet the first batch of 300 Texas National Guard Troops arriving at the newly-built "Forward Operating Base," part of the state's enhanced border security initiative, Operation Lone Star. The governor's visit comes as the base is swiftly moving towards completion, with amenities including living quarters, a dining facility, gym, armory, and more to support the stationed troops. According to the plans revealed by Abbott, this base signifies a stamp of permanence for Texas military
Joshua trees growing for over 100 years
will be cleared for solar farm in California
23 replies
Posted by sunset 5/31/2024 1:59:37 PM Post Reply
Century-old Joshua trees in the California desert will be cleared to make way for clean energy. The 2,300-acre solar project is going up near near Boron, in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles Times. The area of Kern County from which the project is slated has a poverty rate twice that of the state’s average. The solar farm will generate intermittent power for 180,000 homes in wealthier coastal neighborhoods. Besides the destruction of old trees, the residents living near the project say county and state officials who approved the project have ignored their other concerns about construction dust and impacts to endangered desert tortoises have been ignored
Britain and US strike several Houthi sites
in Yemen
5 replies
Posted by sunset 5/31/2024 1:46:45 AM Post Reply
British and US forces carried out a joint operation against the Houthi rebels in Yemen on Thursday "to degrade their ability to persist with their attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden". The UK Defence Ministry said intelligence had confirmed two sites near Hodeidah as being involved with the Houthi anti-shipping attacks. Buildings were identified as housing drone ground control centres and providing storage for very long range drones, as well as surface-to-air weapons used to impede coalition operations to safeguard shipping in the region. A set of Houthi sites at Ghulayfiqah, further south on the Yemeni coast, had also been identified
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This blue-state election compact could
create a constitutional crisis
30 replies
Posted by FormerDem 6/15/2024 9:42:16 PM Post Reply
Imagine a Jan. 6-style crisis, only this time with serious (as opposed to politically manufactured) disagreements over whether the presidential candidate who won a key state is entitled to its electoral votes. That disturbing scenario just became a little bit more likely — not for the next presidential election but subsequent ones. Without fanfare, Minnesota’s governor signed legislation last month that would award the state’s 10 presidential electors to the national popular-vote winner even if he or she lost Minnesota. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact purports to take effect once states carrying 270 electoral votes (the minimum needed to win the presidency) have agreed to its terms.
Nearly Half of Americans Have Little Faith
Biden Will Make It Through First Debate
30 replies
Posted by Imright 6/15/2024 7:49:43 PM Post Reply
Nearly half of Americans expect President Joe Biden to suffer an embarrassing gaffe during the first debate against former President Donald Trump. According to a new poll by J.L. Partners, 49 percent of voters believe Biden will forget where he is while on stage with Trump, and 41 percent expect him to wander off of the stage. The survey also found that a massive 70 percent of Americans think the 81-year-old president will fumble over his words— something he is very prone to. Voters from both sides of the political aisle doubt Biden’s ability to even make it through the whole debate in one piece.
Building an Election Watchdog Army: RNC
Co-Chair Lara Trump Announces New Program
to Train 100,000 Poll Workers and 500
Lawyers to Safeguard 2024 Election in November
28 replies
Posted by Imright 6/15/2024 2:03:33 PM Post Reply
In a groundbreaking announcement made last Friday in Detroit, Michigan, Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), revealed plans to build a formidable watchdog army. This force will be tasked with safeguarding the integrity of our elections this coming November. “Our other top priority is election integrity,” said Lara Trump. “If we don’t have free, fair, and transparent elections, nothing else matters. That is our goal at the RNC. Every single person in this country, regardless of how you vote, should want free and fair elections.” Joined by RNC Chairman Michael Watley, she detailed the plans to mobilize an ‘election watchdog army’ that will operate across
Opinion The Hunter Biden and Trump trials
were a litmus test. Only the Bidens passed.
25 replies
Posted by markhooton 6/16/2024 9:22:27 AM Post Reply
No person with a loved one who has suffered through addiction could feel anything but empathy for Hunter Biden and his family. “There are a lot of Hunter Bidens in this world, people who fell in way over their heads, who long for someone to believe they can recover and construct their lives differently,”
The US town being sued for racism by its
white people... because it's paying its
black residents $25,000 each for the legacy
of slavery
25 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2024 1:42:51 AM Post Reply
The chirp of cicadas in the tree-lined streets of Evanston is almost deafening. Billions of the insects have been making their periodic emergence from underground dormancy, on a scale not seen for centuries. With the ground strewn with dead bugs, and gardeners rushing to put protective netting around their plants and trees, locals have dubbed it ‘The Cicada-geddon’. And yet this quiet university town – an affluent suburb of Chicago on the shores of Lake Michigan – now has another interloper that its ultra-liberal citizens deeply resent. Three years after Evanston proudly became the first local government in the US to start paying reparations to its black citizens – in this case
Jimmy Kimmel Says America ‘Might Need
an Exorcism’ at Hollywood Biden Fundraiser
24 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2024 10:35:06 AM Post Reply
Los Angeles— Some of Hollywood’s brightest stars headlined a glitzy fundraiser for President Joe Biden on Saturday night, helping raise what his reelection campaign said was $28 million and hoping to energize would-be supporters for a November election that they argued was among the most important in the nation’s history. George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand were among those who took the stage at the 7,100-seat Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel interviewed Biden and former President Barack Obama, who both stressed the need to defeat former President Donald Trump in a race that’s expected to be exceedingly close.
Former CDC director predicts bird flu pandemic 21 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 11:42:04 AM Post Reply
Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said he predicts a bird flu pandemic will happen, it’s just a matter of when that will be. Redfield joined NewsNation Friday to discuss the growing concern for bird flu, as the virus has been detected in dozens of cattle across the country and the World Health Organization identified the first human death in Mexico. {snip} He also noted that bird flu has a “significant mortality” when it enters humans compared to COVID-19. Redfield predicts the mortality is “probably somewhere between 25 and 50 percent mortality.” NewsNation noted that the death rate for COVID was 0.6 percent.
NYT columnist admits ‘something has
gone badly wrong’ in West Coast states
because of Democratic leadership
20 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/15/2024 4:07:19 PM Post Reply
New York Times columnist and former Oregon Democratic gubernatorial candidate Nicholas Kristof admitted on Saturday that the West Coast cities is "a mess" because of Democratic Party leaders. In a column for the New York Times, Kristof argued that "West Coast liberalism" is more focused on the intentions behind its policies rather than its outcomes. As a result, deep blue states like Oregon have major homeless and drug problems, "below-average" high school graduation rates, and high murder rates. "But liberals like me do need to face the painful fact that something has gone badly wrong where we’re in charge, from San Diego to Seattle,"
Biden campaign calls on GOP to drop lawsuits
over mail ballots, citing Trump’s new
fondness for it
19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/15/2024 12:34:24 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign on Thursday called on top Republicans to drop litigation seeking to curtail aspects of mail balloting now that Donald Trump has begun to embrace the method. Trump for years falsely claimed voting by mail was riddled with fraud, but his 2024 campaign began a program this month to encourage mail voting if convenient for people. It is part of Republicans’ attempt to increase mail voting among their supporters. At the same time, the Republican National Committee, newly under the former president’s control, has sued or joined lawsuits seeking to limit certain aspects of mail voting.
Watch: Crazy Nancy Pelosi Loses it After
Trump Visits DC, Calls on Trump Family
and Republican Party to Stage “Intervention”
for Trump: “They Have Become a Cult
to a Thug”
19 replies
Posted by Imright 6/15/2024 12:02:54 AM Post Reply
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in an interview Thursday, reacted to President Trump’s Washington, DC Visit earlier in the day, calling on The Trump Family and the GOP to “have an intervention.” As The Gateway Pundit reported, Trump visited Washington, DC on Thursday in his first trip to the Capitol since the January 6 protest. There, he met with Republican lawmakers and delivered remarks at a press conference. Watch President Trump’s press conference on Capitol Hill here. Nancy Pelosi, triggered by his visit to the Capitol, called him an “imposter” and a “master of projection.” Pelosi also asserted that the President “tried to return to the scene of the crime”
Biden Tries to Send World Message That
He’s Relevant, Important and Strong Leader
18 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/15/2024 3:09:46 PM Post Reply
During a staged, scripted and rehearsed performance last night, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joe Biden held a ceremony in Italy where the Biden administration signed a non-binding security agreement to protect Ukraine for 10 years. The agreement is bilateral between Biden and Zelenskyy, and unilateral domestically in that congress doesn’t have to ratify it. Essentially, it’s just an “I will love you forever” promise between Zelenskyy and Biden intended to make the people with Ukraine flags in their profiles feel better. Beyond that, if President Trump wins the 2024 election, he can just ignore it (which he will). You can read the agreement HERE – and the FACT SHEET
Secret Service to Give Briefing to Congress
After ‘Harrowing’ Incident Within
Kamala Harris’ Detail
16 replies
Posted by Imright 6/15/2024 6:54:48 PM Post Reply
Alarmed by an incident in April that involved a member of Vice President Kamala Harris’s security detail, the House Oversight Committee will be briefed next week on hiring and training issues that could be impacting the Secret Service. According to the Washington Examiner, an armed agent who was part of the protective detail for Harris scuffled with other agents at Joint Base Andrews near Washington, D.C. on April 22. House Oversight and Accountability Chairman Rep. James Comer of Kentucky sent the Secret Service a letter in May asking to learn more about concerns regarding the incident and the broader issue of training, according to Fox News.
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