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Posts on Monday, March 4, 2024

Gigi and Bella Hadid's Palestinian-American
father Mohamed brands Joe Biden a 'Zionist
war criminal' and vows to 'hunt them down
like the Nazis' in latest anti-Israel rant
Posted by OhioNick 3/4/2024 11:30:53 PM Post Reply
Gigi and Bella Hadid's real estate mogul father has called president Joe Biden a 'Zionist war criminal' who will be 'hunted down like the Nazis.' 'This is Biden's war on the Palestinian people. He will be in the court with the rest of the Zionist Criminals. We will hunt them down like they did the Nazis,' Mohamed, 75, wrote on Sunday - in his latest scathing post against Israel and the US. The Palestinian-American has been a fierce critic of the western world's support of Israel following Hamas' October 7 terrorist attacks against the Jewish state.
Doritos is slammed for hiring Samantha
Hudson, transgender ambassador who previously
tweeted about doing 'thuggish things'
to a 12-year-old
Posted by OhioNick 3/4/2024 11:21:50 PM Post Reply
Doritos is being slammed as the new Bud Light after hiring a trans influencer as a 'brand ambassador' despite the activist appearing to promote child sexual abuse in the past. Spanish native Samantha Hudson - whose real name is Iván González Ranedo - is a singer and activist with over 30,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel. Her partnership with Doritos Spain, run by PepsiCo Spain, was recently announced. Hudson, 24, has identified herself as 'anti-capitalist' and 'Marxist' in interviews, released a song critical of the Catholic Church and even said in one video that she is for 'the abolition of [and to] destroy and annihilate the traditional monogamous nuclear family.'
Leftist CNN Anchor Jake Tapper Malfunctions
on Live TV, Tells Nikki Haley : “Donald
Trump Participated in an Erection” (Video)
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 10:22:59 PM Post Reply
Far-left CNN anchor Jake Tapper made a massive blunder Monday while interviewing failing GOP Presidential candidate Nikki Haley, somehow confusing two words with completely different meanings. As Mediaite reported, Tapper welcomed Haley to his show The Lead With Jake Tapper to discuss U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision ruling that Colorado cannot block Trump from the presidential ballot. As TGP readers know, this ruling overturns a decision by the radical-left Colorado Supreme Court that would have removed Trump from the ballot in the Centennial State. Surprisingly, Haley told Tapper she was “very happy” with the Court’s ruling, claiming she wants to defeat Trump “fair and square.”
‘Blood Money’: Two of the Biggest
Funders of the Radical Transgender Movement
in the U.S. Are China-Linked Billionaires
Posted by Dreadnought 3/4/2024 10:18:53 PM Post Reply
Pro-Beijing groups financially backed by two China-linked billionaires are pushing the radical transgender movement as a means of advancing a Marxist agenda in the United States, seven-time New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer reveals in his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans. In Blood Money, Schweizer, who is a Breitbart News senior contributor and the president of the Government Accountability Institute, reveals China’s multi-pronged, covert attack on America. In Chapter 6, called “Destabilizing Democracy,” Schweizer explores how two billionaires, China-based American Neville Roy Singham and Alibaba co-founder Joseph Tsai, prop up radical activists groups
Democrats Jump at Chance to 'Revive Legislation'
to Kick Trump Off of the Ballot
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 9:54:59 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 9-0 decision on Monday that Colorado erred in removing former and potentially future President Donald Trump from the ballot. As the Court ruled, though, "responsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the States." Democratic Reps. Jamie Raskin (MD), Eric Swalwell (CA), and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) have thus wasted no time in their crusade to "revive legislation" to kick Trump off of the ballot and deny the American people their right to vote for or against him.
9-0 Decision Proves the Corporate Media
Liars … Again
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 9:49:13 PM Post Reply
If you’re shocked by Monday’s utterly predictable nine-to-zero Supreme Court decision, you must be one of the few remaining morons who believe the corporate media. The very idea that the Supreme Court would allow the states to remove a presidential candidate from the state ballot was pure hopium being pumped by a corporate media that knew better but didn’t care. These liars only care about one thing: cynically hooking as many suckers, gulls, and dummies as possible.
Kate Middleton Spotted in Public for First
Time ... Since Hospitalization
Posted by Harlowe 3/4/2024 9:49:01 PM Post Reply
Kate Middleton has surfaced for the first time since her hospitalization earlier this year that sidelined her for a good while--and she's maintaining a low profile--or trying to anyway. The Princess of Wales was seen riding passenger Monday in a vehicle that was being driven by her mother, Carole, near Windsor Castle in the UK ... and like we said, this sighting is a big deal considering we haven't seen her whatsoever since December. Kate was wearing shades, and appeared to be rocking somewhat of a smile here--there didn't appear to be any other relatives with them for this outing
WaPo Writer Makes It Official: Shoplifting
Is Just Reparations
Posted by Hazymac 3/4/2024 8:56:22 PM Post Reply
Do you know what the problem with capitalism is? It doesn't want to sell stuff to people. Calling it "a late-capitalism horror story," the Washington Post's Maura Judkis might have just written the stupidest possible piece about Blue America's state-sponsored shoplifting craze. "America is a sticky-fingered nation built on stolen land," Judkis scolded her readers on Friday to their self-loathing delight, "and its current moral panic is about shoplifting." Judkis tells the story of Washington's Columbia Heights shoplifter-beloved CVS location, where by last week, there was "almost nothing left to steal... and that gives you an idea of which items have actual value." "The thieves don’t even bother"
Trump declares ‘Big Win For America’
as Supreme Court orders ex-prez back on
Colorado primary ballot ahead of Super Tuesday
Posted by Dreadnought 3/4/2024 8:33:55 PM Post Reply
The US Supreme Court ordered former President Donald Trump back on the 2024 primary ballot in Colorado on Monday, the day before the Centennial State and 14 others pick their Republican nominees for president. The unanimous ruling also overturns disqualification orders handed down by officials and judges in Maine and Illinois in recent weeks. The unsigned order found that only Congress, not individual states, can disqualify candidates for federal office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, known colloquially as the Insurrection Clause or the Disqualification Clause. “The judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court … cannot stand,” the order read. “All nine Members of the Court agree with that result.”
GOP Ohio Sen Candidate Bernie Moreno Mocks
Gun Owners: 'Do You Really Need 100 Bullets?'
Posted by Hazymac 3/4/2024 8:25:08 PM Post Reply
Bernie Moreno, who is running in the hotly contested Republican primary for the Ohio Senate seat currently held by radical Democrat Sherrod Brown, claims to be pro-Second Amendment. It says it right there on his website, where he claims he will "Vigorously defend our constitutional rights, especially the Second Amendment." How, then, to explain him mocking gun owners and calling for universal background checks in a 2019 podcast? Moreno, who former President Trump has endorsed, joined Michael Hudak on his podcast "Fortify Your Data," the conversation veered toward political issues. Moreno was the first to bring up guns. "On the gun debate, we can't say this is how many magazines
The Colorado Secretary of State says she
now trusts the people to make the decision
she didn’t trust them to make four months ago
Posted by Big Bopper 3/4/2024 7:45:47 PM Post Reply
The cabal that calls itself the Democratic Party of Colorado nearly pulled a coup last fall. Unburdened by any inconvenient process that might have been due, a Democrat state judge decided that Donald Trump was an insurrectionist. Therefore, under a clause of the 14th Amendment designed to prevent former Confederates from running for federal office, Trump was ineligible to run for president. Never mind that Trump had never been convicted or even charged with the crime of insurrection.
Michael Moore Says Israel Should Stop
Fighting Hamas As White Christians Are
the Real Enemy
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 7:42:05 PM Post Reply
Far-left filmmaker Michael Moore has made one of his most bizarre suggestions yet. In an interview on MSNBC, Moore weighed in on the ongoing conflict in the Middle East by urging Israelis and Jews to confront their real enemy: white Christians. He explained: According to my knowledge of history, the enemies of Israel... the Jewish people of this world have been persecuted for 5,000 years. For the last 2,000 years, most of the persecution has come from white European-centric Christians. That's been your enemy.
Disappointed Colorado Secretary of State
says it's now up to voters to 'save our
democracy' in November after Supreme Court
rejected HER bid to kick Trump off the ballot
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 7:37:22 PM Post Reply
The Colorado Secretary of State who wanted the Supreme Court to remove Donald Trump from her state's ballots admitted she was disheartened that the high court unanimously ruled in favor of the former president. Jena Griswold, the Colorado Secretary of State, said she still had hope that Congress could pursue insurrection charges against the former president. She had previously urged the Supreme Court to keep Trump off the ballot so 'votes are not wasted on ineligible candidates.' During an interview shortly after the Supreme Court voted 9-0 in favor of former President Trump, she admitted she was defeated by the ruling.
CNN and MSNBC Hold Funeral for Democracy
as Trump Remains on CO Ballot
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 7:09:38 PM Post Reply
Thanks to a Monday 9-0 Supreme Court decision, Donald Trump is back on the ballot in Colorado, making March 4, 2024 one of the best days on record for watching CNN and MSNBC contributors fight the urge to cry on national television. A few weeks ago when even unserious MSNBC analysts agreed that the oral arguments had gone disastrously for the election tampering enthusiasts, the media began bracing themselves for a ruling in Trump’s favor. But the decisive 9-0 ruling wound up being a bit too much for some journalists to handle:
Merrick Garland slams voter ID laws as
‘discriminatory’ and ‘unnecessary’
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 6:55:34 PM Post Reply
Attorney General Merrick Garland pledged to challenge what he called voting restrictions implemented by Republican lawmakers that he said were “discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary.” Garland spoke alongside Vice President Kamala Harris on Sunday in Selma, Alabama, at the city’s 59th anniversary of the 1965 civil rights event dubbed “Bloody Sunday,” the day when Alabama police officers beat up voting rights demonstrators protesting in 1965. There, Garland brought up the history of black voting rights, claiming that the “right to vote is still under attack.”
Ready for la presidenta? replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/4/2024 6:54:20 PM Post Reply
It's almost certain that a woman will be the next president of Mexico, i.e., la presidenta. She is likely going to be former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum, a candidate closely associated with President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador. For some, she is 'LO's puppet. For others, she is a U.S.-educated environmental engineer. For most Mexicans, it's about violence and doing something about what they call "inseguridad," as we see in this from AP: And that's the challenge no matter who wins the presidency.
Meltdowns and Validation: Reactions to
Posted by Dreadnought 3/4/2024 4:51:02 PM Post Reply
Democrats and other NeverTrumpers are trying their best to keep Donald Trump off the Republican primary ballot in several states. Their best is not good enough, according to the Supreme Court. If you have not done so, go and read Ed's write-up on the Court's decision. The left is in meltdown mode. Everyone else is feeling validated for understanding that every state must follow the Constitution. The Supremes ruled unanimously that Donald Trump may not be taken off the Colorado primary ballot. This is a timely decision given that Colorado is one of the states that votes on Super Tuesday, which is tomorrow. The Court needed to rule unanimously
Raskin: SCOTUS ‘Punted’ on Trump Ballot
— ‘It’s Up to Congress to Act’
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 4:27:33 PM Post Reply
Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Tuesday on CNN’s “Newsroom” that the Supreme Court unanimously overturning a Colorado Supreme Court ruling that disqualified former President Donald Trump from the ballot was SCOTUS punting. Raskin said, “The, court didn’t exactly disagree with it. They just said that they’re not the ones to figure it out. It’s not going to be a matter for judicial resolution under Section Three of the 14th Amendment, but it’s up to Congress to enforce it. I disagree with that interpretation just because the other parts of the 14th Amendment are self executing. People can go to court and say that something violates equal protection, even if
MI Lawmakers Send Brutal Letter to FBI
Director Wray Demanding Answers on 2020
GBI Strategies Investigation: “This
Looks Like a Whitewash, and it Looks Like
it’s Selective Enforcement of the Laws”
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 3:40:42 PM Post Reply
On August 2023, Phil O’Halloran, one of Michigan’s top election integrity investigators with the MIGOP, shared an incredible Michigan State Police report with me. The 68-page report, which addressed a statewide voter registration fraud investigation in Michigan that began on October 8, 2020 (only one month before the general election), was so stunning that I read it several times to be sure it was legitimate. As I read through the stunning report that was FOIA’d by a local citizen, Chris Caijula, I had so many questions, most of which I suspected would never be answered.
US to Sell Off Entire Northeast Gasoline
Supply Reserve
Posted by Harlowe 3/4/2024 3:40:07 PM Post Reply
The sale of the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve is among the provisions intended to raise funds in one of six bills setting out appropriations for some federal departments this year after Congress narrowly avoided another shutdown last week. [Snip] "Upon the complete of such sale, the Secretary [of Energy] shall carry out the closure of the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve," the bill states, and "may not establish any new regional petroleum product reserve unless funding of the proposed regional petroleum product reserve is explicitly requested in advance in an annual budget."
Justice Barrett Explains the Message Americans
Should Take Away From the Trump Ballot Ruling
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 3:33:03 PM Post Reply
As Spencer reported, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously 9-0 Monday morning that states cannot take former President Donald Trump off of the 2024 presidential ballot. (X) In her written opinion on the ruling, Justice Amy Coney Barrett explained the message she believes Americans should take away from the decision. "In my judgment, this is not the time to amplify disagreement with stridency. The Court has settled a politically charged issue in the volatile season of a Presidential election. Particularly in this circumstance,
Texas Win: Appeals Court Allows Law Authorizing
Arrest of Illegals to Take Effect Barring
SC Intervention
Posted by OhioNick 3/4/2024 3:29:18 PM Post Reply
On Thursday, we brought you news of a federal District Court ruling out of Texas that blocked the state's recently enacted law (Senate Bill 4), which allowed state law enforcement officers to arrest and detain those suspected of entering the country illegally. In his ruling, Judge David Ezra held that the provision was an improper attempt by Texas to supersede federal law. Monday, in addition to the blockbuster ruling out of the United States Supreme Court regarding the Colorado ballot case involving former President Donald Trump, comes big news out of the Fifth Circuit regarding the aforementioned Texas law.
UN team says rape, gang rape likely occurred
during Hamas attack on Israel
Posted by Dreadnought 3/4/2024 3:25:39 PM Post Reply
UNITED NATIONS, - A team of United Nations experts reported on Monday that there were "reasonable grounds to believe" sexual violence, including rape and gang rape, occurred at several locations during the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas militants. The team - led by U.N. special envoy for sexual violence in conflict Pramila Patten - visited Israel between Jan. 29 and Feb. 14 on a mission intended to gather, analyze and verify information on sexual violence linked to the Oct. 7 attacks. "Credible circumstantial information, which may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence, including genital mutilation, sexualized torture, or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, was also gathered,"
Klamath Dams Down: Will Ranches Survive? replies
Posted by DVC 3/4/2024 3:19:46 PM Post Reply
The largest, most devastating dam removal experiment in modern history has reached the point of no return. As of January 23, 2024—despite opposition by a majority of local residents—the four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River have been officially breached. Ironically, dam removal proponents claimed the project would help salmon, but now the Klamath River is being polluted with millions of cubic yards of decomposed algae, organic deposition, chemicals, and fine silt that has built up behind the dams. Dead steelhead trout and other species are floating to the banks. Any salmon spawning beds in the Klamath River were undoubtedly destroyed.
Colorado Secretary of State Gets the Crazy
Eyes During Breakdown Over Trump Ballot Decision
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 3:19:41 PM Post Reply
The hits just keep on coming for the Democratic Party, with a gut punch being delivered on Monday by the Supreme Court. After months of legal maneuvering in an attempt to kick Donald Trump off the ballot for supposed "insurrection," Colorado's Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, got her answer. In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled that she did not have the legal authority to arbitrarily decide that Trump had violated the 14th Amendment while denying others the right to vote for him. In response, Griswold went on MSNBC because where else are left-wing politicians going to go to gnash their teeth? (X Video)
Exclusive: NY State GOP Chairman Ed Cox
Exposed! GOP Leader is a Progressive Green
New Deal DOUBLE AGENT Who Hand Picks Bad
Republican Candidates to Lose to his Commie
Pals! — We have the Receipts!
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 3:12:16 PM Post Reply
Ed Cox must resign. He is a donkey in Elephant’s clothing. It has been discovered that Cox, chairman of the New York Republican State Committee, sits on the board of “League of Conservation Voters” (“LCV”) — which controls a network of at least five PACs, all registered as liberal and attached to a broader national network of far left Super PACs, including the “Beat Trump Climate Unity Fund.” The mission of these PACs is twofold: support Democratic and far-left politicians, such as “Squad” members Rashida Talib and Ayanna Pressley, and even Letitia James, Tom Suozzi, and Kirsten Gillibrand, who received thousands of dollars and were all endorsed by the Cox-backed PAC.
Why Won’t Youngkin Commit To Veto Bill
Forcing Health Workers Into ‘Unconscious
Bias’ DEI Lectures?
Posted by earlybird 3/4/2024 3:11:32 PM Post Reply
During his 2021 campaign, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin committed to gutting neo-Marxist ideologies from state institutions. So, why won’t he commit to vetoing a bill that would require medical practitioners in the state to undergo “unconscious bias” training to keep their medical licenses? Passed by the Democrat-controlled General Assembly last month, Senate Bill 35 aims to force the Virginia Board of Medicine to require health practitioners to complete “unconscious bias” and “cultural competency” training to renew their medical licenses. The bill would also require the board to select certain organizations “that identify and facilitate an evidence-based curriculum to comply with this legislation.”
Biden administration ADMITS illegal migrant
secret flying program that has transported
over 320,000 has national security 'vulnerabilities'
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 3:07:15 PM Post Reply
Lawyers for President Joe Biden's immigration agencies admit disclosing locations of secret migrant flights would open up potential vulnerabilities. Customs and Border Protection refuses to disclose information about a program last year secretly chartering flights of thousands of undocumented immigrants from foreign airports directly to U.S. cities. This means that while record numbers of migrants were flowing over the southern border last year, the Biden White House was also directly transporting them into the country despite them holding no legal status.
McConnell’s Retirement Marks The End
Of The Disastrous Bush Era
Posted by earlybird 3/4/2024 3:06:28 PM Post Reply
Mitch McConnell and his friends are keen to paint the outgoing majority leader as the bookend of the Age of Reagan. Even some of his liberal opponents are happy to repeat the lazy mantra, if only to contrast gooey 1980s nostalgia with the populist conservatism of the new right. (snip) any serious attempt to understand history’s longest-serving Senate leader needs to focus on the age in which he rose to power: those eight years of Republican rule in the early 2000s. (snip) by the time he won the mantle of minority leader, those days were gone. More than anything, Mitch McConnell was a Bush Republican.
Is the Establishment Trying to Push Biden Out? replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/4/2024 2:31:22 PM Post Reply
This topic comes up frequently enough that it bears consideration, and even perhaps multiple considerations between now and the Democrat convention in Chicago, which is scheduled for the third week in August. Assuming Biden is still in the race until then, that is. I lean heavily toward the view that Biden will remain the candidate, barring a health crisis. At the same time, Steve Hayward over at Powerline indicates that he believes the word has gone out to the MSM that taking Biden out is a priority. Which, to be fair, is not the same as predicting Biden will be replaced, as he
LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Gives
Remarks at Mar-a-Lago – 3/4/24
Posted by earlybird 3/4/2024 1:13:47 PM Post Reply
Today, the Supreme Court gave a unanimous 9-0 rejection of Colorado’s state-level attempt to keep President trump off the ballot via Section 3 of the 14th amendment. Congress, not the States, is “responsible for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates.” Techno Fog – According to the Supreme Court, States may only disqualify officeholders or candidates from state office. This power doesn’t extend to federal elections or officers: “Nothing in the Constitution delegates to the States any power to enforce Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates.” President Trump will deliver his remarks at 12 p.m.
Hunter Biden’s Chinese legal ‘client’
threatens to sue unless first son pays
back $1 million
Posted by Mercedes44 3/4/2024 12:41:20 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden was paid $1 million by Chinese firm CEFC to act as attorney for its employee, Dr. Patrick Ho, but now Ho is threatening to sue the first son within seven days unless he gets the money back — because he claims Hunter did no legal work for him. Ho sent a legal letter to Hunter last week requesting that their attorney-client agreement be terminated immediately and threatening legal action unless he receives a detailed list of services provided by Hunter and reimbursement for the unused funds, as laid out in the 2017 contract.
Former Border Patrol Chief Says He ‘Never
Had One Conversation’ with Biden, Harris
Posted by Dreadnought 3/4/2024 11:25:46 AM Post Reply
Former Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said in an interview released Sunday that he never had any conversations with President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris when he worked in their administration. Ortiz appeared on CBS’s 60 Minutes on Sunday to discuss the illegal-immigration crisis at the Southern border and the dispute between Texas governor Greg Abbott (R) and the Biden administration over border enforcement. “I’ve never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter. That’s a problem,” Ortiz said. He was Border Patrol chief under Biden and deputy chief under former president Donald Trump before retiring last year.
Supreme Court Overturns Trump Colorado
Disqualification in Unanimous Ruling
Posted by earlybird 3/4/2024 10:29:03 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court ruled that former President Donald Trump is eligible to run for office, overturning the Colorado Supreme Court decision that found him ineligible as a candidate and disqualified from the state ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. “[R]esponsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the States. The judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court therefore cannot stand,” the per curiam order reads. “All nine Members of the Court agree with that result.” The order was issued on March 4, just a day before more than a dozen states hold their primary elections.
Hundreds of Teens Riot at Six Flags Over Georgia replies
Posted by mc squared 3/4/2024 9:58:45 AM Post Reply
As many as 600 teenagers, most of them black, rioted Saturday night at Six Flags Over Georgia. At least one teen was shot Cobb County officers said between 500-600 teens were “running through the park and fighting.” At one point th crowd opened fire on officers as they ran onto Six Flags Parkway. At some point, “multiple people began shooting, hitting an unoccupied CCPD marked patrol car,” according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. “As officers identified where the shots were coming from, they ran after people who had run into the woods. During the incident, one CCPD officer fired his weapon, hitting one minor,” according to the GBI.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for Ramadan
to be 'month of terror’ - analysis
Posted by sunset 3/4/2024 9:53:56 AM Post Reply
Palestinian Islamic Jihad is calling for Ramadan to be a “month of terror” and seeks to escalate attacks in the West Bank and Gaza. In a recent speech, Abu Hamza, the spokesman for PIJ’s Al-Quds Brigades, said he wants Arab countries in the region and pro-Iranian groups to continue to “unify” various arenas and fronts against Israel. This is the latest indication that terrorist groups plan to seek an escalation in hostilities over the next month. Hamza’s remarks were published by Beirut-based Al Mayadeen news channel, which is pro-Iranian and frequently highlights Hamas and Hezbollah attacks.
Laken Riley’s Mother: The Murder Was
an ‘Avoidable Tragedy’
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 9:46:35 AM Post Reply
The Georgia murder of aspiring nurse Laken Riley was a “senseless and avoidable tragedy,” her mother wrote in a March 3 Facebook post. The mother, Allyson Phillips, also posted a heart-shaped image with the words “Laken Riley: Say Her Name.” Aside from those two political references, Phillip’s Facebook message about her daughter’s murder by an illegal migrant emphasized Christian themes of God’s love: As I sat down to write this message, I really just have no words. My family has faced the most devastating, unimaginable loss that anyone could ever be force to endure. I would like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
AG Merrick Garland Campaigns For Unsecure
Elections, Slams 'Unnecessary' Voter ID
Posted by Hazymac 3/4/2024 9:22:56 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden's Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has made clear his intention to make America's elections less secure, describing efforts to secure them as "burdensome and unnecessary." Garland made the remarks at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Selma, Alabama, during a commemoration of 'Bloody Sunday' when civil rights protesters were brutally attacked by police. He also accused federal courts of weakening the 1965 Voting Rights Act by allowing various common sense voting restrictions such as presenting identification on arrival. He explained: "Since those decisions, there has been a dramatic increase in legislative measures that make it harder for millions of eligible voters to vote
California Demolished Dam to Save Salmon,
Killed the Salmon Instead
Posted by Beardo 3/4/2024 8:38:35 AM Post Reply
California, which is in a state of perpetually self-inflicted drought, restricts all sorts of practical water solutions (because) they would hurt some living creature somewhere. (People, especially farmers, don’t count.) And along the way the state decided to demolish a dam to help some salmon. (snip) $500 million was spent to make California a worse place. For human beings. And for salmon too. Hundreds of thousands of young salmon are believed to have died this week at the site of a historic dam removal project on the Klamath River, after an effort to restore salmon runs on the newly unconstrained river went awry, the Chronicle has learned.
Today's Reminder That No Matter How Much
You Hate the Media, It Isn't Enough
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 8:35:14 AM Post Reply
A sad incident occurred at the Home Depot in Fontana, California (fifty miles east of Los Angeles) on February 27. After running in and out of traffic, apparently trying to be hit, Marcus Allen Camacho ran into the store and grabbed a jab saw. Camacho ignored police orders to drop the weapon, shook off a taser hit, and when he started running toward police while brandishing the saw, he was shot and killed by officers. Camacho, who according to his widow suffered from mental health issues, left her and four children behind.
Trump’s Promise -– Retribution or Revenge? replies
Posted by Magnante 3/4/2024 7:56:36 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is cruising toward the GOP nomination. (snip) An NBC News headline last week revealed palpable fear: Fight or flight: Fearful Trump critics weigh the risk of retribution if he’s reelected. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and family wonder if they will have to flee the country if Trump is reelected. (snip) Retribution is a form of punishment imposed by law and legally authorized. Revenge, in contrast, is a form of personal punishment, one not sanctioned by law. The ultimate goal of Retribution is to punish the wrongdoer or offender and ensure that justice is served to the victim and public as a whole.
Gearing Up for ‘Biden’ Versus Trump:
Not If, But When and How to Replace Biden
Posted by Moritz55 3/4/2024 7:43:36 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is declining at a geometric, not an arithmetic, rate. His cognitive challenges are multifaceted. His gait is shaky. His daily use of stairs now risks the chance of a tenure-ending fall. Even when he sticks to the teleprompter, he so slurs his speech, mispronounces words, and glides his syntax that at times he becomes as incomprehensible at the podium as he is unsteady in his step. He now speaks a strange language foreign and untranslatable to most Americans. White House transcribers leave hiatuses in their written texts of his remarks to reflect that they either have no idea what he said, do not wish to publicize their guesses
The GOP Is Changing, And That’s Good replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/4/2024 5:29:45 AM Post Reply
Do you remember your stupid high school government teacher, that insipid left-leaning strange-o in the bad sport jacket who taught you that conservatives don’t want to change and liberals want change and blah blah blah? Good gosh, there’s nothing worse than the unionized hacks infesting our schools and filling empty skulls with nonsense. But enough about public education. The truth is that today’s conservatives do want change, and change is coming to our party. The new Republican Party is, as that desiccated old pervert masquerading as our president likes to say, not your father’s Republican Party.
Joe Biden knowingly and purposely blew
up the border in 2021 — don’t believe
his blame game now
Posted by Mercedes44 3/4/2024 5:27:39 AM Post Reply
President Biden was inaugurated Jan. 20, 2021. Weeks later, Feb. 2, he issued the executive order that began the unraveling at the border in earnest. The border crisis isn’t something that happened to Biden. It’s not a product of circumstances or understandable policy mistakes made under duress. No, he sought it and created it, on principle and as a matter of urgency. It wasn’t a second-year priority or even a second-quarter-of-the-first-year priority.The new president set out in his initial days and weeks in office to destroy what President Donald Trump had built, most consequentially in the Feb. 2 executive order. By then, mind you,
Whoops: Chinese Doctor Who Paid Hunter
Biden a Million Dollars for 'Legal Services'
Wants Refund
Posted by Mercedes44 3/4/2024 5:19:08 AM Post Reply
Remember that guy Hunter Biden referred to as "the f**king spy chief of China" on a recording in 2018? That guy was Dr. Patrick Ho, although it's not clear exactly what his role with China was. According to Ho, CEFC paid Hunter Biden a million dollars to act as his attorney back in 2017. But now according to a new report, Ho just sent a legal letter to Hunter threatening to sue him if he doesn't give the money back, because Ho says he didn't get any legal work for the money.
New York Opens a Back Door to Communism replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/4/2024 5:16:57 AM Post Reply
Our founders saw our various states as places to experiment with governance. Each can test ideas to see what works and what doesn’t. Citizens can provide feedback by migrating to those places where things work the best. I doubt that our founders expected an experiment to see if a communist state can coexist in a capitalist country. But New York has decided to conduct that experiment, seizing the means of production via lawsuits. During her campaign, New York attorney general Letitia James made the Lavrentiy Beria pledge to find a crime and “get Donald Trump.” It turns out she’s a woman of her word.
Biden is facing humiliation, Podhoretz
writes, in a devastating Commentary essay
Posted by Mercedes44 3/4/2024 5:15:13 AM Post Reply
Commentary's John Podhoretz has a fascinating and worthwhile essay bringing up a few points that aren't being considered much, in an essay titled "How Can Biden Stay in Now."He begins this way ... There’s a scene in the peerless animated comedy Monsters Inc.—a cable-news special report featuring Dr. Frasenberger, who looks like a giant pencil. “It is my professional opinion,” he begins calmly, “that now is the time…TO PANIC!!!!!” If I were a Democrat today, or a Never Trumper, I would be Dr. Frasenberger. Because now is the time TO PANIC!!!! if you don’t want Donald Trump to be
Even Biden Doesn’t Want To Talk About
‘Bidenomics’ Anymore: We Have The Receipts
Posted by RockyTCB 3/4/2024 4:16:43 AM Post Reply
After President Joe Biden embraced the term “Bidenomics,” he and his White House staff couldn’t get enough of it. But either Biden’s forgotten all about it, or the administration realized that it was doing no good to brag about something the public didn’t believe. Either way, the term is vanishing from use. It was in a speech in Chicago on June 28, 2023, that Biden decided to bear-hug the term. “I didn’t come up with the name. I really didn’t,” he said. “I didn’t realize the economists in the Wall Street Journal did. But I’m happy to call it ‘Bidenomics.’
We Have to Do Something About Google replies
Posted by Wetenschapper 3/4/2024 4:06:21 AM Post Reply
It’s been called “embarrassing,” but it’s so much more than that. Even the Washington Post had to acknowledge it. “A viral post on X shared by the account @EndofWokeness appeared to show [Google’s] Gemini, which competes with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, responding to a prompt for ‘a portrait of a Founding Father of America’ with images of a Native American man in a traditional headdress, a Black man, a darker-skinned non-White man and an Asian man, all in colonial-era garb.”
Wow: Crazy Bernie Says Biden Should Take
Executive Action on Border… Then Blames
The Invasion On Climate Change (Video)
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 2:53:58 AM Post Reply
Far-left Senator Bernie Sanders has said that he would support Joe Biden taking executive action about the situation at the southern border. In an interview with CBS, Sanders made the sensible point that you cannot have tens of thousands of people entering the country illegally, which is currently happening with the support of the Biden regime: We have a disaster at the border, there was an effort to pass something, there’s a lot of politics that’s going on. Republicans want to be more extreme than Democrats do. Bottom line is, you can’t have tens and tens of thousands of people illegally
Bidenomics in Crisis: Majority of Voters
Say Biden’s Policies Will Make Inflation Worse
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 2:49:26 AM Post Reply
Most Americans think Joe Biden’s policies will cause prices to rise, a poll of registered voters by CBS News and YouGov shows. As the U.S. economy approaches the third anniversary of the explosion of inflation that has sent the cost of living soaring and real wages plunging, a solid majority of registered voters think Biden’s policies will cause prices to go up. Less than a fifth think his policies will bring prices down. The CBS-YouGov poll results released Sunday showed that 55 percent of registered voters say Biden’s policies will make prices go up. Seventeen percent said his policies will make prices fall. Twenty-seven percent said his policies will
CBS News poll finds voters remember Trump's
economy as good, boosting Trump to national
lead over Biden today
Posted by Dreadnought 3/4/2024 12:47:50 AM Post Reply
As Super Tuesday makes an historic rematch all but official, voters are comparing not just two presidents, but two presidencies. And right now former President Donald Trump emerges from that comparison as the frontrunner. He leads President Biden by four points nationally, his largest lead to date. Here's why: Voters recall the economy under Trump more fondly than they rate the economy now. (For the record, in 2019 people did indeed rate the economy well, but views cratered in Trump's last year in office, during the pandemic.) This is the case, despite the fact that views of today's economy keep inching up. That's not helping Mr. Biden yet
Another City ‘At the Brink of Disaster’
After Defunding Police
Posted by Dreadnought 3/4/2024 12:37:57 AM Post Reply
Gee, who could have guessed that defunding the police in your city would cause problems? Well, residents of Austin, Texas, have discovered just that the hard way. The city has been plagued by police staffing shortages and longer 911-call response times since the Austin City Council voted to defund the police department in 2020. Last week, the shortages resulted in a section of the city being completely without any police officers for a few hours. "Previous councils and leadership have actively worked against our officers and department, which has now put us in a free-falling staffing crisis,"
Bob Melvin requiring entire Giants dugout
to stand for national anthem in policy shift
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 12:09:20 AM Post Reply
When the national anthem is playing, the San Francisco Giants better be on the field. Bob Melvin, the team’s new skipper, told USA Today’s Bob Knightengale that a new policy will go into effect this season and every person in the dugout will be required to stand on the field when the “Star Spangled Banner” plays. It’s a drastic change from what the Giants used to do when Gabe Kapler was in charge, but Melvin claimed that the decision had nothing to do with politics. “Look, we’re a new team here, we got some good players here,’’ Melvin told the outlet.”It’s more about letting the other side know
Why GA Judge Won’t Disqualify Fani Willis replies
Posted by Garnet 3/4/2024 12:08:51 AM Post Reply
Any rational person familiar with the behavior of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis during the prosecutorial misconduct hearings that finally ended last Friday has probably concluded that her conduct has created the “appearance of impropriety.” This, according to defense lawyers for former President Trump and several co-defendants, is sufficient to disqualify Willis and the Fulton County DA’s office from prosecuting the RICO case they launched last August. Indeed, defense attorney Harry MacDougald cited six examples of actual conflicts of interest, any one of which is sufficient to disqualify Willis and her office. Yet it’s unlikely that it will happen.
Haley Ends Losing Streak by Taking DC
Primary, Trump Says She Was 'Just Crowned
Queen of the Swamp'
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 12:04:57 AM Post Reply
Former South Carolina Governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley finally got a win Sunday night in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, claiming the Washington, D.C. primary by a 63-33 margin and thereby earning 19 delegates. It's a nice victory for Haley, but she still trails former President Donald Trump's delegate count by 244-43. She took to social media to celebrate her win: (X) She faced good odds in D.C.:
Ear-Piercing Noise Blares Through DC Gulag
Torturing Sleep Deprived J6 Political
Prisoners For Weeks
Posted by Imright 3/4/2024 12:00:01 AM Post Reply
An ear-shattering, harrowing sharp noise has been blaring throughout the Washington DC Correctional Treatment Facility for weeks where January 6 political prisoners are detained. J6 defendants housed in C3A, the cell block known as the Patriot Pod in the DC gulag where J6ers are segregated from the general population, called The Gateway Pundit urging the American people to demand oversight of the jail from US Marshals and members of Congress.
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