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Big Lies About Israel

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Posted By: Judy W., 7/3/2024 6:45:16 AM

For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations -- especially the UN and the EU, the International Court of Justice and mainstream media alongside NGOs such as Human Rights Watch -- pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and even using it as a "weapon of war." Israel might have saved itself the effort. No one was listening. (Snip) Now, it turns out, it was all a big lie. There was no famine, there is no famine and Israel has not been using hunger as a "weapon of war."


The article points out that a quarter-million children in Sudan are so malnourished that they will probably die shortly. But the UN and its allies don't care; their focus is solely on demonizing Israel.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Catfur27 7/3/2024 7:22:37 AM (No. 1748654) mean the media is dishonest, unfair, and partisan..??!!!....Lucianne readers are SHOCKED ...shocked I tell you.
39 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Catfur27 7/3/2024 7:24:37 AM (No. 1748656) mean the media is dishonest, unfair, and partisan,,,??!!...Lucianne readers are SHOCKED! ..shocked I tell you.
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 7/3/2024 7:39:53 AM (No. 1748671)
In other news, Sun rises in the East today!!!
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: john56 7/3/2024 9:03:26 AM (No. 1748741)
And many of the civilian deaths, as reported elsewhere, are when the Hamas thugs feel some of their population isn't 100% on their side. Any residents who want to negotiate with Israel find themselves and their families quickly assuming room temperature .
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Venturer 7/3/2024 9:19:28 AM (No. 1748766)
When Donald Trump become President it is hoped that he can kill the monster of the Deep State. At least cripple it. The shame of it is that he can do nothing to turn the media around. The pathetic haters in the media are untouchable.
18 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/4/2024 9:58:26 AM (No. 1749490)
Rather it is the UN who actually uses food, provided by western nations, as their "weapon of choice" against those same western nations to make the situation appear more dire, while also profiting handsomely in the black market sale of stolen food.
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 7/4/2024 12:58:30 PM (No. 1749637)
Any media outlet as well as any European group, organization of alliance can be defeated by the same means, starve them of American money. The majority of the world's countries would die out within a few decades without our money and we stupidly give it to them, even our worst enemies.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Timber Queen 7/4/2024 3:22:38 PM (No. 1749709)
I'm 70 years old and I still cannot understand the hatred against Jews and Israel, despite being a historian by passion and training - holding a B.A. in the subject. I had Jewish neighbors growing up, friends in college and colleagues in my career. Some I loved, some became great friends, some were just co-workers, some were stinkers, some just floated through like thousands of others you meet throughout your life. To judge someone's worthiness for life based only on their religion is the most evil and inhuman state of mind. It is surely born only in the bowels of Hell. This is not just Israel against the Palestinians, or Iran, or the world. It is the great Spiritual Warfare of Good against Evil described in Holy Scripture. It is the battle that every Jew and Christian is called to fight together while remaining strong within our own faith traditions. Those of us who are churched need to evangelize our family and friends. Invite them to your services. Even if they have refused in the past - invite them again, times have changed. You may want to start gently by sharing Scripture with them privately in your home. Public worship is very important in the healing of our culture. We have surrendered the common green to evil and need to reclaim our ground. AMDG then MAGA
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Salutary Neglect is Our Best Hope 2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/4/2024 11:41:41 AM Post Reply
The Encyclopedia Virginia defines “Salutary Neglect” as follows: Salutary neglect was Britain’s unofficial policy, initiated by prime minister Robert Walpole, to relax the enforcement of strict regulations, particularly trade laws, imposed on the American colonies late in the seventeenth and early in the eighteenth centuries. (Snip) Because the policy was unwritten, it went unnamed until March 22, 1775, when Edmund Burke, addressing Parliament, cited British officials’ “wise and salutary neglect” as the prime factor in the booming commercial success of the country’s North American holdings. Indeed, salutary neglect enabled the American colonies to prosper by trading with non-British entities, and then to spend that wealth on British-made goods,
Big Lies About Israel 8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/3/2024 6:45:16 AM Post Reply
For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations -- especially the UN and the EU, the International Court of Justice and mainstream media alongside NGOs such as Human Rights Watch -- pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and even using it as a "weapon of war." Israel might have saved itself the effort. No one was listening. (Snip) Now, it turns out, it was all a big lie. There was no famine, there is no famine and Israel has not been using hunger as a "weapon of war."
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Posted by Judy W. 7/2/2024 6:18:55 AM Post Reply
The Palestinian Authority and other Arab governments have been reminded in recent days of the reasons why entering the Gaza Strip after the war would be risky, if not impossible... According to reports from the Gaza Strip, Hamas has murdered a number of Palestinians who it believed had indicated willingness to be part of a new government that would replace the terrorist group after the war. Hamas, apparently, does not want food or medication to reach the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, particularly not via Israeli border crossings. This situation is most likely caused by Hamas's desire to create a "famine" so it can blame Israel
Heritage Foundation working on election
legal challenges in case Biden pulled
from DNC nomination
14 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/30/2024 6:33:30 AM Post Reply
A major conservative activist group is preparing for legal battles in case the Democratic Party chooses to pull President Biden out of the running before or after he becomes the nominee. The Heritage Foundation, one of the United States' most prominent and well-connected conservative activist groups, is laying the groundwork in case a sudden switch-up in the Democratic roster sparks a legal war. "We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before the election, and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated," (Snip) "We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed."
Michelle O breaks cover, and her timing
is spot on
19 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/28/2024 9:04:23 AM Post Reply
All over the media in the past two days was Michelle Obama’s “exclusive” interview, in which she dished on the Biden family dysfunction. (Snip)To any of us who attended the First and Second ladies’ horror shows during Barack’s first and second terms, we saw, repeatedly, strain, and certainly no love lost between Michelle and Jill. Both are ambitious, to put it mildly, vain, and love money. Michelle’s abrupt garrulousness this week was not a coincidence. It is a clear sign that the faux indifference of Ms. Obama to “be” president of the United States may be about to evaporate. We can anticipate,although most hopefully not, a putative fourth Obama administration,
Farewell Sweet Prince 8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/28/2024 8:36:37 AM Post Reply
Last night saw the grim horror of a CNN hosted Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. In many ways such a spectacle is crueller than anything devised by the writers of The Boys or the directors of the Saw franchise of torture porn movies. Trump himself summed it up best: “I don’t know what he said in that last sentence, and I don’t think he does either.” (Snip) Trump had the honesty, alone in his billionaire class, to see that the experts and institutions and respectable management class were destroying his country, and he had the courage to keep advocating the things that work
Unprepared 6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/26/2024 11:33:20 AM Post Reply
Yesterday, we filed the most important lawsuit in my firm’s history. I have been blessed, if you can call it that, with being jammed plumb spang into the center of the covid controversy since Day One. (Snip) Now, at long last, it is time to go on offense. It is time to strike at the problem’s diseased heart, trying to win the war for good. The PREP Act is the 2005 federal law granting legal immunity to Pfizer and Moderna for horrible injuries and deaths, as well as to any hospitals or doctors who administered the vaccines or other covid treatments bearing the CDC’s official stamp of approval during the pandemic.
Donald Trump Is the Republican Who Actually
Wants to Win
6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/24/2024 9:07:53 AM Post Reply
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Those of us who have been hanging around the Republican Party for a long time are used to the fact that there's not a lot of fight there. Enter Donald Trump. In his previous presidential election battles, Donald Trump has come out swinging in places where he wasn't supposed to have a chance to fight. (Snip) Because he wanted to win the election. Trump's willingness to swing hard in traditionally blue states is what gives him a chance to beat the Democrats' Magic Mail-In Ballot Machine.
New Jersey High School Yearbook Removes
Names of Jewish Students
17 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/18/2024 5:47:57 AM Post Reply
Just as protesters screaming “From the river to the sea/Palestine will be free” want Israel to disappear, in order to be replaced by a 23rd Arab state, so some people in a New Jersey town wanted to make Jews disappear from this year’s high school yearbook. (Snip) The 2023-2024 yearbook for East Brunswick High School replaced a photo of the Jewish Student Union (JSU) with Muslim students and erased the names of the members of the JSU, leaving a large blank space on the page. East Brunswick Mayor Brad Cohen expressed outrage over the incident and said new yearbooks will be ordered.
The Most Manipulated Words During the
Israel-Hamas War
2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/17/2024 8:18:34 AM Post Reply
There is a famous quote from Mark Twain that goes like this: “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter — it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” (Snip)Hence why dozens of terms have been grossly misused by media professionals, pundits, politicians, and social media types throughout the Israel-Hamas war, notably these eleven: 1)Genocide “Genocide” refers to the physical destruction of an entire group that has been targeted on the basis of its identity, which is not Israel’s objective in Gaza, both stated or in practice. Three more reasons make Israel’s response to Hamas’ massacre on October 7th nothing remotely
MELTDOWN: SPLC Terminates a Quarter of
Staff, ‘Decimates’ 3 Departments,
Union Claims
19 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/13/2024 6:53:13 PM Post Reply
The far-left smear factory the Southern Poverty Law Center reportedly terminated a quarter of its staff Wednesday, weakening and perhaps eliminating two of its departments amid a restructure that heavily hit its union members. The SPLC “gutted its staff by a quarter,” the organization’s union posted on X. (Yes, this nonprofit organization has its own labor union. If staff get tired of protesting Alliance Defending Freedom, they can protest management, instead.) The SPLC told more than 60 union members, including five union stewards and the union’s chair, that they would be losing their jobs.
EXCLUSIVE: FEC Commissioner Rips Biden
DOJ’s ‘Dangerous’ Decision Not To
Intervene In Bragg’s Trump Prosecution
8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/13/2024 9:25:44 AM Post Reply
Republican FEC Commissioner Trey Trainor will criticize the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) “dangerous” failure to intervene in Democratic Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump, according to congressional testimony obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation. During the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on Bragg’s case against Trump, Trainor will explain that the DOJ’s decision not to intervene in the case sets a “dangerous precedent of local prosecutorial overreach in matters of federal concern” and unpack how Bragg “usurped the jurisdiction that Congress has explicitly reserved for federal authorities” when he attempted to enforce campaign finance law.
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Posted by mc squared 7/4/2024 10:33:59 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/4/2024 8:47:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 7/4/2024 6:54:58 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 9:49:18 AM Post Reply
Democrats have a ready-made replacement if Joe Biden stands aside before November's election. She's been vetted. Her election would be historic. And she would easily take up the Biden mantle. There's one problem: Her name is Kamala Harris and by every measure she is the most unpopular vice president in American history – and among the least likely people to defeat Donald Trump in a general election fight. But Democrats may be stuck with her anyway. Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile explained the party's challenge most succinctly.
Biden tells Dem governors he needs more
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Posted by ConservativeYankee 7/4/2024 3:16:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/3/2024 2:57:20 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 7/3/2024 9:37:15 AM Post Reply
Justice Department officials will continue to pursue the federal criminal cases against Donald Trump past Election Day, even if he wins, The Washington Post reported Tuesday. The plan is due to a view that DOJ rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would not kick in until Inauguration Day in January, people familiar with the discussions told The Post. (snip) Officials who were not part of the special counsel’s deliberations told CNN they believed the long-standing DOJ policy against criminally charging a sitting president does not extend to a president-elect.
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Posted by Imright 7/3/2024 6:22:03 PM Post Reply
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Seven Biden Staffers Leak Support for
Kamala Harris to Replace Joe Biden
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/3/2024 1:04:43 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is the top alternative to replace President Joe Biden atop the Democrat ticket, seven senior sources from the Biden campaign, the White House, and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) told Reuters Wednesday. The leak to Reuters represents frustration within the Biden campaign, which is reeling from a poor debate performance and subsequent calls for Biden to drop out of the race. This is the fourth damning leak against Biden in two days. Previous leaks highlighted information about Biden’s nap schedule during debate prep, fear among staffers to speak to Biden due to anger flashes, and former President Barack Obama’s concern
French ‘feminists’ don skirts, go
topless, and start mopping the floors
in protest of the ‘far-right’ winning
at the ballot box
23 replies
Posted by DVC 7/4/2024 6:32:23 PM Post Reply
Nudity warning, but this video perfectly sums up the utter stupidity that’s apparently a shared trait between leftist women in the West: They’ve got their bare boobs out, doing “housework” in a skirt and heels, looking cute enough with their makeup, all without the financial stability and safety net of a provider husband because…they’re mad about electoral results. Seriously, if you’re going to become a cliché male fantasy, at least get the serious benefits that a man brings to the table as a partner. Why give all that up for nothing in exchange? If the relationship between men and women is all so gross and transactional, as leftist feminism routinely implies
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for Biden: ‘Time to Have His’ Back
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/4/2024 12:19:12 AM Post Reply
Democrat governors issued messages of support for President Joe Biden amid mounting concerns of Biden remaining the party’s presidential nominee after his debate performance. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) were among the governors who issued messages of support for Biden after having a call both virtually and in person with Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Other Democrat governors who had been on the call were Gov. Wes Moore (D-MD), Gov. Maura Healey (D-MA), Gov. Ned Lamont (D-CT), and Gov. Katie Hobbs (D-AZ). Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser was also on the call, according to Deadline. “I have three words from the President tonight — he’s all in,”
Joe Biden Threatens to Send Out Attorneys
General to Go After Grocers in Plan to
Combat His Food Inflation Crisis
22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2024 9:56:34 PM Post Reply
Grocery prices are soaring thanks to Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend policies. The US economy is in bad shape because of Joe Biden’s war on domestic oil and the ‘Green New Deal’ disguised as the ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’ Moody’s Investors Service recently cut the US’s outlook to negative. Moody’s lowered its ratings outlook on the US government citing high interest rates, government spending, and deficits. (Photo) Inflation is still high, grocery prices are up more than 19%, gas prices are still high and more than 15 million illegal aliens have poured over the border since Biden was installed in January 2021.
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