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Posts on Thursday, February 8, 2024

GOP Rep. Tenney calls to invoke 25th Amendment
to remove Biden from office after 'alarming'
Hur report
Posted by Moritz55 2/8/2024 11:54:29 PM Post Reply
Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney is calling for the Cabinet to "explore" the use of the Constitution’s 25th Amendment to remove President Biden from office, following Special Counsel Robert Hur’s "alarming" report. Hur did not recommend criminal charges against the president for mishandling classified documents. Those records included classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, among other records related to national security and foreign policy which Hur said implicated "sensitive intelligence sources and methods."
Biden ‘willfully’ kept classified
materials, had ‘poor memory’: Special counsel
Posted by earlybird 2/8/2024 10:54:54 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency,” Department of Justice special counsel said in a report released Thursday. But special counsel Robert Hur also said that he would not criminally prosecute Biden for his handling of that material. The FBI found classified documents, which by law should have been given back to the U.S. government when Biden ended his second term as vice president in January 2017, in the garage, office, and basement den of his Wilmington, Delaware, home, Hur’s report said.
Watch Now: Tucker Carlson’s Exclusive
Interview with Vladimir Putin — Ukraine
War, NATO, Bill Clinton, Elon Musk, Nord
Stream Pipeline, and More
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 10:22:53 PM Post Reply
As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this week, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson was spotted in Moscow, amidst swirling speculation that he was in Russia to interview President Vladimir Putin. Later, Tucker himself has confirmed the interview is happening and is explaining why he decided to go forward. Tucker acknowledged the risks of meeting with such a high-profile leader. But he listed a few reasons why he decided to carry forward. Tucker revealed the first purpose for conducting the interview is because it is the sworn duty of the press to inform the public.
Trump Jr. Responds to Hur Report With
the Perfect Question Most Americans Are Asking
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 10:18:05 PM Post Reply
The Hur report dropped like a bomb on Thursday, and it may have just done in Biden's 2024 re-election campaign. When the news came earlier in the week that the Biden team was worried about the report, you had to know it would be bad--and it is. It's worse than I expected in some of its details. By the way, was the Biden team given a tip-off on what was going to be in the report ahead of time? Because it sure sounds like it, based on that report. The reactions to it are ripping up the internet, particularly the comments in the report that deal with
Victory in the Virgin Islands for Donald
Trump As He Wins GOP Primary There
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 10:14:35 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump keeps racking up the primary wins in his 2024 bid to return to the White House. He notched yet another one Thursday evening as he was declared the winner of the Virgin Islands primary, adding nine delegates to his collection. Trump won a resounding share of the vote in the contest, winning 74 percent of the vote to former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley's 26 percent. VI was the first Republican primary to employ Ranked Choice Voting. A full report and analysis of the results can be found here. (FairVote bills itself as "a nonpartisan organization seeking better elections for all.
Defiant Biden mixes up the presidents
of Egypt and Mexico in furious response
to Special Counsel Robert Hur's bombshell
report targeting his 'hazy' memory, proclaiming
'I know what the hell I'm doing!'
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 10:11:56 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden angrily addressed the nation on Thursday night telling Americans 'I know what the hell I am doing!' and insisting that 'my memory is fine.' However, moments later he committed another startling gaffe, referring to the Egyptian leader as the President of Mexico. Biden's furious tirade from the White House came after a report into his handling of classified documents was released by the Justice Department. The 388-page report by Special Counsel Robert Hur confirmed he would not be charged for keeping classified documents in his garage. But it said that was because a jury would probably conclude he had 'diminished faculties'
At Democratic retreat, House members worry
border concerns will overshadow abortion
in 2024
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 10:10:50 PM Post Reply
LEESBURG, Va. — With the Senate asylum and border deal firmly in the grave, some House Democrats say they are worried border security could overshadow reproductive rights as the key campaign issue in the 2024 elections. Their fears are especially focused on suburban swing districts in blue states where abortion rights are already protected and a fight over the border may hurt Democrats in seats that could determine which party controls the majority next year. “I’m concerned that in blue states where reproductive rights are already protected, does the border become more salient than the threat to reproductive rights near metropolitan areas?” one moderate
Angry Joe Biden Attacks Special Counsel
in Evening White House Rant: ‘How the
Hell Dare He!’
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 10:09:00 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden angrily attacked Special Counsel Robert Hur during his press conference on Thursday for mentioning in a recent report that the president had trouble remembering when his son Beau died. (Video) As Breitbart News reported, Robert Hur said in his report that the president has suffered from cognitive decline, which has affected his memory. Hur even used this as a basis to recommend that he not be prosecuted for “willfully” retaining classified documents. Per the report: The report says the investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after
‘A nightmare’: Special counsel’s
assessment of Biden’s mental fitness
triggers Democratic panic
Posted by earlybird 2/8/2024 9:44:53 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden sidestepped any criminal charges as the investigation into his handling of classified documents concluded, but the political blowback from the special counsel’s report Thursday could prove even more devastating, reinforcing impressions that he is too old and impaired to hold the highest office. Special counsel Robert Hur’s portrait of a man who couldn’t remember when he served as Barack Obama’s vice president, or the year when his beloved son Beau died, dealt a blow to Biden’s argument that he is still sharp and fit enough to serve another four-year term.
Vladimir Putin meets Tucker Carlson for
rare interview with western media
Posted by FormerDem 2/8/2024 9:16:04 PM Post Reply
Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin were in the spotlight on Thursday night, as the divisive, Trump-supporting rightwing commentator interviewed the reclusive Russian autocrat. The interview, filmed in Moscow, was Putin’s first with a western media outlet since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. [snip] Carlson’s trip to Moscow had been widely criticised ahead of the interview. But the opening of the two-hour conversation between the former Fox News host and Putin was a let down.
Biden angrily pushes back at special counsel’s
report that questioned his memory, handling
of docs
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 9:14:25 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — A special counsel report released Thursday found evidence that President Joe Biden willfully retained and shared highly classified information when he was a private citizen, including about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, but concluded that criminal charges were not warranted. The report from special counsel Robert Hur resolves a criminal investigation that had shadowed Biden’s presidency for the last year. But its bitingly critical assessment of his handling of sensitive government records and unflattering characterizations of his memory will spark fresh questions about his competency and age that cut at voters’ most deep-seated concerns
Trump Blasts Decision to Not Charge Biden
in Classified Docs Case, Demands DOJ Drop
Cases Against Him
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 8:26:30 PM Post Reply
Special Counsel Special Counsel Robert Hur dropped the news Thursday that he does not intend to prosecute Joe Biden over the piles of classified documents dating back to his days as a senator that the now-president left strewn around his garage, inside the Penn Biden Center, and who knows where else. The conclusion was basically, Biden’s brain is too far compromised, he might not have meant to do it, so we’re letting him off. This is in marked contrast to the DOJ’s treatment of former President Donald Trump, who had his home raided and now faces 37 charges by Special Counsel Jack Smith in his own classified docs case.
Colorado Lawyer Flails As Clarence Thomas
Calmly Destroys His Trump Disqualification Argument
Posted by earlybird 2/8/2024 8:09:16 PM Post Reply
By merely asking for examples, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas calmly destroyed respondents’ argument for disqualifying former President Donald Trump from Colorado’s 2024 presidential primary ballot. The moment came on Thursday morning, during oral arguments on Trump’s appeal to overturn the Colorado Supreme Court’s Dec. 19 decision to keep him off the Centennial State’s 2024 primary ballot. Colorado’s highest court claimed in its ruling that the former president can be “disqualified” from holding office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,
Steyn, Simberg Found Liable in Mann Suit replies
Posted by plomke 2/8/2024 7:49:28 PM Post Reply
The DC Circuit Court has ruled: Commentator Mark Steyn and space blogger and sometime PJ contributor Rand Simberg, after 13 years of legal maneuvering funded by a dark money group...are indeed liable for defaming Michael Mann by reporting on the way he was lying about being a Nobel laureate, engaging in a concerted effort to defame other climate scientists — including accusing Judith Curry of sleeping her way to the top, using statistical methods to generate the results he wanted (research malpractice for mere mortals).
Michael Mann Wins $1 Million Verdict In
Defamation Trial
Posted by plomke 2/8/2024 7:37:52 PM Post Reply
In a victory for climate scientists, jurors in Michael Mann’s defamation case against Rand Simberg and Mark Steyn awarded Mann $1 million in punitive damages for defamatory comments made in 2012. In a unanimous decision, jurors agreed that both Simberg and Steyn defamed Mann in blog posts that compared Mann to convicted sex offender Jerry Sandusky, former assistant coach of football at Penn State University. They announced that Simberg will pay $1,000 in punitive damages and Steyn will pay the larger $1 million. The trial, however, has proven to be about much more than defamation — the entire field and validity of climate science has been on trial.
Biden's memory is 'hazy' and 'poor,' says
a special counsel's report raising questions
about his age
Posted by EQKimball 2/8/2024 7:35:47 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON -- The longstanding concerns about President Joe Biden's age and memory intensified on Thursday after the release of a special counsel's report investigating his possession of classified documents. The report described the 81-year-old Democrat's memory as “hazy,” “fuzzy,” “faulty,” “poor" and having “significant limitations.” It noted that Biden could not recall defining milestones in his own life.
The Reality Behind Biden's 'Aggressive'
Travel Schedule
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 7:09:02 PM Post Reply
As it becomes more and more evident that President Joe Biden is undergoing significant cognitive decline, his staff has been working to find ways to combat that narrative. The latest person charged with the unenviable task of pushing that sort of message is Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates. This week he told Politico that Biden is obviously still at the top of his game and as evidence pointed to the President's "aggressive" travel schedule. He even attempted to claim that Biden's travel schedule exceeds that of Donald Trump. The Washington Free Beacon decided to do some fact-checking of this astonishing claim and the results
The Biden administration is considering
executive action to deter illegal migration
at the southern border
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 7:06:10 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration is considering taking executive action to deter illegal migration across the southern border, according to two U.S. officials. As passing legislation on border security in Congress appears unlikely, the plans under consideration signal that the White House wants to take action before numbers at the border, which have dropped in the past month, rise again as expected. The plans have been under consideration for months, the officials said. In December, as Congress prepared to leave town for the holidays with no border solution, illegal crossings of the southwest border hit records at more than 10,000 per day.
'They Just Want to Feel Safe' - El Salvador
Chooses Bukele in a Landslide
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 7:01:53 PM Post Reply
The single hardline revolutionary of Palestinian descent the Biden administration loved to hate and did their darnedest to shove out of power - something totally against their usual inclination to coddle and indulge authoritarian strongmen - has bested their every machination and emerged victorious. Two years ago, Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador, was putting Joe Biden and his diplomatic crew on notice that he wasn't the guy they thought he was. El Salvador might well be poverty-stricken and crime-ridden, but he was going to clean it up his way. If that ruffled feathers and offended US sensibilities, well, that was just too bad for the US.
Progressive New York Times Staffers Turn
on Coworkers over Trans-Skeptical Coverage:
‘Hostile Work Environment’
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 6:43:12 PM Post Reply
Progressive New York Times staffers are once again up in arms over the paper’s coverage of the trans issue, this time taking issue with the decision to publish an op-ed that advances a skeptical view of medicalizing children who believe they are transgender. The backlash began on the Times internal chat last week in response to an op-ed by opinion columnist Pamela Paul entitled, “As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do.” “I wish the leadership of this company could understand that the more ‘perspectives’ we publish that basically amount to ‘there should be fewer trans people in society’ absolutely contributes to a hostile work environment
Trump finds unlikely ally on 14th Amendment
disqualification in Ketanji Brown Jackson
Posted by NorthernDog 2/8/2024 6:10:01 PM Post Reply
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson emerged as an unlikely ally of former President Trump on Thursday when the Supreme Court heard arguments over an effort to block Trump from Colorado’s Republican primary ballot via the 14th Amendment’s Insurrection Clause. Jackson, a liberal justice and the most junior on the high court’s bench, seemed sympathetic to one of the offramps that would keep the former president on the ballot, as proposed by some of Trump’s backers and hinted at by Trump’s own lawyer. The Civil War-era provision was originally designed to prevent ex-Confederates from returning to power, and Jackson, the first Black
'View' host Sunny Hostin stunned to learn
her ancestor was a slaveholder: 'That's disappointing'
Posted by Beardo 2/8/2024 6:03:27 PM Post Reply
"The View" host Sunny Hostin was shocked to discover her family's hidden history in a new episode of the PBS documentary show "Finding Your Roots." The documentary show researches prominent figures' family histories through historical records and DNA testing. On Tuesday's episode, show host Henry Louis Gates Jr. revealed one of Hostin's ancestors on her maternal side was likely involved in the slave trade in colonial Spain. Her third great-grandfather also "owned at least one human being," he said. Hostin, whose mother is Puerto Rican and father is Black, confessed the revelation left her "in shock."
Pediatricians Group Says Research Doesn’t
Support ‘Gender Affirming’ Treatments
Posted by Beardo 2/8/2024 5:43:33 PM Post Reply
A review of 60 studies of the mental health of transgender-identifying youth found that “there is no long-term evidence that current ‘gender affirming’ medication and surgical protocols benefit their mental well-being,” according to a group representing pediatricians. The American College of Pediatricians issued a position statement on Wednesday opposing the gender transitioning of youth based on the literature review. It comes just after a watchdog group filed a scientific integrity complaint against Department of Health and Human Services official Rachel Levine for claiming that “there is no argument among medical professionals regarding “the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.”
Just In: Senate Advances $95B Foreign
Aid Bill for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and
Taiwan, Omitting Border Security Provisions
— Here are the 17 GOP Senators Who Voted
with Democrats
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 5:38:16 PM Post Reply
America last! The U.S. Senate has cast a contentious vote, advancing a massive $95 billion foreign aid package that supports Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and Taiwan, but notably omits any provisions for bolstering U.S. border infrastructure. In a 67-32 cloture vote, the Senate crossed party lines, with several RINO senators joining Democrats to move the foreign aid bill forward. Republicans who joined Democrats in voting in favor include: Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Bill Cassidy (R-LA) Roger Wicker (R-MS) Todd Young (R-IN) Susan Collins (R-ME) Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) John Kennedy (R-LA) John Thune (R-SD) Dan Sullivan (R-AK) Mitt Romney (R-UT) Joni Ernst (R-IA) Mike Rounds (R-SD) Thom Tillis (R-NC) John Cornyn (R-TX) Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Jerry Moran (R-KS)
Hawaii court says 'spirit of Aloha' supersedes
Constitution, Second Amendment
Posted by JoElla Bee 2/8/2024 5:37:34 PM Post Reply
Hawaii's highest court ruled Wednesday that Second Amendment rights as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court do not extend to Hawaii citizens, citing the "spirit of Aloha." In the ruling, which was penned by Hawaii Supreme Court Justice Todd Eddins, the court determined that states "retain the authority to require" individuals to hold proper permits before carrying firearms in public. The decision also concluded that the Hawaii Constitution broadly "does not afford a right to carry firearms in public places for self defense," further pointing to the "spirit of Aloha" and even quoting HBO's TV drama "The Wire."
Sen. Kennedy Just Levels Janet Yellen
on Bidenomics and High Prices
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 5:21:50 PM Post Reply
Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) has a genteel way when he starts questioning people. He welcomes them, thanks them for coming, praises some aspect of what they've done. Then he proceeds to just rip them to shreds. In a nice way. It's always enjoyable to watch. He did it again when he was questioning Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen about Bidenomics on Thursday. This is pretty good. (X Video) "You're a good sport to go out every day and try to defend Bidenomics. It's like trying to defend a fungal infection. Bidenomics is really just paying more to live worse, isn't it?" Kennedy quipped.
Democrat Lawyer Admits At Supreme Court
That Only One Party Can Be Allowed To
Rig Elections
Posted by JoElla Bee 2/8/2024 5:19:23 PM Post Reply
There was never a purer demonstration of how traitorous Democrats are about “defending democracy,” or whatever corny phrase they like to use, than what just happened at the Supreme Court. At the very end of oral arguments in the Colorado case determining whether the state had the right to remove former President Donald Trump’s name from the 2024 ballot, Justice Samuel Alito asked the state’s solicitor general, Shannon Stevenson, what’s going to happen if other states “retaliate” by, say, removing Joe Biden from theirs. Elected officials in at least six states have suggested it as a course of action.
Read the Biden classified documents report
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 5:16:40 PM Post Reply
The Department of Justice called President Joe Biden an 'elderly man' with 'significant' memory issues in their damning report of his mishandling of classified documents. The findings released by Special Counsel Robert Hur revealed a tranche of new photos showing boxes of sensitive files scattered around the garage of his Delaware home and interviews saying he had 'diminished faculties' back in 2017. They included folders on the troop surge in Afghanistan that were dumped next to a dog bed and dog crate.
Biden won't be charged in classified docs
case; special counsel cites instances
of 'poor memory'
Posted by Hazymac 2/8/2024 5:09:07 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Special counsel Robert Hur has declined to prosecute President Joe Biden for his handling of classified documents, but said Biden’s practices “present serious risks to national security” and added that Biden portrayed himself as an “elderly man with a poor memory” who would be sympathetic to a jury. “Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” the report said, but added that the evidence “does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.” Biden said Thursday he was “pleased to see they reached
Karine Jean-Pierre claims Biden 'misspeaks'
when he says he met dead people: Insists
Joe, 81, never confuses names and his
mental state isn't in decline - after
claiming TWICE in a week he saw deceased
global leaders
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 5:07:37 PM Post Reply
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre adopted the 'everybody does it defense' as she was asked to explain President Biden's latest gaffe of mixing up world leaders during a speech. Jean-Pierre got pressed repeatedly on the latest flub, since this one involved name-dropping a long-deceased world leader for the second time within days while retelling a story dating to 2021. 'As it relates to the names and what he was trying to say, many people, elected officials – many people they can misspeak sometimes,' she said.
WATCH: IL Democrat Mayor Snaps at Officials
for ‘Attacking Black Woman in Power’
When Questioned on Spending
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/8/2024 4:37:17 PM Post Reply
Mayor Tiffany Henyard (D) of Dolton, Illinois, got heated with officials Monday when they questioned her on issues that have brought a wave of criticism. Fox News reported Thursday that she was pelted with questions about her controversial spending habits and transparency. [Video] Video footage shows the meeting with Henyard speaking to fellow officials. She said, “Y’all should be ashamed of y’all selves. Y’all black. Y’all are black. And y’all sitting up here beating and attacking on a black woman that’s in power. You should be ashamed of y’all selves.” “Y’all forget I am the leader. They want to hear from the mayor.
Joe Biden Deploys Senior Aides to Meet
with Michigan’s Arab Leaders as Israel-Hamas
War Fractures Left
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 4:34:10 PM Post Reply
Senior officials in the Biden administration are being deployed “to Michigan on Thursday to meet with Arab-American and Muslim leaders” in the swing state as the war between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas continues to splinter the left, according to the Associated Press. The visit also comes as President Joe Biden is vulnerable in the Wolverine State and trails former President Donald Trump in several Michigan polls published in recent months. The Associated Press was the first to report on Thursday’s impending meeting, citing three sources familiar with the plans. At the gathering, Biden aides will be met with a hard push by some to call for a cease-fire
Stephen A. Smith grapples with reality
in MAGA meltdown: ‘Who’s to say Black
people would be wrong to vote Trump?
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 4:13:28 PM Post Reply
Sports radio host Stephen A. Smith had a full-fledged MAGA meltdown warning that former President Trump was going to get reelected because of Biden’s policies and there would be a civil war if it happened. “I see homeless folks in the streets of New York all the time that are American citizens. I damn sure see them in California. We’ve got poor, impoverished, starving people who were born and raised in this nation. How in the hell do we come up with a 52… 53 million-dollar pilot program for illegals but folks who are here legally, or born here, we don’t have enough for them?” Smith began in his radio segment.
Scalise Expects Return Next Week, Could
Break Mayorkas Impeachment Standoff
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 4:06:44 PM Post Reply
The office of Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) announced on Thursday that the lawmaker’s battle against blood cancer is going well and he plans to return to Capitol Hill next week, potentially giving House Republicans the key vote they need to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a second try. Scalise has been out of Washington and working remotely for several weeks to undergo a stem cell transplant and then recover from the treatment. His absence has effectively made a slim GOP majority in the House even narrower. But even with Scalise expected to make a comeback, the margin is poised to change again with a special election
Breaking News: Biden's own DOJ says he
is an 'elderly man with a poor memory':
Damning classified documents probe reveals
he forgot when his son Beau died or when
he was vice president and left Afghanistan
files next to a dog bed in his garage
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 3:58:52 PM Post Reply
The Department of Justice released its long-awaited investigation into President Joe Biden's mishandling of classified documents Thursday, delivering a damning assessment that he was an 'elderly man with a poor memory.' Although the report did not recommend bringing charges against the 81-year-old , it provides a cascade of damaging findings about files found in Biden's garage as well as the president's fitness for office. In interviews with investigators, Biden became muddled about the dates he was vice president and could not even remember the year in which his son Beau died.
Breaking: Obama Judge Denies Dr. Peter
Navarro’s Request to Stay Out of Prison
Pending Appeal
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 3:56:38 PM Post Reply
Please consider contributing to Peter Navarro’s GiveSendGo to help with his legal defense fund. A federal judge on Thursday denied former Trump aide Dr. Peter Navarro’s request to stay out of prison pending a decision from the appellate court. US District Judge Amit Mehta said Peter Navarro must report to prison pending his appeal unless the DC Circuit Court of Appeals blocks his order. “Defendant’s cynical, self-serving claim of political bias poses no question at all, let alone a ‘substantial’ one,” Mehta wrote in Thursday’s order, according to The AP.
Trump Optimistic After Supreme Court Ballot Hearing replies
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 3:53:45 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump was optimistic Thursday after the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments over his eligibility for the 2024 presidential ballot. More than a month after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution disqualifies Trump from appearing on the ballot, the high court is taking the first steps toward an ultimate decision. Trump on Thursday called it a “very beautiful process ” when he spoke from his Mar-A-Lago home in Florida after the hearing.“I listened today and I thought our arguments were very strong,” Trump said. “I hope that democracy in this country will continue, because right now we have a very
Troy University Proves You Don’t Need
DEI to Achieve Campus Diversity
Posted by RockyTCB 2/8/2024 3:16:15 PM Post Reply
Recently, the legislature in my home state of Alabama told public four-year colleges to report how much they spend on “diversity, equity and inclusion.” The amount: $16.2 million. Are taxpayers getting anything for this money? DEI advocates say it’s a good investment. Paulette Granberry Russell, the president of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education, says that anti-DEI legislation ultimately would prevent historically marginalized students from fully engaging in higher education. But is that true? To find out, I looked at spending on DEI programs at prominent colleges and enrollment of black students at those schools.
American Billionaires Bankrolled Activist
Crusade Against Natural Gas Hubs Before
Biden Signed Off On Approval Pause
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 3:05:31 PM Post Reply
American billionaires bankrolled an activist campaign targeting liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals that influenced the White House’s decision to pause new and pending approvals for the projects, according to The Wall Street Journal. The philanthropic organizations of the Rockefeller family and Democratic megadonor Michael Bloomberg cumulatively provided millions of dollars to activists who pressured Biden administration officials to crack down on LNG export hubs over the past several years, according to the WSJ. The activists ultimately got their way on Jan. 26, when the White House announced that the administration would pause new project approvals as the Department of Energy (DOE) widens the scope
Maui ‘ground zero’ for release of
billions of biopesticide lab-altered mosquitoes
Posted by Harlowe 2/8/2024 2:59:27 PM Post Reply
Up to 775,992,000 bacteria-infected mosquitoes could be released in Maui every week for the next 20 years, according to Hawaii Unites, an environmental advocacy group that last month lost its bid to require the state to conduct an environmental impact statement before allowing the controversial project to proceed.[Snip]According to Lia, the U.S. Department of the Interior provided more than $30 million for the avian malaria phase of the state’s plan. The project also has secured more than $14 million from the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act enacted in 2021 and an additional $16 million through President Joe Biden’s 2023
Over $3 BILLION flowed from US venture
capital firms to China to aid military
and spy capabilities: Lawmakers reveal
how American dollars are 'subsidizing'
the CCP's 'malign' efforts in bombshell report
Posted by OhioNick 2/8/2024 2:47:11 PM Post Reply
Top lawmakers put out a bombshell report Thursday revealing how billions of American dollars are flowing into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party - and being used to support their military and genocidal efforts. The report states that U.S. venture capitalist companies have helped 'build and strengthen' China's authoritarian regime through a variety of methods. According to the House China Select Committee, over $3 billion was invested into Chinese artificial intelligence and semiconductor companies by five top U.S. venture capitalist firms between 2001 and 2023. The committee launched an investigation last summer into the finances of five companies: Sequoia Capital, Qualcomm Ventures, Walden International, GSR Ventures and GGV Capital.
Gaetz says McCarthy would be 'terrific'
RNC chair after ousting him as Speaker:
‘Matt sure knows how to troll’
Posted by Moritz55 2/8/2024 2:46:16 PM Post Reply
Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. — in a twist some colleagues wondered was a joke — said Wednesday that he endorses former Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., as Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair. Gaetz, who spearheaded McCarthy's ouster from the House speaker position last October, backed McCarthy as a potential replacement for RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel amid reports she will step down. "I fully endorse Kevin McCarthy for RNC Chair. Kevin is well organized and a very high-revenue fundraiser. He will also be well-liked by the RNC Committee. The RNC Chair doesn’t make any policy decisions, set any agenda, or negotiate against Democrats, ever. Kevin would be terrific," Gaetz wrote on Tuesday.
Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen ducks questions
by Republicans demanding to know why feds
asked banks to scour customer transactions
for 'Trump' or 'MAGA' and purchases at
stores including Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's
after the Capitol riot
Posted by OhioNick 2/8/2024 2:39:52 PM Post Reply
President Biden's Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen dodged multiple questions from Republicans about why her department instructed banks to comb through Americans' bank records after January 6 looking for 'extremists.' Federal investigators in Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) asked U.S. banks to scour customer transactions for key terms like 'MAGA' and 'Trump,' Republicans revealed in January. The federal government was specifically 'watching' Trump supporters and Americans who frequent outdoor stores such as Cabela's, Dick's Sporting Goods and Bass Pro Shops, and also those who purchased religious texts, such as a Bible. The report sparked a flurry of backlash at the Biden administration from Republicans demanding answers about the government's spy tactics.
What’s to Blame for GOP Fundraising Woes replies
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 1:55:37 PM Post Reply
For those confused by the odd paradox of the Democrats out-raising the GOP by a 3:1 margin despite historic unpopularity at the top of their ticket, consider this anecdote from October 2017. Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) resigned from his congressional seat after it was revealed that he had engaged in an extramarital affair. The scandal was compounded by the fact that Rep. Murphy, a staunch defender of the pro-life movement, reportedly encouraged his mistress to get an abortion when they thought she might be pregnant. The real gut-punch of the scandal was the text that Rep. Murphy sent disavowing pro-life messages released from his own campaign.
Watch: ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith Furious
at Biden, Believes Trump ‘On the Verge
of Getting Reelected’
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 1:46:45 PM Post Reply
ESPN sports commentator Stephen A. Smith may be a left-winger, but he does not seem to be on board with the Biden regime’s open-border policies. On his Tuesday podcast, he ripped the millions being spent on illegal aliens while natural-born Americans are left wanting. As Smith wrapped up his show on Feb. 6, he left sports and entertainment behind to address politics in America. And he started his segment by saying that Donald Trump will be reelected as president in November “even if he’s a convicted felon” by that time.
Taylor Swift Sells One of Her Private
Jets Amid Threats to Sue College Student
Who Tracks Her Emissions
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/8/2024 12:42:06 PM Post Reply
Pop star Taylor Swift reportedly sold one of her gas-guzzling private jets for $40 million amid threats to sue a college student who has been tracking her emissions. The “Karma” singer, meanwhile, is keeping her larger plane. Swift sold her Dassault Falcon 900LX on January 30 to the Missouri-based car insurance company Car Shield, according to documents obtained by Daily Mail. The move comes as Swift threatens legal action against a Florida college student who uses publicly available flight data to track her private jet usage. The singer drew criticism over a cease-and-desist letter her lawyers sent to the student.
Based on today’s oral arguments, it
will probably be a decision for Trump
Posted by Big Bopper 2/8/2024 12:37:36 PM Post Reply
As I expected and predicted, the Supreme Court will probably decide the Trump/Colorado case in favor of Trump. I doubt the decision will be unanimous. On the liberal side, Justice Sotomayor was outspoken in her questions to Trump’s lawyer (Jonathan Mitchell who was arguing his sixth Supreme Court case). Justice Kagan’s questions, too, suggest to me that she will come down against Trump.
Same Old Story: Biden Again Talks About
Meeting with Dead European Leaders
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/8/2024 12:34:12 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden told two fundraiser audiences Wednesday he discussed the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot with a European leader who was actually dead at the time, referencing supposed talks with the deceased he has boasted of before. Biden told Democratic donors in New York he spoke about events on Jan. 6 with former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, whose death came nearly half a decade before the supposed conversation, the New York Post reports. The gaffe comes just days after the octogenarian president confused French President Emmanuel Macron with the country’s ex-leader Francois Mitterrand — who died in 1996, as Breitbart News reported.
Another Day, Another Dead Person Biden
Claims to Have Spoken With
Posted by Beardo 2/8/2024 12:28:25 PM Post Reply
On Sunday, Joe Biden claimed that in 2021, he had a conversation with François Mitterrand, who was president of France from 1981 to 1995 and died in 1996. (snip) On Wednesday, Biden told the same story again, this time apparently thinking that he had spoken with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl—who died in 2017. And he made the same mistake twice, at two different events. (snip) No wonder Biden isn't doing the Super Bowl interview.
Supreme Court Justices Express Misgivings
About Upholding Colorado’s Decision
To Keep Donald Trump Off Ballot — Update
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 12:25:49 PM Post Reply
UPDATE: As the Supreme Court heard arguments on whether Donald Trump can be kept off the state ballot, there were signs that the justices have skepticism about such a move. Justice Elena Kagan told Jason Murray, attorney for the group of voters challenging Trump’s eligibility, “Most boldly, I think the question you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the United States.” She suggested that the decision on who is disqualified for insurrection under the 14th Amendment was a federal one. She said that it “seems quite extraordinary” that the decision in one state could have such a sweeping impact. “Ultimately,
Further Thoughts on Projection and the Truth replies
Posted by earlybird 2/8/2024 12:15:30 PM Post Reply
The palm for the funniest post on X, formerly Twitter, this weekend goes to former national security adviser John Bolton. “There are,” he wrote, “clear dangers to a second term for Donald Trump.” Like what, John? “For one, he has made it known he will seek retribution against his political enemies using agencies like the Justice Department. It's certain Trump has plans to repeatedly cross lines that will cause conflict, often constitutional conflict.” Imagine, a president of the United States weaponizing “agencies like the Justice Department” to harass his political opponents! Whoever heard of such a thing?
Special counsel has finished Biden classified
docs probe -- but has rebuffed witness
requests to review report
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 12:08:05 PM Post Reply
Attorney General Merrick Garland has informed the leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees that special counsel Robert Hur has concluded his investigation into classified documents found at residences associated with President Joe Biden. Garland said that Hur had submitted his report to the Justice Department on Monday, and that he remained committed to making "as much of the Special Counsel's report public as possible.” The attorney general told congressional leaders that a White House review of its contents for potential executive privilege had not yet been completed.
What To Expect From The Supreme Court
In Trump’s Fight To Appear On The Colorado Ballot
Posted by earlybird 2/8/2024 11:08:25 AM Post Reply
Experts on a Heritage Foundation panel predicted the U.S. Supreme Court would rule in favor of former President Donald Trump in its Colorado ballot disqualification case, as the court prepares to hear oral arguments Thursday morning. “It would take an absolute complete collapse of Trump’s legal team for him to lose everything. It’s possible, right? But he’d have to lose every single human point,” South Texas College of Law Professor Josh Blackman said. “In order for Trump to lose, he has to lose ‘bigly.’”
Five Missing Marines in California Declared Dead replies
Posted by earlybird 2/8/2024 10:56:48 AM Post Reply
The five Marines who went missing after a helicopter crashed in California have died, the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing announced Thursday. “Five Marines with Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 361, Marine Aircraft Group 16, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing have been confirmed deceased following a CH-53E helicopter crash on Feb. 6, 2024,” the Marine Corps branch said in a statement. “Efforts to recover the remains of the Marines and equipment have begun and an investigation is underway.”
Resettle Gazans to End the Endless War replies
Posted by Judy W. 2/8/2024 10:35:22 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration thinks that a reformed Palestinian Authority (PA) could run a post-war Gaza Strip at peace with Israel, but that ignores several inconvenient facts: 1) The latest poll of Palestinian public opinion shows that the PA is deeply unpopular. 2) The same poll shows that 72% of respondents supported the massacre of October 7. But somehow a new Palestinian state in Gaza would embrace coexisting with Israel? 3) The PA has an abysmal track record of corruption and was too weak to prevent a Hamas-led coup in Gaza, less than two years after Israel’s withdrawal. So why would the PA perform any better this next time?
Five Marines Confirmed Dead in Southern
California Helicopter Crash
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 9:24:18 AM Post Reply
The five Marines who were aboard a helicopter that went down in the mountains outside San Diego Tuesday night have been confirmed dead, the Marines announced Thursday morning. The military helicopter went missing on a flight from Nevada to California and was located by rescuers Wednesday morning. “It is with a heavy heart and profound sadness that I share the loss of five outstanding Marines from 3d Marine Aircraft Wing and the “Flying Tigers” while conducting a training flight last night,” Major General Michael Borgschulte said in a statement. “These pilots and crew members were serving a calling greater than self and were proud to do so.
McConnell’s Leadership in Jeopardy After
Sending Lankford on a ‘Suicide Mission’
in Border Negotiations
Posted by Moritz55 2/8/2024 7:56:27 AM Post Reply
When Senate negotiators unveiled their 370 page supplemental funding bill Sunday night, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer planned to schedule a vote on the legislation Wednesday. How things have changed in less than 72 hours. The bipartisan-negotiated supplemental is dead. It’s dead not because of Senator James Lankford, the head Republican negotiator, but because of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. With the Senate now set to consider a stand-alone supplemental for Ukraine, a country whose border security McConnell values more than his own, one can’t help but wonder if this is what McConnell wanted all along.
Biden talks about meeting with dead European
leaders in his second mix-up this week
Posted by Hazymac 2/8/2024 7:48:03 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Wednesday twice referred to the late German chancellor Helmut Kohl instead of former Chancellor Angela Merkel while detailing a 2021 conversation at campaign events. It was the second time this week that Biden had recalled speaking with a European leader who had died years earlier. Biden's gaffes Wednesday came at a series of fundraisers in New York as he described conversations he said he had with European leaders at a meeting of the Group of Seven industrialized nations in the U.K. in 2021, months after the Jan. 6 riot. Biden said at both events that "Helmut Kohl," who died in 2017, had asked him how he
Supreme Court to weigh whether Trump should
stay on Colorado ballot for 2024 election
- and could even rule if January 6 was
an insurrection when a mob stormed the
Capitol to protest the results
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 3:15:07 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court is set to consider if Donald Trump should be banned from running for president and whether his name can be left off the 2024 ballot in Colorado. Trump was declared ineligible to appear on the Colorado ballot on December 19 and his appeal against the state's Supreme Court's decision will be heard on Thursday. The decision marked the first time in history that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment has been used to disqualify a presidential candidate. The Civil War-era rule states that people who participate in an insurrection are ineligible for office.
Watch: Conservative Writer Mollie Hemingway
Tells Congress What’s Wrong With Our
Elections (Video)
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 3:09:46 AM Post Reply
Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist testified before Congress this week, offering what she sees as the biggest problems with elections in America. She emphasized the system of balloting, the extended time periods for voting, the efforts of Democrats to prosecute the competition, our one-sided media, and more, comparing our current elections to what happened in the former Soviet Union. At the end of her testimony, she called out Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook for their election interference. The Federalist has details:
Biden Calls Trump ‘Existential Threat’
as Anti-Israel Protesters Block 5th Avenue
Posted by Imright 2/8/2024 3:06:54 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden referred to former President Trump as an “existential threat” during a fundraiser in New York City on Wednesday, as anti-Israel protesters blocked Fifth Avenue outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art. “There is one existential threat: it’s Donald Trump,” Biden told business leaders during his first stop of the day at the Upper West Side home of Larry Linden, the former managing partner of Goldman Sachs.“He’ll try to undo everything we’ve done… We can’t let that happen,” Biden said. “There is only one existential threat we face in the world: and that’s the environment.”
Why Is The Left Suddenly Talking About
A ‘Coup’ At The Ballot Box?
Posted by RockyTCB 2/8/2024 2:29:25 AM Post Reply
For the past three years, the left has claimed Donald Trump lied about the 2020 election and then attempted an insurrection on Jan. 6 to overturn the results. But now that Trump is leading in polls, the left is talking ominously about a “coup.” Pay attention, because if Trump wins in 2024, this will be how the left tries to stop him from getting anything done. At a protest in Washington, D.C., a week ago – organized by a group that calls itself “Stop the Coup 2025” – Markus Batchelor, the national political director of People for the American Way, told the
The Dam Breaks: Panic at DNC HQ As Dems
Hit Flashing Red Lights Territory With
Black, Hispanic Voters
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 12:37:36 AM Post Reply
We've written before about the slow but steady erosion of support from black and Hispanic voters for the Democratic Party, something that became very pronounced during Donald Trump's presidency as he and the RNC courted core left-wing voting blocs by explaining they had a lot more in common with the GOP than they did Democrats. Since Trump left office, the decline in alliances among these same voters for Democrats has continued, but the most recent numbers from Gallup on this front suggest that Dems aren't looking at just a trickling loss of support but a flood as fed-up black and Hispanic Americans are saying "adios" to Democrats in droves:
Donald Trump getting ‘bought out’
after pleading for Bud Light to get ‘second
chance’ over transgender fiasco: critics
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 12:25:48 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump called for a cease-fire in the culture war over Bud Light’s transgender fiasco – a move that provoked critics to claim he was getting “bought out” by mega-brewer Anheuser-Busch. The former president took to his social media platform Truth Social on Tuesday and declared that Anheuser-Busch was “not a woke company” and that it had already paid a “very big price” for Bud Light’s ad campaign featuring transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney. Trump added that it was time to move on from outrage over the ads, which he called “a mistake of epic proportions.” The former president noted that Anheuser-Busch “spends $700 million a year with our great
Kerry Now Facing Oversight Investigation,
Lawsuit Over Secretive Office, Meetings
With Climate Activists
Posted by Dreadnought 2/8/2024 12:00:28 AM Post Reply
Climate czar John Kerry is leaving his job with the Biden administration, as we reported. He’s exiting that job to work for Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. But hopefully, they will both get tossed out of their “jobs” with the vote in November. But there's news that's not good for Kerry, and I wonder if it may have anything to do with him heading for the exits. The House Oversight Committee has launched an investigation into Special Envoy for Climate Kerry for frequently meeting with climate and environmental activists. Comer demanded unreacted documents and communication related to Kerry's "collusion with leftist environmental groups," as well as information about Kerry's secretive office
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