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Furious ranchers across America unite
behind terrified South Dakota couple facing
jail after armed feds stormed their land

Original Article

Posted By: sunset, 8/18/2024 2:38:20 AM

Ranchers are furious after an armed federal agent stormed the land of a South Dakota couple, who are now facing 10 years in prison over a fence if convicted as charged. Charles and Heather Maude, both 39, of Caputa, were separately served grand jury indictments of alleged theft of government property on June 24 by Forest Service Special Agent Travis Lunders, who showed up at their door unannounced, armed, and full tactical gear, according to Cowboy State Daily.


The fence was reportedly built in 1950, meaning it's been on this earth nearly twice the life time of these two young parents.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MissGrits 8/18/2024 3:18:55 AM (No. 1780101)
In Kamala's world, expect a LOT of govt overreach!
60 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mifla 8/18/2024 3:22:57 AM (No. 1780102)
Something tells me that their real crime is that they voted for the "wrong" person or contributed to the "wrong" campaign.
84 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Trigger2 8/18/2024 3:43:07 AM (No. 1780108)
Demonrat agents in action. Enjoy.
44 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 8/18/2024 4:41:23 AM (No. 1780133)
The USFS running roughshod over one of its citizens. Say it aint so? So! Commissars are alive and well in the USFS.
47 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: 5 handicap 8/18/2024 5:34:19 AM (No. 1780143)
IMHO, this Agent has forfeit his Raison D'Etre and should be introduced to Mr. Molotov asap!
26 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DiegoDude 8/18/2024 6:14:43 AM (No. 1780151)
First off, the feds don't need to lock up as much land as they have. This is typical for a federal agency that really has no business harassing a ranching family. All that needed to happen was for the USFS to say is, we surveyed the land and the fence in this area needs to be moved because it's on federal land. Obviously, this out of control Ranger is just the type of employee the Harris regime will promote.
79 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Bur Oak 8/18/2024 6:59:47 AM (No. 1780161)
The Federal government should divest much of the land they own and fire many of the government employees that manage the land.
52 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Troutgreen 8/18/2024 7:14:02 AM (No. 1780166)
G Gordon Liddy sounded the alarm warning of Jack- booted thugs crashing into our homes and businesses for the crime of not bowing down to Big Brother. Time has proven him right.
69 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: chumley 8/18/2024 7:33:38 AM (No. 1780170)
What are park rangers doing strutting around in "tactical gear" anyway? Are they playing army instead of playing Yogi Bear? And how come so many of them are so arrogant towards the public? Some of the ones I've met while fishing have a massive chip on their shoulders and seem to WANT a fight. They do know everyone in this state is armed, dont they?
48 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: kidsmom 8/18/2024 7:47:45 AM (No. 1780179)
I know this might be unpopular, but here goes: One tactical-geared officer serving process does not a "storm" make. As the mother of a law enforcement officer, they go where they're told; and I would want my child fully armored. The fault in this whole mess lies with the officer's higher-ups, and I hope they lose their jobs. There are good grounds for this couple winning this since the fence existed since 1950 and they were not made aware of the survey results before the officer's appearance. Hopefully a grand jury will see through the government's ploys.
32 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/18/2024 8:19:56 AM (No. 1780204)
Surprised that a grand jury, even one that all dims, went along with this. Some people within the USFS hierarchy who lack common sense, are incompetent, exhibit poor judgment, are leftists, and have an axe to grind against republican ranchers are behind this and are seeking to make names for themselves. The hunters who started this by taking issue with the "No Hunting" signs on Maude's land fit the mould of wealthy leftist lawyers who have political connections. We have had similar situations like this in western Colorado - another republican stronghold. The way these leftists operate is to intimidate the victims relentlessly and bleed them dry of their wealth until they finally break. I may easily mis-understand the Maude's situation completely. Or maybe not. And there is probably more to the story. Regardless, people beware.
27 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 8/18/2024 8:48:02 AM (No. 1780217)
From the article: “Charles and Heather Maude, both 39, of Caputa, were separately served grand jury indictments of alleged theft of government property on June 24 by Forest Service Special Agent Travis Lunders, who showed up at their door unannounced, armed, and full tactical gear, according to Cowboy State Daily. ” Nazi prison guards followed orders too. They just did their jobs.
46 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Paperpuncher 8/18/2024 9:03:19 AM (No. 1780225)
Another Ferderal agency that needs to shut down.
23 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: red1066 8/18/2024 9:07:15 AM (No. 1780228)
One guy shows up? That's all?
11 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Lawsy0 8/18/2024 9:51:08 AM (No. 1780251)
It's called running a "Boo Game," when agents show up unannounced, armed, and in full tactical gear. They hope it scares you to death, and they won't be blamed.
16 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: nerdowell 8/18/2024 9:51:45 AM (No. 1780252)
What this is about: The government is intent on locking up as much land as it can, forcing as many people out of their homes to return it to it's "former pristine" condition. Agricultural land is especially targeted, in part so that NGO contributors can gain control of resources and set prices. Plus, residents are sparse and will probably have to sell land in order to pay for litigation. Remember when the Obama administration inexplicably purchased ammunition for agencies that seemingly should have no need of it? Remember the program to tear down the network of dams in Northern California? This has been ongoing for decades. What about families? A husband and wife served separately and told not to discuss their case? Any questions concerning government attitudes about traditional matrimony? Afterall, what use would a totalitarian state have for marriage. What about the bureaucrats, the prosecutors and the judges who willingly go along with this? Good Germans, just following orders, doing their jobs? Whatever happened to the Nuremburg rules. Sure, they're not shooting yet, but they would. Even the comments following the article attend mostly to the technically legal particulars, unable to see the evil, fascist juggernaut about to grind them under its tracks.
27 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: spacer 8/18/2024 9:52:23 AM (No. 1780253)
Staes should simply kick the feds off all land in the borders of their state. By force if needed.
16 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 8/18/2024 9:55:25 AM (No. 1780256)
So - - where is Governor Gnome - - who always talks a free market game - - but then turns tail and runs away whenever there's a real conflict? She cowered before the NCAA - - and she proved gutless over the Mount Rushmore fireworks. Looks like she'll be back in the deep weeds again. But maybe she can make another "cute" commercial - - using taxpayer money to push her own career. Governor Gnome - - where are you ?
12 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Socio 8/18/2024 10:00:13 AM (No. 1780257)
Facing 10 years in prison over a fence that was built in 1950, my guess is someone wants their land that has been in their family since 1907 and is using the federal government as an attack dog to get it.
34 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Kate318 8/18/2024 1:34:49 PM (No. 1780370)
“A little over a month later, the couple met with Forest Service District Ranger, Julie Wheeler, where it was decided the land needed surveyed to determine property boundaries, Gabel told The Daily.” Notice how the most vicious authorities in government are usually liberal women?
11 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Birddog 8/18/2024 1:38:05 PM (No. 1780372)
Is it a matter of a few feet? Or a matter of much larger acreage? Is it a matter of permanent structures of changes to the land in that acreage? or is it pasture/grazing land? Is it being tilled or is it open? Forested with trees being cut? The Govt has had two generations to identify THEIR own borders(4 generations of govt workers based upon a 20 year career) Surveying under "Old" tech can be very different than new lines drawn by satellite and GPS,. The west fence of our farm borders a NY State Forest,created in the 30's when several of the farms on that side of the ridge went under over tax bills, but the recognized property boundaries ALL have stone fences going back to the 1700's. That boundary is nearly 1/2 mile long and at least 1/4 mile from any road or path. The State resurvey of it 3 years ago found that it was off by approx 5 feet at one end, and 30 feet at the other. It is a direct North/South line, and apparently the surveyors compass was a little off. In THIS case they had to move the line towards THEIR side, giving US more land...and also obligating us for more Taxes. The wire fences have long ago rusted away, and no cattle have been run since the 60's. The whole ridge is regrown hardwood forests on our side, and mostly, past it's prime, pine plantations on theirs. It is their obligation to mark the perimeters of state forests, visible from BOTH notice to people on the outside, as well as to those within that they will be crossing over to private lands.They want us to take down our posted signs and move them...but...the expense of that is hardly worth the effort, I'd rather let the occasional hunter using state land encroach a bit than move 100 or so signs, frankly...there are more important uses of my time. I'll wait until they clearly mark THEIR "new" lines, and maybe move my signs when I'm up there doing thinning or something in future years.The people I have granted a hunting lease to agreed to a price for the old lines anyway.(The only real difference is that the state allows rifle hunting on their land, I only allow Black Powder/Archery/Shotgun on mine) MY people can shoot into state land, but stateland hunters cannot shoot into my land.
4 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Aklon70 8/18/2024 3:19:23 PM (No. 1780399)
Who remembers the Jarbridge County Rebellion? Clinton apparatchiks started closing roads in so-called "wilderness" areas that had the effect of cutting the roads to people's ranches. After a confrontation (the Feds backed down) the rest of the county imposed a boycott on anyone working for or related to a Federal employee. At the grocery store, all the registers would stop working; at the gas station all the pumps would stop working - if the customer had anything to do with the Federal Government. Not surprisingly, the Feds in that area calmed down quickly.
5 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Strike3 8/18/2024 3:57:51 PM (No. 1780420)
Be prepared, keep bodybags in the bottom drawer in your kitchen.
2 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Strike3 8/18/2024 4:01:37 PM (No. 1780421)
Hint: The police and feds are not permitted to use deadly force against somebody unless their lives are threatened so don't threaten, just take him out.
3 people like this.

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Posted by sunset 8/21/2024 9:58:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sunset 8/21/2024 9:40:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sunset 8/21/2024 9:21:19 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sunset 8/21/2024 5:56:46 PM Post Reply
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Furious ranchers across America unite
behind terrified South Dakota couple facing
jail after armed feds stormed their land
24 replies
Posted by sunset 8/18/2024 2:38:20 AM Post Reply
Ranchers are furious after an armed federal agent stormed the land of a South Dakota couple, who are now facing 10 years in prison over a fence if convicted as charged. Charles and Heather Maude, both 39, of Caputa, were separately served grand jury indictments of alleged theft of government property on June 24 by Forest Service Special Agent Travis Lunders, who showed up at their door unannounced, armed, and full tactical gear, according to Cowboy State Daily.
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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 8/29/2024 2:41:45 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 8/29/2024 10:49:25 PM Post Reply
Did you catch Kamala Harris's first "interview" as the Democratic Party nominee for president? It was pretty much everything you'd expect from an interview conducted by CNN. Lots of softball questions, lots of word salad responses. CNN anchor Dana Bash actually asked some decent questions, but what really struck me about the interview was that Kamala Harris, more often than not, avoided answering most of the questions, and Bash didn't seem to be concerned with getting an actual answer. You knew things were going to be bad when Harris really struggled to give a coherent answer to the cliché question about what she would do on "on day one."
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Posted by JoElla Bee 8/29/2024 10:09:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 8/29/2024 8:02:55 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Army entered the latest anti-Trump political fray Thursday, issuing a statement to rebuke the former president over an alleged altercation at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) earlier this week. (snip) The Army spokesperson said the incident was reported to the police department at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, (snip) The Trump campaign disputed NPR’s version of events, insisting that photography was permitted and the person trying to block them was having “a mental health episode.” (snip) Joe Biden (snip) during the 2020 presidential campaign, used a video of him standing over a tomb in Section 60 for a political ad.
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25 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 8/30/2024 11:15:53 AM Post Reply
From George Orwell’s 1984 comes one of the author’s most memorable lines: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”[[Snip] So what does this apartment community look like post-hijacking? Frankly, it’s exactly what you’d expect, a third world hellscape nightmare. We’ve got a cartel boss calling the shots (his name is “Cookie” in English), lackeys who dole out merciless beatings, seized properties, and lots of firearms.
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/30/2024 10:03:15 AM Post Reply
During his joint CNN interview with Vice President Kamala Harris Thursday evening, Minnesota governor Tim Walz brushed aside criticisms that he has misrepresented his military service, telling network host Dana Bash that his “grammar is not always correct” but that his “record speaks for itself.” In the middle of Thursday’s interview, Bash asked Walz to address comments he made in a 2018 campaign clip during which he said the country should restrict ownership of the types of weapons that “I carried in war” – a misleading statement given he deployed to Italy in 2003 but never served in a combat zone. “I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt,”
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/29/2024 11:19:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by JoElla Bee 8/30/2024 1:28:31 AM Post Reply
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Harris, Walz will sit down for first major
television interview of their presidential campaign
20 replies
Posted by Imright 8/29/2024 9:26:29 AM Post Reply
Savannah, Ga.—Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, will sit down Thursday for their first major television interview of their presidential campaign as the duo travels in southeast Georgia on a bus tour. The interview with CNN’s Dana Bash will give Harris a chance to quell criticism that she has eschewed uncontrolled environments, while also giving her a fresh platform to define her campaign and test her political mettle ahead of an upcoming debate with former President Donald Trump set for Sept. 10. But it also carries risk as her team tries to build on momentum from the ticket shakeup following Joe Biden’s exit
Germany Vows 'Knife Control' After ISIS
Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival
19 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 8/30/2024 9:21:11 AM Post Reply
After laying a white rose at the site of the Diversity Festival slashing that left three dead and eight wounded, Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised rapid action would be taken against knives. Right now, people in Germany can carry knives up to 4.7 inches long. The law will be modified so that they can only carry knives up to 2.4 inches long. No one appears to have considered the possibility that Muslim terrorists on the way to killing as many infidels as possible might violate the law and carry a concealed knife of 4 inches or longer. Such thoughts are unthinkable.
Ben Stiller calling Kamala Harris 'change'
candidate goes viral: 'Literally the Biden-Harris administration'
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/30/2024 9:12:08 AM Post Reply
Actor Ben Stiller received a mixed reception online after he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, saying that her candidacy has brought "change" to the Democratic Party. "Just very excited about moving forward and all the energy and excitement that's around this movement right now," Stiller said in a video interview posted by journalist Nicholas A. Ballasy that has since gone viral online. "That's why I'm here, because it's time for change, and it seems like it's happening." Stiller and other Hollywood celebrities, including actor George Clooney, have endorsed Harris as President Biden's successor as the Democratic Party's nominee for president. When asked if Harris could keep up her momentum after the
The Cringe: Animated Kamala Harris Talks
Word Salad to High School Students as
She Kicks Off Georgia Campaign Bus Trip
With Tim Walz
18 replies
Posted by Imright 8/29/2024 7:54:20 AM Post Reply
After a week in hiding since being crowned the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, Kamala Harris kicked off a two-day Georgia campaign bus tour with her running mate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) with a stop at Liberty County High School in Hinesville where she spoke to members of the school band who played the school fight song for her and Walz. An animated Harris spoke in a word salad about leadership, the future and how much the country was depending on the success of the high school band as she made exaggerated facial expressions and gesticulated with her arms and hands.
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