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Latest Posts by RockyTCB:

Real Election Reform At Last? replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/28/2025 9:06:46 AM Post Reply
Lost amid a flash flood of recent news, President Donald Trump’s executive order to make American elections more fair and less likely to be corrupted by ideology-driven election officials is possibly a game-changer. If Trump’s order withstands the inevitable onslaught of legal and political challenges it will face, it will make a huge difference in future elections. The ink had barely dried on Trump’s reform than the New York Times, setting the tone for the national media, ran this headline: “Trump Is Trying to Gain More Power Over Elections. Is His Effort Legal?” So what does Trump’s order, dubbed
How Are The Media Treating Trump In His
Second Term? (Hint: It’s Not Better):
Posted by RockyTCB 3/26/2025 9:25:25 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump had a rough ride with the media during his first term. Big media and smaller social media alike often treated Trump with open scorn, and peppered him with insulting epithets, calling him “fascist” or even “Hitler.” Is it better this time? Not much: A majority in the latest I&I/TIPP Poll say he’s still being treated the same or worse as back then. There’s little doubt, even among those on the left, that Trump is deeply reviled by the mostly left-leaning media. His braggadocio, his aggressive leadership style, his creatively unorthodox policies, his personal fearlessness and his overall popularity have kept Trump a media target.
The Global Warming Scare Hits Rock Bottom replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/25/2025 9:34:21 AM Post Reply
Our friend Steven Hayward, late of the great Power Line blog, university professor and incisive thinker, wrote a compelling essay last week about “The Nadir of the Climate Change Movement.” If anyone should know about the state of global warming hysteria, it would be Hayward. Here’s how he begins his argument: The prevailing winds are blowing not toward more windmills but toward common sense on energy. It is possible that the Trump administration is going to deal the death blows to the long-running climate change hysteria and government hostility to fossil fuels, not just in the United States but around the globe.
Shed No Tears For Fired Federal Workers replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/25/2025 9:07:48 AM Post Reply
When the Trump administration announces the next round of government layoffs, the wailing, the gnashing of teeth, the sob stories will be deafening. For what? A bunch of overpaid, underworked bureaucrats? Estimates about how many jobs have been cut so far differ. The press claims DOGE has eliminated around 100,000 federal jobs. Challenger, Gray & Christmas says 62,530 were let go in January and February. But the Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded a net loss of only 6,700 federal jobs in February. Whatever the case, Donald Trump wants big numbers. The Department of Education already said it will chop its workforce in half.
Trump Chaos Or The Gales Of Creative Destruction? replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/24/2025 9:03:29 AM Post Reply
During President Donald Trump’s first term and again in his second, we have heard his critics indict him for the “chaos” he’s stirred up in Washington. They see disorder and confusion. But those not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome recognize this as the needed shake-up of a government that had grown out of control and become a threat to those it was intended to protect and serve. The “chaos” label has not been used as often as “Nazi,” “fascist,” “dictator,” “tyrant” and “authoritarian” to try to vilify Trump. But it’s been part of the campaign to – let’s be frank – dehumanize
The Terrorists Among Us replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/21/2025 8:47:05 AM Post Reply
Whenever the far left in the U.S. loses an argument — called an election — it suddenly decides it’s time to take to the streets and get violent. Now is just such a time, as America experiences a new spasm of home-grown anti-Trump, anti-Musk terrorism. It shouldn’t be tolerated. Whether it’s taking pot shots at the president, violently demonstrating in support of murderous terrorists, “swatting” people they don’t like, or destroying cars made by a person they now despise, our country once again finds extremists threatening us and our liberty. And, no surprise, it’s nearly all from the far left side of
Public Thinks That 25% Or More Of All
Federal Spending Is Wasted: I&I/TIPP Poll
Posted by RockyTCB 3/19/2025 8:45:25 AM Post Reply
Americans have shown a high-degree of support for the cuts being made to the federal bureaucracy and spending by the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE. Why? A majority across the country believe the government wastes vast amounts of their tax money, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. For the March online national I&I/TIPP Poll, voters were asked the following question: “What percentage of your tax dollars do you believe is wasted by the federal government?” The possible responses included: “Less than 10%,” “10%-25%,” “26%-50%,” “51%-75%,” “More than 75%,” and “Not sure.”
It Feels Like Christmas Every Day Since
Trump Took Office
Posted by RockyTCB 3/18/2025 10:10:04 AM Post Reply
The editors here at I&I have been in the news business for more than four decades, and we’ve never seen anything like the steady stream of glorious news since President Donald Trump took office. We keep pinching ourselves to make sure we aren’t dreaming. It started on day one, with Trump’s triumphant inaugural address and the flurry of well-targeted executive orders that boldly declared not just the end of the Biden administration, but the beginning of the end of 100 years of socialist experimentation in the U.S. Every day since has brought gift-wrapped presents that conservatives – including those suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome – dreamed about for decades.
The Moral Hazard Of Illegal Immigration replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/17/2025 9:14:37 AM Post Reply
The U.S. border was illicitly crossed fewer times last month than in any February in the country’s history. There were 28,654 encounters and apprehensions of illegals reported nationwide. For those who might see border security, and deportations, as cruel acts against the poor and hopeless who want only to escape to a land of plenty, we offer another way of looking at illegal immigration. Because the February number is actually good news. The phrase “moral hazard” comes to us from the insurance industry. It refers, says Law & Liberty, “to the possibility that insuring against costly outcomes actually increases the reckless
ICYMI, Our Border’s Now Definitely Closed
To Illegal Immigration
Posted by RockyTCB 3/14/2025 5:23:56 AM Post Reply
For those who followed the illegal immigration debate, the last two months have been dizzying, to say the least. Not only has the flood of illegal immigrants crossing our border been reduced to a trickle by aggressive enforcement of existing laws, but thousands and thousands more illegal entrants have been dissuaded from even trying. It’s a huge victory. As we never tire of saying, we are not anti-immigration. We are, however, against illegal immigration. After all, what kind of eventual citizen will you be if your first act upon entering is to commit a felony? And most Americans agree with us.
One Fact Missing From Every DOGE Story replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/11/2025 7:03:39 AM Post Reply
The next time you hear someone complaining that DOGE is “slashing” federal spending or “dismantling” the government, pay close attention. There will almost certainly be an important fact left out: The gargantuan federal deficit. Every day brings a new sob story about how someone is being hurt by Elon Musk’s chainsaw because some federal program is being shut down, or because a precious federal job has been axed. Never in any of these is any context provided. And in this case, context is everything. By the time President Donald Trump took office
Net Zero Is A Big Fat Zero For Economic Growth replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/10/2025 9:41:14 AM Post Reply
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions was going to save the planet at no cost. Turns out it’s an economy wrecker, which is more feature than bug for many a climate alarmist. Kallum Pickering, chief economist at Peel Hunt, a London-based investment bank, took on the claim of Labour Party British Chancellor Rachel Reeves, who said that pursuing net zero greenhouse gas emissions didn’t require a deceleration of economic growth. What he found was “sad to say,” but he stands by the facts. “The result of the UK’s decarbonization efforts appears to be weak economic growth, stalling living standards, high energy prices and deindustrialization – without denting rising global emissions,”