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Black women behaving badly has become
a national trend…

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Posted By: mc squared, 6/16/2024 1:54:59 PM

What’s happening with black women in America? Some are rising to power thanks to the DEI movement, which rewards skin color, gender, and sexual preference over merit, experience, or excellence. However, the problem arises once those women who are not qualified are placed in positions of power and leadership, where they often quickly crash and burn. From embezzling $15 million in COVID funds to engaging in shameless plagiarism, these meritless women have demonstrated that they are not up to the task and struggle with the responsibilities they’ve been given. Naturally, they revert to what they know best: lying, cheating, and stealing.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Dignitary Protection 6/16/2024 2:29:37 PM (No. 1738281)
I hope the idiots and people with white guilt are seeing what they reaped!
54 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 6/16/2024 2:38:25 PM (No. 1738288)
Big attitude does not make big smarts or big capability for women or men or black or white. When loud bullies like this get to important positions, it is the first step to thugocracy, and according to the article illegality. Further, when faced with real problems they have no solutions, no matter how much they shout about it. In fact, their arrogance often delays solutions while people try to work around the 'tude.
55 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: SkyKing1222 6/16/2024 2:42:27 PM (No. 1738291)
This explains why 60 odd percent of black males serve time in prison. It’s a better place to be, than at home with these people.
65 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 6/16/2024 2:45:27 PM (No. 1738296)
Proof that America is racist, as no white women of incompetence or involved in nefarious activity ever go down: PIAPS, Lois Lerner, the current Treasury Secretary, Cheney's daughter, Scarf Lady, Jamie Gorelick...
35 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: rochow 6/16/2024 2:59:31 PM (No. 1738301)
Article forgot to include letitia james from NY and the cackling dumber than a brick 'thing' that is the Harris I forgot what her job's name is.
43 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: VietVet68 6/16/2024 3:04:40 PM (No. 1738302)
I hear a lot about white privilege but never anything about black privilege and entitlement. Black women behaving badly is a lightly worded way of describing behavior that shouldn't be tolerated, yet it is. I saw an article the other day about a black woman who pulled her Tesla into the driveway of a residence and proceeded to charge he car at the homeowners expense and inconvenience. When confronted she said she would call her lawyer husband if the homeowner continued to harass her. Talk about privilege. Personally, if I were the home owner, I would have gone back inside and cut the breaker for the EV charging panel.
55 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Vesicant 6/16/2024 3:21:28 PM (No. 1738309)
And every black woman whose french fries weren't hot enough.
40 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Italiano 6/16/2024 3:27:34 PM (No. 1738314)
A list of the positive “accomplishments” of all of the corrupt Democrat ABW (excuse the multiple redundancies) in politics, academia and the media would make for a much shorter article. Like a blank page.
22 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 6/16/2024 3:53:51 PM (No. 1738321)
They're animals too.
16 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Venturer 6/16/2024 4:08:02 PM (No. 1738331)
I have often said that black women are more dangerous than the men.
28 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 6/16/2024 4:11:05 PM (No. 1738334)
Acting feral, actually. Like wild savages.
31 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: OhioNick 6/16/2024 4:14:51 PM (No. 1738338)
This headline reminds of an article from the Clinton era when the Republican Congress passed a work requirement in order to receive welfare. According to the article, black single mothers weren't used to a man -- their future boss -- telling them what to do. President Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats cursed America with their Big Welfare programs in the mid-1960s.
34 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: formerNYer 6/16/2024 5:30:24 PM (No. 1738364)
Just watch OP Live on Reelz network on Fri and Sat night. The sense of entitlement is astonishing. Thanks to the race mongers they think they are owed special treatment and that the laws and the expectation of acting decently doesn't apply to them. Disgusting
18 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 6/16/2024 5:39:47 PM (No. 1738366)
And "black women behaving badly" are mayors in some of our once-great cities.
28 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: bgarrett 6/16/2024 6:22:55 PM (No. 1738374)
No matter their color, women should not be allowed in positions of power.
14 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: padiva 6/16/2024 6:36:43 PM (No. 1738379)
What are Kammie Harris' accomplishments? Oh, never mind. /s
17 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: sw penn 6/16/2024 8:18:03 PM (No. 1738410)
It's not just black women, but, at this point, what difference does it make...
8 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: red1066 6/16/2024 8:46:35 PM (No. 1738429)
In their minds, it's their turn and they're going to get theirs no matter what, and with the inability to question their actions or motives without being called a racist, they think they can do anything no questions asked.
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Jethro bo 6/16/2024 9:04:04 PM (No. 1738442)
I work in an environment with a lot of black women and men. The women are all hard working with great work ethics. The men are as well. Where I run into issues is the higher educated black men and women that seem to believe they are for some reason entitled. The majority of black women I work with are people I want to work with and fill fortunate to have such good personal to work with me. To some extent, I feel that a few black privileged women ru=in it for the other 99%.
7 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: cor-vet 6/16/2024 9:26:20 PM (No. 1738464)
It's not only black women. The two largest towns in my small, rural Louisiana Parish elected black men to the mayoral positions and they both have been fighting with the Parish councils, trying to take over all functions of government, install their black cronies in the police departments and just generally acting like dictators. They ran on the slate of governing for 'all' the people, but immediately after the election, it became apparent they meant, all the black people.
11 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: DVC 6/16/2024 9:34:47 PM (No. 1738472)
And in women's basketball.
10 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: columba 6/16/2024 10:40:47 PM (No. 1738500)
If women of color are interested, they should consider seeking possible marriage with the perso who strikes their fancy.
2 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Strike3 6/16/2024 11:26:47 PM (No. 1738515)
Putting dresses on them does not make them qualified or even women.
0 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: anniebc 6/17/2024 6:11:51 AM (No. 1738613)
Please qualify this conversation as leftist black women or leftist women period. Ya'll know the white ones are as bad as the black ones. Stop.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by mc squared 6/19/2024 9:41:45 AM Post Reply
Ya think? The sainted Dr. Anthony Fauci of COVID pandemic fame has a new memoir out, describing his "journey in public service." Promoting the book, he's been doing some interviews, including one this week on CBS Mornings. During the interview, the host asked Fauci about his recommendations during the pandemic to close the nation's public schools, a situation that lasted for more than a year in some places. In a rare moment of seeming self-awareness, Fauci admitted that shutting down the schools for that long "was not a good idea."
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Posted by mc squared 6/18/2024 11:48:46 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/18/2024 11:41:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/17/2024 1:22:30 PM Post Reply
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Black women behaving badly has become
a national trend…
24 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 1:54:59 PM Post Reply
What’s happening with black women in America? Some are rising to power thanks to the DEI movement, which rewards skin color, gender, and sexual preference over merit, experience, or excellence. However, the problem arises once those women who are not qualified are placed in positions of power and leadership, where they often quickly crash and burn. From embezzling $15 million in COVID funds to engaging in shameless plagiarism, these meritless women have demonstrated that they are not up to the task and struggle with the responsibilities they’ve been given. Naturally, they revert to what they know best: lying, cheating, and stealing.
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Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 11:42:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 9:47:16 AM Post Reply
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Report: Joe Biden Says Hunter Is Victim
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Posted by mc squared 6/13/2024 10:56:51 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden reportedly believes Hunter Biden is a victim of the weaponization of justice following his gun conviction on Tuesday. A Delaware jury found Hunter guilty of all three gun charges. He faces up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines. The octogenarian pledged last week in France he would not pardon Hunter. He has not, however, spoken about whether he would deliver a commutation. The president feels guilty over Hunter’s legal predicament, two people not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations about Hunter told Politico. They also told the outlet Joe Biden believes he contributed to Hunter’s plight.
Dr Anthony Fauci's department hid plans
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'could've started pandemic,' bombshell
Congress report finds
14 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/13/2024 10:03:26 AM Post Reply
Dr Anthony Fauci's former department 'deceived' Congress over its plans to create a Frankenstein monkeypox virus that had pandemic potential, a new report says. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) submitted plans to create a more transmissible and more lethal strain of Mpox in 2015, when Dr Fauci was still in charge of the agency. The plans only received widespread attention in late 2022 - amid concerns that Covid may have been borne out of similar experiments using US government grant money in China. The blueprint to create a mutant Mpox virus raised major concerns among experts and led to an investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee,
Turley Weighs in on How Pelosi's Admissions
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12 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/12/2024 6:33:18 PM Post Reply
Damning video footage going around of then Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) from January 6, 2021 has been going around, as she admitted "I take responsibility" for not being more prepared for the events of that day. As a result, there's been even more scrutiny of the January 6 Select Committee. Law Professor Jonathan Turley had particularly strong words not merely for Pelosi, but for the members of the Select Committee as well, who failed to publicly disclose such footage. It was only just recently released by the House Administration's Subcommittee on Oversight. [snip] The members of the Select Committee helped her cover it up:
Joe Biden claims Hunter would have received
plea deal ‘if I weren’t running for
re-election’: report
19 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/12/2024 12:12:16 PM Post Reply
President Biden has blamed politics for his son Hunter’s conviction Tuesday on federal gun charges — ignoring that his offspring’s defense attorneys helped scuttle a sweetheart plea bargain last summer that would have staved off the criminal case. “If I weren’t running for re-election, he would have gotten the plea deal,” the elder Biden, 81, told one of his cronies earlier this month, according to Politico. The outlet also reported that the president asked family members for updates on his son’s trial while Joe Biden was in France last week to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The president changed up his schedule and raced to Delaware Tuesday afternoon following the guilty verdict,
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Posted by mc squared 6/11/2024 11:50:05 AM Post Reply
Lime, a popular electric scooter and bike rental service, implemented a “no-go zone” around a pride-themed crosswalk in Washington after police arrested numerous teens for allegedly driving over it, the company told The National Desk. Cops arrested three teens June 5 on first-degree malicious mischief charges related to alleged vandalism of a crosswalk with a pride flag painted across it in Spokane, Washington, according to the Spokane Police Department. Officers noticed “widespread damage as black scuff marks consistent with scooter wheels were observed across the entirety of the mural,” the press release states.
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Posted by Imright 6/19/2024 4:17:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/18/2024 1:04:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 6/18/2024 3:14:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/19/2024 3:24:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/18/2024 11:15:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/18/2024 1:11:59 PM Post Reply
A New York Appeals court on Tuesday denied Trump’s bid to appeal a gag order in Alvin Bragg’s case after a jury already returned a guilty verdict. President Trump previously asked the Court to lift the gag order “because the trial has concluded.” Biden’s DOJ hatchet man Matthew Colangelo earlier this month asked Merchan to keep the gag order in place to “avoid threats to the fairness of the trial itself.” Alvin Bragg’s prosecutors asked Judge Juan Merchan to keep Trump’s gag order in place even though a jury returned a guilty verdict in the ‘hush money.’
Fauci: Okay... Keeping the Schools Closed
Was Probably a Mistake
22 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/19/2024 9:41:45 AM Post Reply
Ya think? The sainted Dr. Anthony Fauci of COVID pandemic fame has a new memoir out, describing his "journey in public service." Promoting the book, he's been doing some interviews, including one this week on CBS Mornings. During the interview, the host asked Fauci about his recommendations during the pandemic to close the nation's public schools, a situation that lasted for more than a year in some places. In a rare moment of seeming self-awareness, Fauci admitted that shutting down the schools for that long "was not a good idea."
Exclusive: Secret Service destroyed video
of Biden's dog Commander biting agent
in brutal attack that forced White House
to stop tours so blood could be wiped
off the floor
21 replies
Posted by Imright 6/18/2024 1:16:34 PM Post Reply
The Secret Service destroyed a video that captured President Joe Biden's dog Commander chomping down on one of its agents - in an attack that forced the White House to shut down tours so blood could be wiped off the floor. filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Secret Service in March after a video was mentioned as part of an email that detailed a June 15, 2023 biting incident with the since-banished first dog. The video purportedly showed Commander running at a high rate of speed and jumping toward the agent in the East Wing's Kennedy Garden, leaving a 'deep bite' on the individual's left arm
Media Fail: Leftist MSNBC Contributor’s
Claim that a ‘Feeble’ Trump Was Guided
Off Stage During Rally Blows Up in His
Face After Footage Emerges Exposing the
Truth (Video)
19 replies
Posted by Imright 6/19/2024 7:27:56 AM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit has extensively reported on unedited videos showcasing Joe Biden’s worsening dementia, including multiple notable ones in just the last few days. The media and the Biden regime have responded by proclaiming such footage as “fake videos” doctored by conservative outlets. In the words of George Orwell, they are asking you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. Now, some are also trying to suggest that President Trump, not Biden, is actually the one with mental problems. Brian Tyler Cohen, an MSNBC “News” contributor and podcast host of an ironically named show called “No Lie,” decided to gaslight America by sharing a photo yesterday
Ethics Committee expands Matt Gaetz investigation
as it looks into sexual misconduct, drug
use allegations
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/18/2024 6:28:27 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON – The House Ethics Committee said Tuesday that it's expanding its investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz, R.-Fla., to include “additional allegations” that the Florida lawmaker sought to obstruct the probe as the panel looks into accusations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use and more. In a statement, the Committee said it had difficulty obtaining information from Gaetz during the course of its 3-year investigation. It added that the officials reviewing the case have issued “25 subpoenas and reviewed thousands of pages of documents,” related to misconduct accusations. The probe into the Florida lawmaker has been ongoing since April 2021. The ethics committee is looking into a variety of claims
CNN’s Sidner: ‘The Economy Is Doing
Well, by All Measures’ Even Though ‘Prices
Are High’, GOP Not Giving Biden Credit
19 replies
Posted by Imright 6/18/2024 12:08:53 PM Post Reply
On Monday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” co-host Sara Sidner stated that “the economy is doing well, by all measures.” Even though “the prices are high” and said that some Republicans haven’t been giving credit to President Joe Biden for improvements to roads and bridges under the infrastructure law. While speaking with Biden Campaign Co-Chair Mitch Landrieu, Sidner said, “Look, the economy is doing well, by all measures. Yes, the prices are high. There was also the infrastructure bill that was pushed through that some Republicans in their states have been touting, not giving the credit, of course, to Joe Biden, but telling their citizens that this is a great thing,
‘Cheap Fakes’: White House Claims
Videos of Joe Biden’s Public Malfunctions
Are Fabricated
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/18/2024 12:54:00 AM Post Reply
Videos exposing President Joe Biden’s age, gaffes, and recent awkwardness in public are “cheap fakes” and published in “bad faith,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed Monday. During the first press conference in about three weeks, reporters asked Jean-Pierre if the White House was “worried” about Biden’s curious behavior that “appears to be a pattern.” The questions came after a video on Sunday showed former President Barack Obama walking Biden off the stage after the president appeared to freeze at a fundraiser. Another video from last week appeared to show Biden wandering off into the distance in Europe before Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni turned him back to the group.
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