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Posts on Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Plot to Stop Trump in 2016 May Lose
Dems the White House: A scenario they
could never have imagined
Posted by OhioNick 7/11/2024 10:25:26 PM Post Reply
When the English arrived in Australia, they discovered tribesmen using curved pieces of wood that they called “bou-mar-rangs” or “boomerangs” which fly away and come back at you. Politics has lots of boomerangs. The latest throwing stick to fly out and come circling back when least expected was a Democrat conspiracy aimed at keeping Trump out of the White House. [SNIP] Even if Biden remains the nominee and wins, and then plops, there’s no mechanism for many electors voting for anyone else and that makes for a very split ticket. Democrat electors would have a choice of selecting a dead (or brain dead) man or nothing.
Jill Biden would never admit it, but she
and Melania Trump are more similar than
you'd think. And in a First Lady face-off,
there's only one Valentino-clad victor
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 10:11:30 PM Post Reply
Dr. Jill Biden may have the Vogue cover – but Melania Trump just did her one better. Prior to hosting a hugely successful Republican fundraiser on Monday night — bringing in $1.4 million — Melania strode through Manhattan in a sleeveless, figure-hugging red Valentino sheath and six-inch Louboutin heels. She was alone. But she looked undeniably happy.For a woman who communicates primarily through clothing, Melania projected many things at once: Strength, defiance, fiery determination, and an allegiance to her husband's candidacy. This, despite not having been seen with the former president since their son, Barron, graduated from high school in May.
Biden During Rare Press Conference: ‘I’ve
Been Given a List of People to Call On’
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 10:07:06 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden relied on a list supplied by his staff when calling on reporters during his first press conference in eight months. His shocking announcement critically undermined his defense against accusations that staff run the White House, stage managing Biden and limiting his exposure to unscripted events and meetings.“With that, I’ll take your questions. I’ve been given a list of people to call on here,” Biden said at the end of his prepared remarks, which he mumbled through despite reading from a teleprompter. Biden paused to check his list, reading out “Reuters, Jeff Mason.”
Catastrophe for Democrats as Biden Avoids Catastrophe replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 9:58:15 PM Post Reply
Going into Thursday night’s press conference, the best hope for Democrats was that President Biden’s performance offered a definitive enough answer on his mental fitness to bring the brewing civil war within the party to a conclusion one way or another. A miraculously great night that staved off the rebellion among Democrats was one way to accomplish this, or on the other end of the spectrum, a complete face-plant by Biden that produced the groundswell needed to force him out of the race. The latter would allow Democrats to move on to the process of selecting a replacement as soon as possible. Instead,
Meltdown: Biden Doesn't Know Who's President,
Can't Read His List, and KJP Tries to
Shut the Presser Down
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 9:23:03 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden's "big boy" press conference is in the books, and it did not go well. As RedState reported, the president showed up with a pre-selected list of reporters to call on, a fact that he announced before taking questions. During the first question, the president then called Donald Trump his vice president, confusing his political opponent with Kamala Harris. From there, he's been rambling and filibustering, attempting to burn enough time so his staff can claim he held his own. The truth is, this was a disaster.
Biden Strikes Defiant Tone in Bumbling
Press Conference with Political Future
at Stake
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 9:19:05 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden struck a defiant tone during what was perhaps the most consequential press conference of his political career, insisting that he is the best candidate to take on Donald Trump in November, even as he stumbled through several answers. Biden read prepared remarks off a teleprompter and answered questions from a pre-selected list of reporters Thursday night at NATO’s 75th anniversary summit, addressing a range of subjects including the history of NATO, Russia’s war against Ukraine, inflation, and Israel’s war against Hamas. The embattled president showed signs of his age throughout the event,
Joe Biden’s ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference
Is a Disaster for the Democrats
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 9:09:20 PM Post Reply
On Thursday evening, Joe Biden held what was widely dubbed his "big boy" press conference. Originally scheduled for 5:30 pm ET, it was delayed an hour, before again being pushed to 7:00 pm and then 7:15 pm. It was a rough start, for sure. Biden sounded hoarse at times, coughed quite a bit, and sounded like he had cotton in his mouth and nostrils. But, it was a campaign speech through and through. He repeated the same old stump speech lines that we've heard over and over and that haven't resonated with the public. Of course, the speech was irrelevant. The questions and answers
Oh Boy, Democrats Are In Trouble After
Joe Biden's NATO Presser
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/11/2024 8:15:02 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden faced a pivotal moment as he held his first press conference after his disastrous debate performance on Thursday. Biden spoke to reporters on the final day of a NATO summit the president was hosting in Washington as he faces mounting pressure to drop out of the 2024 race. The presser got off to a bad start when Biden didn't take the stage until a whole hour after it was scheduled. Democrats held their breath to see if Biden could successfully speak in front of cameras. Following the debate, the 81-year-old president claimed he was having a “bad night;”
RIP Democratic Party: 1828-2024 — Death
by Suicide
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 7:07:25 PM Post Reply
The Democrat Party is on the ropes, and frankly, it's long overdue. The Democrats have been on the wrong side of history since its birth. James Buchanan, a Democrat, sat on his hands as the nation slid into the Civil War, which would eventually kill 2.5% of the nation's population. When Republicans took away their slaves, Democrats responded with Jim Crow laws to keep black people down and the KKK to terrorize them with near impunity for generations. Many consider Woodrow Wilson to be the grandfather of progressivism, a racist, and a fiend. FDR refused to pass an anti-lynching law as black people were being hung throughout the Democrat-run South.
US and Germany foiled Russian
plot to assassinate CEO of arms manufacturer
sending weapons to Ukraine
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 6:37:53 PM Post Reply
US intelligence discovered earlier this year that the Russian government planned to assassinate the chief executive of a powerful German arms manufacturer that has been producing artillery shells and military vehicles for Ukraine, according to five US and western officials familiar with the episode. The plot was one of a series of Russian plans to assassinate defense industry executives across Europe who were supporting Ukraine’s war effort, these sources said. The plan to kill Armin Papperger, a white-haired goliath who has led the German manufacturing charge in support of Kyiv, was the most mature. When the Americans learned of the effort, they informed Germany,
Biden calls Ukraine’s Zelensky ‘President
Putin’ in front of NATO leaders in latest
brutal gaffe
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 6:10:18 PM Post Reply
President Biden drew gasps Thursday evening when he referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” — confusing him with the Russian tyrant whose forces have invaded Ukraine for the past two-and-a-half years. Biden quickly apologized for the embarrassing flub, saying it happened because he was “so focused on beating” the Kremlin strongman. However, the mistake is likely to accelerate calls among congressional Democrats for the 81-year-old to end his bid for a second term.
Georgia Board Notches Election Integrity
Win That Could Secure A Trump Victory
Posted by Beardo 7/11/2024 5:50:20 PM Post Reply
The Georgia State Election Board amended election rules to require a hand count to verify vote totals and an investigation into vote discrepancies. The new rule passed on a 3-1 vote put forward by Cobb County Republican Party Chairwoman Salleigh Grubbs, requires poll officers to hand count ballots on the precinct level each day of voting to ensure there isn’t a discrepancy between the machine totals and the number of votes cast. The poll manager and two poll officers as witnesses must verify the vote totals, signing a statement of their authenticity.
More Bad News on the Electric Vehicle Front replies
Posted by DVC 7/11/2024 5:44:28 PM Post Reply
Suffice to say, all is not well for the Electric Vehicle (EV) industry these days. Despite ample subsidies from the federal government, EV sales are slumping. Some of the largest automakers, such as Mercedes Benz, admit they won’t come close to hitting their EV sales estimates over the next few years. And Tesla, the king of EVs, just announced its lowest quarterly profit over the past two years. After the Tesla news broke, the company’s shares cratered, leading to a $138 billion decline in value. Even worse, Hyundai Motor North America is facing a lawsuit that contends the auto manufacturer “has emphasized sales-volume growth
'Massive Victory for Women Everywhere':
Biden's Judicial Nominee Goes Down in Flames
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 4:35:44 PM Post Reply
The Senate Judiciary Committee torpedoed the nomination of Sarah Netburn Thursday to sit on the U.S. District Court in New York's Southern District. Netburn, nominated by President Joe Biden and recommended by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, had a record of transferring violent male rapists to women's prisons under the guise of being "transgender." (X Videos) Netburn's nomination was opposed by a number of legal, law enforcement and women's rights groups, who are applauding the rejection.
Rumors Swirl Zelensky Wants to Talk to
Russia Before U.S. Presidential Election
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 4:31:18 PM Post Reply
“People familiar” told Bloomberg News on Wednesday that Ukraine is considering direct talks with Russia at a second peace summit before the U.S. presidential election in November – a report that followed rumors President Volodymyr Zelensky is worried about the health of American counterpart President Joe Biden. Zelensky is currently in Washington, DC, meeting with Biden and other world leaders for the annual NATO military alliance summit. Ukraine is not a member of NATO but has loudly demanded entry to the alliance for years. The declaration published after private talks among NATO states included a promise that Ukraine was on an “irreversible path” to membership, as well as millions of dollars
With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Democrats? replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/11/2024 4:29:02 PM Post Reply
To be sure, there is much to fear from the Democratic-Industrial Complex. In the ensuing months, it will resort to all manner of tactics on every front to ensure a Progressive win in November. That, of course, is not headline news, but conservatives should also keep in mind that old horror movie trope, "The call is coming from inside the house!" And the Senate. I have to wonder how much of one's soul one must mortgage to go to Washington, D.C., as a Republican, only to get slapped around on a daily basis by Democrats and still be willing to do their bidding or at least lay low
Biden Presser Delayed replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/11/2024 4:21:01 PM Post Reply
oe Biden's first solo press conference with the White House press corps since last November, originally scheduled at 5:30 p.m. EDT, has been delayed one hour because the NATO meeting started late. But the signs are unmistakable. Unless Biden can shed 20 years and appear to be hale and hearty enough to stay up past 8:00 p.m., he's a goner no matter how badly he wants to stay in the race. The noise has been deafening all day. Donors, Democratic politicians, and ordinary people are all calling for Biden's exit from the race. To make matters worse, his inner circle of advisors has shrunk to just two of his closest aides:
A respectful response to never-Trump Republicans replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/11/2024 4:14:23 PM Post Reply
This piece isn’t for confirmed Democrats. They are not persuadable. They’ll vote against Donald Trump and call him “Hitler” to boot, just as they did with Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. Never mind that Hitler’s party was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. In the greatest rebranding coup of history, today it’s not the socialist Democrats but the capitalist Republicans that are deemed just like the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. No, this piece is instead for my Republican friends who still refuse to support the party’s soon-to-be nominee in the presidential race against Joe Biden (or whomever).
Hey Joe, The Call is Coming from Inside
the Building
Posted by earlybird 7/11/2024 4:06:24 PM Post Reply
As things in Washington DC unfold, it is easy to lose sight of the forest due to the trees. A few obvious big picture items: ♦ First, why is Volodymyr Zelenskyy attending a NATO summit? Ukraine is not a part of NATO. ♦ Second, do not overlook the big picture. While a NATO summit is happening in DC, Joe Biden is under the most intense political attack in his tenure, from his own administration. This does not happen without the approval of the deepest elements within the Deep State apparatus, the Intelligence Community. There is no way the entirety of the system,
Dems in Chaos: Joe Biden's Campaign Is
Poll-Testing a Harris v. Trump Matchup
Posted by DW626 7/11/2024 2:33:05 PM Post Reply
Democrats are the most disarrayed they've been in recent memory after President Joe Biden's botched debate performance against former President Donald Trump set off a firestorm of internal chaos over a path forward for their party ahead of November's elections. After the mainstream media feigned sudden surprise that Biden has trouble demonstrating fitness to be commander-in-chief and Democrats called for their party's leader to withdraw from the race, now even the Biden campaign is "quietly" testing Vice President Kamala Harris' strength against Trump, according to The New York Times.
Dems Privately Admit Trump Is No Threat
to Democracy
Posted by Hazymac 7/11/2024 2:02:46 PM Post Reply
"I can live with Donald Trump winning," is what elected Democrats privately admit to New York Times columnist and Vox cofounder Ezra Klein, in discussions that are so far off the record that Klein's notes have been tucked away in that Indiana Jones warehouse. Klein appeared this week on The Bulwark Podcast with host Tim Miller, where the well-connected operative said, "I've had top Democrats say to me basically something like, 'I don't know why all these Democrats who think Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy are acting the way they are. But the reason I'm acting the way I am is because I don't think that.'"
It Has Dawned on Some That Biden Never
Liked Black People - Which May Explain
Trump's Black Voter Bump
Posted by Hazymac 7/11/2024 1:37:25 PM Post Reply
Along with the discoveries and sudden revelations of President Joe Biden's cognitive issues — a fact that alternative and right-leaning media has been reporting for years — Biden's overt racism has been given a fresh look. In a post-July 4th campaign stop on Sunday, a young Black girl waits patiently on the rope line for President Biden to greet her and take a selfie. After glad handing the white man standing next to her, Biden treats the young girl like she's invisible and immediately goes to the elderly white woman standing on the other side of her. Talk about rude. (X) I was this many years old
Trump Just Dropped a Truly Funny Troll
of Biden and George Clooney
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 1:31:26 PM Post Reply
On Wednesday, George Clooney published a devastating op-ed calling on Joe Biden to step aside. Clooney had just helped to hold a fundraiser for Biden three weeks ago where Biden raised $30 million. (Are they going to give it back?) Now he's admitting that the Joe Biden of the debate debacle was the same guy they saw at the fundraiser. He also spoke about how they collectively held their breath every time Biden went to answer an unscripted question or walked off Air Force One.
Dems: Facing the Abyss Inside the Abyss replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 12:59:47 PM Post Reply
Readers of Plato’s Republic will remember Socrates’ allegory of the cave in Book VII, but followers of Leo Strauss like to talk sometimes about “the cave beneath the cave,” and then things get really weird. (I know—big surprise.) But I think this cave-in-a-cave analogy may help explain the Democrats’ dilemma and hesitation right now. On further consideration, I think there is one major factor holding back DC Democrats from forcing Biden out immediately. To be sure, dumping Joe Biden for the uncertainty of successor candidate is to stare into the political abyss, which is scary enough. But it is doubly terrifying because deep inside that abyss is another, bigger
Shelley Duvall, Robert Altman Protege
and Tormented Wife in ‘The Shining,’
Dies at 75
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 12:44:38 PM Post Reply
Shelley Duvall, the saucer-eyed, rail-thin waif who starred in seven films directed by her mentor, Robert Altman, and avoided the ax wielded by an unhinged Jack Nicholson in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining, died Thursday. She was 75. Duvall died in her sleep of complications from diabetes at her home in Blanco, Texas, Dan Gilroy, her life partner since 1989, told The Hollywood Reporter. “My dear, sweet, wonderful life partner and friend left us. Too much suffering lately, now she’s free. Fly away, beautiful Shelley,” Gilroy said. In November 2016, a disheveled Duvall appeared on an episode of the syndicated talk show Dr. Phil and revealed that she was suffering from mental illness.
Trump Recalculating for a Landslide? replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 12:34:30 PM Post Reply
One unfortunate feature of national political campaigns over the last quarter-century has been the "base turnout" model. Rather than try to modulate the message and agenda to appeal to the center, both of the major parties have focused instead on energizing their base. Barack Obama may have been the exception in this century, about which I wrote in my book Going Red, but even that was only in his first presidential election. By 2012, Obama had to rely on his base and his considerable personal approval to skate by in a close re-election effort. Donald Trump also relied on a base-turnout model in both of his presidential elections, as did
Over half of Dems say Biden should drop
out after debate, poll finds
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 12:31:29 PM Post Reply
More than half of Democrats say President Joe Biden should end his reelection campaign because of his catastrophic debate performance, though he remains tied with former President Donald Trump, according to a Washington Post/ABC News/Ipsos poll released Thursday. Fifty-six percent of Democrats and 67 percent of all Americans believe Biden should withdraw “given his performance in the debate,” the poll found. Both Biden and Trump receive 46 percent support among all registered voters, nearly unchanged from the last edition of the poll in April. And a record-high 85 percent of Americans say Biden is too old for a second term — up from April, along with a new high of
Fans are thirsting over JFK’s grandson,
Jack Schlossberg, after he’s named Vogue
political correspondent
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 12:28:36 PM Post Reply
Fans are thirsting over John F. Kennedy’s grandson after he was named Vogue’s new political correspondent. The fashion magazine announced on Thursday that Jack Schlossberg — the only grandson of JFK and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis — will be covering the upcoming 2024 presidential election. “I am inspired by my family’s legacy of public service. I take that very seriously and I want to contribute in my own way,” Schlossberg, 31, told Vogue in an article published Wednesday. “I have big dreams, but I also know that I’m trying to make a positive impact today.”
Former Israeli hostage sues US non-profit
who employed ‘Hamas operative’ who
held him captive
Posted by sunset 7/11/2024 12:27:46 PM Post Reply
A former Israeli hostage freed last month in a daring Israel Defense Forces raid in Gaza is suing a US non-profit which employed his Hamas operative captor as a war correspondent, The Post has learned. Almog Meir Jan, 22, filed the lawsuit Tuesday in Seattle federal court against People Media Project, a non-profit based in Olympia, WA. The organization runs a pro-Palestinian news website and had frequently published the work of Abdullah Aljamal, a Gaza-based journalist and former spokesman for the terrorist organization. “It is indisputable that defendants provided Hamas operative Aljamal, whose connections to Hamas were publicly known, with a US-based and taxpayer subsidized platform to publish Hamas propaganda.
Biden Border Crisis: 7 New Illegal Immigrant
Crimes ABC, CBS, NBC Are Burying
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 12:20:02 PM Post Reply
The tragic cost of Biden’s border crisis keeps rising as more horrific acts committed by illegal immigrants seem to be happening on an almost daily basis. Senator Ted Cruz encapsulated Americans’ frustration when he posted “Every…damn…day” in response to a July 8 story of an illegal (who had already been deported) allegedly raping a Utah child. The tragic stories are piling up, but ABC, CBS and NBC have mostly ignored them on their evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows. NewsBusters examined seven new cases of illegal crimes that occurred in just the last month. The networks refused to mention anything about four of the seven and limited coverage
Outrageous: Biden’s Defense Department
Labels Pro-Life Organizations as “Terrorist
Organizations” During Anti-Terrorism Briefing
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 12:16:34 PM Post Reply
The Biden regime’s Defense Department has taken an unprecedented step by categorizing pro-life organizations as “terrorist organizations” during an anti-terrorism briefing held at Fort Liberty’s Directorate of Emergency Services, formerly known as Fort Bragg, on Wednesday. This deeply concerning slide from an anti-terrorism brief was first exposed by citizen journalist Sam Shoemate, or @samour, on X. “An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.” The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East,”
Sadiq Khan’s London: Man Stabbed for
Saying Feet Off Seats
Posted by mc squared 7/11/2024 10:13:43 AM Post Reply
A London bus passenger was stabbed by a fellow commuter after asking his assailant to take his feet off the seats, the latest in a week of knife attacks in the capital. The victim, who was in his 50s, was attacked on a bus in Croydon, south London, the Daily Telegraph reports. Detectives have issued a picture of a suspect they want to speak about the incident. [snip] Police acted after they released a CCTV image of a man they want to trace after four men were stabbed in the face, eye and ear in west London in recent days, the BBC reported.
Hey, Elon, How About A Tesla That Runs
On Gas?
Posted by RockyTCB 7/11/2024 9:56:17 AM Post Reply
Recall when electric vehicles were our future, the next generation of automobiles that were going to save us? It’s been a fairly tale from the beginning, as people are beginning to see. About six weeks ago, President Joe Biden bragged during a Rose Garden event that “thanks to my bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we’re building a network of 500,000 charging stations all across America.” At that moment, only seven stations had been built – three years after the bill was passed. The lack of progress cannot be explained away by the challenges faced by any infrastructure buildout, though Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg
CBS News ousts top exec accused of blocking
correspondent’s Hunter Biden laptop coverage
Posted by 4250Luis 7/11/2024 8:49:50 AM Post Reply
CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews — who was accused of sidelining white journalists and blocking an acclaimed correspondent’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop — is stepping down at the network, the company said Wednesday. The controversial news boss, who was named president just last August, is exiting after she made headlines in February over the firing of Catherine Herridge, a respected senior investigative reporter who had been doggedly covering the Hunter Biden laptop story for the network. At the time, media insiders speculated that Herridge’s exit was linked to her reporting that President Biden may have kept evidence that he had foreign business dealings while in office.
Trump’s ex-wife Marla Maples stands
by former president, ready to help his campaign
Posted by 4250Luis 7/11/2024 8:46:31 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump’s ex-wife Marla Maples revealed in a rare interview that she’s willing to help the former president’s 2024 campaign — and is even “open” to being his vice president. “I’m ready. I am available if needed and I’m not sitting back anymore,” Maples, who just turned 60, told the Evening Standard in her first interview in eight years. “I want to step out more, share more and not be afraid of positive or negative outcomes that come from speaking out,” she added. Maples, who shares daughter Tiffany Trump with the former commander-in-chief, said her willingness to help Trump’s second White House bid has not been affected by her ex-husband’s legal troubles.
Daily Show Correspondent Stunned When
Half of Black Voters in Focus Group Say
They’re Voting for Trump (Video)
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 6:39:05 AM Post Reply
The liberal Daily Show recently featured a focus group of six black voters and the correspondent leading the group was stunned to find out that half of them are planning to vote for Trump in November. Trump did extremely well with minority voters in 2020 and is expected to do much better in 2024. This is giving Democrats panic attacks and it should. The American electorate is shifting. (Snip) “The Daily Show” correspondent Josh Johnson in a Tuesday segment expressed surprise that a panel of black tri-state area voters was evenly divided between supporting former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.
Biden Co-Chair: Don’t Set ‘Stakes
Too High’ for NATO Presser, Bar ‘So
High’ a Man with ‘Slight Stutter’
Can’t Clear It
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 6:35:34 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said that he has told his Senate colleagues, “remember who Joe Biden is. We can’t set a bar so high that who Joe Biden’s been for 30 years can’t clear it. He’s always had a slight stutter. He’s always spoken a little off the cuff.” And that we shouldn’t “set the stakes too high” for his NATO press conference on Thursday. Host Kaitlan Collins asked, “You’ve kind of been in this intermediary position, where, obviously, you know the President incredibly well, but also, you’re talking to all these senators, you know all of them. I’m sure they’re
Exclusive: Conservative org investigating
Biden admin’s ‘partisan’ voter registration
push in key swing state
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 1:31:55 AM Post Reply
The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) launched an investigation Wednesday into a Biden administration program aimed at registering voters in a key swing state, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. AFPI is demanding documents from the Biden administration regarding the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) voter registration efforts in Michigan, an operation it suspects could disproportionately benefit Democrats in November’s election, the organization exclusively told the DCNF. The SBA’s voter registration operations in Michigan are part of Executive Order 14019, which compels federal agencies to develop a plan to promote voter engagement and participation, sparking concerns from some conservatives that public funds may be used to help Democrats
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