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Shepherds of the Church: Why the Double Standard?

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Posted By: Hazymac, 2/26/2025 7:30:51 AM

Within days of Donald Trump’s November landslide, Bishop Mark Seitz, head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ migration committee, warned that Their Eminences were preparing to “’raise our voice loudly’” if Trump’s immigration policy “’violates basic human rights.’” This episcopal loudness signals the end of the USCCB’s scrupulously-maintained four-year vow of silence through the entire presidency of the “devoutly” Catholic Joe Biden. Their silence spoke volumes to Catholics witnessing Biden doing his utmost to wage open war on the most fundamental teachings of the Church. Not only was this “‘good Catholic’” (Biden claimed Pope Francis described him this way during a 2021 audience),

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Reply 1 - Posted by: philsner 2/26/2025 7:41:17 AM (No. 1904057)
The Pope is human, and the pope is wrong. No Christian, Catholic or otherwise, is required to accept his error.
31 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: anniebc 2/26/2025 7:43:12 AM (No. 1904058)
We the People don't care what you fake Christians think. Go create your own "church" and call it what it truly is. Always have to highjack something someone else built.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: cor-vet 2/26/2025 7:58:20 AM (No. 1904069)
These 'Catholic' Bishops are the reason, along with that Jesuit in Rome, why this life-long Catholic gives only to my local church.
25 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 2/26/2025 8:41:28 AM (No. 1904094)
More and more the top level organizations of church denominations seem to be going into the Leftist weeds and crossing into political instead of spiritual matters. If they want to be a PAC, then they don't deserve shelter from financial responsibilities that non religious groups face. They should pay property taxes, ... And they are open to criticism for their stand on secular matters. There is a cost to society, monetary and far more, for uncontrolled immigration. The church is ignorant/uncaring of the costs of such issues. A government owes a responsibility to its citizens, and yes, walls against invaders is a moral option. The idea of open borders is insane. If the Pope wants to help, throw open the doors of the Vatican and let people take the artwork, etc. inside to pay for care for the immigrants the Pope is so concerned about. Such realities seem to escape the church, who bears VERY little of the costs of what they advocate for.
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: kdog 2/26/2025 8:43:38 AM (No. 1904095)
No big suprise here knowing what we know now about the BILLIONS of dollars the Catholic Church (and Others) were getting directly or from NGOs for settling (coddling) illegal immigrants. Rome does not finance itelf through Sunday collection baskets. They tax the dioceses who in turn tax the churches. You give your church $1 on Sunday, it keeps maybe 60 cents and sends the rest up the food chain. Losing federal largess really cuts down on the available grift, don't cha know!
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: jar 2/26/2025 8:45:07 AM (No. 1904098)
According to Catholic doctrine, the pope is only right when he speaks officially "ex cathedra," on the subject of faith and morals. Such a proclamation is delivered from the throne of St. Peter in St. Peter's basilica in the Vatican. When has the pope ever done that? In my memory, never. Be that the case, all his expressed opinions can easily be disregarded
10 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: JonR 2/26/2025 8:54:42 AM (No. 1904101)
Time to revoke their tax exempt status!
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: red1066 2/26/2025 9:20:13 AM (No. 1904111)
These charities just don't get it. We're not opposed to helping people. We're opposed to helping people who come into our country illegally. What this country doesn't need is an entire new class of poor people on welfare and food stamps. We'll help them in their own country. Organizations like Catholic Charities are not helping their cause by abetting people who have broken our laws.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Quigley 2/26/2025 9:22:36 AM (No. 1904112)
I'm also opposed to charities created to siphon money to the charities' sponsors and which have politics as a primary goal behind a smoke screen of holier-than-thou. These people are phlegm and wear their righteousness as filthy robes.
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: stablemoney 2/26/2025 9:42:58 AM (No. 1904128)
I think catholics need to purge their church of the perverts, grifters, indulgers, communists, lawbreakers, and politicians.
4 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: bighambone 2/26/2025 9:54:21 AM (No. 1904137)
The current Pope by getting the “worldly” Catholic Church entangled in national partisan politics has shown that he is a partisan political socialist in respects that have nothing to do with the “spiritual” Catholic Church’s historical religious teachings. In those respects the Pope is considered to be infallible by Catholics when he follows the historic religious teachings of the “spiritual” Catholic Church and not “worldly” partisan political agendas, like how developed countries enforce their borders and immigration laws. I say personally socialist because there is no doubt that through his political partisan agenda the Pope has essentially been personally and publicly indicating that regardless of developed countries constitutional citizenship rights and immigration laws that illegal aliens from the Third World, called irregular migrants, should have the right to gain entry in unlimited numbers into the developed countries across the world to make “better lives” for themselves and that the developed nations of the world should “open” their borders to allow unlimited numbers of Third World origin illegal aliens, called irregular migrants, to gain entry to those developed countries and provide them with all forms of government provided benefits and social welfare. So you can see where the supposedly devout Catholic Biden has been coming from in those respects. Is there any wonder why so many young Catholics have been leaving the Catholic Church throughout the USA?
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: paral04 2/26/2025 10:02:25 AM (No. 1904146)
Where do people get the idea that anyone has the right to enter our country whether we want the here or not? These so called leaders are supposed to be intelligent and may want to ponder about the fact that we have a Department of Immigration. What do they think that is for?
2 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 2/26/2025 10:10:01 AM (No. 1904149)
The church is supposed to help others. Unfortunately, most of what they do is help themselves. It's the nature of corruption, sad to say.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: Old Army Vet 2/26/2025 10:22:02 AM (No. 1904158)
This is exactly why I am an ex Catholic. If there is a difference between the Catholic church and God, the church always wins.
3 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: clayusmcret 2/26/2025 10:27:42 AM (No. 1904163)
Why the double standard? Money. Same reason so many charities who became part of the human trafficking business are raising hell. Money. The administration and DOGE are cutting off their money.
2 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: mc squared 2/26/2025 10:36:59 AM (No. 1904172)
Mr. Pope: tear down your walls !
4 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Corndoggies 2/26/2025 10:48:39 AM (No. 1904183)
Money!!! Now that the NGO’s are getting defunded they can’t pay their own bills. A group of whatever are suing Trump for a salary. They want paid just to be priests. I thought it was the Babylon Bee when I first read it.
0 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Kate318 2/26/2025 11:36:32 AM (No. 1904218)
Oh, that they would raise their voices just as loudly over abortion.
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Reply 19 - Posted by: legalart 2/26/2025 11:43:43 AM (No. 1904230)
It's tragic that there are no Martin Luther's among the Catholic leadership anywhere -- not a one -- willing to step forward publicly and denounce all the disasters brought about this pope and his underlings; no one wants to pay that price, even though the "flock" of regular Catholics watching this and listening to the outrage, are speaking up and denouncing it. But they are not heard; all they want, as I see it, if for their church can get back to basics and purpose. They need a DOGE group there.
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Reply 20 - Posted by: FLCracker 2/26/2025 12:36:10 PM (No. 1904288)
Ah, the Pope. Full of pee and vinegar.
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Reply 21 - Posted by: FormerDem 2/26/2025 1:49:34 PM (No. 1904319)
Say anything you want, but afaik nobody listens to the usccb unless they agree with them already. if you want to defund Catholic Charities, fine, but that does not involve trying to tussle with the bishops' ethical points of view. ... An alternative apprroach is: deal with the institutions as institutions, ignore the bishops' politics because it is not what they know about, but defer to them very very politely on matters of faith and morals. it is like Congress v Executive v Courts. You are not likely to win a pitched battle of words against the bishops even if you are right. And you will just annoy Catholics who formerly agreed with you. who will think it is a bigoted dog whistle, not really aimed to persuade anyone.
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Posted by Hazymac 2/26/2025 7:30:51 AM Post Reply
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Shepherds of the Church: Why the Double Standard? 21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 2/26/2025 7:30:51 AM Post Reply
Within days of Donald Trump’s November landslide, Bishop Mark Seitz, head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ migration committee, warned that Their Eminences were preparing to “’raise our voice loudly’” if Trump’s immigration policy “’violates basic human rights.’” This episcopal loudness signals the end of the USCCB’s scrupulously-maintained four-year vow of silence through the entire presidency of the “devoutly” Catholic Joe Biden. Their silence spoke volumes to Catholics witnessing Biden doing his utmost to wage open war on the most fundamental teachings of the Church. Not only was this “‘good Catholic’” (Biden claimed Pope Francis described him this way during a 2021 audience),
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Posted by Imright 2/25/2025 12:53:39 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ConservativeYankee 2/25/2025 12:46:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 2/25/2025 9:34:34 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ConservativeYankee 2/25/2025 12:55:36 PM Post Reply
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