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What’s to Blame for GOP Fundraising Woes

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Posted By: Imright, 2/8/2024 1:55:37 PM

For those confused by the odd paradox of the Democrats out-raising the GOP by a 3:1 margin despite historic unpopularity at the top of their ticket, consider this anecdote from October 2017. Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) resigned from his congressional seat after it was revealed that he had engaged in an extramarital affair. The scandal was compounded by the fact that Rep. Murphy, a staunch defender of the pro-life movement, reportedly encouraged his mistress to get an abortion when they thought she might be pregnant. The real gut-punch of the scandal was the text that Rep. Murphy sent disavowing pro-life messages released from his own campaign.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: mean Gene 2/8/2024 1:57:50 PM (No. 1653420)
Nobody wants to feather Ronna Romney's nest. Nobody wants to support RINOs who (like her uncle) would rather support democrats than Trump. Other than that, I donno.
32 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: divinesegoy 2/8/2024 2:20:28 PM (No. 1653431)
There is compelling evidence Dems get their money through money laundering. I remember the reports about normal citizens making thousands of donations a year and when confronted had no idea they had made them. And then nothing was heard again, no investigation, no nothing. As usual! As for the RNC, why would we donate to an organization that instead of supporting MAGA candidates and election integrity buys flowers, limo rides and consultations.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: plomke 2/8/2024 2:26:44 PM (No. 1653435)
Well...when you mouth rightist platitudes and vote leftist,it kinda spoils the appetite for contributions...
21 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 2/8/2024 2:28:55 PM (No. 1653437)
Who is to blame for GOP fundraising woes? Well, the GOP. Everyone has a fairly clear idea of what the Democrats stand for. That is why so many people refuse to support them, but at least they show some courage to stand up and say where they stand. Where do the Republicans stand? Good question. They make alot of noise but when an important vote comes up, oops, defections, imagine that. The GOP does not offer a real alternative to the Democrats. Been saying that for years. Why would I send money to them? Trump offers an alternative. He's even a Republican. What does the rest of the party do? Try to get rid of him! Is this how the Republican party operates? Thanks, but no thanks!
17 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: stuBdoc 2/8/2024 2:38:59 PM (No. 1653444)
As I tell them when they call to ask for money, "When you actually DO something to support conservative principles, I'll think about it." Needless to say, I haven't given them a dime for years. As those below have said, better to donate to individual candidates who actually do the right thing.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Gallo3 2/8/2024 2:46:39 PM (No. 1653448)
The Copperhead Republicans. Quisling RINOS Collaborationist Petainist Wilkes Booth Country Clubbers.
8 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: stablemoney 2/8/2024 2:59:25 PM (No. 1653455)
Why would a citizen contribute to a uniparty coffer?
10 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: bighambone 2/8/2024 3:09:25 PM (No. 1653457)
Not too many people are interested in contributing to the wimpy Republicans who cave on the big issues to the leftist and socialist Democrats pretty regularly. Just look at the bogus border security bill that was shot down in the Senate yesterday. Last night the Fox News Channel reported that the bill was actually written by McConnell the wimpy UNIParty Republican leader in the Senate in cahoots with Schumer and Biden. Domestic issues like mass uncontrolled illegal immigration should never be rolled up in a so-called comprehensive bill including non related issues like tens of billions of dollars in aid to Israel and Ukraine. Obviously they thought that they could slide the bogus border security portion of that bill past while hiding those ridiculous provisions from the public under the Israel and Ukraine aid portions of that big bill. Up to now with many Americans starting to pay attention that tactic has not worked.
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Californian 2/8/2024 3:18:43 PM (No. 1653466)
Because enough people have figured out (finally) that giving money to the RNC is the same as giving to the DNC.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: texaspast 2/8/2024 3:29:03 PM (No. 1653472)
Plus, some of us are just tired of getting all that RNC crap in our email EVERY DAY! Since 5:00 a.m. this morning I've received 29 - that's TWENTY-NINE! emails from various Republicans wanting money! If you donate once, you are on their 'everybody bombard the sucker!' list. No more.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: udanja99 2/8/2024 3:52:37 PM (No. 1653490)
I received a call from the RNC a couple of weeks ago and the poor woman calling got an earful before she even got started reading from her script. The last thing I said to her was that every single Republican in DC was useless and that any donations I make will only go to Donald Trump.
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: cireskul 2/8/2024 4:10:30 PM (No. 1653503)
Let me explain it to you, What's to blame? Democrat enabling RINOs you jackass!
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Reply 13 - Posted by: mobyclik 2/8/2024 4:21:42 PM (No. 1653517)
They're running out of conservative backs to plunge knives in.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: JimBob 2/8/2024 6:07:46 PM (No. 1653586)
Every time the GOP 'Establishment' sends me a fundraising letter, I write this on the letter: "I support the MAGA Republicans; Trump, Jim Jordan, Louis Ghomert and that group. But NOT ONE PENNY for China Mitch, 'Mittens' Romney and the Uniparty Republicans." Refusing to send them money is the ONLY thing that they understand.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: DVC 2/8/2024 6:11:06 PM (No. 1653592)
Blame it on Ronna at RNC and Mitch. They keep taking our money and funding RINOs! So, NO MONEY to national Repubs. Only local candidates of known "goodness".
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Reply 16 - Posted by: SALady 2/9/2024 1:06:38 AM (No. 1653858)
After watching the DC sewer-dwelling RINO Republi-Can'ts stab President Trump in the back over and over again in 2020, many conservatives no longer consider ourselves Republicans. I know I don't. I am an independent conservative. I will never vote for a Demon-Rat, since they are all pure evil!!! But I will never again vote for another RINO just because they have an "R" after their names. And until the Republican Party stops supporting RINO turncoats, they will never see a penny of my money. I will donate directly to solid conservative Republican candidates, but never to the Republi-Can't Party!!! Until the Republican Party starts to remember who their base voters are and what we stand for, they aren't going to see a lot of money!!!
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Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:31:29 PM Post Reply
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12 replies
Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:22:59 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:18:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 11:04:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 10:13:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 9:47:49 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 9:37:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 9:37:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 12:32:20 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 2/23/2024 12:08:20 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/23/2024 12:52:18 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Miamiwarrior 2/23/2024 1:55:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:09:05 AM Post Reply
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