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“The West has committed the greatest
self-immolation in human history”

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Posted By: Harlowe, 6/26/2024 12:18:28 AM

Gad Saad is someone to whom I need to pay more careful attention--his insights into the self-inflicted collapse of the West are frank and brutally honest. [Snip] “When the leaders hate their civilization more than their enemies do, the civilization is doomed. Never before has history witnessed such a gargantuan self-inflicted death of a civilization that was an existential light in an otherwise world of historical darkness.” [Snip] “From a young age, more American students are fed anti-Western material funded and distributed by a constellation of dark money, left-wing groups, foreign governments, and even from our own government.”


With November 5, 2024 approaching, an historical reference presents a stark reality for this country. Benjamin Franklin's response to Elizabeth Willing Powel's question: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" “A republic, if you can keep it.” (Monday – September 17, 1787)

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 6/26/2024 2:57:49 AM (No. 1743629)
Soviet Union plants started this crap in the 1920s. Read David Horowicz's book "Radical Son". His parents were sent here by the soviets to become teachers and start the ball rolling on destroying the USA from within. It's been working for a century now, even after the Soviet Union collapsed.
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Samsquanch 6/26/2024 3:47:28 AM (No. 1743637)
Everywhere you look we have criminal sociopaths running the show.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Trigger2 6/26/2024 4:13:43 AM (No. 1743645)
If Joey & his enabling demonrats retain office, it's final. The USA will be officially done and buried.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: varkdriver 6/26/2024 5:21:32 AM (No. 1743671)
Have seen Professor Saad on Gutfeld a number of times. He reminds me of Jordan Peterson: a voice of sanity in the wilderness that Canada has unfortunately become. The danger is real.
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mobyclik 6/26/2024 6:04:08 AM (No. 1743678)
He left out one of the largest anti-American groups of all: The so-called Main Stream Media.
27 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Encore 6/26/2024 8:22:16 AM (No. 1743730)
Stop the flow of Chinese money to our universities. Close the borders. Begin the filtering of professors and other ‘educators’ in our school systems. We’re digging a hole, we need to stop digging.
16 people like this.

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EXPOSED: CNN’s Debate Moderators Were
In Bed With Deep State’s Fake Anti-Trump Campaign
15 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/27/2024 11:11:38 AM Post Reply
Both of CNN’s moderators for Thursday’s presidential debate have deep ties to intelligence officials who peddled now-debunked conspiracy theories about former President Donald Trump. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are both intimately connected to former deep-state officials who pushed the now-discredited Steele Dossier and the hoax that reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop was a product of Russian election meddling. The duo will preside over the first presidential debate Thursday between Trump and President Joe Biden.[Snip]Tapper published a story based on a leak from James Clapper, former President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence,[Snip]Bash was married to Jeremy Bash, a former CIA chief of staff in the Obama administration
WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds Roundtable
With Black American Business Leaders at
Atlanta Barbershop
5 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/26/2024 6:52:30 PM Post Reply
The Trump Campaign is hosting a roundtable with Black business leaders and members of Congress this afternoon to discuss how Biden has “left Black Americans behind, burdened with higher prices and lower wages.” [Snip] Bidenflation is disproportionately hurting Black households as Black Americans bear the brunt of higher prices. Thanks to Joe Biden’s pro-criminal and weak open border policies that harm Black communities at a much higher rate than others, Black communities are less safe. Drug overdoses from fentanyl pouring into Black neighborhoods are spurring record number of drug overdoses among Black men. [Snip] The roundtable event in Atlanta comes the day before the first 2024 Presidential Debate,
‘Blatantly Unconstitutional’: Justice
Alito Writes Blistering Dissent In Biden
Admin Censorship Case
16 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/26/2024 5:39:35 PM Post Reply
Justice Samuel Alito excoriated the Supreme Court majority for “shirk[ing]” its duty to restrain the government’s coercive censorship efforts in “one of the most important free speech cases” to reach the high court in years. “Their communications with Facebook were virtual demands,” he wrote, [Snip] In his dissent, Alito, who was joined by Justices Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas, argued that the majority’s decision “permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear, and think.”
“The West has committed the greatest
self-immolation in human history”
6 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/26/2024 12:18:28 AM Post Reply
Gad Saad is someone to whom I need to pay more careful attention--his insights into the self-inflicted collapse of the West are frank and brutally honest. [Snip] “When the leaders hate their civilization more than their enemies do, the civilization is doomed. Never before has history witnessed such a gargantuan self-inflicted death of a civilization that was an existential light in an otherwise world of historical darkness.” [Snip] “From a young age, more American students are fed anti-Western material funded and distributed by a constellation of dark money, left-wing groups, foreign governments, and even from our own government.”
Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Freedom
for All endorse U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown
for reelection
12 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/25/2024 9:52:48 PM Post Reply
Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Reproductive Freedom for All announced Tuesday they have endorsed U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Cleveland, for reelection in November. [Snip] Both organizations cited Brown's "steadfast commitment to protecting abortion rights," according to the Brown campaign. Brown "stands with the majority of Ohioans who believe women’s health care decisions should be between them and their doctors," while his challenger, Republican candidate Bernie Moreno, "supports overturning the will of Ohioans with a national abortion ban and has said he's '100% pro-life with no exceptions,'" according to the Brown campaign.
Shigella Spreading Fast in San Jose, CA,
Homeless Encampments
7 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/23/2024 5:57:56 PM Post Reply
Leslie! We need you! The highly contagious bacteria Shigella has broken out in homeless encampments in San Jose, CA. It’s so contagious that communities have a hard time containing it. The bug infects people when they “come in contact with and swallow small amounts of bacteria from the stool of a person who is infected with shigella.” [Snip] The health department added more portable toilets with handwashing stations and fresh water. One homeless woman said city officials have only given them Lysol wipes. Most people recover on their own, but it’s not rare for people in vulnerable communities to need antibiotics.
Get Ready for the Islamist Summer In American
Cities, Fed By A Sense of Impunity From Consequences
8 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/23/2024 12:14:26 AM Post Reply
Anti-Israel protesters have been unhinged and dangerous forever, but particularly since October 7. We have documented here dozens of times the intimidation tactics, including particularly on campuses. [Snip] Anti-Israel activists, particularly in big cities, are getting more aggressive by the day, as they realize the majority of Americans are not with them, [Snip] Islamism seems to have taken control of the movement. Islamist figures are now openly glorified in the protests. [Snip] The increasingly dominant glorification and worship of Islamist movements and leaders, combined with ability to act with impunity, is a bad omen for this summer.
EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Viganò confirms
he has not and will not attend Vatican
‘schism’ trial
9 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/22/2024 12:03:02 AM Post Reply
The reports spread by certain media outlets, stating that I presented myself yesterday, Thursday, June 20, at the Palace of the Holy Office, as intimated to me by the Decree of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, is devoid of any foundation. These reports are completely false. [Snip] I therefore wish to make it clear that I did not go to the Vatican yesterday [June 20], and that I have no intention of going to the Holy Office on June 28,... I have no intention of submitting myself to a show trial...
Archbishop Viganò faces off with the Pope 15 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/21/2024 2:10:27 PM Post Reply
As some Catholics know, Archbishop Viganò is a hero in the eyes of many who do not enjoy the spectacle of Pope Francis’ continual and seemingly ongoing reversal of Catholic teaching and law. The hyperpolitical, leftist Pope has been, by his own words, engaged in irreversibly (he hopes) and increasingly modifying (according to his own predilections) the Catholic Church since he took papal office. Sound like anybody you know? Viganò has been consistently faithful to Canon Law and to the established teachings of the Church, [Snip] Actually, if there has been, or might be, any schism, it could sooner be laid at the door of Pope Francis himself.
Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò
with schism for ‘denial of the legitimacy
of Pope Francis’
26 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/20/2024 11:46:24 PM Post Reply
The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has instigated an “extrajudicial penal trial” against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, accusing the prelate of “the crime of schism.” [Snip] In response, Viganò defended himself stating: In the face of the Dicastery’s accusations, I claim, as Successor of the Apostles, to be in full communion with the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, with the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiffs, and with the uninterrupted doctrinal, moral, and liturgical Tradition which they have faithfully preserved. [Snip]...Viganò asked Catholics to “pray that the Lord will come to the aid of His Church and...
The legal assaults against Trump must end 15 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/7/2024 1:05:05 AM Post Reply
If Donald J. Trump survives his current judicial gauntlet and emerges as President again in 2025, he must work to re-establish the rule of law and the constitutional enforcement of it. [Snip] When the Constitution was adopted, several of its supporters felt there were not enough safeguards to protect citizens from the government. They insisted on a Bill of Rights which enumerated the liberties of the citizens and limited the reach of the government. Consider these restrictions on government abuse of citizens as you watch the legal system attempt to destroy Mr. Trump.
Trump Guilty Verdict: “There are some
serious constitutional problems with this case”
8 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/4/2024 11:40:05 PM Post Reply
Twitter (X) law is like the broken clock that is right twice a day. I saw multiple people tweeting that a video released by Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld was a must watch on the basics and potential constitutional problems of the Trump ‘hush money’ trial guilty verdict. They were right. I know nothing about Rubenfeld, but he doesn’t come across as partisan on either side. And a lot of his arguments are consistent with the arguments we made in our Telegraph Op-Ed (though he makes them better, but in fairness, we were under a 650 word limit).
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We just witnessed the end of Joe Biden’s presidency 42 replies
Posted by Imright 6/28/2024 12:58:49 AM Post Reply
Millions just witnessed the end of a presidency live on television. Joe Biden’s performance during the debate was embarrassing. Whenever CNN put him up on the split screen, he had a thousand-yard stare. He didn’t look old. He looked ancient. He looked empty. But at least he wasn’t speaking. Because when it was his time to answer, Biden was incoherent. He said he “beat Medicaid.” (Photo) Asked about abortion, he randomly started talking about migrant crime. “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence,” former President Trump noted at one point, “and I don’t think he knows what he said either.” At one point Biden just froze.
Gavin Newsom: Biden Won the Debate on ‘Substance’ 37 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/28/2024 9:38:02 AM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) told reporters in the spin room Thursday night in Atlanta after the first presidential debate of the 2024 general election on CNN that President Biden won the debate on the “substance.” Newsom and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) were sent into a phalanx of reporters as the Biden campaign’s surrogates with a seemingly impossible mission: spin a debate that even MSNBC thought Biden lost as a win for the incumbent. “To me, that was daylight and darkness … I care about substance,” Newsom said. “This is not about style … Biden not only asserted himself, he reminded people of his accomplishments and his vision for the future.”
Bill Clinton Defends Biden After Debate
Performance: ‘Given Us 3 Years of Solid Leadership’
35 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/29/2024 1:00:44 AM Post Reply
Former President Bill Clinton defended President Joe Biden after his performance at the presidential debate on Thursday night against former President Donald Trump. In a post on X, Clinton highlighted how Biden had “given us 3 years of solid leadership,” and created a “record number of new jobs,” and was “making real progress solving the climate crisis,” among other things. “I’ll leave the debate rating to the pundits, but here’s what I know: fact and history matter,” Clinton wrote. “Joe Biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership, steadying us after the pandemic, creating a record number of new jobs, making real progress solving the climate crisis,
Biden seeks to tame Democrat panic at
post-debate rally
33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/28/2024 3:44:55 PM Post Reply
President Biden sought to tamp down the panic among some Democrats on Friday over his ability to lead the party heading into November following a calamitous debate performance a night earlier, delivering a more energized speech in North Carolina in which he acknowledged some of his shortcomings. “Folks, I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to,” Biden said at a campaign rally in Raleigh. “But I know what I do know,” he continued. “I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong.
Biden Campaign Co-Chair on if Biden Is
Like What We Saw in Debate: ‘His Cognitive
Capabilities Are as Good as Ever’
26 replies
Posted by Imright 6/29/2024 7:28:17 AM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) dodged on if President Joe Biden is like the person we saw on the debate stage on Thursday, but stated that “he is sharp and engaged, his cognitive capabilities are as good as ever.” Host Wolf Blitzer asked, “Senator, you mentioned Vice President Kamala Harris, she, repeatedly, last night, dodged Anderson Cooper’s questions about whether the Biden we saw in the debate is who he is every day. What’s your answer to that? Because you know him well.”
Report: Biden Will Participate in Second
Debate in September
26 replies
Posted by Imright 6/28/2024 12:17:33 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden, who reportedly will not drop out of the 2024 presidential race, will participate in the second debate in September, a Biden adviser told CNN Friday. ABC News’ David Muir and Linsey Davis will serve as moderators for the September 10 debate. More details of the event, including rules, location, staging, and format, are not yet decided, according to ABC News. Pressure is mounting on Biden to step down as many Democrats and media members display hysteria following a disastrous Thursday debate.
ABC Throws Joe Life Preserver: He Wasn’t
Great, But Trump Was Worse!
25 replies
Posted by Imright 6/28/2024 7:45:05 PM Post Reply
On Friday morning after the presidential debate, ABC’s Good Morning America claimed that former President Donald Trump made more mistakes than President Joe Biden. One of the biggest focuses in this debate was if Biden was mentally fit to serve another four years; however, he was not able to meet this hope Thursday night. Co-host and former Clinton official George Stephanopoulos admitted that “from the start, Joe Biden struggled to answer questions”, but unsurprisingly added that “Trump launched a series of lies and misleading attacks.”
Yes, Democrats Can Replace Biden - With
Newsom or Anyone They Want. Here's How.
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/28/2024 1:24:56 AM Post Reply
In the lead-up to Thursday night's debate, the conventional wisdom was that Biden had to convince everyone - party bosses and influential pundits especially - that he wasn't too old and addled to be the Democrat nominee again. Biden more than bombed, and there are essentially unanimous calls among Democrats for the party to replace him as the nominee. The undeniable star of the CNN spin room has been California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who's in Atlanta as a Biden surrogate and who's now looking mighty attractive to Democrats as a replacement. He's young (ish), handsome (ish), has better poll numbers than Kamala Harris,
Whoopi Goldberg to ‘Every Republican’:
Stop Referring to Trump as the President
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/28/2024 12:11:58 AM Post Reply
Whoopi Goldberg told her co-hosts Thursday on ABC’s “The View” that “every Republican” needs to stop referring to former President Donald Trump as “the president.” “Can I say something that’s been bothering me? It’s been bothering me and bothering me!” Whoopi Goldberg said. “I would like every Republican out there to stop referring to this man as the president. He is not the president. He is the former president. And nobody can see the future, and same with the donors. You cannot buy the presidency. You can put in as much money as you want to but it’s not for sale so stop
Jill Biden Draws Backlash After Joe Biden
Debate Fiasco: 'Monster'
24 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 6/29/2024 9:08:35 AM Post Reply
First lady Jill Biden drew backlash from conservatives on social media after President Joe Biden's presidential debate fiasco on Thursday evening, with one X, formerly Twitter, account calling her a "monster." During CNN's debate in Atlanta last night, Biden answered the moderators' questions with what his administration has currently accomplished and hopes to accomplish in another four years if he's reelected in November. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump deflected many answers and had little to say about the exact policies he would enact as president. However, the biggest takeaway from the debate was the dismal job Biden did at answering
Everyone Knows Now 23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/29/2024 8:20:58 AM Post Reply
Everyone, even CNN, knows that Joe Biden is completely lost. If anyone doubted that, the Thursday debate proved the point. And by completely lost, I mean that he could not maintain focus when asked questions, could not figure out how to look into the camera, and said many things that, frankly, made no sense. I flipped on CNN for kicks and giggles (and no small amount of schadenfreude) and was shocked by what I saw because, as we know, Democrats usually back their guy to the end—"to the pain," as one "Princess Bride" character famously quipped. Instead, I witnessed weeping and gnashing of teeth—and an execution squad.
Top Hollywood Donors Issue Democrats Ultimatum
After Biden Debate: ‘If He Doesn’t
Drop Out, We’re Not Giving Any More Money’
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/29/2024 1:02:40 AM Post Reply
Several major Hollywood donors for President Joe Biden have been sent into panic mode after President Joe Biden’s poor performance at Thursday night’s presidential debate. Anonymous Hollywood donors told Variety that they had received messages and feedback from donors in the media and entertainment industry who were panicked by what they saw from Biden during the debate. Donors reportedly called for Biden to “drop out” or they would not be “giving any more money” to the Democrat Party. During the presidential debate, Biden appeared to freeze. Biden also spoke with a hoarse voice and mumbled. The president was also unable to get through his closing statement without making a lot of errors.
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