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Hillary Clinton Says Americans Should
Be Criminally Charged and Jailed for Spreading
“Misinformation” (Video)

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Posted By: Imright, 9/17/2024 1:17:06 AM

Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on Monday evening joined MSNBC’s chief conspiracy theorist and Russian propaganda host Rachel Maddow to discuss the 2024 election. Hillary Clinton immediately launched an attack on President Trump and said he is a danger our country and world just one day after a second assassination attempt against him. “The press needs to create a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is,” Hillary Clinton said. “He is a danger to our country and world,” Clinton said.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 9/17/2024 1:25:19 AM (No. 1797004)
Ok, then lock her up. She hasn't told the truth in years.
80 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: jalo1951 9/17/2024 1:40:02 AM (No. 1797009)
Lots of her friends will be joining her in jail. From Russia, Russia, Russia, covid lies and nonsense, Hunter Biden laptop and all his foolishness, and ALL the lies about FJB and his brain. If you are looking for a definition of misinformation - there you go. And I can think of 100 others but these were what hit me first. Please add yours so we can see all the crimes the Hildebeast was involved in. Seems to me I remember Maddow leaning into the camera and telling us that "The covid shot will prevent you from getting covid and spreading covid." May those two can share a jail cell. If anyone is going to proclaim the virtue of truth telling it is not these two.
42 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Sonofsoldier 9/17/2024 1:54:46 AM (No. 1797011)
This woman is butt ugly
38 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: glenw 9/17/2024 2:08:51 AM (No. 1797013)
Hillary simply does not know how dumb she is. For years she has bleated on accusing others of the sin spreading misinformation when, in fact, it is she and her criminally progressive (read Marxist) gang of Projectors. If you don't know what Projecting is, look it up. Projection was the tool of choice for Hillary's political mentor, Saul Alinsky (a sicko, anti-American Chicago political troublemaker who poisoned college-age Hillary). A fitting simplification of Projection is --- what you say is what you are.
36 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: JimBob 9/17/2024 2:20:51 AM (No. 1797014)
...said the woman who: - paid for the fake so-called 'Steele Dossier'. - deleted 33,000 Government emails that she was illegally routing through and storing on her private server. I could go on, but the list is endless.
49 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: mifla 9/17/2024 2:37:27 AM (No. 1797020)
But what if it is a case that no reasonable prosecutor would take to court?
21 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: marbles 9/17/2024 3:53:57 AM (No. 1797041)
They're scared. They know that the penalty for treason is execution.
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: stablemoney 9/17/2024 5:02:32 AM (No. 1797045)
I am ok with the Democrat Party being prosecuted and jailed for their crrimes, including spreading disinformation, normally known as propaganda. The propaganda has little effect on me, as I quit listening to the Democrat Party over 50 years ago.
17 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: 5 handicap 9/17/2024 5:52:01 AM (No. 1797053)
Ya think her rage against sanity would incite violence against Trump... Nah its still Trumps fault!
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Petronius 9/17/2024 5:53:42 AM (No. 1797054)
Her and her philandering idiot husband should be the first imprisoned.
11 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: franq 9/17/2024 6:07:59 AM (No. 1797060)
She can't even avoid misinformation™ about her own name. The woman is a liar to the core.
12 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: rytwng 9/17/2024 6:36:15 AM (No. 1797065)
Why is the Beast being quoted?
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: pinger 9/17/2024 6:57:20 AM (No. 1797069)
This hag needs to look up the definition of 'projection.' Maybe her unwillingness to see her own hypocrisy is related to her unwillingness and fear of actually looking into a mirror. Understandable, though.
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: LanceLink1 9/17/2024 7:02:24 AM (No. 1797073)
Your ex's mother in law lunch lady named Karen that won't shut up.........
6 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: anniebc 9/17/2024 7:08:00 AM (No. 1797077)
Hitler's daughter should go straight to the electric chair then; her middle name is misinformation, ole liar cow.
5 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Mcscow sailor 9/17/2024 7:23:16 AM (No. 1797093)
We are so lucky that she is a failed politician
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Venturer 9/17/2024 7:37:12 AM (No. 1797107)
If Americans could be criminally charged for misinformation. Hillary would be the first arrested. She is a sack of misinformation, lies and hate. The most horrible example of womanhood and Americanism I can think of.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: chumley 9/17/2024 7:39:57 AM (No. 1797111)
I am very grateful that because of the difference in our ages, I will likely live to see her assume room temperature. It will be a good day. The Grim Reaper is the one person she can't bribe, threaten, blackmail or kill. Go GR!
6 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: snapper451 9/17/2024 7:40:59 AM (No. 1797114)
Okay, if the first case is the guy who said “…if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance…”. Then follow with the guy who said “…this is a big “F-ing” deal…”. Charge them with treason and I’m in.
8 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: skacmar 9/17/2024 7:42:03 AM (No. 1797116)
So does every time Kamala Harris runs her TV & radio commercials claiming Trump supports Project 2025, a national abortion ban, and other lies count as a separate criminal count/charge of disseminating misinformation? Should Kamala be jailed and forced to pay damages to Trump? Or do Hillary's proposed standards only apply to conservatives?
6 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Rumblehog 9/17/2024 7:54:35 AM (No. 1797126)
Who will judge? Will it be foreign-born, leftist, DC Court judges appointed by Democrats, for Democrats? The same ones breaking 250 years of American legal precedent in order to detain innocent J6'ers? What next? Gitmo for Trump?
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Hazymac 9/17/2024 8:16:44 AM (No. 1797135)
What the PIAPS is calling for would get her locked up for life, for her years of incessant lying. There are few liars who are more prolific than HRC. Naturally, she calls for herself to bt put away. And she should be put away. Horrible person.
3 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: hershey 9/17/2024 8:26:17 AM (No. 1797144)
Sounds pretty 'Soviet' to me...isn't that what they do??? Hillary, just go the hell one is interested in you any more...has been in a Omar the tent dress...go open another bottle...
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Oldenoughtoknowbetter 9/17/2024 8:27:19 AM (No. 1797145)
But let out on the streets if a real criminal.
2 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 9/17/2024 8:32:47 AM (No. 1797149)
There is no such thing as “disinformation” or “misinformation”. There is only information you accept and information you do not accept. You were not born with a requirement to believe everything you are told. You were born with a brain that allows you to process the information you receive and make independent decisions.
10 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: FJB 9/17/2024 9:14:09 AM (No. 1797167)
AM radio talker Mike Gallagher just called PIAPS precisely what she is: A bitter, angry old woman. MAGA Vet.
5 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Right Time 9/17/2024 9:20:56 AM (No. 1797171)
Talk about misinformation...? How about the Steele Document that had fabricated out of thin air and charged it off as a campaign expense? That Steele Dossier was a treasonous attack on a sitting President, wasted his time and money defending a bogus Mueller investigation, caused the US taxpayers to waste $40-million in wasted investigations and legal costs for 2 impeachments. Your fat drunken ass should be in Super Max
7 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: paral04 9/17/2024 10:39:18 AM (No. 1797240)
Foe someone who let her people die in Benghazi, she should have ni opinions about leadership. Trump didn't shut down people for expressing concerns about the COVID shot, he didn't instruct big tech to censor free speech. Her inflammatory remarks are causing dangerous results about such as assassination attempts and if anything happens to President Trump as a result she will have a lot of questions to answer along with her crooked cohorts.
2 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: The Remnants 9/17/2024 10:50:03 AM (No. 1797259)
And she can say that because she has NEVER misinformed about anything!!!!!!!!!!
1 person likes this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Kate318 9/17/2024 11:47:30 AM (No. 1797307)
Like garlic to a vampire or water to the Wicked Witch of the West, truth is to the left. Embrace the suck, Cankles.
1 person likes this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Harlowe 9/17/2024 1:04:38 PM (No. 1797353)
For whatever it’s worth, having a very old computer and inability to access some websites such as Gateway Pundit, gathering information from a variety of websites requires a connecting-the-dots perspective. While perusing, happened upon an article expressing alarm/concern about what appears to be “global censorship” regarding so-called “misinformation” that opposes “the government narrative” and cites current circumstances in the European Union, Brazil and Australia with a goal of establishing these protocols in 140 countries by 2028. Such “censorship” would “exclude governments, media and universities.” As an aside, this household does not watch much television and does not have cable so was stunned to see a fleeting political advertisement promoting legislation to deal with “misinformation” which prompted a quick search for “censorship” in this country that yielded some Congressional bills which may be of interest for individuals wanting to satisfy their curiosity.
2 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 9/19/2024 3:44:44 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/19/2024 2:39:34 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/19/2024 2:36:57 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/19/2024 1:06:32 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/19/2024 1:00:35 AM Post Reply
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0 replies
Posted by Imright 9/19/2024 12:57:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/18/2024 10:08:31 PM Post Reply
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2 replies
Posted by Imright 9/18/2024 9:59:39 PM Post Reply
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12 replies
Posted by Imright 9/18/2024 9:31:40 PM Post Reply
Arizona Globe journalist Christy Kelly has reported a troubling development following former President Donald Trump’s rally in Tucson, Arizona, last Thursday. Kelly noted that “as many as 20 people” were affected by these symptoms, all of whom were seated on the left side of the stage. “Many supporters seated behind Trump onstage went to the ER after the rally with “blurred vision” and “burning” to the eyes. I spoke to several who still have not fully recovered. As many as 20 were affected,” Kelly wrote on X. The cause of the symptoms remains unknown, and an active investigation is underway.
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Posted by Imright 9/18/2024 9:26:06 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/18/2024 9:22:59 PM Post Reply
Within hours of its release, the response to “FIGHTER,” by Breitbart’s own singer/songwriter Jon Kahn, is undeniable as the emotional song has rocketed up the iTunes pop charts into the number 4 slot. The anthem has cracked the top 10 in all genres on iTunes, currently positioned at number 10. “FIGHTER” takes a spot on the iTunes charts between Lady Gaga and Teddy Swims. Earlier, Kahn told Breitbart News, “If he can take a bullet, I can write a song. Everybody should find their own method of fighting for what they believe in particularly in times like these.”
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5 replies
Posted by Imright 9/18/2024 7:41:05 PM Post Reply
President Trump is holding a rally tonight in Uniondale, New York, marking his second major campaign appearance in the state that a Republican hasn’t been competitive in since 1988. As The Gateway Pundit reported, in May, thousands of voters turned out to see Trump speak in the Bronx. This was despite fears of violence from Democrats, who had a minimal presence at the rally despite 15 or more politicians and groups trying to disrupt the rally with their protest. Doors to the rally opened at 3 pm ET. Supporters were seen early in the morning lining up over 12 hours early to see President Trump speak at 7 pm:
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Posted by Beardo 9/18/2024 12:43:03 AM Post Reply
In a historic move, Scientific American magazine has endorsed Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris for president — after having made its then-sole exception by endorsing Joe Biden in 2020 — citing science, healthcare, abortion, gun rights, technology, and climate action as key reasons. On Monday, Scientific American, one of the oldest and most respected science publications in the U.S., made headlines by endorsing Kamala Harris for president. “Vote for Kamala Harris to Support Science, Health and the Environment,” the publication advocated.
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Posted by sunset 9/18/2024 11:57:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/18/2024 12:44:38 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 9/18/2024 9:28:19 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/18/2024 6:57:53 PM Post Reply
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Posted by snakeoil 9/18/2024 5:16:32 PM Post Reply
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21 replies
Posted by sunset 9/18/2024 1:03:27 AM Post Reply
Gas powered stoves in California could now come with a health warning label similar to what you'd find on a pack of cigarettes or other tobacco products, according to a new proposed law in the state. California lawmakers passed a bill at the end of August that would make it illegal to sell a gas stove that is manufactured or sold online on or after Jan. 1, 2025, or sold in a store, "unless the gas stove bears an adhesive label attached in a conspicuous location," according to the text of the bill. Gov. Gavin Newsom has until the end of September to sign the bill into law.
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/18/2024 4:08:00 PM Post Reply
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters leadership has declined to endorse a U.S. president despite a recently released poll showing that a majority of the union’s members support President Donald Trump, the organization announced on Wednesday. Teamsters have endorsed a Democratic nominee in every presidential race since 1996. “Our mission as union representatives is clear: to be honest and upfront, to be inclusive and, above all, to be transparent with our membership. As the strongest and most democratic labor union in America,
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17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/18/2024 2:55:45 PM Post Reply
The Federal Reserve cut interest rates Wednesday by the biggest amount since 2008. Stock markets initally soared on the news - which is seen as a boost for the economy. By slashing interest rates, the Fed has made borrowing money less expensive, taking some of the pressure off consumers' wallets. Experts say it will be a big boost to 401(K) balances too. The cut of 0.5 percentage points is be biggest in 16 years. The Fed was forced to last take the drastic action in the Great Recession that began in 2008. The Fed reacted to worse-than-expected economic data in the past month that casused stock markets to go red in August.
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16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/18/2024 3:56:59 PM Post Reply
The ritzy Massachusetts island of Nantucket has been rocked after an illegal migrant was arrested over his 'detestable and disturbing rape' of a child. Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo, 28, a Salvadorian national, was taken into custody on September 10 over an alleged incident that occurred on July 11 involving a 12-year-old, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Boston Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) office announced Monday. He faces one count of rape of a child with a 10-year age difference and two counts of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14, according to the agency. Aldana-Arevalo pleaded not guilty during his arraignment on July 26
Harris Holds Slim Lead On Trump, But Dem
Voters See Own Party As ‘Undemocratic’:
16 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/18/2024 9:25:23 AM Post Reply
Much of the noise coming from the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris last week had to do with a media-driven narrative that Harris “won.” Maybe so. In initial polls after the debate, Harris padded her lead. But will the debate win be enough for the Democrats’ own rank-and-file voters, who believe the party used an undemocratic method to select its nominee? September’s I&I/TIPP Poll suggests the answer is yes. Start with the fact that the Real Clear Politics polling average puts Harris up just 1.7 percentage points nationally, and a sliver-thin 0.2 percentage points in key battleground states.
Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across
Lebanon, sources say
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/18/2024 11:17:28 AM Post Reply
BEIRUT - Hand-held radios used by Hezbollah detonated on Wednesday across Lebanon's south and in Beirut's southern suburbs, a security source and a witness said, further stoking tensions with Israel a day after similar explosions launched via the group's pagers. Three people were killed in Lebanon's Bekaa region, the state news agency reported, and dozens of people were wounded in the latest device blast. At least one of the blasts took place near a funeral organized by Iran-backed Hezbollah for those killed the previous day when thousands of pagers used by the group exploded across the country and wounded many of the group's fighters.
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