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Joe Biden Agrees to Interview with Lester
Holt After NBC Runs Segment Saying He
‘Definitely’ Has Parkinson’s

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 7/10/2024 10:23:04 PM

President Joe Biden is slated to participate in a one-on-one interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, as the 81 year old continues to stand defiantly in his decision to remain in the presidential race, despite the pleas of some very well-known Democrats. NBC’s Monica Alba announced the upcoming interview, writing on X, “BREAKING: @NBCNews anchor Lester Holt will sit down with President Biden for an exclusive one-on-one interview on Monday in Austin, Texas.” The entire interview is expected to air during a primetime special at 9:00 p.m. Eastern that same day.


Another train wreck waiting to happen???

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Reply 1 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/10/2024 10:38:13 PM (No. 1754118)
If they're willing to put him out there again, there will be questions submitted ahead of tie with prepared answers, displayed on a large teleprompter, all the editing breaks needed, etc. And then I guess they'll ask to believe Joe is miraculously cured now. These people are pathetic.
24 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Hard Nard 7/10/2024 10:57:06 PM (No. 1754122)
Possibly the last nail in the coffin?
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Son of Grady 7/10/2024 10:59:13 PM (No. 1754123)
Wasn't it Lester Dolt that said "you don't have to tell both sides of a story".
16 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: thefield 7/10/2024 11:05:42 PM (No. 1754124)
Screwed timing at the start I'd rhe republican national convenvention.
4 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Birddog 7/10/2024 11:24:48 PM (No. 1754130)
Why Texas? Because Trump went to Da Bronx? IF he is gonna fly all of that way...will he go "Walk about" meet some folks on the streets? Stop in and grab some BBQ, some wataburger? Go skinny dip at Hippie Hollow? Austin is one of Texas' "Whitest" cities, only 7% Black, 11% Hispanic... While it is ranked 4th largest City in Texas, pretty dang far behind #3, with only 1/7 the population of Dallas...the city alone is approx the same population size as Biden's ENTIRE state of Delaware, and in the Austin/Roundrock's nearly twice the size of Delaware. What kind of idiot picks a fight with a States Governor,Lt Governor by LYING about them in the midst of a Declared Major Disaster...then shows up in that States Capital the following week? 200miles away from the "Declared Major Disaster"...Will he at least fly over it? Maybe visit the Border? If he DOESN'T...that means this is a "Personal Political Campaign Press" trip, Lester Holt could have just flown to DC, met at the Whitehouse...or the Beachouse...and OMG!! It will be after 8pm!!with JETLAG!.
15 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 7/11/2024 12:39:15 AM (No. 1754150)
Never heard of this Holt person, but I turned off the alphabet soup propaganda channels 20 years ago.
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: JimBob 7/11/2024 12:51:33 AM (No. 1754157)
Two thoughts: Is Biden flying AF-1 and the entourage plane- to Austin just for this interview? "Oh, the Cee-Oh-Two!" ... and what a waste of borrowed money! - What I want to know is.... Who 'Behind the Green Curtain' said it was time to start the process to get rid if Biden? NONE of this is happening on its own. Remember the 'spontaneous demonstrations' a year or two ago? Who paid to have the pallets of bricks delivered the night before, so that the 'demonstrators' would have them to throw?
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: mifla 7/11/2024 4:34:43 AM (No. 1754184)
I suspect Lester received quite a long list of directions from the WH after the George interview went bad.
13 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Strike3 7/11/2024 5:08:28 AM (No. 1754202)
"I ain't crazy, dammit. Eeeaaaaaahhhhh!!!"
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: privateer 7/11/2024 7:04:41 AM (No. 1754267)
Joe needs to get out there and do a song and dance routine of 'Puttin' On The Ritz'.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Nimby 7/11/2024 7:53:32 AM (No. 1754289)
Lipstick on a pig?
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Nimby 7/11/2024 8:00:59 AM (No. 1754294)
Why Austin? Beryl did not affect the city at all? As usual, the idiot i. Chief avoids going to disaster area - Houston where 2 million are still without electricity and Matagorda where Beryl made landfall. His handlers are really out of touch
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: winmag 7/11/2024 8:02:17 AM (No. 1754295)
I'm sure old Lester will be performing a media tongue bath on the "stutterer".
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mobyclik 7/11/2024 8:06:33 AM (No. 1754301)
For them to turn Biden loose on camera like this tells you it is 100% staged, questions/answers supplied and a teleprompter the size of those old drive-in theater screens. Never ever believe anything a liberal says/does.
7 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: nerdowell 7/11/2024 9:29:55 AM (No. 1754345)
Question du jour: Is it Parkinson's or dementia? The former primarily attacks the motor functions of the brain, the other effects the entire brain--memory, judgement, impulse control as well as well as movement. A person could have a movement disorder but still be cognitively competent. I wonder if the situation is analogous to a police interrogation where the murderer says " I robbed him but somebody else killed him"
2 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: franq 7/11/2024 9:48:28 AM (No. 1754353)
Lester Holt. Please. Might as well call in Steven Spielberg.
4 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: formerNYer 7/11/2024 10:41:56 AM (No. 1754397)
Lester Holt is a leftist jerk.
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: clayusmcret 7/11/2024 11:35:35 AM (No. 1754428)
Virtually every one of these networks participated in the past three+ years aggressive effort to cover for Biden's cognitive decline. Now, one by one, they're being given one chance, and one chance only, to come clean and either hold honest interviews with him....or declare their continued participation in the cover-up by doing all they can to continue to hide his decline. How the hosts and editors do (or don't do) their jobs will be telling for the future believability of each network.
2 people like this.

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Joe Biden Agrees to Interview with Lester
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/10/2024 9:04:30 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/10/2024 8:55:55 AM Post Reply
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Move over, Waffle House index. Houstonians
have the Whataburger app.
7 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/10/2024 8:48:46 AM Post Reply
Whataburger has a power outage map of sorts that provides answers people would usually expect from their utility provider, CenterPoint. And Texans are relying on the Flying W in the wake of Hurricane Beryl. As X user BBQ Bryan pointed out, the Whataburger app doubles as a power outage tracker, since it shows which locations are open with a geomap highlighting its many restaurants throughout the Houston metro area. The ones operating show the bright orange Whataburger symbol while the rest are in gray. "Well there’s a use for our app we didn’t think of!" Whataburger responded. "We hope you and everyone else are okay!"
“He Has a Team” – WHOA! Karine Jean-Pierre
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Nuke in Middle of the Night (VIDEO)
23 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/9/2024 9:17:04 PM Post Reply
White House reporters on Tuesday continued to pepper Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre with questions about Biden’s cognitive decline. Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked KJP who the Pentagon contacts if they detect an incoming nuke late at night past Joe Biden’s “8 pm window.” According to The New York Times, Biden recently told Democrat governors that his ‘health is fine,’ “it’s just my brain.” Biden is also reported to have told the governors that he needs to get more sleep, work fewer hours and not do events after 8 p.m. Peter Doocy asked Karine Jean-Pierre about Biden’s early bedtime and the ‘3 am phone call.’ “Well, [Biden] also said he’s the sharpest before 8 pm,
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Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 12:28:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 7/11/2024 4:21:01 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/11/2024 8:49:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 7/11/2024 2:33:05 PM Post Reply
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Jill Biden would never admit it, but she
and Melania Trump are more similar than
you'd think. And in a First Lady face-off,
there's only one Valentino-clad victor
15 replies
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 10:11:30 PM Post Reply
Dr. Jill Biden may have the Vogue cover – but Melania Trump just did her one better. Prior to hosting a hugely successful Republican fundraiser on Monday night — bringing in $1.4 million — Melania strode through Manhattan in a sleeveless, figure-hugging red Valentino sheath and six-inch Louboutin heels. She was alone. But she looked undeniably happy.For a woman who communicates primarily through clothing, Melania projected many things at once: Strength, defiance, fiery determination, and an allegiance to her husband's candidacy. This, despite not having been seen with the former president since their son, Barron, graduated from high school in May.
Biden calls Ukraine’s Zelensky ‘President
Putin’ in front of NATO leaders in latest
brutal gaffe
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 6:10:18 PM Post Reply
President Biden drew gasps Thursday evening when he referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” — confusing him with the Russian tyrant whose forces have invaded Ukraine for the past two-and-a-half years. Biden quickly apologized for the embarrassing flub, saying it happened because he was “so focused on beating” the Kremlin strongman. However, the mistake is likely to accelerate calls among congressional Democrats for the 81-year-old to end his bid for a second term.
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15 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/11/2024 9:56:17 AM Post Reply
Recall when electric vehicles were our future, the next generation of automobiles that were going to save us? It’s been a fairly tale from the beginning, as people are beginning to see. About six weeks ago, President Joe Biden bragged during a Rose Garden event that “thanks to my bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we’re building a network of 500,000 charging stations all across America.” At that moment, only seven stations had been built – three years after the bill was passed. The lack of progress cannot be explained away by the challenges faced by any infrastructure buildout, though Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Meltdown: Biden Doesn't Know Who's President,
Can't Read His List, and KJP Tries to
Shut the Presser Down
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 9:23:03 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden's "big boy" press conference is in the books, and it did not go well. As RedState reported, the president showed up with a pre-selected list of reporters to call on, a fact that he announced before taking questions. During the first question, the president then called Donald Trump his vice president, confusing his political opponent with Kamala Harris. From there, he's been rambling and filibustering, attempting to burn enough time so his staff can claim he held his own. The truth is, this was a disaster.
Daily Show Correspondent Stunned When
Half of Black Voters in Focus Group Say
They’re Voting for Trump (Video)
14 replies
Posted by Imright 7/11/2024 6:39:05 AM Post Reply
The liberal Daily Show recently featured a focus group of six black voters and the correspondent leading the group was stunned to find out that half of them are planning to vote for Trump in November. Trump did extremely well with minority voters in 2020 and is expected to do much better in 2024. This is giving Democrats panic attacks and it should. The American electorate is shifting. (Snip) “The Daily Show” correspondent Josh Johnson in a Tuesday segment expressed surprise that a panel of black tri-state area voters was evenly divided between supporting former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.
It Has Dawned on Some That Biden Never
Liked Black People - Which May Explain
Trump's Black Voter Bump
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/11/2024 1:37:25 PM Post Reply
Along with the discoveries and sudden revelations of President Joe Biden's cognitive issues — a fact that alternative and right-leaning media has been reporting for years — Biden's overt racism has been given a fresh look. In a post-July 4th campaign stop on Sunday, a young Black girl waits patiently on the rope line for President Biden to greet her and take a selfie. After glad handing the white man standing next to her, Biden treats the young girl like she's invisible and immediately goes to the elderly white woman standing on the other side of her. Talk about rude. (X) I was this many years old
Trump Recalculating for a Landslide? 13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/11/2024 12:34:30 PM Post Reply
One unfortunate feature of national political campaigns over the last quarter-century has been the "base turnout" model. Rather than try to modulate the message and agenda to appeal to the center, both of the major parties have focused instead on energizing their base. Barack Obama may have been the exception in this century, about which I wrote in my book Going Red, but even that was only in his first presidential election. By 2012, Obama had to rely on his base and his considerable personal approval to skate by in a close re-election effort. Donald Trump also relied on a base-turnout model in both of his presidential elections, as did
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