These four women destroyed the Democratic
Party with race,
Glenn Beaton
Original Article
Posted By: Big Bopper,
1/11/2025 1:55:15 PM
Four young Congresswomen – not even Senators – accomplished something that eluded years of Democratic Presidents and their woes.
Jimmy Carter in his malaise, Bill with Monica and his cigar, Lyndon Johnson and his Vietnam War – none of that was able to accomplish what these four young Congresswomen accomplished.
They destroyed the Democratic Party.
It was a perfect storm that began around the year 2020. China leaked a bioengineered virus from its biowarfare lab – probably accidentally – to produce worldwide mass hysteria and lockdowns of billions of people.
It gathered steam when a thug died in the hands of a white cop. Protests and riots ensued, weirdly exempted from the lockdowns.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
rememberwhen 1/11/2025 2:10:14 PM (No. 1871500)
RIP! Good riddance.
31 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
JonR 1/11/2025 2:38:07 PM (No. 1871506)
Very well thought out and informative article! However, keep in mind that a lot of sheep elected and supported these haters enabling them to do their worst!
47 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
chefrandy 1/11/2025 2:40:46 PM (No. 1871508)
There's only about 2 Democrats that understand the truth here enough to try to do something about it and I'm guessing the party is already working on who to replace Fetterman with in the next Senatorial election for PA.
42 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
earlybird 1/11/2025 3:17:36 PM (No. 1871529)
Dids you read this? If you didn't you missed a fine patriotic essay. The kind we should read and send on so others don't miss them. Beaton is a gem. This may be his best.
34 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
thefield 1/11/2025 3:29:52 PM (No. 1871535)
As Eva sang "Don't cry for me...."
13 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
kidsmom 1/11/2025 5:46:49 PM (No. 1871603)
Thanks Glenn for my laugh for the day. It wasn't funny while it was happening, though, and I look for the democrats to vote as a bloc to oppose everything that Republicans put forward to try to correct this craziness. Sad that the squad is safe from being voted out. They need to go.
23 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
red1066 1/11/2025 8:35:25 PM (No. 1871665)
Who didn't see this or expected this when the media started going to them for their opinion on every issue.
21 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Strike3 1/12/2025 8:10:45 AM (No. 1871840)
Do read. Best article of the day. One of these losers has aspirations for POTUS.
13 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
K620 1/12/2025 8:17:25 AM (No. 1871847)
Just one quibble with an otherwise great column. The author writes that in 2020 “the country was already weary of Donald Trump and his often productive but typically provocative antics.” I don’t remember the country being weary of Trump before Fauci et al. and their extreme WuFlu measures starting in February, 2020. My sense prior to WuFlu, from blue New Jersey, was that Trump would be re-elected easily.
20 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
RussZilla 1/12/2025 8:27:06 AM (No. 1871854)
It’s As Good As It Gets. The movie that features Jack Nicholson as an angry obsessive/compulsive romantic novelist. When asked to describe how he creates female characters, he says, “I take reason and accountability and I throw them out. Then I have a woman.” The feminist movement, if it ever had good intentions has hopefully crashed and burned. If we don’t latch onto some sense of truth and respect and practical logic we are doomed. Hopefully we can see our mistakes and get off the road of good intentions.
10 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 1/12/2025 8:33:30 AM (No. 1871858)
Good one, Glenn, except I would have photoshopped Obie's mug into the picture lest we all forget who did all the dirty work. Suggest keeping a copy of this piece around for the history books. Rather amazing that severely wounding a major political party came about at the hands of a few misaligned people.
10 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
franq 1/12/2025 9:05:28 AM (No. 1871876)
One drop of cyanide poisons the whole glass. Just like any so-called conservative who uses the term "insurrection".
The bioweapon™ was not released accidently.
Trump was not unpopular (except in the leftist media).
Otherwise, the author makes points already known.
Good riddance to "The Squat".
8 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Sully 1/12/2025 9:14:20 AM (No. 1871885)
Great article. Great conclusion:
"We’ve never seen a political climate quite like the current one. The Democrats went way out on a race limb, sawed it off, and are now surprised that they and their limb – not the tree – have fallen."
Crap intro. The country wasn't weary of Donald Trump, idiot. US spooks targeted the man. And he stood up and took their best punch and maybe a gunshot. And now the country voted them out too. Idiot.
9 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
cobieone 1/12/2025 9:41:52 AM (No. 1871901)
How can you write this article and not even mention Obama? Sorry, but that is where all of this started, as many predicted would happen. Hopefully, the American people have seen enough and we are returning to common sense in this country.
Another thing Mr Beaton. This country wasn’t weary of Trump. 12 million more votes for Trump in 2020 than 2016. Very much disagree with this narrative.
14 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
cobieone 1/12/2025 9:45:11 AM (No. 1871902)
Just a clarification to my post above. I realize the article mentions Obama’s daughters. But you get my point.
6 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Zigrid 1/12/2025 10:12:33 AM (No. 1871923)
This wild fire comes at a very opportuned time...don't ya think?...suddenly the sheep from California are waking up to a DEI mess...and they are mad as h___ and I don't think they're gonna take it if I were Governor Newscum...I'd hurry home and pack my belongings from the governor's mansion...I think your time is up....but where oh where could there be a Californian that could run that mess and undo all the damage Newscum has done for 9 years....
5 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
Geoman 1/12/2025 12:47:28 PM (No. 1871992)
Beaton is a great conservative writer but the headline's news of the demise of the democrat party is greatly exaggerated. The political pendulum has recently swung to the right, but pendulums inevitably swing the other way, or at least always have, especially when they have the near totality of the media ever. blowing and nudging them leftward.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Italiano 1/12/2025 12:49:42 PM (No. 1871993)
I'm kind of surprised that the DNC and their shadow power-brokers didn't have all four of them taken out. They've done it before.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
NotaBene 1/12/2025 1:25:20 PM (No. 1872012)
Communists racists are good at words. DEI means “of God” in Latin. The correct abbreviation should have been DIE.
1 person likes this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 1/12/2025 1:46:24 PM (No. 1872022)
This was the one Beaton column I could not finish. He had shared most of my thoughts (coincidence only) but there are antics of the four horse-butts of the Apocalypse I just wasn't willing to revisit. They were merely freshmen women who insisted on living in a "fraternity house" only to cause trouble. Fie on them. Fie on ME if I read another word about any one of them.
4 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
24tea@Mag 1/12/2025 6:36:16 PM (No. 1872142)
They need defeated. All they done since being elected is run the racist mouths.
0 people like this.
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