Thousands of protesters demanding eradication
of Israel clash with NYPD
New York Post,
Katherine Donlevy
Matthew Sedacca
Valentina Jaramillo
Original Article
Posted By: Ida Lou Pino,
10/22/2023 10:19:21 AM
Thousands of anti-Israel protesters clashed with police Saturday night after they refused to vacate the Bay Ridge street they had flooded for hours. The “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” demonstration devolved into chaos as night fell, with protesters completely shutting down traffic, screaming at police and lighting small fires in the middle of the roadways. The aggressive protesters dug their heels into the ground when the NYPD tried to push them out of 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Quigley 10/22/2023 10:32:59 AM (No. 1583379)
The leading edge of the enemy within? Mob rule of foreign policy? It's not a riot though because they are Dims.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 10/22/2023 10:47:07 AM (No. 1583388)
I have a better idea. Eradicate Gaza, entirely.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Norway 10/22/2023 11:02:28 AM (No. 1583402)
Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Grateful 10/22/2023 11:02:33 AM (No. 1583403)
Send the cowardly 'protesters' to the IDF for target practice.
14 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Norway 10/22/2023 11:05:44 AM (No. 1583409)
These violent terrorist sympathizers are no different than violent Nazi sympathizers. And like fools, we have allowed them into our country.
27 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/22/2023 11:08:13 AM (No. 1583414)
Well the leftist and socialist Democrats have been flooding the USA with Middle East origin Muslims since the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks thus importing Islamist anti-Israel politics into the USA. So what would you expect after a big Islamist terror attack against Israel perpetrated by the Middle East Islamist Hamas terrorist organization. So now the USA, has a Middle East origin immigrant Muslim minority that supports the terror attacks against Israel, the whole scale killing of the Jews there, believing that Israel has no right to exist, who have been appearing on US national TV and who are easily recognized by their foreign accents. The U.S. immigration laws render foreigners (aliens) who support foreign terror tactics to be excludable from the USA and when they are found inside the USA to be subject to deportation. But since Biden and his leftist and socialist Democrat crew are ignoring and have failed to enforce the immigration laws those alien supporters of Hamas in the USA have no fear of those provisions of the immigration laws. There are two big reasons why Biden and the leftist and socialist Democrats are appeasing Iran and their Islamist terrorist clients who attacked Israel and who killed as many Jews, including American Jews, as possible. The first reason is that Biden and the leftist and socialist Democrats believe that the foreign origin Muslims in the USA are a natural leftist and socialist Democrat growing voter constituency and want their votes now and in the future, and second that Biden and his Obama crew have as a top priority to effect the Obama nuclear weapons deal with Iran before the 2024 Presidential Election, and to do that Biden is willing to appease Iran by supplying Iran with many billions of dollars, no doubt with a certain percentage being “kicked back” through corrupt international banking channels. Who would have thunk it?
14 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 10/22/2023 11:26:56 AM (No. 1583443)
Took a little while to get started, but the anti-Israel protests are here. What percentage of the mob is Arab? How many are recent immigrants or first or second-generation Americans. They have brought their problems with them. Apparently, the mob does not realize that America is already imploding, and their support of Israel and other wars is only hastening it. Fairly certain that is what the mob wants in the first place. Long term, they will get what they want regardless.
10 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
PChristopher 10/22/2023 11:38:31 AM (No. 1583451)
Crack their skulls...mouthy college teenagers sometimes need to have their teeth loosened
10 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Pearson365 10/22/2023 11:53:07 AM (No. 1583454)
Based on Biden’s humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan and, when VP, our 2011 total withdrawal from Iraq, don’t be surprised if Biden abandons Israel and Ukraine for his 2024 reelection. The street demonstrations aren’t being conducted by Trump supporters but by leftists who support Dems, and Biden needs their support. Especially when it comes to stuffing ballot boxes with absentee forms. Biden can’t win without massive fraud, and those opposed to Israel must be a part of the steal.
9 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Historybuff 10/22/2023 11:57:35 AM (No. 1583456)
Fifth Avenue here in Brooklyn is known as Muhammad Alley
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
singermom9 10/22/2023 12:08:42 PM (No. 1583462)
Let's eradicate New York.
8 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 10/22/2023 12:53:52 PM (No. 1583516)
What infuriates me is that we imported most of these hate-filled people or their parents.
15 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 10/22/2023 1:08:47 PM (No. 1583541)
Deport them.
Deport all of them.
Do it now.
11 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
JimBob 10/22/2023 2:24:09 PM (No. 1583606)
My question is.....
How many of these Thugs are Illegal Aliens?
9 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Msquared112 10/22/2023 3:43:54 PM (No. 1583654)
Every bit of this could have been avoided if Trump’s election was legitimate. The world knew Biden was weak and the moment he got elected, our enemies knew they had friends in the White House, including Obama & Co. Everyone knew and still knows that Biden gets trotted out to appear in control but they also know he can’t wait to get back to the beach and his ice cream cones. His handlers pat him on the head and say, “We’ll take it from here” and he says, “Duh, yeah.”
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
msjena 10/22/2023 4:03:02 PM (No. 1583663)
I can hardly believe how backwards these demonstrations are. Israel was attacked, not the Palestinians. It is shocking and frightening to see the numbers turning out for these demonstrations. The so-called Muslim ban was spot on.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Venturer 10/22/2023 6:09:05 PM (No. 1583738)
Move them with a front end loader or a bulldozer ala Rachel Corrie.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
mifla 10/23/2023 4:59:00 AM (No. 1583909)
Soros funded rent a mob comprised of useful idiots.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
CivilServant 10/23/2023 10:40:41 AM (No. 1584069)
“The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants,” lead supporter Sen. Edward “Ted” Kennedy (D-Mass.) told the Senate during debate. “It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.””
Teddy the Traitor on his 1965 Immigration bill. As ever with Democrats, he lied.
Liberalism, progressivism and liberals delenda est.
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This used to be a heavily Irish neighbrhood - - with devout parishoners in one of the city's cleanest, safest areas. I guess it's a bit different now.