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Criminal-Friendly Seattle Is So Bad This
Guy's Shocked When a Judge Won't Let Him Go

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Posted By: Hazymac, 10/1/2023 1:54:04 PM

Seattle’s so woke that the criminals think they run the justice system now, and we can prove it. There was a delicious bit of schadenfreude in court on Thursday listening to an accused bad guy ask plaintively of a judge (paraphrasing here) “Wait, why can’t I get the easy-on-criminals treatment that every other bad guy has gotten?” The crimes this guy and five of his friends are accused of pulling off are egregious and frightening, as I reported recently in my West Coast, Messed Coast™ report. The six black men are accused of following Asian people in several Seattle area neighborhoods and attacking them at their homes, sometimes using a taser

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bamapreacher 10/1/2023 2:13:11 PM (No. 1567038)
It seems to me that Oriental people here in the U.S. tend not to fight back. Maybe it's a cultural thing. If that's the case as I've said before, don't equate hate with mere cowardice, simply picking on people that won't fight back.
4 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: seamusm 10/1/2023 2:21:58 PM (No. 1567051)
Indeed, ALL crimes are hate crimes. No one should be in a protected class such that the crime garners more severe penalties except for crimes against children or others more vulnerable. Being gay or Black would not qualify.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Birddog 10/1/2023 2:42:13 PM (No. 1567061)
"The accused bad guys were charged with a variety of crimes including possession of 14 handguns. Cops are cross-referencing the guns with a bunch of other robberies, shootings, and garden-variety crimes. Police also discovered that the suspects had phony green cards, passports, and other official documents." Hmmm… Were the fake papers being used by the perp gang? Or were they false identity items stolen from the Victims?
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Maggie2u 10/1/2023 3:45:26 PM (No. 1567077)
It's too bad Ms. Taft didn't cite the crimes EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of these felons have committed over the years. KOMOnews, the ABC affiliate in Seattle has the story and surprise, they have shown their mug shots and cited all the crimes they have previously committed over the past several years. Every one of these felons should be in prison for life. (the reason I say surprise they showed their pictures is because three years ago KOMO identified a mugger as a BM. no kidding)
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Scribelus 10/1/2023 4:14:11 PM (No. 1567093)
Lesser Moronia has a limit? Mirabile visu!
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Birddog 10/1/2023 4:38:14 PM (No. 1567109)
OK, followed links to other local stories...Yes, the passports, green cards and other documents taken from the Victims WERE fake, meaning THEY are now facing Federal charges, though not expulsion because they are "Witnesses" in other court cases. They were living in pretty upscale locations, strange they were not investigated or caught until this happened to them. Were they targeted because as illegals they were not likely to call police? Is there an organized group doing this? Can/Should the FBI take this away from the Locals?(if they can find any agents to spare from the "Oh sooooo urgent/necessary" plethora of Trump and Rightwing extremist cases they have hundreds of agents working on)
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: BarryNo 10/1/2023 7:00:43 PM (No. 1567190)
Places like Seattle need Vigilantes.
3 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 10/1/2023 10:55:38 PM (No. 1567285)
Be armed, be trained, practice shooting at the range and drawing from concealment regularly, be safe.
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 10/1/2023 10:56:34 PM (No. 1567287)
Re #1, the Koreans in LA fought back during the King riots.
3 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: mifla 10/2/2023 5:22:46 AM (No. 1567393)
Even the criminals realize that the Dems are soft on crime.
1 person likes this.

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First Dog Puts His Teeth Into the Job,
Has Now Chalked up 12 'Biting Incidents'
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/5/2023 10:35:38 AM Post Reply
To me, this story sums up the entire Biden presidency: take something simple and screw it up. For most people, a dog in the household brings joy and unconditional love and also gives the owner a responsibility to make sure the canine is cared for and healthy. But Joe Biden can’t even seem to get that right, as his dog Commander has a fondness for biting people—and as my colleague Jeff Charles reported in September, he has a special taste for Secret Service agents. He has chomped on them at least 12 times since 2021, and now he’s been caught on camera:
Member of Iranian Influence Network Visited
Biden White House Five Times
1 reply
Posted by Hazymac 10/5/2023 10:01:20 AM Post Reply
An alleged member of a secret Iranian government influence network visited the Biden White House at least five times for high-level meetings with senior U.S. officials, according to visitor logs. Ali Vaez, an Iran analyst with the International Crisis Group, was outed last week as an alleged member of a vast Iranian-government-controlled propaganda network that helped push Tehran’s talking points in Washington, D.C., and influence policy, according to Semafor. Vaez reportedly communicated with senior Iranian government associates as part of the Iran Experts Initiative, an influence operation run by Iran’s foreign ministry. The meetings are raising questions about
No, It's Not 'People Experiencing Homelessness' 4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/3/2023 8:40:25 PM Post Reply
Tampa, Fla., has an overwhelming homeless population. The city would like to believe only 2,040 of its residents are “experiencing homelessness,” but the numbers don’t add up, considering that 11 years ago the estimate was 16,000. But then again, back in 2012, the GOP held its national convention in Tampa, so it was in the left’s best interest to get the highest number possible for the local homeless. Look at the greedy Republicans coming into the land of the downtrodden, spending their dirty oil money on luxury hotels and restaurants, and then leaving without so much as even looking at the real Tampa. Did the media say that exactly?
Sweden May Use Army to Fight Muslim Gangs 9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/3/2023 11:34:32 AM Post Reply
In September, I wrote “Bombs, Rockets and Torture Cells: The EU is an Islamic Narco-State“. While the media harps on gun ownership in the United States, Muslim gangs in Sweden have taken to throwing hand-grenades and home-brewed explosives at each other. While the Muslim gang members still shoot at each other, they also like hurling explosives at apartment buildings. At the end of August, there were four blasts in one hour at different buildings in Gothenburg where 10% of the country’s Muslim settler population lives. Unlike Belgium and the Netherlands, Sweden’s gangs and their weapons come from the shattered remnants of the former Yugoslavia: Bosnians and Albanians brought as refugees formed gangs
The vital question that physical science
can never answer
9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/3/2023 11:26:50 AM Post Reply
What is the only observable physical phenomenon that science cannot explain? It is perhaps the most important one of all. Let's use an analogy. Suppose that the government were to commission a study about music. Suppose further that the study were restricted to answering a specific question: how does music arise from a musical instrument? The study might begin by surveying a particular musical instrument — let us say the French horn. It would examine its shape, its parts, its constituent metals, and the acoustics involved in producing the music that emanates from it. How far would such a study get in its mission
35,000 Morons: The Taylor Swift Problem 23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/3/2023 9:27:49 AM Post Reply
There was a recent article from Newsweek that caught my eye. Entitled “Why Republicans’ War Against Taylor Swift Could Backfire,” it delves into an X (formerly Twitter) spat between The Federalist’s Sean Davis and left-wing activist Victor Shi. In response to an excellent piece by Mark Hemingway detailing the shallowness and vapidity, both technically and spiritually, of Swift’s music, Davis quipped, “Taylor Swift is dumb and her music sucks.” In response, Shi wrote, “Nothing says more about how little Republicans understand Gen Z than them now saying Taylor Swift is “dumb & her music sucks” after she registered more than 35,000 people to vote last week.
Sam Bankman-Fried case: The FTX criminal
fraud trial begins this week. Here's everything
you need to know.
3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/2/2023 11:51:35 AM Post Reply
Former crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried is set to face the music on Tuesday. Jury selection is scheduled to begin in a federal court in downtown Manhattan for his criminal trial on charges that he defrauded customers of FTX, the once-powerful and now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange he once led. According to prosecutors, Bankman-Fried commingled funds between FTX, where he was CEO, and Alameda Research, a hedge fund he also controlled. Once the fishy financials became public late last year, customers and investors rushed to take their money out of the failing exchange and FTX's proprietary cryptocurrency token lost much of its value. The downfall of FTX also arguably marked the final nail in the coffin,
A delivery driver who shot a YouTuber
who was pranking him said it was justifiable
self-defense — and a jury agreed
17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/2/2023 10:55:18 AM Post Reply
A delivery driver who said he was acting in self-defense when he shot a YouTube prankster in a mall food court in April has been acquitted of the main charge against him. A jury on Thursday found Alan Colie not guilty of the primary charge of aggravated malicious wounding in the shooting of Tanner Cook, 21, who runs the "Classified Goons" YouTube channel, Virginia court records show. But the jury was divided on lesser firearms charges, finding the 31-year-old guilty of the unlawful discharge of a firearm in an occupied dwelling, but not guilty of the malicious discharge of a firearm. The charges of aggravated malicious wounding and malicious discharge of a firearm
In France, a large minority of people
support dramatically limiting air travel
16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 4:22:51 PM Post Reply
Truths: The Earth’s climate has continuously changed over 4.5 billion years. Carbon is a relatively rare compound in our atmosphere but integral to life on Earth. Fossil fuel has dramatically improved human life in every way imaginable. And he who controls carbon emissions controls everything. This last point is why global leftists relentlessly press the fiction of anthropogenic climate change. As proof that anti-CO2 brainwashing works, 41% of French people polled want to limit humans to only four airplane rides per year. Westerners have no sense of what the pre-fossil-fuel world
2023 Ryder Cup results, scores standings:
Europe holds off late U.S. push to win
seventh straight on home soil
7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 1:57:52 PM Post Reply
Europe has officially reclaimed the Ryder Cup. Winning 16.5 to 11.5, it leaned on star players and a sensational team effort across the first two days to win the competition for the eighth time in the last 11 editions and seventh straight when hosting the event dating back to 1997. Tommy Fleetwood won the key half point in the 11th match against Rickie Fowler. Heading to the par-4 16th with a one-hole lead, Fleetwood hit his tee shot to 23 feet after Fowler found the water. After Fleetwood missed an eagle putt, Fowler conceded a 2-foot, 8-inch birdie putt -- and Europe's victory. Fleetwood's win on the hole secured at worse
Criminal-Friendly Seattle Is So Bad This
Guy's Shocked When a Judge Won't Let Him Go
10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 1:54:04 PM Post Reply
Seattle’s so woke that the criminals think they run the justice system now, and we can prove it. There was a delicious bit of schadenfreude in court on Thursday listening to an accused bad guy ask plaintively of a judge (paraphrasing here) “Wait, why can’t I get the easy-on-criminals treatment that every other bad guy has gotten?” The crimes this guy and five of his friends are accused of pulling off are egregious and frightening, as I reported recently in my West Coast, Messed Coast™ report. The six black men are accused of following Asian people in several Seattle area neighborhoods and attacking them at their homes, sometimes using a taser
Katie Couric: Obama Owes Me a 'Big-Ass
Bouquet' for 2008 Palin Attack Interview
49 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/1/2023 1:47:50 PM Post Reply
Fox News media reporter Joseph Wulfsohn reported on Friday that former CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric boasted at the liberal Texas Tribune Festival last weekend about how she helped Barack Obama get elected in 2008 with her infamous attack interview on Republican Gov. Sarah Palin. "You're welcome, by the way," Couric told the audience, sparking laughter and applause. She added, "I always thought that Barack Obama should have sent me a big-ass bouquet of flowers for that interview." Then-White House battle-axe Helen Thomas said Couric "saved the country" with that interview. She justified sticking it to McCain for health reasons, and for his poor judgment in picking Palin.
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Matt Gaetz burns down the Republican House 40 replies
Posted by Moritz55 10/5/2023 8:01:34 AM Post Reply
If you’re kicking yourself for missing the historic moment of a House speaker’s ouster Tuesday because you had to work or get your kids from school, relax: We watched, and all it boiled down to was hot air — sound and fury, signifying nothing except cynical nihilism and likely weeks of chaotic paralysis. Oh, Rep. Matt Gaetz and his fellow rebels talked plenty about high principle and the crisis of the Republic, but all they were really doing was burning down the House, or at least the House Republican majority.
Biden cancels $9 billion in student debt
for 125,000 borrowers
37 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/5/2023 12:48:03 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he approved $9 billion in student loan forgiveness for 125,000 Americans. The relief is a result of his administration's fixes to a number of programs, including the income-driven repayment plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness. More than $5 billion of the aid will go to 53,000 borrowers who've worked in public service for a decade or more; $2.8 billion of the forgiveness is for 51,000 borrowers enrolled in income-driven repayment plans; and another $1.2 billion of the cancellation will go to 22,000 borrowers with disabilities. The announcement is likely to help Biden as he runs for reelection, experts say.
Largest EV Charging Station In World Powered
By Diesel-Powered Generators
30 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/4/2023 3:26:22 PM Post Reply
The Harris Ranch Tesla Supercharger station is an impressive beast. With 98 charging bays, the facility in Coalinga, California, is the largest charging station in the world. (snip) Superchargers charge vehicles up to the 80% sweet spot in as little as 20 minutes, but to provide that kind of power for nearly 100 bays takes something solar can’t provide — diesel generators. Investigative journalist Edward Niedermeyer discovered that the station was powered by diesel generators hidden behind a Shell station. Reporters at SF Gate tried to find out how much of the station's electricity was from the generators, but couldn’t get a response from Tesla.
I Don't Think the House Fight Worked Out
the Way Matt Gaetz Thought It Would
28 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/4/2023 12:28:33 AM Post Reply
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) successfully led a coup against now-former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday. He managed to eke out a “win” by rallying the entire Democrat caucus and eight Republicans to oust him. It’s the first time that has happened in U.S. history. And it’s a total clown show. Not only does it distract from the already tense budget negotiations, but it makes a laughingstock of the GOP—and the U.S.—and gives Democrats even more leverage to push through their radical policies. Gaetz got a win, but at what cost? Sure, he’ll raise a lot of campaign money from this—he’s already sending out emails and asking for money on Fox News
Police State: FBI Quietly Created New
Category of Extremism Ahead of 2024 Election
to Include Trump-MAGA Supporters
27 replies
Posted by Imright 10/4/2023 5:46:47 PM Post Reply
Shut It Down – The FBI is beyond repair. As the 2024 election season heats up the FBI has created a new terrorism category to include Trump supporters. This is taking place at the same time the Biden regime is targeting President Trump with over 91 indictments on bogus criminal acts in several states. And it occurs as the demented President screams about MAGA during his public speeches. What’s next – Prison camps? And for the record, MAGA and infiltrators caused $1.5 million in damages. The BLM summer of love protests-riots caused nearly $2 billion in damages.
Defiant McCarthy Lashes out at Gaetz,
Hints at Retirement, Blasts Eight Republicans
Who Voted Against Him
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/4/2023 12:39:55 AM Post Reply
An at-times annoyed, downcast, and even humorous Kevin McCarthy took to the podium Tuesday evening to hold a nearly hour-long press conference discussing his ouster from the House Speakership position, an effort spearheaded by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL). McCarthy lit into his colleague from Florida, indicated that he would not run for the speakership again, said the eight Republicans who voted against were not real conservatives, and even hinted he might resign from office altogether. Watch: Despite the extreme setback, McCarthy remained optimistic: 'I will not run for speaker again,' McCarthy said in a nearly hour-long press conference that veered from combative to laugh filled. 'I may have lost the vote today.
Emergency Alert Test: Time Announced for
Every Cellphone, TV, Radio, in America
to Sound Alarm
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/4/2023 12:06:42 AM Post Reply
A massive emergency alert test is set to sound alarms on every cellphone, radio, and TV in the United States on Wednesday at 2:20 p.m. EDT, 11:20 a.m. PDT. The federal government says it will conduct a nationwide test of its Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts on the afternoon of October 4, as reported by Breitbart News last month. The emergency test is scheduled to occur at 2:20 p.m. eastern time which is 11:20 a.m. Pacific. This means that every cellphone, television, and radio in the United States will blast a warning tone of an emergency alert, in order to ensure that the country’s Emergency Alert system is working correctly
Biden administration waives 26 federal
laws to build border wall in South Texas
due to 'acute and immediate need' to stop
migrant surge - leading Trump to gloat
that he is 'always right'
23 replies
Posted by Imright 10/5/2023 6:56:27 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration will waive 26 federal laws to allow several miles of new border wall construction in South Texas, leading former President Donald Trump to argue that his signature policy was correct all along. The Department of Homeland Security posted the announcement on the US Federal Registry on Wednesday, allowing the construction in Starr County, Texas, part of a busy Border Patrol sector seeing 'high illegal entry.' 'There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas,' DHS Secretary
HAHA! Hakeem Jeffries Staffers Cleaned
Out Pelosi’s Office, Hauled Away Her
Belongings in Bags As Room Was Re-Keyed
23 replies
Posted by Imright 10/4/2023 2:35:32 PM Post Reply
This just keeps getting better! Acting Speaker, Rep. Patrick McHenry ordered Nancy Pelosi to vacate her Capitol hideaway office by Wednesday. Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC) was appointed as Acting Speaker after McCarthy was ousted.McCarthy chose McHenry as Speaker Pro Tempore earlier this year and he now has all the powers of a House Speaker.McHenry ordered Pelosi to “immediately” vacate her private Capitol office and since she was in California attending the late Senator Dianne Feinstein’s funeral, Hakeem Jeffries staffers were forced to clean out her office. How come McCarthy never made a move like this?
Letitia James FUMES After Trial Day 3,
Accuses Trump of Fomenting Violence, Making
Racist Comments (Video)
22 replies
Posted by Imright 10/4/2023 11:40:26 PM Post Reply
Corrupt Attorney General Letitia James on Wednesday fumed after day 3 of her fraud trial against Trump concluded. On Monday, President Trump said Judge Engoron conceded that the statute of limitations is in effect. A lawyer for Trump spoke on this: “Based on the judge’s comments at the end of the trial, it would appear that he is agreeing that all the transactions that closed prior to 2014 are now out of the case.” Trump chimed in: “Which are about 80% of the case.”
A No-Brainer Choice: Donald J. Trump For Speaker 21 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/4/2023 7:59:54 AM Post Reply
Wow. That was fast. The House of Representatives for once heeded this commentator and dispatched the sad-sack Kevin “Fredo” McCarthy to the dustbin of congressional history. Rich irony alert: The deed was accomplished with the help of the Democratic votes to which the ex-speaker had turned in betraying conservatives who had earlier this year acquiesced in allowing him to take up the gavel. Now it’s time to turn to “Part II” (wink-wink) of the task: identifying and installing the “’to-the-mattresses’ leader willing to do what it takes to rescue America
Why you should expect a blaring phone
alert Wednesday
21 replies
Posted by Imright 10/4/2023 1:27:15 AM Post Reply
Americans should expect a blaring phone alert Wednesday at 2:20 p.m ET. That's when the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will send notifications to phones in a nationwide emergency alert system test. Being that the alert is just a test, there's no cause for panic. It'll be conducted to ensure the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) are operational in the event of a national crisis, while also familiarizing the public with the notifications. Those in larger metropolitan areas may have received similar-looking Amber Alerts from this system before. People cannot opt out of the nationwide alert, as even phones set to silent
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