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Wife of Trump impeachment witness downplays
assassination attempt: ‘No ears were harmed’

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/15/2024 9:19:24 PM

The wife of a former impeachment witness against President Donald Trump in 2019 downplayed the second assassination attempt on Sunday afternoon. “No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon,” Rachel Vindman, the wife of Alexander Vindman, posted on X. You can use this: The post repulsed GOP strategist and Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita, who called on the candidate to denounce his wife’s words. “Her husband …a candidate for VA 7 …should condemn immediately,” LaCivita posted to X, mistaking Alexander Vindman for his brother, Eugene Vindman, who is running for the open seat in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. That seat is being left vacant by Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.).


Classless [female dog]!!!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bpl40 9/15/2024 9:23:47 PM (No. 1796372)
Evil b/witch!
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 9/15/2024 9:27:07 PM (No. 1796375)
Hateful, evil bwitch.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Phantomll 9/15/2024 9:31:04 PM (No. 1796378)
What an idiot!
15 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: jalo1951 9/15/2024 9:37:37 PM (No. 1796379)
And they call us deplorable. As always projection OMG, what has America become?
20 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: itsonlyme 9/15/2024 9:38:16 PM (No. 1796380)
Rachel "MagdaGoebbels" Vindman
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Gallo3 9/15/2024 9:39:56 PM (No. 1796381)
Bride of Bearclaw.
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: bighambone 9/15/2024 9:51:21 PM (No. 1796386)
The Vindmans’ are connected to Ukraine. So was the perpetrator who attempted to assassinate Trump this afternoon. Obviously people who are supporting the Russia-Ukraine War don’t like Trump and certainly don’t want Trump in the White House negotiating that war to an end.
20 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: JimBob 9/15/2024 9:52:00 PM (No. 1796387)
What a Piece of Filth!
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 9/15/2024 9:52:35 PM (No. 1796388)
The Vindmans are all garbage. And her husband should be in Leavenworth, at a minimum for insubordination against his Commander-in-Chef, at worst for treason.
26 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: john56 9/15/2024 9:57:52 PM (No. 1796390)
I'd be willing to contribute to a fund to buy one-way, never-to-return tickets for the entire Vindamin family to return to Ukraine or the non-US ally of their choice.
12 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 9/15/2024 10:12:11 PM (No. 1796397)
Rachel Vindman, a member of the Enemy. Make no mistake-all the media are an arm of the Enemy. They will never tell the truth, they are exposed, there is no need for them to pretend anymore.
14 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: dwa 9/15/2024 10:12:43 PM (No. 1796398)
Like her husband, Rachel lacks honesty and character. She and her husbad should move to Ukraine and fight for Ukraine since they obviously are not Americans at heart -- or action.
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: daisey 9/15/2024 10:18:45 PM (No. 1796401)
Typical hate filled democrat.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 9/15/2024 10:39:49 PM (No. 1796407)
What a witch.
4 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: wilarrbie 9/15/2024 11:07:00 PM (No. 1796414)
There is something terribly wrong with dang near the entire upper political and bureaucratic strata.
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: navybrat 9/15/2024 11:34:56 PM (No. 1796419)
If it would have been her husband, Biden or Kamala her tune would be different.
1 person likes this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Strike3 9/16/2024 2:48:13 AM (No. 1796460)
Another deranged nut job on the Left. These people should be picked up and "interviewed" to thoroughly embarrass them and their limited intelligence. Maybe they will think before speaking next time.
1 person likes this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: anniebc 9/16/2024 7:23:25 AM (No. 1796534)
And we care what the wife of some deranged impeachment witness, aka liar, has to say? The left is pretty darn desperate these days. They're foolishly trying to find anyone they think we'll believe. Sorry to tell them, not, that it's not gonna happen. We're done giving you the benefit of the doubt much less believe you lying demons.
0 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Marzipan4 9/16/2024 8:15:47 AM (No. 1796569)
So classless person, let’s flip this around and see if your rhetoric holds innocent. Your husband is at a burger joint campaining and across the street is a person armed and loaded to take a shot at him, but it misses. Are we to also dismiss this as , “ oh well, no big deal, he missed?” Your heartless concern is very telling of your political swaying. And they say conservatives are violent. Back to OZ with ye!
1 person likes this.

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DeSantis Explains Why Florida Will Conduct
Its Own Investigation Into the Trump Assassination Attempt
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/17/2024 6:06:29 PM Post Reply
In a press conference on Tuesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) appeared in a press conference to detail why his state would take the lead on the investigation into the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. To recap, on Sunday, United States Secret Service discovered that an armed man was hiding in the bushes at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. An agent noticed the muzzle of a rifle in the shrubs, the Associated Press noted, and fired at the gunman. The suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, fled the scene but was later tracked down and arrested. The FBI confirmed that Trump was the target.
Celebrating Our Republic on Constitution
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/17/2024 3:59:37 PM Post Reply
Today is Constitution Day, commemorating the day in 1787 when the Founding Fathers signed that historic and precious document, the foundation of our constitutional republic. America has come a long way since the 18th century, and while we have a great many feats of heroism and genius to reflect on with pride, we are also in grave danger of torching the Constitution altogether and destroying the republic our forefathers fought so hard to found. Founder Benjamin Franklin told a woman who asked what form of government the Constitutional Convention had decided on, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
This Detail Makes the Second Trump Assassination
Attempt So Much Worse Than We Thought
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/17/2024 3:56:36 PM Post Reply
We've learned quite a bit of information about the latest Trump assassination attempt since Sunday — both about the incident itself and the suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh. According to officials from the FBI, Secret Service, and Palm Beach Sheriff's Office, Routh was charged with firearm offenses but not yet with crimes related to the assassination attempt. In 2019, the FBI received a tip about Routh illegally possessing a firearm, but authorities didn't take action after the tip was deemed unverified. Routh is a convicted felon with an extensive rap sheet that includes a 2002 conviction for possessing a weapon of mass destruction. I wonder if we'll hear more about that one day.
Congress Let Thieves Steal HOW MUCH in
COVID Relief?
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/17/2024 3:52:14 PM Post Reply
Remember that time Congress spent trillions of dollars we didn't have to provide relief from the unnecessary and illegal lockdowns? And then actual Americans only received a pittance while the resulting inflation murdered our paychecks after we were mercifully allowed to eventually go back to work? Yeah, it's so much worse than that, according to Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas). While the name of Sessions's subcommittee is a mouthful, what they've uncovered has got to be the biggest theft in the history of — well, everything. Sessions said the theft adds up to "Half a trillion dollars. Maybe more.
The Idolization of Hate 0 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/17/2024 3:29:32 PM Post Reply
Twice in one summer now, a Democrat with a long gun was able to get within a few hundred yards of former President Trump. You gotta hand it to the Left, they're nothing if not creative. What used to be the October Surprise came to be the tedious October Expected Non-Surprise. So they've introduced the First July Surprise (assassination attempt), the Second July Surprise (palace coup against their own president), and the September Surprise (second assassination attempt). From this pattern, Kamala better hope her poll numbers hold steady lest she find herself "surprised" into a Barco lounger watching Matlock next to a creepy hair sniffer.
MSNBC Columnist Says Routh Was Justified
in Wanting to Take a Shot at Trump
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/17/2024 2:48:40 PM Post Reply
Steve Benen, a former blogger for the Washington Monthly and current producer and contributor to "The Rachel Maddow Show," thinks the Mar-a-Largo would-be assassin was justified in wanting to take a shot at former president Donald Trump. Or, in Benen's words, "the alleged would-be shooter." Benen is complaining that Donald Trump is blaming Democrats for using violent rhetoric that motivated Routh to try to kill the former president. But Routh is right, claims Benen. Trump is, indeed, a "threat to democracy." [Tweet] First of all, it takes a special kind of moral blindness to excuse a would-be presidential assassin.
The GOP Could Sweep the Senate…If We
Don’t Screw It Up
7 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/16/2024 11:02:41 PM Post Reply
We Republicans have to not just win the Senate but win the Senate beyond the margin of Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. If we have less than 53 Republicans in our coalition, it’s these two who are going to be running things and Mitch McConnell won’t be there to crack the whip and impose his iron discipline. But can we do it? We currently have 49 seats out of 100, but we have a pretty good map this year. That would normally mean that we’re well-positioned to win. Yet, we Republicans have a disadvantage. We’re Republicans, and far too often, we blow it.
Here’s Why the Media Will Memory-Hole
the Latest Trump Assassination Attempt
7 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/16/2024 10:10:52 PM Post Reply
On Sunday, there was another attempt on Donald Trump's life — the second in just over two months. The shooter, armed with a scoped rifle, aimed through the fence of Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla., while Trump was golfing. Thankfully, Secret Service agents quickly thwarted the plot after spotting the rifle barrel protruding from the shrubbery and immediately opening fire. Routh fled, but local authorities swiftly apprehended him without resistance before he could escape. (Snip) On Sunday night, CNN’s Juliette Kayyem expressed concern over the second assassination attempt on Trump, warning that it "could have impacted voters" and will likely "be used for political purposes."
It's OK to Call Your Political Opponents
Insane If They're, You Know, Insane
2 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/16/2024 10:02:29 PM Post Reply
On the Monday edition of our legendary VIP Gold live chat show "Five O'Clock Somewhere," Stephen Green and I were discussing our exasperation with the relentless vitriol from the American Left that, once again, induced some loon to try and kill former president Donald Trump. We have both been professionally writing and talking about politics for a very long time and we have never seen anything like this. It's even worse than the Democrats' unhinged behavior from 2016-2023. The 2024 Democrats are in a dangerous state of mental unwellness. That's not hyperbole, it's an obvious conclusion that can be arrived at after even the most cursory examination of their behavior.
They Have the Receipts: Trump Camp Links
Dems’ Dangerous Rhetoric to Assassination Attempt
4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/16/2024 9:43:40 PM Post Reply
Yesterday, former President Donald Trump survived his second assassination attempt in just two months. His campaign isn’t holding back and is calling out Kamala Harris and the Democrats for their dangerous rhetoric. “Thankfully, the would-be assassin was stopped by the heroic action of law enforcement — but make no mistake, this psycho was egged on by the rhetoric and lies that have flowed from Kamala Harris, Democrats, and their Fake News allies for years,” the campaign said in a memo to the media. They are right. For years, the radical left and its allies in the media have spewed venom, demonizing President Trump and stoking hatred among its followers.
No Rest for the Wicked in the Aftermath
of Trump's Second Assassination Attempt
2 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/16/2024 9:35:52 PM Post Reply
"There is no place in politics for violence," Felicia Duncan wrote in a letter that the editors of the Cincinnati Enquire chose to publish. "That said, the former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself." That. Said. "This stuff" is a curious way of saying "assassins' bullets," but I guess that's just "toMAYto, toMAHto" to the nation's busy omelet makers. Those eggs aren't going to break themselves, you know, and it sure would be easier if they'd quit ducking. You might think that a second unsuccessful assassination attempt on a presidential candidate calls for a respectful pause of at least a day or two
Wife of Trump impeachment witness downplays
assassination attempt: ‘No ears were harmed’
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/15/2024 9:19:24 PM Post Reply
The wife of a former impeachment witness against President Donald Trump in 2019 downplayed the second assassination attempt on Sunday afternoon. “No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon,” Rachel Vindman, the wife of Alexander Vindman, posted on X. You can use this: The post repulsed GOP strategist and Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita, who called on the candidate to denounce his wife’s words. “Her husband …a candidate for VA 7 …should condemn immediately,” LaCivita posted to X, mistaking Alexander Vindman for his brother, Eugene Vindman, who is running for the open seat in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. That seat is being left vacant by Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.).
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Watch: Hillary Clinton Demands ‘Criminal
Penalties’ for Americans to Deter ‘Misinformation’
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/17/2024 11:18:47 AM Post Reply
It’s 2016 all over again! Eight years later, having learned nothing from the epic public humiliation she suffered when her fact-free Russiagate hoax collapsed into itself with the Mueller Report, Rachel Maddow is still asserting “election interference.” Hillary Clinton is eager to assist her in her Red Scare propaganda efforts. Ironically, Hillary is now demanding criminal prosecutions for her opponents’ alleged propaganda — and not just foreign state actors, but explicitly “Americans,” presumably private citizens who post loosely defined “misinformation” on social media.
Hillary Clinton Says Americans Should
Be Criminally Charged and Jailed for Spreading
“Misinformation” (Video)
31 replies
Posted by Imright 9/17/2024 1:17:06 AM Post Reply
Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on Monday evening joined MSNBC’s chief conspiracy theorist and Russian propaganda host Rachel Maddow to discuss the 2024 election. Hillary Clinton immediately launched an attack on President Trump and said he is a danger our country and world just one day after a second assassination attempt against him. “The press needs to create a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is,” Hillary Clinton said. “He is a danger to our country and world,” Clinton said.
9 killed, 2,800 hurt in Lebanon as Hezbollah
pagers explode; terror group blames Israel
30 replies
Posted by sunset 9/17/2024 12:55:32 PM Post Reply
The Times of Israel is liveblogging Tuesday’s events as they unfold. Lebanon’s health minister says eight were killed and some 2,800 were wounded, including 200 seriously, in the pager blasts in Lebanon. Hezbollah has said that two members are among the dead. A young girl, the daughter of a Hezbollah member, was also reported killed after a pager exploded in her parents’ home. Health Minister Firas Abiad says hospitals continue to receive the wounded and that most injuries are in the hand and face. Meanwhile, a large Red Cross convoy is on its way to southern Lebanon, according to Al Arabiya.
Hundreds of Hezbollah members wounded
in Lebanon in mass pager hack
30 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/17/2024 10:30:25 AM Post Reply
Reports from Arab and Israeli media have said that over 1,200 people have been wounded. Hundreds of members of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah were seriously wounded on Tuesday in Lebanon's south and the southern suburbs of Beirut when the pagers they use to communicate exploded, security sources told Reuters. A Reuters journalist saw 10 Hezbollah members bleeding from wounds in the southern suburb of Beirut known as Dahiyeh. A senior Lebanese security source told Al-Hadath that Israel infiltrated the communication system of individual devices and detonated them.
Travelers will need 'permission' and a
fee to visit United Kingdom as part of
new digitized system
29 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/17/2024 7:20:25 AM Post Reply
Everyone wishing to travel to the U.K. – except British and Irish citizens – will need permission to travel in advance of coming here," says the United Kingdom government’s site. An "Electronic Travel Authorization" (ETA) has been implemented that digitizes tourists' requests to visit the country while paying a fee of about $13. Everyone wishing to travel to the U.K. – except British and Irish citizens – will need permission to travel in advance of coming here," says the United Kingdom government’s site.
Navy launches USS New Jersey, first US
submarine built for both genders
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/16/2024 4:18:03 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Navy commissioned a new submarine on Saturday, the first vessel in its fleet designed to fully integrate male and female sailors. (snip) The USS New Jersey was designed for two genders from the outset with accommodations like increased privacy in washrooms and sleeping areas, Vice Admiral Robert Gaucher, commander of Submarine Forces Atlantic, told Access to top bunks and overhead valves were also designed with the height, reach and strength of women in mind. The nuclear-powered submarine was unofficially nicknamed "Jersey Girl," and its interior spaces decorated with posters and memorabilia representing the state, including a guitar signed by Jon Bon Jovi, the news outlet reported.
Did Ryan Routh have inside info on Trump’s
movements? Ex-FBI official calls possibility ‘scary’
22 replies
Posted by Imright 9/16/2024 9:43:17 AM Post Reply
The alleged would-be assassin arrested for targeting Donald Trump while he golfed in Florida may have been given inside information about the former president’s schedule, according to an ex-FBI official who called the possibility “scary.” Chris Swecker, a retired FBI assistant director, told Newsweek that the feds and other law enforcement will be probing how the suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, allegedly appeared to know Trump would be at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sunday. “The biggest question to answer is: ‘How did the would-be assassin know to be at that location at that time?'” said Swecker, who worked on FBI criminal investigations.
Walz's wife triggers applause, cringes
with anti-Trump hand gesture
20 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/16/2024 7:06:01 AM Post Reply
A campaign speech by Minnesota first lady Gwen Walz, in which she used a sweeping hand gesture to say "bye bye" and "turn the page" on former President Trump energized a Wisconsin audience, but induced cringes elsewhere. Gwen Walz was slammed as the "living embodiment of Trump Derangement Syndrome" for a stump speech for her husband, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, and Vice President Kamala Harris in Wisconsin on Saturday. In the speech, Gwen Walz cited Harris’ debate performance last week and how she repeatedly said the election is the time to "turn the page" on the current political climate.
Alleged would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh,
58, of Hawaii echoed Harris, Biden’s
anti-Trump rhetoric as he backed Dem candidates
19 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/16/2024 5:57:04 AM Post Reply
The alleged gunman who authorities said targeted former President Trump while he golfed in Florida Sunday afternoon previously declared on social media that “Democracy is on the ballot” this year, and “we cannot lose” — echoing the anti-Trump rhetoric used by Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden. Law enforcement sources identified the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58. Routh, who has a lengthy criminal record from North Carolina, frequently posted about politics and exclusively donated to Democratic candidates and causes dating back to 2019.
CAIR Objects to L.A. Proposal to Protect
Synagogues from Harassment
18 replies
Posted by mc squared 9/16/2024 12:37:07 PM Post Reply
The California chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is objecting to a proposal by the L.A. City Council to bar anti-Israel protesters from the entrances to synagogues. The proposal is a response to a rise in antisemitism in the city associated with anti-Israel protests, especially several incidents in June in which pro-Palestinian activists targeted local synagogues, obstructing entrances in one case. City Council members Katy Yaroslavsky and Bob Blumenfield demanded action in June, calling for more resources for safety. They are the authors of the new proposal, which would require an eight-foot “bubble zone” around synagogues and other religious institutions.
'Doom Pixie' Greta Thunberg Wins Antisemite
of the Week Award
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/16/2024 10:34:27 AM Post Reply
There is a great irony in a certain autistic Swedish teenager who wants to save the planet from the evils of fossil fuel but is, at the same time, willing to turn over a significant portion of that planet to Bronze Age barbarians who care as much about the environment as they do women's rights. But that's the case. The Swedish teenager in question is the Swedish Doom Pixie, Greta Thunberg, and in recognition of her support of Hamas, she has been named "Antisemite of the Week" by a group called StopAntisemitism. "Climate activist Greta Thunberg was named 'Antisemite of the Week' by a Jewish group following her arrest at
Reports: Mossad rigged pager batteries
with explosives, devices were imported
5 months ago
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/17/2024 4:25:54 PM Post Reply
Sky News Arabia quotes sources saying that today’s large-scale pager attack in Lebanon was possible because the Mossad spy agency got hold of Hezbollah’s communication devices before they were handed over to the terror group. The Israeli spy agency placed a quantity of PETN, a highly explosive material, on the batteries of the devices, and detonated them by raising the temperature of the batteries from afar, the source says. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier that some Hezbollah members felt their pagers heating up and disposed of them before the series of explosions that killed at least nine and injured about 2,800 people.
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