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Posts on Friday, May 8, 2020

AMERICAN HERO: Mitch McConnell Vows
to Solemnly Fulfill Constitutional Duty if RBG
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 11:47:38 PM Post Reply
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg might not live long enough to see President Donald J. Trump reelected in November. Fortunately, the United States has a Senate majority leader who stands ready to fulfill his constitutional duty to nominate a replacement in the event of her demise. Ginsburg, 87, was hospitalized earlier this week with a gallbladder condition, the most recent of several health issues the justice has dealt with since Trump took office in 2016. Her apparent proximity to death has increased speculation that the High Court will have another vacancy before this year's general election.
Argentina Teeters on Default, Again,
as Pandemic Guts Economy
Posted by PageTurner 5/8/2020 11:17:57 PM Post Reply
BUENOS AIRES — Argentina is hurtling toward default on international loans in two weeks, a prospect that threatens to revive its reputation as a serial deadbeat and global financial pariah that could haunt the Latin American country long after the coronavirus pandemic is over. If Argentina defaults, which as of Friday appeared likely, it would be the third time in two decades that the country has failed to meet loan payments after having amassed billions of dollars in foreign debt in a deepening spiral of economic dysfunction. Argentina would join Lebanon as the first defaulters in the financial tumult caused by the coronavirus. Argentina’s 45 million people
3 reasons 14.7% unemployment won’t
stop Trump
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 10:45:02 PM Post Reply
Democrats and the Red Chinese believe the pandemic panic will cost President Donald John Trump any chance of re-election. Sage experts envision 1932 when FDR swept into the White House and slayed Republicans for a generation. But I just don't see how he can lose. History, his competence, and psychology all point to an easy win.(snip)This leads to the second reason 14.7% unemployment won't stop President Trump. Americans know his economic policies work. He took a mediocre economy with 4.9% unemployment -- the new normal -- and made it the best economy in 50 years with 3.5% unemployment and a 50% increase in the stock market in his first 3 years.
Brooklyn Police Arrest 40 People For
Violations of “Social Distancing”,
The Media Worry What Color They Are…
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 10:37:52 PM Post Reply
Do you ever feel like a martian on another planet? NBC has an article today discussing forty people arrested in Brooklyn, New York, for violations of the “social distance” rules.Wait, what? …Think. Police… Arrest… Forty People… for Violating… Social Distance Rules. That alone should be the jaw-dropping headline that shoots flares and warning signals into the stratosphere alerting America that something is seriously screwed up in New York City. Alas, it is not the simple fact that police are ridiculously arresting people; no, what concerns NBC media is the color of the people being ridiculously arrested:
President Trump Lengthy Interview With
Fox and Friends – FBI Director Chris
Wray Skating on Thin Ice…
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 10:34:55 PM Post Reply
Earlier this morning President Trump called-in to Fox and Friends morning broadcast for a lengthy interview. You can tell there are aspects to the interview adverse to the political interests of Fox News by the fact they did not present the interview for distribution. However, that said, here’s a copy of the broadcast where President Trump discusses the efforts of the previous administration to target him and eliminate his presidency. If you want to understand President Trump’s perspective on FBI Director Chris Wray skip to @13:00 point of video; and comments on Jeff Sessions @15:20. (Video)
Ted Cruz flexes on whining libs,
gets his haircut at now-infamous
Texas salon
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 10:05:15 PM Post Reply
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz gave liberals something more to gripe about as he added another chapter to the story of the Dallas salon owner who was jailed after opening up her business. The Texas Republican decided to get his first haircut in three months in Dallas on Friday at the Salon a la Mode, owned by Shelley Luther who made headlines by defying a state order to close her shop and was jailed on a contempt of court charge this week. (Video) “We’re thrilled to be with you and know the whole State of Texas is standing with you, so thank you for your courage,” Cruz told Luther
Ted Cruz Compares Joe Scarborough To A
‘Teenage Girl Throwing Her Panties At The
Latest Boy Band’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 9:59:23 PM Post Reply
Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz fired back Friday at MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, comparing the “Morning Joe” host to a “teenage girl throwing her panties at the latest boy band.” The exchange began when Scarborough, along with a number of others, shared a deceptively-edited video of Vice President Mike Pence from late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel. The video made it appear as though Pence was pretending to deliver medical supplies into a Virginia nursing home while he really only carried empty boxes — but Pence actually did take part in delivering the supplies. Cruz responded to Scarborough’s now-deleted tweet, saying, “Hmm. When you’re on the defensive for being dishonest & corrupt,
Michigan's largest restaurant trade group
urges Whitmer to reopen restaurants May 29
Posted by NorthernDog 5/8/2020 8:09:38 PM Post Reply
Michigan's largest restaurant trade group is urging Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to allow the state's restaurants to reopen for on-premise dining May 29. The Michigan Restaurant & Lodging Association (MRLA), a subsidiary of the National Restaurant Association, issued a document Friday titled Roadmap to Reopening, which lays out steps the state's hospitality industry should take in preparation to do business again. According to an MRLA news release, the Roadmap plan was sent to Whitmer's office. “Knowing that half of all states have already reopened restaurant dining in some capacity, we felt the time was right to share our expertise with Governor
It's Time for Trump to Come Home to His Voters replies
Posted by jimincalif 5/8/2020 8:02:55 PM Post Reply
Historians recognize some U.S. presidential elections as realignment elections — elections that fundamentally alter and reconfigure the various voting constituencies of our major political parties. The 2016 presidential election was one such realignment election. The preexisting blue-red partisan split was, at its core, deeply artificial: Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party had merely been operating along slightly different points within a broader mutually shared neoliberal paradigm.
Kayleigh McEnany Pivots From Briefing
Question To Full-On Attack On CNN
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 6:43:06 PM Post Reply
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany pivoted Friday from a question from PBS Newshour’s Yamiche Alcindor to an attack on CNN. McEnany began the briefing by outlining the Justice Department’s decision to drop the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, but Alcindor’s question focused on the press secretary’s comments about Trump from five years earlier. WATCH: (Video) “In 2015, shortly after the president said some Mexican immigrants are rapists and criminal, you said that language was ‘racist and hateful.’ Do you still believe that today?” Alcindor asked,
Exclusive – Sen. Pat Toomey Calls for
Reopening America Faster: ‘Danger’ of
Coronavirus to Most Americans Overstated
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 6:38:24 PM Post Reply
Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Friday that American political leaders are “overstating the danger” of coronavirus to most Americans while “underestimating” the economic “carnage” that lockdowns nationwide are causing. Toomey, a key U.S. senator from a Rust Belt battleground state, conducted this interview with Breitbart News after rolling out a plan to much more quickly reopen Pennsylvania than the plan the state’s Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf has begun. Toomey, a widely respected Republican who serves alongside a Democrat
The Worldwide Lockdown May Be
the Greatest Mistake in History
Posted by EQKimball 5/8/2020 6:28:14 PM Post Reply
The idea that the worldwide lockdown of virtually every country other than Sweden may have been an enormous mistake... (Snip) One of the thousands of unpaid garment workers protesting the lockdown in Bangladesh understands the situation better than almost any health official in the world: "We are starving. If we don't have food in our stomach, what's the use of observing this lockdown?" But concern for that Bangladeshi worker among the world's elites seems nonexistent.
Watch: Jon Voight’s ‘Message Of Hope’:
Trump Is A ‘Man Of Great Integrity,’
‘A Man Who Took On Evil’
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 6:06:09 PM Post Reply
Earlier this week, actor Jon Voight delivered “a message of hope” to his social media followers in a video praising President Trump for the battle he has waged against “evil” these past four years. The “Midnight Cowboy” actor even went as far to say that Trump was “the historic president of this millennium.” “We see President Trump as a magnificent soul raising up this nation. For he loves this country, his neighbors, thy people, Lord. He is a true patriot who has fought single-handed and knocked each poisoner down with his gifted tongue of truths and his true concern for everyone, every citizen,” Voight began.
'I couldn't do any wrong with my mother.'
Donald Trump opens up about his parents
on Mother's Day and twice-divorced father
of-five says not being brought up in a 'single
family' is a 'tremendous advantage'
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 5:15:26 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump opened up about his mother on Friday, saying she believed he could do no wrong, adding 'which is maybe why I ended up the way I ended up.'Ahead of Mother's Day on Sunday, Trump paid tribute to his mother, Mary Anne Trump, who was born in Scotland, emigrated to the U.S. at 17, married Fred Trump in 1936, raised five children, and died in 2000.'I had a great mom. I love my mom and she loved me,' Trump told the hosts of 'Fox & Friends' during a nearly hour-long interview, adding 'which is I must tell you, is probably not easy to do but
Rick Wilson throws delicious fit when
ad for his Never-Trump crusade
is hit with a fact check
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 4:59:15 PM Post Reply
“Never Trump” Republican turned unhinged far-left zealot Rick Wilson squealed like an injured pig this week after he got hit with a fact-check from a left-wing fact-checker.On Monday, he and four other “Never Trumpers” uploaded an anti-Trump ad to Facebook on behalf of their political action committee, The Lincoln Project. Soon after, FB decided to fact-check it. And according to FB’s fact-checkers, the ad was full of schiff.Look: (Snip) The ad specifically claimed that President Donald “Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street” with the CARES Act, which for the record was drafted by the Democrat-led House and GOP-led Senate, meaning it was a bipartisan bill.
Unveiled Court Document Confirms Tara
Reade Reported Biden Sexual Harassment
in 1996
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 4:57:33 PM Post Reply
A newly-unveiled court document from 1996 appears to further corroborate Tara Reade’s claims of sexual harassment against her by then-Senator, and now Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, as reported by the New York Post. The document was first obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, which is where Reade’s mother was confirmed to have been living at the time of the alleged assault. The document is from Reade’s divorce from then-husband Theodore Dronen, and features Dronen confirming that she had told him about enduring sexual harassment “in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office.” “It was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect on Reade,”
Chicago Considers Hiring Workers
to Enforce Social Distancing
Posted by AltaD 5/8/2020 4:38:48 PM Post Reply
Chicago Mayor Lightfoot has floated the idea of hiring workers to enforce social distancing as she continues to decide how to safely open the city's lakefront, riverwalk and walking trails amid the coronavirus pandemic. Lightfoot was asked about her plans for reopening the lakefront at a news conference Friday where she announced the city's five phase reopening plan. The mayor stated that the reopening plan must be "guided by science," and she's considering multiple possibilities, such as a phased reopening and employing the use of "social distancing ambassadors." Ambassadors have been added in cities like Seattle to remind people about social distancing and to record data on park usage
Souplantation, Sweet Tomatoes permanently
closing all restaurants amid pandemic
Posted by NorthernDog 5/8/2020 3:33:03 PM Post Reply
SAN FRANCISCO – San Diego-based buffet chain Souplantation has announced it will permanently close all of its restaurants amid the coronavirus pandemic, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports. Garden Fresh Restaurants, the parent company of Souplantation and sister chain Sweet Tomatoes as it is known in the Bay Area reportedly told the Union-Tribune it will shutter all 97 restaurants across the US. There are 44 locations in California, with several Sweet Tomatoes restaurants across the Bay Area. CEO John Haywood told the publication that the restaurants’ buffet-style model wouldn’t be able to survive amid the FDA’s regulations. According to the outlet
Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On
January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 2:46:01 PM Post Reply
Information released in the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case it brought against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn confirms the significance of a January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House. It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration. (Snip) Shortly thereafter, high-level operatives began intensely leaking selective information supporting a supposed Russia-Trump conspiracy theory, the incoming National Security Advisor was ambushed, and the incoming Attorney General
Dossier Author Told John McCain Aide
Of Unfounded Michael Flynn Affair Rumor
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 2:34:49 PM Post Reply
Christopher Steele told a longtime aide to John McCain in 2016 that he believed Michael Flynn was having an extramarital affair with a Russian woman, showing for the first time that the former British spy peddled an unsubstantiated rumor that later appeared in the media and made its way to the FBI. Steele shared the allegation with David Kramer, a longtime associate of McCain’s, according to a transcript of Kramer’s House Intelligence Committee testimony released Thursday.
The burden of proof lies with
economic lockdown proponents
Posted by NorthernDog 5/8/2020 1:54:17 PM Post Reply
Who has the burden of proof regarding the economic lockdowns: Those who argue for continuing them or those who want to lift them? The public health establishment, the mainstream media and most Democratic politicians assume that the burden of proof lies with the lockdown opponents. Advocates of reopening must show that any change to the current status quo will be “safe.” If the reopeners fail to make that showing, the lockdowns remain in place. With the burden of proof thus configured, proponents of continued economic stasis need not justify the “new normal”; moribund businesses and unemployed workers have become the
Obama Defense Official Evelyn Farkas
Admitted She Lied On MSNBC About
Having Evidence Of Collusion
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 1:51:29 PM Post Reply
Former Obama administration defense official Evelyn Farkas testified under oath that she lied during an MSNBC interview when she claimed to have evidence of alleged collusion, a newly declassified congressional transcript of her testimony shows. Farkas testified before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on June 26, 2017, as part of the committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.Lawmakers keyed in on an appearance Farkas made on MSNBC on March 2, 2017, in which she urged intelligence community bureaucrats to disseminate within the government and potentially even leak to media any incriminating information they had
Reckoning: What Did Obama Know
and When Did He Know It?
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 12:18:57 PM Post Reply
reck·on·ing (noun) - the avenging or punishing of past mistakes or misdeeds. When one writes a regular opinion column, one is often faced with multiple major stories in the news that deserve further analysis and context that inspire thought and even passion from one's readers. Today, those of us in this noble trade are faced with a serious quandary: Where to begin?- Do we celebrate the partial justice delivered to American patriot Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as the Justice Department properly withdrew criminal charges against him?- Do we focus on the nefarious actions of the Comey FBI and Lynch Justice Department
Georgia man charged with killing Ahmaud
Arbery previously investigated him
Posted by poster 5/8/2020 12:15:08 PM Post Reply
The white Georgia man who, along with his son, is charged with murdering unarmed black jogger Ahmaud Arbery had a past connection to the victim — he investigated him when he worked for the district attorney’s office, according to a new report. Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George Barnhill revealed Greg McMichael’s ties to the victim in a letter recusing himself from the case — because his own son had a connection to Arbery, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. McMichael, 64, a former Glynn County cop who worked as an investigator in the Brunswick DA’s office, helped prosecute Arbery in the past, Barnhill said.
California Is Ready to Get Rid of Gavin Newsom replies
Posted by jimincalif 5/8/2020 12:12:59 PM Post Reply
Across California on May 1, tens of thousands protested in defiance of statewide lockdown orders. In Sacramento, the west lawn of the state capitol building was filled with protesters, with thousands more marching along the sidewalk surrounding the capitol grounds. Additional thousands driving their cars and honking their horns created three hours of total gridlock on the streets that loop around the capitol. Noteworthy protests have taken place in San Diego, Encinitas, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Paso Robles, Santa Rosa, and even tiny Lakeport on the shores of Clear Lake. There is no end in sight.
The vaunted Evelyn Farkas admitted
she was lying all along on MSNBC -transcripts
Posted by JunkYardDog 5/8/2020 11:50:35 AM Post Reply
Was there ever a swamp thing more celebrated in the press for her 'integrity' than former Obama administration defense official Evelyn Farkas? The former Hillary Clinton advisor now running for retiring Rep. Nita Lowey's congressional seat from Chappaqua, New York, home of the Clintons, was one of the very first to declare, on MSNBC and elsewhere, that she knew all about Donald Trump's collusion with the Russians.
James Comey Begs Remaining DOJ
Resistance Operatives to Continue
Efforts to Shield the “Small Group”…
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 11:50:13 AM Post Reply
“Please stay” is a cry from the SMALL GROUP plotters to remind their internal allies, running shield and defense, that Lawfare needs them to continue the resistance. The key person they need to keep on their team is DOJ Inspector General ¹Michael Horowitz. The remarkable thing about this, inferring a certain amount of narrative desperation, is that James Comey would send such a ²message so publicly. The small group is really, really, counting on the latest development, where President Obama is getting pulled closer into their plot, to save themselves from potential legal trouble.
Mission Possible – DNI Richard Grenell
Delivers Satchel of Declassified Documents
to AG Bill Barr – Possible Release
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 11:37:21 AM Post Reply
Earlier this afternoon Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard “Ric” Grenell delivered a satchel of declassified documents to Attorney General Bill Barr. According to DC sources the content could possibly be released tomorrow in an explosive Friday document dump. Stay tuned…What a difference one man on a mission can make. Ric Grenell is top shelf.
Legislature's lawsuit is necessary, reasonable replies
Posted by Garnet 5/8/2020 11:36:35 AM Post Reply
The lawsuit filed by the Legislature is being broadly miscast as an attempt to strip Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of her powers to manage Michigan through the COVID-19 crisis. That's not at all what legislative Republicans are attempting to do in suing the governor. What they're asking for is a restoration of their Constitutional authority to provide oversight of an executive who has unilaterally declared herself the sole and absolute power in Michigan.The lawsuit filed this week in the Court of Claims says just that: "..
Dropping Flynn charges right call by Barr —
important first step in FBI, DOJ cleanup
Posted by Garnet 5/8/2020 11:31:05 AM Post Reply
Attorney General William Barr’s decision to drop the prosecution of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is an ugly, but necessary element of the cleanup of the Justice Department and FBI in the wake of their failures in the Russian collusion probe. While Flynn had pled guilty to lying to federal investigators, the revelations of FBI shenanigans by people whom the Trump administration has since fired or have resigned justified the extraordinary step of letting Flynn go. Dropping the charges against the former national security adviser, like the firing of James Comey as FBI director and the removal of his circle of aides, is an important step in restoring control
Must Read – Full Interview Transcript of
AG Barr Discussing Dropping the Flynn Case…
Posted by earlybird 5/8/2020 11:24:36 AM Post Reply
Q: Does the new evidence show that the counterintelligence case against General Flynn was simply left open to lay a trap for lying? BARR: Yes. Essentially. As customary CBS only broadcast a small snippet of the interview between CBS reporter Catherine Herridge and U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr. The full interview is much longer and much more interesting than the edited narrative broadcast by CBS. When you read the conversation you will immediately notice why CBS refused to broadcast it, and why the segment that did air was so brutally edited. Some of the interview answers will provide hope for those who want to see justice delivered.
As economy lags, Inslee hits coronavirus
critics with sleazy attack
Posted by Ron_lfp 5/8/2020 10:41:08 AM Post Reply
As we grow desperate over the lagging coronavirus economy, rather than respond with compassion, Governor Jay Inslee deflects with a sleazy strategy of shaming people into submission. This is not the move of a competent leader. (snip) Republican lawmakers (snip) contend the stay-at-home order is too restrictive and that we can safely and responsibly reopen parts of the economy faster. Rather than tell us why he thinks public health data makes a stronger case to keep the economy shut down, Inslee attacks his critics as heartless. (snip) Instead of providing data, Inslee merely says “data” and “science” hoping we’ll confuse the words for actual data and science.
Exclusive: New Pro-Trump Ad Revisits
Decade-Old Biden Scandal
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 9:56:05 AM Post Reply
A new advertisement from a Trump-aligned political action committee (PAC) is hitting presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden on a decades-old scandal. The advertisement, produced by Restoration PAC, was obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller, and will debut on Fox News Friday morning. The 60 second TV spot will hit Biden for exaggerating his resume during his first presidential campaign in 1988. “Joe Biden has never been President for some very good reasons,” the advertisement states. “One of them is still breathtaking, years later.” The video then shows Biden bragging about having three college degrees, and having finished at the top of his class in law school,
Eight WWII vets aged 96-100 joining
Trump for V-E Day despite pandemic
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 9:48:03 AM Post Reply
Washington — Eight World War II veterans - the youngest of them age 96 - will join President Trump at a wreath-laying ceremony Friday commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe. Their hopes to mark the day in Moscow were dashed because of the coronovirus pandemic. White House officials described the veterans as "choosing nation over self" by joining Mr. Trump at the World War II Memorial ceremony."These heroes are living testaments to the American spirit of perseverance and victory, especially in the midst of dark days," said White House spokesman Judd Deere.
Is the CDC Meddling
with the 2020 Election?
Posted by Judy W. 5/8/2020 9:11:54 AM Post Reply
The coronavirus crisis is reaping big political benefits for Democrats. President Trump’s signature achievement—a booming economy with record low unemployment, rising middle-class wages, and a sky-high stock market—lies in tatters. At least 33 million Americans abruptly and without warning are out of work. Second-quarter gross domestic product estimates are horrifying, a double-digit dive that the country has never experienced even in the direst economic times. (Snip) And the Centers for Disease Control is looking more and more like the 2020 version of James Comey’s FBI. The agency that foisted the disastrous experiment of “social distancing” on 330 million unwitting American lab rats continues to inveigh on matters far beyond
Adam Schiff Changed Russia Document
Release Strategy Because Grenell Forced
His Hand
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 9:01:44 AM Post Reply
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), had only planned to release partial transcripts from the committee’s Russia investigation, not all of them, a source with knowledge of his efforts told Breitbart News.But then, when acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell announced he was prepared to release all of the transcripts in full—something Grenell had planned to do on Friday morning if Schiff had not done so—Schiff changed his strategy and agreed to release them all in full. (Tweet)
Modern Campaigning: Trump Victory's
Unprecedented Ground Game
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 8:57:10 AM Post Reply
Running a modern and sophisticated national campaign is an enormous feat under normal circumstances, let alone during the coronavirus pandemic that our country is currently facing. As President Trump leads the country through this crisis with impressive strength and rapid response time, his campaign has followed in his footsteps by shifting its focus from a traditional, face to face, ground operation to an entirely virtual one. Thankfully, under President Donald Trump and RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s leadership we have the tools and resources to meet the challenge of running a successful virtual campaign.
Don't Forget Why the Deep State
Targeted Mike Flynn
Posted by tisHimself 5/8/2020 8:54:31 AM Post Reply
Now that the Justice Department has abandoned its prosecution of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, it’s important to remember what made the case of Lieutenant-General Michael Flynn so central to the Intelligence Community’s mutiny against Trump. As a reminder, here is what I wrote in Asia Times last November: As chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012, Flynn had warned that American support for Sunni jihadists in Syria had the unintended effect of supporting the new caliphate movement, that is, ISIS. Among all the heads and former heads of the 17 agencies that make up the US intelligence community, Flynn was the only one who had objected
Cancel Culture Affects NASCAR replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 8:50:26 AM Post Reply
One NASCAR driver has had his career sidetracked because he said one forbidden word during a video game competition with other professional drivers. It seems that when one says certain words, they are given the career death penalty and never forgiven – while some well-connected people don’t get punished at all. Sometimes the punishment is worse than the crime. Kyle Larson was one of the hottest drivers in the NASCAR circuit. On Easter Sunday, he was participating in an online racing event that has proven popular with NASCAR and other professional racers who can’t race on real tracks thanks to the coronavirus.
CNN Loses It Over DOJ Dropping Flynn Case replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 8:40:57 AM Post Reply
CNN had a meltdown on Thursday when news broke that the Department of Justice dropped its case against Michael Flynn after documents revealed the FBI set a perjury trap for Trump’s former national security adviser. The network’s commentators lashed out that the decision was “unprecedented” and an “absolute injustice”, saying the “fix is in.” “Well, now today, in really what is a remarkable move by the Department of Justice, and just really unprecedented, after someone has been cooperating, after someone has pleaded guilty, was a government witness, for them to turn around and do this today,
Fort Worth senior living resident
searches storm sewer for 3
hours to save neighbor’s dog
Posted by StormCnter 5/8/2020 8:37:59 AM Post Reply
The story is almost too fantastical to believe. A 65-year-old cancer survivor who is recovering from spinal surgery saved her elderly neighbor’s blind and deaf dog from a storm sewer. The jaw-dropping events happened last week at the Courtyards at River Park Senior Living, when Libby Gilmore heard her 91-year-old neighbor, Pat Kemp, yelling for help outside her window. Kemp’s 3 1/2 pound shih tzu named Carrie had wandered off and it was getting dark.
Trump's Critics Can't Have It Both Ways replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 8:36:37 AM Post Reply
The left's position on the nation's proper response to the pandemic, though shrouded in the language of compassion, is incoherent and morally repugnant virtue signaling. Since this calamity began, many national Democratic leaders, the left-wing media and various never-Trumpers have been more interested in smearing President Donald Trump -- no change there -- than helping to solve the myriad problems caused by the coronavirus. They wanted it both ways. President Trump was doing too much, and he wasn't doing enough. Before the outbreak, numerous Democrats were downplaying the virus and condemning Trump as a racist for his China and Europe travel bans. Later they blamed Trump for not taking the virus seriously,
The Five Worst Types
of Virtue-Signaling
Posted by Magnante 5/8/2020 8:30:53 AM Post Reply
Virtue-signaling is one of the lowest forms of opportunism, but not all attempts are equal. Here are the five worst types: 1. Virtue-signaling the implausible, for cheap applause In the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo addressed concerns about the potential economic damage of banning citizens from working by claiming, "if everything we can do saves just one life, I'll be happy." (snip) 2. Virtue-signaling their battle against invisible enemies When Elizabeth Warren chastises racism for murdering Michael Brown, she is capitalizing on the perfect virtue-signaling opportunity.
Behind Trump's Strategic Pivot replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 8:30:07 AM Post Reply
After Pearl Harbor, FDR declared that his role of "Dr. New Deal" had been superseded, replaced by his new role, "Dr. Win the War." Tuesday, President Donald Trump signaled that, in the war on the coronavirus pandemic, he, too, is executing a strategic pivot. Where the medical crisis had been the central front, pulling the U.S. economy out of its coma is now his principal objective. Trump is not unaware of the consequences of this decision. "Will some people be affected badly? Yes," said the president, "but we have to get our country open and we have to get it open soon." "Tremendous progress" has been made in dealing with the medical crisis,
Dems respond to Flynn exoneration
with the Big Lie strategy
Posted by Magnante 5/8/2020 8:26:46 AM Post Reply
The biggest political scandal in American history finally is unwinding as documents are declassified and prosecutors and grand juries do their work. Lies that have been told by James Comey, Adam Schiff, James Clapper and others are being exposed, and the entire corrupt attempt to drive from office the duly elected president of the United States is being revealed as seditious. The Democrats’ response is to double down and rely on the brute force of their media dominance to peddle a lie that, if repeated often enough, will be accepted as truth.
Jerry Nadler Squirts Gravy From His Orifices
in a Fit of Impotent Rage Over the Flynn
Case Imploding
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 8:20:40 AM Post Reply
While the decision by the government to not pursue any further punishment of President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, was sweet, equally gratifying from a purely partisan viewpoint was the outrage on the left. Across Twitter, lefty lawyers, fake and real, experienced and bloviators, who had lectured everyone for the past three years on the slam dunk nature of Flynn’s guilt were beating their tiny little fists on the floor in rage.
With appropriate distancing measures,
Virginia churches should be allowed
to conduct services
Posted by grace127 5/8/2020 8:15:16 AM Post Reply

The Justice Department’s recent decision to weigh in on Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s (D) stay-at-home order poses a fundamentally important question: If governments rightly consider physical nourishment an “essential” service, should not the spiritual sustenance that churches can provide receive at least equal consideration?   The Justice Department intervened after the pastor of the Lighthouse Fellowship Church in Chincoteague, Va., received a criminal charge for holding a service that 16 people attended, more than the limit of 10 set out in Northam’s order. Its brief noted that the congregation abided by social distancing guidelines and that other establishments — including liquor stores and big-box retailers — do not have to abide by a 10-person limit on gatherings.

Trump Administration Presses Supreme
Court to Stop Release of Secret Mueller
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 7:56:43 AM Post Reply
The Trump administration on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to delay transmission of secret grand jury materials from former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to House Democrats. The request follows a March decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, which said Congress can access the materials under a rule allowing disclosure "in connection with a judicial proceeding," meaning an impeachment trial in this instance. Democrats have left open the possibility of a second impeachment push depending on the contents of the Mueller files. President Donald Trump outright refused to cooperate with congressional requests for information.
New Russia Transcripts Appear To Show
Schiff, Obama Officials Knew Trump Was
Not Colluding With Russia
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 7:43:08 AM Post Reply
Newly released transcripts from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) closed door Russia investigation hearings show that former Obama officials and Schiff appeared to know that there was little to no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian officials during the 2016 election. Here is what former Obama officials testified to when asked during Schiff’s hearings if they had or had seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia:
CBS Slammed For Segment Harassing Ice
Cream Truck Driver During Stay-At-Home
Order, Encouraging Folks To Call 9-1-1
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 7:38:49 AM Post Reply
On Thursday night, CBS Chicago ran a full segment on a local ice cream truck driver for, first and foremost, violating “COVID-19 protocol,” as well as apparently “breaking the law” for being in a part of town that bars ice cream trucks — a fact they “learned” after one of their reporters harassed the worker on a bike. The segment included a video of CBS Chicago assignment editor and journalist Greg Kelly scolding “Mr. Freeze” for selling ice cream despite the stay-at-home order, and closed with encouragement for viewers to called 9-1-1 if they see “that ice cream man.”
If You Want To Stay Home, Stay Home. Let
The Rest Of Us Get Back To Our Lives.
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 7:25:01 AM Post Reply
There is no good reason for the lockdowns to continue. There wasn’t a good reason for them to begin in the first place, but almost everything we have learned in the last two months has made the truth inescapably clear. Over 33 million people have been put out of work. Many businesses have been driven to the brink, or over the edge, of bankruptcy. Our economy teeters near collapse. And all of this, not to prevent deaths or stop the virus, but to merely delay the inevitable moment when we have to figure out how to live in spite of it.
Is California Thinking About
Coronavirus Internment Camps?
Posted by PageTurner 5/8/2020 7:21:03 AM Post Reply
Gavin Newsom, governor of the “nation-state” of California, is raising what he calls an “army” of 20,000 government employees who will trace the spread of coronavirus across the state. Those found guilty, or rather, infected, are likely to run into an uncomfortable change in their lives. In Ventura County, northwest of Los Angeles, a pilot program was launched this week to trace infections and exposure, according to County Health Director Dr. Robert Levin. When infected persons are found, he said, they are “immediately isolated.” As more people are tested, Levin continued, “we will find more and more people who have
Yale Epidemiologist: Trump’s COVID-19
Response ‘Close To Genocide’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 7:15:25 AM Post Reply
Yale epidemiologist and legal scholar Gregg Gonsalves suggested the Trump administration may in fact be guilty of genocide for pushing for the reopening of America because COVID-19 has disproportionately affected minority populations. According to The College Fix, Gonsalves launched a series of tweets on Wednesday saying the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic is “close to genocide,” without citing any particular evidence to support his bizarre claim.
Dem Governors Face Dozens
of Lockdown Lawsuits
Posted by Garnet 5/8/2020 5:44:53 AM Post Reply
Abraham Lincoln is frequently credited with the following aphorism: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” These words may well have been misattributed to the Great Emancipator, but their wisdom is difficult to dispute. Indeed, during the past two months, the nation’s Democratic governors have clearly demonstrated that the temporary possession of emergency powers can unmask the hidden tyrant in even the most unremarkable politician. Virtually all have overreached their legitimate mandates, and few show any inclination to relinquish their newfound authority. This has not only produced widespread protests but has also led to dozens of constitutional lawsuits.
Biden's Latest Virtual Event
Was the Worst One Yet
Posted by MissMolly 5/8/2020 5:05:46 AM Post Reply
Surely there must be some plausible explanation for all the technical glitches during Biden's Tampa rally on Thursday. Perhaps the Biden team was distracted after more evidence emerged substantiating Tara Reade's accusation that former Senator Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. It was 40 minutes into the rally before Biden finally appeared, propped against a wall, not moving and donning aviator sunglasses. "Did they introduce me?" Biden asked. "Am I on?"
Shelley Luther is America’s New Rosa Parks replies
Posted by Magnante 5/8/2020 5:05:07 AM Post Reply
Dallas, Texas salon owner Shelley Luther has become the face of the movement to free the nation from the oppressive lockdowns imposed by despotic governors and mayors. She is a modern-day Rosa Parks (snip) For defiantly speaking truth to power, Luther appears to have started a new civil rights movement, just as Rosa Parks did decades earlier in the Democrat-dominated Jim Crow South. Parks refused to yield her seat to a white passenger on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955.
Clearing Flynn Should Also Help
Clear the Air in the Election
Posted by MissMolly 5/8/2020 5:03:05 AM Post Reply
America’s motion to dismiss the criminal charges it had handed up against General Michael Flynn strikes us as more than a vindication of President Trump’s former national security adviser. It’s also an important step toward a long-overdue acceptance of the results of the 2016 election. We’d like to think it will help clear the air as Americans prepare to go to the polls again five months hence. The move to drop the charges that General Flynn had lied to the FBI were not exactly a surprise. It had become increasingly clear that no charges would have been handed up save for the maneuvering by a cabal within the Justice Department
Newly released material in the Flynn
case implicates Obama
Posted by Magnante 5/8/2020 5:02:11 AM Post Reply
A newly released document indicates that Obama pushed the FBI to go after Michael Flynn. It’s not yet clear, though, if this was part of a larger plot on Obama’s part to destroy Trump’s presidency or was merely part of Obama’s vendetta against Flynn himself. It appears, too, that while Biden probably wasn’t part of masterminding the plot, he was in on it from the beginning. Obama and Flynn had a history, for the latter had once served as Obama’s director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. In April 2014, the Obama administration forced Flynn to retire.
Back to the future: Democrats return
to defending against ‘bimbo eruptions’
Posted by Pluperfect 5/8/2020 5:00:24 AM Post Reply
Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden have Democrats once again grappling with the dilemma of believing all women or standing by their man, just as they did two decades ago when Bill Clinton prowled the West Wing. Biden has denied the charges, and many Democrats say they believe him. "I have complete respect for the whole #MeToo movement," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a typical statement. "There's also due process and the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden." That’s the line elected Democrats have been sticking to, though some liberals have begun arguing the former vice president should be supported
Elizabeth Warren Demands AG Barr
Resign Over Flynn Decision
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 4:52:51 AM Post Reply
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called on Attorney General William Barr to resign over the Department of Justice’s decision to drop its criminal case against retired Army lieutenant general Michael Flynn on Thursday. “William Barr is not the President’s lawyer – he is the country’s lawyer. His political interference is blatantly corrupt and he should resign,” Warren wrote on Twitter. (Tweet) Earlier Thursday, the DOJ moved to dismiss its case against Flynn, who pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his communications with top Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak following President Donald Trump’s election in 2016.
Why the Wuhan Virus Threatens the
Chinese Communist Party’s Imperial Dreams
Posted by Pluperfect 5/8/2020 4:52:35 AM Post Reply
If it acts, the Free World has the opportunity to condemn another communist dictatorship to Karl Marx’s dustbin of history and avoid a war with a totalitarian superpower circa 2035. The Chinese Communist Party knows the COVID-19/Wuhan virus pandemic has exposed its imperial war to conquer the world, so it is frantically engaged in psychological and political damage control. Why? The strategic exposure (a cruel pun) of Beijing’s goal occurs at least 10 years too early. If the CCP and Emperor/President/Dictator Xi Jinping just had another decade of gross domestic product growth; of military modernization; of intellectual property theft; of trade rigging; of bribing crooked EU
Shelley Luther is America’s
New Rosa Parks
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 4:46:46 AM Post Reply
Dallas, Texas salon owner Shelley Luther has become the face of the movement to free the nation from the oppressive lockdowns imposed by despotic governors and mayors.She is a modern-day Rosa Parks, but more on that in a moment. An inspiration in these dark times to patriotic Americans who yearn to have their most basic constitutional rights respected, Luther was sentenced to seven days in jail on May 5 for daring to open her salon despite emergency decrees mandating the continued forced closure of businesses like hers that have arbitrarily been deemed non-essential.But Luther was liberated May 7 after the Supreme Court of Texas ordered her released
What Does Michelle Obama
Have to Complain About?
Posted by Pluperfect 5/8/2020 4:46:41 AM Post Reply
There’s a curious joy deficit in Michelle Obama’s video memoir Becoming, the Netflix documentary produced by her and her husband. As she glides from one beautiful space to another, surrounded by beautiful and famous people, with beautiful daughters and a beautiful bank account and much else to be grateful for, the viewer keeps waiting for her Flounder moment: Oh, boy, is this great! Instead, the tone is mostly dour, pained, even somber. I suspect (and hope!) that, off-camera, the Obamas are a bit more full of joie de vivre than Michelle Obama is in this film, which is largely a litany of complaint.
Democrats fume over having to
clean up Bloomberg's mess
Posted by Pluperfect 5/8/2020 4:42:42 AM Post Reply
Mike Bloomberg’s decision to dump hundreds of former campaign staffers from his payroll — after promising them paychecks through the election — has left a trail of ill will within the Democratic Party that’s now roiling a key part of its general election operation. After accepting a much-needed $18 million donation from Bloomberg when he dropped out of the presidential campaign in March, Democratic National Committee officials have been pressuring battleground state parties to hire his former employees, according to senior party aides in three swing states. Those staffers found themselves jobless after the billionaire broke his campaign’s public promise
New Documents Show President Obama
Was in on the Flynn Takedown
Posted by Pluperfect 5/8/2020 4:34:08 AM Post Reply
Newly released documents from the Department of Justice show President Obama informed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. He did so in the Oval Office. "Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration
Feminism: Our Creeps Are
Better Than Your Creeps
Posted by MissMolly 5/8/2020 4:23:51 AM Post Reply
In her New York Times op-ed, “I Believe Tara Reade. I Am Voting for Joe Biden Anyway,” Linda Hirshman blurts out what many suspected all along: ideology and politics trump all for feminists. From Teddy Kennedy to Bill Clinton to Joe Biden, raw political considerations confer absolution upon their sins. That’s the upshot of Hirshman’s argument. Her rallying cry might as well be: Our creeps are better than your creeps. Why? Because they support the killing of unborn children. The journalist Nina Burleigh captured the grotesqueness of feminism’s politics with the line about Bill Clinton: “I’d be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.”
Collapse of Michael Flynn case is latest
sign ‘RussiaGate’ was a complete fraud
Posted by MissMolly 5/8/2020 4:21:33 AM Post Reply
With the Justice Department moving to drop charges against Gen. Mike Flynn, pretty much the entire “RussiaGate” investigation stands exposed as a fraud. But will any of the witch-hunters pay? Lefties are already claiming that Attorney General William Barr is simply playing politics, but the facts say otherwise. Brandon Van Grack, a top Justice Department prosecutor and former member of special counsel Bob Mueller’s team, was withdrawn from the Flynn case (indeed, many of his cases) earlier Thursday because he’d plainly abused his power by withholding bombshell evidence from the defense and the court. Flynn’s supposed crime was lying to FBI agents in a January 2017 interview at the White House.
Fired aircraft carrier captain Brett
Crozier takes Navy job in San Diego
Posted by MissMolly 5/8/2020 4:12:05 AM Post Reply

  The former captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt may have been relieved from his duties last month in response to his concerns about coronavirus spreading on his ship. But Capt. Brett Crozier has a new job, as the Navy Times reports that Crozier has left Guam to take a temporary job with Naval Air Forces in San Diego — a gig that could possible serve as a mere interlude before he gets his old position back.

Flynn attorney Sidney Powell decries
'deliberate, malevolent, concerted
effort to destroy an honest man'
Posted by MissMolly 5/8/2020 4:09:20 AM Post Reply
Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's attorney slammed the case against her client Thursday, calling the efforts to "destroy" the retired Army lieutenant general "malevolent." "They all knew it was false, Sean," Sidney Powell told "Hannity". "This was a deliberate, malevolent, concerted effort to destroy an honest man and thereby get to the president of the United States to destroy him." "There's no doubt about it whatsoever," Powell added.
Christie lashes out at 'Bridgegate'
prosecutor after convictions
reversed: 'The politics of this reek'
Posted by MissMolly 5/8/2020 4:03:06 AM Post Reply
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie slammed the Obama-appointed federal prosecutor who oversaw the 2013 "Bridgegate" case Thursday after the Supreme Court unanimously threw out the convictions of two of his political allies. "This was the politically appointed U.S. Attorney for New Jersey by the Obama administration, Paul Fishman, who, from the time he got into office and I was elected governor one month thereafter [in 2009], was looking for a way to go out and get us," Christie told "The Ingraham Angle". Bridget Anne Kelly, Christie's onetime deputy chief of staff, and Bill Baroni, a Christie appointee to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey--
V-E Day, 75 years later—and what it
means in the time of coronavirus
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 1:51:43 AM Post Reply
The 75th anniversary of Victory-in-Europe Day is a sobering commemoration, and somewhat sadly ironic.When the free world (plus the despicable Soviet Empire) celebrated V-E Day on May 8, 1945, it memorialized the defeat of a human evil of unspeakable proportions. This spring, for the first time since then, the entire world again is ravaged by a massive and deadly convulsion all at once. This time, though, there is no human evil deliberately causing the convulsion and no well-defined idea of how and when victory can be achieved.Lest we take the analogy too far, first let us give due and admiring weight
GoFundMe For Dallas Salon
Owner Raises Massive Money
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 1:45:10 AM Post Reply
A GoFundMe account for Shelley Luther, who made national headlines after she was sentenced to 7 days in jail after refusing to tell a court she was “selfish” for reopening her salon despite an ongoing stay-at-home order, has now been officially closed to new donations after racking up a stunning $500,110 in just a few days.“Shelley Luther is an American Hero that has decided to resist tyranny by opening her business against an unlawful State Executive Order,” reads the GoFundMe page set up on behalf of Luther by Rick Hire of Richmond, Texas.
Schiff: Dropping Flynn Case ‘Puts Us
Back in the Category of Almost
an Emerging Democracy
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 1:40:27 AM Post Reply
On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) reacted to the dropping of charges against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn by stating the move “really puts us back in the category of almost an emerging democracy, where the rule of law is not yet firmly established, where prosecutorial decisions are made on the basis of politics.”Schiff said, “I think we lost 50 years’ worth of ground in solidifying the independence of the Justice Department after Watergate. This really puts us back in the category of almost an emerging democracy, where the rule of law is not yet firmly established,
Trump tweets ‘Bridgegate’ shows ‘grave
misconduct’ by Obama administration
Posted by Imright 5/8/2020 1:22:58 AM Post Reply
President Trump says the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision Thursday to overturn two “Bridgegate” convictions reveals “grave misconduct” by the “Obama Justice Department.” Liberal and conservative justices united to toss the 2016 convictions of Bridget Kelly, an aide to then-Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, and former Port Authority exec Bill Baroni.The pair corruptly closed lanes on the George Washington Bridge but didn’t commit the fraud and conspiracy they were accused of, the justices found.“Congratulations to former Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, and all others involved,
Gov Pritzker gives seemingly never-ending
five-phase plan to reopen Illinois, churches
among hardest hit
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 1:06:48 AM Post Reply
To some Illinois residents, particularly those who practice religion, it may feel as if their state will remain under some state of lockdown until the end of time, in part because Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s five-phase reopening plan does indeed seem like it extends until infinity and beyond. Unveiled by the governor on Tuesday, the plan contains no definitive reopening dates but does offer to keep the religiously minded waiting an exceptionally long time. The plan specifically calls for not allowing churches to reopen until phase three, which won’t begin until May 29th at the earliest. And even then, churches will be restricted to a maximum of 10 parishioners,
GAO says Post Office 'unsustainable,'
urges congressional action
Posted by Ribicon 5/8/2020 12:58:10 AM Post Reply
The United States Postal Service has lost $78 billion since 2007 and its current business model is unsustainable unless Congress intervenes, according to a scathing report Thursday by the Government Accountability Office. And the crisis could get even worse because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the report said. Postmaster General Megan Brennan told Congress earlier this year that the USPS could lose as much as $13 billion in 2020 because of the virus. The GAO said the Postal Service’s financial viability has progressively worsened since it was first labeled a “high risk” for insolvency in 2009.
Some states considering house arrest
tech to keep coronavirus patients home
Posted by Ribicon 5/8/2020 12:46:38 AM Post Reply
Washington–How do you ensure that someone sick with COVID-19 stays home? As the United States begins reopening its economy, some state officials are weighing whether house arrest monitoring technology–including ankle bracelets or location-tracking apps–could be used to police quarantines imposed on coronavirus carriers. But while the tech has been used sporadically for US quarantine enforcement over the past few weeks, large scale rollouts have so far been held back by a big legal question: Can officials impose electronic monitoring without an offense or a court order? Case in point is Hawaii, which considered the sweeping use of GPS-enabled
Familiar sound heard during remote Supreme
Court argument gives new meaning to ‘flushed
from the record’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 12:32:52 AM Post Reply
Shelter-in-place orders issued in response to the coronavirus pandemic have meant that scores of Americans not used to working from home have been forced to do so. As such, many have had to rely on virtual meetings and online communications in order to conduct their business, which has, in turn, led to moments of high hilarity. Another such incident occurred during oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court, when someone — somewhere — flushed a toilet, which was picked up on audio and is now, of course, going viral on social media. During a presentation by Roman Martinez, an attorney for the American Association of Political Consultants,
Nancy Pelosi: Barr Dropped Flynn Charges
to ‘Cover Up’ for Trump
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2020 12:19:20 AM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reacted angrily to the Department of Justice dropping its criminal case against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn Thursday, saying Attorney General William Barr’s “politicization of justice knows no bounds.” “Barr’s politicization of justice knows no bounds. Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators in the face of overwhelming evidence – but now, Barr’s Justice Department is dropping the case to continue to cover up for the president,” Pelosi said in a statement. “Overruling the Special Counsel is without precedent and without respect for the rule of law.” Earlier Thursday, the DOJ moved to dismiss its case against Flynn,
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