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Posts on Thursday, August 1, 2019

Pelosi tells Trump to ask his ‘slumlord’
son-in-law about ‘rodent infestations’
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 11:47:20 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fired back at President Trump's criticism of Rep. Elijah Cummings by claiming the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, was a Baltimore "slumlord.""So the president — this comes as no surprise — really doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But maybe you could ask his son-in-law, who’s a slumlord there, if he wants to talk about rodent infestations," the California Democrat told reporters Thursday.(Tweet) Kushner, who is a senior adviser to the president, owns thousands of apartments, which have been criticized for code violations, through his real estate firm. Pelosi reaffirmed her support of Cummings on Thursday, calling him a "great leader."
Comey's handling of Trump meeting
memos does not merit charges,
Justice Department says
Posted by Dodge Boy 8/1/2019 11:43:11 PM Post Reply

Senior Justice Department officials have concluded that former FBI director James B. Comey should not be charged in connection with his handling of memos documenting conversations with President Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

President Donald Trump set to withdraw
thousands of troops from Afghanistan after
18 years as part of a peace deal with
the Taliban
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 11:29:56 PM Post Reply
The Trump administration is gearing up to bring home several thousand troops from Afghanistan in a bid to strike a peace agreement with the Taliban after 18-years-of-conflict.In return, the White House will be seeking a number of concessions from the Islamic fundamentalists including a cease-fire and the renunciation of al-Qaeda, US officials revealed.The deal, which would also necessitate the Taliban negotiation a more rigorous peace agreement with the Afghan government, would see the number of American troops in the region cut from about 14,000 to somewhere between eight and nine thousand – the same amount as when Trump first took office.
Robert F. Kennedy's 22-year-old granddaughter
Saoirse dies of a suspected drug overdose at
the family's six-acre Cape Cod compound
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 11:06:57 PM Post Reply
Saoirse Roisin Kennedy-Hill has been identified as the young woman who died of a possible drug overdose at the Kennedy Compound on Cape Cod. She was 22 years old. 'Our hearts are shattered by the loss of our beloved Saoirse,' the Kennedy family said in a statement. 'Her life was filled with hope, promise and love.' The statement quoted Saoirse's grandmother, Ethel Kennedy, as saying: 'The world is a little less beautiful today.' Paramedics responding to a call of a suspected overdose just after 2.30pm Thursday arrived at the scene and found the patient in cardiac arrest. The woman was transported to Cape Cod Hospital,
DNI Nominee Intent on Getting to Bottom of Russiagate replies
Posted by EX54 8/1/2019 11:02:53 PM Post Reply
Shortly before President Donald Trump announced he had nominated Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) to replace Dan Coats as director of national intelligence, Ratcliffe made it clear he intends to hit the deck running on the “crimes” behind Russiagate.
Saoirse Roisin Hill, granddaughter
of RFK and Ethel Kennedy, found
dead at family compound
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/1/2019 10:46:52 PM Post Reply
Saoirse Kennedy Hill, a granddaughter of Ethel and Robert F. Kennedy, was found dead Thursday at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis, Massachusetts, the family confirmed in a statement. Barnstable police said they had responded to an unattended death, and the Cape and Island District Attorney's office said authorities would be investigating. (Snip) The cause of death was unclear. Saoirse, 22, was the daughter of Courtney, the fifth child of Robert and Ethel Kennedy. Her father, Paul Michael Hill, was one of four falsely convicted in the 1974 Irish Republican Army bombings of two pubs, according The Associated Press.
BuzzFeed Publishes a Misleading Story
About the Babylon Bee Controversy
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/1/2019 10:27:10 PM Post Reply
Earlier this week I wrote a piece about the fact-checking website Snopes and its bizarre and seemingly hostile approach to the Babylon Bee, a website for conservative Christian satire. (Snip) Well, today BuzzFeed covered the controversy, and its report is something else. First, here is how it frames the story: The Babylon Bee, a self-proclaimed Christian satire site with half a million followers on Facebook, has accused fact-checking site of unfairly debunking some of its satirical articles as fake news. The accusation has jump-started a conspiracy theory that fact-checking websites are targeting conservative humor in an effort to de-platform right-wing publishers.
US preparing to withdraw thousands of
troops from Afghanistan as part of
proposed Taliban deal
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/1/2019 10:14:16 PM Post Reply
The Pentagon is preparing to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan as part of a proposed peace deal with the Taliban, U.S. officials told Fox News Thursday. One official warned the withdrawal would be subject to the completion of any agreement. So far, no such deal has been finalized. (Snip) The agreement would require the Taliban to broker a peace deal directly with the Afghan government, and give assurances the country won't be used as a launch-pad for international terror attacks. However, some officials have concerns about how to hold the group accountable.
Katy Perry and collaborators ordered
to pay $2.78 million for copying song
for Dark Horse hit
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/1/2019 10:00:45 PM Post Reply
Katy Perry, her collaborators and her record label must pay more than $2.78 million because the pop star’s 2013 hit "Dark Horse" copied a Christian rap song, a jury decided on Thursday. It was an underdog victory for rapper Marcus Gray, a relatively obscure artist once known as Flame whose five-year-old lawsuit survived constant court challenges and a trial against top-flight attorneys for Perry and the five other music-industry heavyweights who wrote her song. But the amount was less than the nearly $20 million sought by attorneys for Gray and his two co-writers on the 2009 song "Joyful Noise" but they said they were pleased
North Korea fires projectiles
in 3rd weapons test in 8 days
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/1/2019 9:47:19 PM Post Reply
Seoul, South Korea - North Korea fired unidentified projectiles twice Friday into the sea off its eastern coast in its third round of weapons tests in just over a week, South Korea's military said. The increased testing activity is seen as brinkmanship aimed at increasing pressure on Seoul and Washington over the stalled nuclear negotiations. (Snip) By test-firing weapons that directly threaten South Korea but not the U.S. mainland or its Pacific territories, North Korea also appears to be dialing up pressure on Seoul and testing how far Washington will tolerate its bellicosity without actually causing the nuclear negotiations to collapse,
FBI says QAnon conspiracy theories
a domestic terrorism threat
Posted by Ribicon 8/1/2019 9:10:46 PM Post Reply
The FBI has identified conspiracy theories, including those espoused by QAnon, as a domestic terrorism threat, according to report Thursday. It is the first time the FBI has labeled fringe conspiracy theories as a terrorism threat. Yahoo News reported the intelligence bulletin, which it says originated from the FBI’s Phoenix office. The previously unpublicized bulletin was released in May, according to the report. The FBI bulletin specifically mentions QAnon, a group that believes there is a deep state working against President Trump, and Pizzagate, a conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton and other Democratic leaders are operating a child sex trafficking ring
Judge blocks New York from turning
over Trump's tax information
to Democrats
Posted by earlybird 8/1/2019 9:06:14 PM Post Reply
A federal judge on Thursday issued an order blocking New York state from turning over President Donald Trump's tax returns to congressional Democrats for now, should the House Ways and Means Committee request them through a newly passed New York law. The limitation will be in place, Judge Carl Nichols wrote, while allowing New York to challenge whether Nichols' courtroom in Washington is the proper place for this case, brought by Trump, to move forward, and in what form it could proceed. In a court hearing on Wednesday ahead of the order, Nichols said that his intention was to ensure "Mr. Trump cannot suffer any harm" while arguments play out.
College To Pay Students For
Violating Their Free Speech
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 8:03:24 PM Post Reply
The University of Florida (UF) agreed yesterday to pay their Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) student chapter $66,000, and amend their school policy to allow conservative groups to have access to more financial resources. In December of last year, the UF student YAF chapter filed a lawsuit against the school for allegedly violating students’ First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. The lawsuit stemmed from the University designating the chapter as a “non-budgeted” organization, meaning they would be forced to petition the school for funding for each event
After Dems Praise Al Sharpton, WaPo
Publishes Devastating Piece Detailing His
Ugly Past
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 7:57:27 PM Post Reply
In response to President Trump slamming Maryland's Rep. Elijah Cummings for letting Baltimore become a crime-ridden, "rat and rodent infested mess," activist Al Sharpton announced Monday that he'd be visiting the city in solidarity with the Democrat and the Baltimore community. Trump responded by taking aim at Sharpton in a blistering tweet: "Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score. Just doing his thing. Must have intimidated Comcast/NBC. Hates Whites & Cops!" (Video)
Dysfunctional UNRWA’s Latest Disgrace replies
Posted by Cavallodifiero 8/1/2019 7:05:02 PM Post Reply
The Trump administration decided last year to cut off U.S. funding for the hopelessly dysfunctional United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). It was a wise decision. A confidential internal report from UNRWA’s own ethics office has chronicled alleged rife mismanagement and corruption reaching the agency’s highest levels of leadership.
Joe Biden laughs off his text flub
where he directed millions of viewers
to a web site that doesn't exist and
claims gaffe is getting 'great results'
for his campaign coffers
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 6:29:08 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Thursday laughed off his flub at the end of the second Democratic debate, saying he should have said the word 'text' in his closing statement. 'Instead of saying "Joe," I would have said "text." I was so focused on making the case for Joe, I said "Joe" and I gave the number. It was text so I would have changed that,' he told reporters at an event in Detroit.He also thanked the media for covering his mistake and said the gaffe was giving his campaign 'great results.' 'But you guys have printed it 15 times and it's getting great results for us.
New York City Store Owner Beaten
by ‘Pack of Teens’ For Wearing
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 6:23:19 PM Post Reply
A New York City store owner told police that a ‘pack of teens’ viciously attacked him on Monday night for wearing a “MAGA” hat. Jahangir Turan, 42, said he was attacked by 15 “kids” Monday on Canal Street who were screaming “F*ck Trump!” then beat him.No description of the pack of teens was provided. Mr. Turan said he suffered from a damaged and swollen eye and other injured body parts, reported Fox 5 NY. Turan filed a police report and is planning on holding a news conference Thursday afternoon to demand NYPD find the teens who beat him.
Burglary at Rep. Elijah Cummings’s
Baltimore home reported hours before
controversial Trump tweet
Posted by earlybird 8/1/2019 5:59:45 PM Post Reply
Baltimore police are investigating a reported burglary at the home of Rep. Elijah Cummings early last Saturday morning, which occurred hours before President Donald Trump blasted the Maryland Democrat on Twitter for representing a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” of a district. Police said the burglary was reported at 3:40 a.m. at Cummings’ house. “At this time, it is unknown if any property was taken from the location,” a police spokesman said. Cummings’ office did not immediate respond to a request for comment.
Baltimore murder rate
worse than Honduras, El Salvador,
Guatemala, driving asylum surge
Posted by StormCnter 8/1/2019 4:53:03 PM Post Reply
The Baltimore murder rate is higher than the three Central American nations driving the border surge by migrants seeking to flee crime and murder back home. In an analysis of the murder rates done after President Trump criticized Baltimore Rep. Elijah Cummings over the weekend, Baltimore's was reported at 56 per 100,000. The city is on track for 340 murders. By comparison, said the Princeton Policy Advisors analysis, the murder rate in El Salvador was 50, in Guatemala it was 22 and Honduras was 38.(Snip for graphic)“That Baltimore's murder rate is higher than the most dangerous countries' in Central America is frankly appalling on many levels,
What Happens When the
World’s Population Stops Growing?
Posted by StormCnter 8/1/2019 4:40:57 PM Post Reply
For most of the time that humans have existed, our ranks have grown really, really slowly. There were an estimated 4 million people on Earth in 10,000 B.C., and after the following 10 millennia, the planetwide population had only reached 190 million. Even in 1800, the total number of humans was still under 1 billion. The climb since then—made possible by advances in medicine, sanitation, and food production—has been astounding. By 1900, there were 1.65 billion people; by 2000, there were more than 6 billion. Just two decades later, the global population sits at 7.7 billion. But soon—or at least, soon in the context of human history—
Trump is the least racist
person in the world
Posted by StormCnter 8/1/2019 4:33:45 PM Post Reply
It is true. President Trump really is the least racist person in the world. Just ask him. “I am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world,” he said this week. The problem is that late in his long and storied life, Mr. Trump made the fateful decision to take up work in the world’s most racist city to try his hand at the most racist occupation left in America today. He became a politician. Welcome to Washington, Mr. Trump. Of course back before he ventured down here to the swamp, Mr. Trump was courted and heralded for all the Benjamins and bling he had accumulated as a real estate
Marianne Williamson's path replies
Posted by Chris Jr. 8/1/2019 2:38:09 PM Post Reply
Conservatives goof on Marianne Williamson without even a morsel of self-awareness. They believe her to be the monkey wrench they can toss into the Democrat political machine. That is what Democrats believed Donald John Trump could do to Republicans four years ago. [Snip] However, Democrats may decide to punt to 2024, where they may have a better shot at electing a Democrat president who would erase the Trump presidency. [Snip] That would set Harris up for victory in 2024 with the idea that she could have defeated President Trump.
Income inequality is a big topic for rich Dem
candidates, but their audience yawns
Posted by SurferLad 8/1/2019 2:04:11 PM Post Reply
To hear all the wealthy Democratic candidates for president tell it, economic inequality is a major issue, right up there with other unrealistic proposals like free college and a multi-trillion-dollar government takeover of healthcare. That message is then multiplied and magnified by mainstream media’s ubiquitous megaphone. But to hear average Americans talk about income inequality, well, you don’t actually hear much of anything about that. They’re seemingly too busy chasing their own economic dreams to pay much attention to meaningless political primary palaver aimed at a tiny population sliver of even wealthier donors. Now, here comes a new
Trump says the US will slap tariffs on
virtually all Chinese imports next month
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/1/2019 1:59:24 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump said Thursday he will expand tariffs to virtually all imports from China on September 1, marking a significant escalation in a more than yearlong trade war between the largest economies. "Trade talks are continuing, and......during the talks the U.S. will start, on September 1st, putting a small additional Tariff of 10% on the remaining 300 Billion Dollars of goods and products coming from China into our Country," the president wrote on Twitter. He accused China of reneging on past commitments, including buying more American agricultural products and stemming the flow of fentanyl to the US.
Mother Nature vs. SCOTUS: CO2 and the Supreme Power of sovereignty replies
Posted by BigAlPeoplesPal 8/1/2019 1:48:00 PM Post Reply
Sir William Blackstone defines sovereignty as “supreme power.” This power is unitary. It cannot be shared or limited in any way. Thus, “quasi sovereignty” cannot exist. The Supreme Court ruled in Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency (2007) that carbon dioxide is an air pollutant under the Clean Air Act. The result of that 5-4 ruling was that the EPA could be sued by the states for not controlling CO2 emissions. The states, according to the court, have “quasi-sovereignty.” So, what can go wrong, apart from Blackstone’s denial of such a thing and the modern view of a sovereign nation?
Trump Makes the Case for Reelection:
'Our Country is Breaking Records
in Almost Every Category'
Posted by abuela10 8/1/2019 1:26:22 PM Post Reply
In just about 15 months, Americans will once again cast their vote for president. Although it's not clear yet who the Democratic nominee will be, we do know that President Trump will be the Republican candidate. When he first ran for president, he did so as an outsider. In other words, he ran against the failed policies of the ruling elites. This time, however, Trump actually has a record to run on. He may get criticized for his statements on immigration and such, but one thing nobody can take away from him, not even his most passionate leftist detractors: the economy is booming.
2020's October Surprise replies
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 1:12:50 PM Post Reply
As comprehensive the mauling of Mueller by a mob of unrepentant Republicans on Capitol Hill last Wednesday was, the Democrats still were able to get the one thing from His Eminence Robert Swan Mueller III they absolutely had to have if they were to effectively proceed with their plan to steal the 2020 Presidential Election. They may have twisted themselves into pretzels to get more, but there was one thing that they simply could not do without. And during the six-hour-melee that will surely be his swan song, Mueller delivered. That was for Mueller to assert Donald Trump could be prosecuted after his term as president expired.
DOJ will not prosecute Comey
for leaking memos after IG referral:
Posted by cThree 8/1/2019 1:10:56 PM Post Reply
The Justice Department has decided against prosecuting former FBI Director James Comey for leaking classified information following a referral from the department’s inspector general, sources familiar with the deliberations told Fox News. “Everyone at the DOJ involved in the decision said it wasn’t a close call,” one official said. “They all thought this could not be prosecuted.” Comey penned memos memorializing his interactions with President Trump in the days leading up to his firing. He then passed those documents to a friend, Columbia University Law Professor Daniel Richman, who gave them to The New York Times. Comey admitted to that arrangement during congressional testimony.
Trump budget deal passes with
22 Senate GOP defections
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 1:09:31 PM Post Reply
Congress sent a two-year budget and debt ceiling deal to President Trump over the objection of 22 Senate Republicans. Many Republicans failed to heed a last-minute tweet from President Trump urging them to back the accord. It passed by a vote of 65-28. Five Democrats voted against the deal. Once signed by Trump, the deal will permit unfettered federal borrowing through July 31, 2021 and busts federal spending caps by $320 billion over the next two fiscal years. It leaves out an extension of the Budget Control Act, which expires in two years.
Dems Can’t ‘Disappear’ Trump From
Ground Zero
Posted by Cavallodifiero 8/1/2019 12:35:03 PM Post Reply
Democrat ‘Progressives’ working feverishly to ‘disappear’ Donald Trump from the presidency some two and a half years after he was duly elected, are now trying to ‘disappear’ him from being at Ground Zero in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Truth and reality NEVER find progressives at home. It’s so much easier for them living in a Make Believe World in which the election of President Donald Trump never happened. Delusions of Grandeur keep their infectious and obnoxious hatred alive and
Barack Obama to Elijah Cummings: Monuments to the men who "didn't build that". replies
Posted by jeb184 8/1/2019 12:29:24 PM Post Reply
The Chicago Museum of Science and Industry has a storied past. It occupies one of the few remaining buildings from the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893. The venue proudly displayed America’s technological prowess 400 years after Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World. Inventor Nicola Tesla–whose electric motor and alternating current are still in use today–dazzled visitors by employing an invisible electrical field to magically illuminate a gas-filled tube he held in his hand. Barack Obama plans to destroy this neighborhood in homage to Barack Obama.
Arizona gas station hostages attack, subdue
man who shot customer in the head
Posted by DVC 8/1/2019 12:26:05 PM Post Reply
A newly released surveillance video shows the moments inside a convenience store in Arizona when a man shot and killed a customer before taking eight others hostage who later fought back against their attacker. The incident happened on May 9, 2018, when 53-year-old Joel McClain Carson walked into the Phoenix Circle K store with a gun, strolled up to a customer waiting in line and shot the man in the back of the head. "He said, 'This is not a game. It's not a joke. I don't want any money, any beer... I came prepared to die,'" one of the hostages later told the police in a recording obtained by KTVK-TV.
ICE Arrests Alleged Human Trafficker
on Most Wanted List
Posted by earlybird 8/1/2019 12:24:19 PM Post Reply
Abolish ICE! Federal agents arrested a fugitive on their most wanted list “for his alleged role in operating a large-scale human trafficking and drug operation out of a Detroit motel.” The Detroit Free Press reports that according to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson, Darrick Bell, 50, was arrested at an EconoLodge in Michigan. (Snip)The government hunted for Bell for three years. He escaped along with five other people in 2017 right before the hotel where he was operating got raided by the feds. Some of the charges this dirtbag will face include human trafficking, money laundering, extortion collection, and conspiracy.
Stepping Over Mueller’s Cadaver replies
Posted by earlybird 8/1/2019 12:16:50 PM Post Reply
There are few hoaxes in the history of journalism as disgraceful as Russiagate, and few events underscore the media’s shame quite like its tragic, unintentionally humorous coda. Liberals expected Robert Mueller’s testimony to be a moment of truth for Trump; but it turned out to be the only truthful moment in this soap opera. How quickly fact goes to work; in an afternoon, the number one “news” story in America for two years had completely evaporated, along with the reputation of its protagonist. Had Mueller given a lecture on German idealism, his testimony would have been more intelligible and more worthwhile. Testifying about what had been built up
Backlash at barefoot Prince Harry and
'hypocrite Greenerati': Eco-warrior elite
who turned up at secret climate change
Google camp in 114 private jets,
helicopters and mega yachts are mocked
for leaving their own carbon footprint
Posted by Ribicon 8/1/2019 11:29:17 AM Post Reply
A host of A-list celebrities faced an angry backlash today after they travelled to a climate change conference in Italy in a fleet of supercars, expensive yachts and more than 100 private jets. Guests at the secretive Google Camp were accused of hypocrisy after they gathered this week to discuss the environment while leaving a considerable carbon footprint of their own.(Snip) Some 114 fuel-guzzling planes were scheduled to land in Palermo for the elite gathering, according to Italian media, while others brought their super-yachts to a three-day conference whose guests include Katy Perry and Harry Styles.
Graham immigration bill disrupts
Senate Judiciary Committee
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 11:22:34 AM Post Reply
The Senate Judiciary Committee is engaged in a heated battle over immigration policy as chairman Lindsey Graham threatens to upend the rules to advance a detention bill that Democrats oppose. It’s one last battle, being led Thursday by a top ally of President Donald Trump, before senators break for a long August recess and the start of 2020 campaigning. Graham gaveled open the hearing saying he wasn’t going to wait any longer. He says he failed to reach a compromise with Democrats over detention policies for children at the border. The South Carolina Republican, who faces his own re-election race alongside Trump
Warner calls on Trump to order
review of Jared and Ivanka's
security clearances
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 11:19:31 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, wants President Trump to order a review of White House security clearance procedures. The senator from Virginia wrote to Trump Thursday and urged him to green-light a review, sighting reports of flawed procedures that have permitted those without full clearances to have access to classified materials. “We believe a new review is necessary to address the allegations that have been raised and, if necessary, implement corrective action,” Warner said. “Without such a review, it will be incumbent upon Congress to take a more direct role in overseeing and legislating on EOP security clearances to protect national security.”
Comeuppance – Chinese Aluminum
Billionaire Indicted in $1.8 Billion Tariff
Evasion Scheme…
Posted by earlybird 8/1/2019 11:09:26 AM Post Reply
We previously outlined Mr. Zhongtian Liu [HERE] as part of the early 2018 explanation for how China was exploiting the NAFTA loophole as an end-run around tariffs. Today the Central District of California U.S. Attorney announces his indictment. LOS ANGELES– A federal grand jury indictment unsealed late Tuesday alleges a complex financial fraud scheme in which a Chinese company exported to the United States huge amounts of aluminum – disguised as “pallets” to avoid customs duties of up to 400 percent – and “sold” the purported pallets to related entities to fraudulently inflate the company’s revenues and deceive investors around the world.
Gabbard: ‘Dangerous’ Big Tech Monopolies
Like Facebook and Google Have the
Power to Influence Our Elections
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 11:06:49 AM Post Reply
Wednesday during Fox News Channel’s post-Democratic presidential debate coverage, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) offered an ominous warning regarding big technology companies like Facebook and Google as it pertains to the election in the United States. Gabbard explained her ordeal with Google following last month’s MSNBC debate, which she said was a threat to free speech. “In the first debate, I was in the first night, and I was the most-searched candidate of that event,” she said. “Unfortunately, Google chose to arbitrarily block our Google ads account for several hours at a time that was most critical for our campaign.
Democratic megadonor George
Soros launches new super PAC
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 11:00:39 AM Post Reply
George Soros is launching a super PAC ahead of the 2020 election and has already written the single biggest check of any megadonor so far this election season.Soros contributed $5.1 million to the new group, Democracy PAC, according to paperwork filed with the Federal Election Commission. He was one of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors in the last presidential election, giving more than $20 million to the party’s candidates and causes, and has already doubled the amount he had donated at this point in the 2016 cycle. A person familiar with the group told Politico that Soros’ family members may also donate to the PAC.
Gillibrand Would Explain to
White Suburban Women 'What
White Privilege Actually Is'
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 10:58:36 AM Post Reply
"What would you do for Baltimore and other cities that need help?" several Democrats were asked at Wednesday's CNN-hosted debate. When her turn came to answer that question, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) invoked her own "white privilege." So I don't believe that it's the responsibility of Cory and Kamala to be the only voice that takes on these issues of institutional racism, systemic racism in our country. I think as a white woman of privilege, who is a U.S. senator, running for president of the United States, it is also my responsibility to lift up those voices that aren't being listened to.
Biden: Drug Companies Will Have to
‘Come to Us’ and ‘We Will Set the Price’
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 10:56:48 AM Post Reply
Companies that develop drugs will have to go to the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) to be told what they’ll be allowed to charge for their products if Joe Biden is elected president, the former vice president declared Wednesday during the Democrat presidential debate. Biden made the claim while defending his health care plan against the charge that it would not cover everyone in America, adding that his administration would also dictate any price increases:
Sen. Thune: Dems Using ‘Religious Test’
to Stop People of Faith
from Serving in Office
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 10:52:14 AM Post Reply
In remarks given to the Senate on Thursday about the confirmation of candidates for federal judgeships, Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) said some Democrats are using a "religious test" to try to prevent people, especially faithful Catholics, from serving in public office. “Mr. President, as I said earlier, we confirmed two excellent judicial nominees this week, unfortunately, one ran into some Democrat opposition during the confirmation process because he was Catholic,” said Thune on Thursday. “That’s right. Apparently the fact that he takes his faith seriously enough.”
FOIA Release: FBI Agents Picked Up
Comey Memos From His House Day
Before Senate Testimony…
Posted by earlybird 8/1/2019 10:50:45 AM Post Reply
A recent FOIA release from Judicial Watch (full pdf below) reveals that two of Mueller’s initial FBI agents, based on dates and redactions – likely Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka, visited James Comey on June 7th, 2017, to retrieve a collection of his memos. (Snip)♦First, the memos were picked up while FBI agent’s Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka were lead FBI agents that transferred into the Mueller team. Therefore it’s likely they were the two who traveled to Comey’s house for this June 7th effort. ♦Second, the memos were picked up June 7th, 2017, the day before James Comey appeared before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,
Michael Moore urges Michelle
Obama to run against Trump
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 10:43:27 AM Post Reply
Filmmaker Michael Moore said in a new interview that there is only one candidate up to the challenge to “crush” President Trump in 2020, “and her last name rhymes with Obama.” “In fact, it is Obama — Michelle Obama,” Moore said on MSNBC. “Everybody watching this right now knows she is a beloved American and she would go in there and she would beat him.” Moore said it is not enough to have a Democratic candidate who will defeat Trump, noting that his 2016 Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, won 3 million more votes nationwide. “The only way to remove trump is to crush Trump. And that’s the question
Why Are Democrats Defending Al Sharpton? replies
Posted by Garnet 8/1/2019 10:23:44 AM Post Reply
When I first heard that President Trump had gone after the Rev. Al Sharpton — and that Mr. Sharpton had responded in kind — I must admit that I laughed. Are there two New York City hustlers who deserve one another more? But 48 hours later, I feel differently. That’s thanks to the leading Democratic candidates for president, who have rushed to Mr. Sharpton’s defense, extolling his supposed virtues as a civil-rights paragon while denouncing Mr. Trump’s attack as racist. In doing so, they have, yet again, taken Mr. Trump’s bait, handing him another easy victory while yoking themselves to a genuine bigot.
DiGenova: Durham’s investigation moving
at ‘lightning speed,’ bad actors in DOJ,
FBI will be held accountable
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 9:45:45 AM Post Reply
Former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova is optimistic about the investigation into the origins of the Russia probe, noting that the process is moving at “lightning speed.”Along with his wife and partner, Victoria Toensing, diGenova spoke with Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs about U.S. Attorney John Durham and his examination of the FBI’s Russia inquiry which is now a criminal investigation.(Video: Fox Business)“Is there any reason for me, for everyone watching, for everyone listening to you and Victoria to think that we’re actually going to see the scoundrels who made up the leadership of the Department of Justice and the FBI are going to be held accountable?”
Trump Confronts Immigration Lies: 'Cages for Kids Were Built by Obama, I Ended Child Separation!' replies
Posted by MichaelvdGalien 8/1/2019 9:42:54 AM Post Reply
Those with even a little bit of knowledge about U.S. immigration policy know that illegal immigrants caught at the border with Mexico weren't exactly treated overly kindly by the Obama administration. Quite the opposite is true, even: families were separated from each other, and people were held in cages. When Donald Trump became president, he inherited those policies from his predecessor. Of course, the mainstream media have a hard time acknowledging those inconvenient facts. They'd rather pretend that this immigration policy has been created by President Trump, who can then be portrayed as a horrible racist who just doesn't care about Hispanic children.
NY Times Op-Ed: Democrats Will
Lose Cheering On ‘Ambulance-Chasing,
Anti-Semitic’ Al Sharpton
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 9:28:51 AM Post Reply
Brown University professor Glenn C. Loury said that Democrats are doomed to lose when they cheer-on “ambulance-chasing, anti-Semitic, anti-white race hustler” Rev. Al Sharpton. Although Loury at first appeared to find it amusing that “two New York City hustlers” like Sharpton and President Donald Trump would be sparring over whether it’s racist to call Baltimore a “disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess,” he began to think twice when so many Democratic presidential candidates began lauding Sharpton as a symbol of civil rights progress.
German City Rocked After Kazakh Man Hacked
to Death by Syrian Migrant in Broad Daylight
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/1/2019 9:26:05 AM Post Reply
A local news bureau reported “shock” in the German city of Stuttgart after a 36-year-old man was hacked to death with what appeared to be a katana-type sword in the middle of the street on Wednesday afternoon. The attack took place in front of dozens of witnesses and was filmed by passers-by on mobile phones from multiple angles, and saw a man, a 36-year old German resident of Kazakhstan origin, lying on the floor and being repeatedly hacked at and stabbed with a sword, (Snip) The suspect was reported by regional newspaper Neue Ruhr Zeitung to be a 28-year-old man of Syrian migrant origin who arrived in Germany in 2015.
Report: IG Horowitz Preparing 'Damning
Report' on Comey; Has Referred Him for
Possible Prosecution
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 9:12:41 AM Post Reply
Inspector General Michael Horowitz is preparing a "damning report"on former FBI director James Comey's conduct and has referred him for possible prosecution under the classified information protection laws, the Hill's John Solomon reported Wednesday night. Unfortunately, Solomon is reporting that Department of Justice prosecutors under Attorney General William Barr have decided not to prosecute Comey for the alleged infractions.According to Solomon's sources, the IG report will conclude that Comey "leaked classified information and showed a lack of candor," but DOJ prosecutors declined to bring charges because they didn't think they had enough evidence
Protesters hit Democratic debate: 'I can't breathe'
chants interrupt NYC mayor Bill de Blasio
over demands to fire cop in fatal Eric
Garner chokehold - then Joe Biden is hit*
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 9:00:23 AM Post Reply
Protesters hit night two of the second Democratic presidential debate with a group of them removed Wednesday night after they demanded New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio fire Daniel Pantaleo, the officer who put Eric Garner, an unarmed black man, in a deadly chokehold in 2014, and a woman interrupted Joe Biden to chant about immigrants being deported.'Stop all deportations on Day One,' read the large banner the woman unfurled in the hall of the Fox Theater while Biden and Julian Castro were debating immigration policy.
Joe Biden at Democrat Debate: Eliminate
Coal, Fracking, Fossil Fuels
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 8:46:01 AM Post Reply
DETROIT, Michigan—Former vice preisdent Joe Biden declared at the second Democrat debate in Detroit on Wednesday evening that he would fight climate change by eliminating coal, fossil fuels, and fracking.Biden was responding to criticism from Governor Jay Inslee of Washington state, who said — echoing earlier criticism of Biden by “Green New Deal” author Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — that the former vice president was only proposing “middle ground solutions” to an urgent crisis. CNN moderator Dana Bash then asked Biden to clarify where he stood on fossil fuels, and the following exchange ensued: Dana Bash: thank you, vice president. just to clarify,
Biden: Drug Companies Will Have
to ‘Come to Us’ and ‘We Will
Set the Price’
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 8:40:58 AM Post Reply
Companies that develop drugs will have to go to the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) to be told what they’ll be allowed to charge for their products if Joe Biden is elected president, the former vice president declared Wednesday during the Democrat presidential debate.Biden made the claim while defending his health care plan against the charge that it would not cover everyone in America, adding that his administration would also dictate any price increases: “My plan does cover everyone,
Debate: Tulsi Gabbard knocks Kamala
Harris from her pedestal
Posted by PageTurner 8/1/2019 8:36:38 AM Post Reply
If there was anything that made the sludge of lies, hypocrisies, and panders of the fourth Democratic debate worth watching, it was that one little moment when Rep. Tulsi Gabbard effectively slapped Sen. Kamala Harris upside the head over her checkered record as a prosecutor. That was an ambush. And Harris responded like a deer in the headlights. Harris's abysmal record as someone who's refused to correct false testimony, thrown petty drug criminals in jail even as she laughed about her own pot use, and the death penalty she advocated for, are indeed liabilities and something conservatives have been complaining about for years. Now coming from Gabbard,
Mitch McConnell Gets 13 More Trump
Judges Approved Before August Break
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 8:36:22 AM Post Reply
While Democrats are holding debates for 2020 and the media is completely distracted, Mitch McConnell has been very busy. Everyone in Washington is preparing to take the month of August off, but in a final act of business in the Senate, Mitch McConnell just got 13 more Trump judges approved. Amazing.The Hill reports: Senate confirms 13 Trump judges ahead of August break The Senate confirmed 13 of President Trump’s judicial picks this week, helping clear the deck ahead of the five-week August recess.
Seven responses to Don Lemon's
obnoxious debate question about Trump
Posted by Imright 8/1/2019 8:30:22 AM Post Reply
Don Lemon asked the following question during the first night of CNN's Democratic debate: "What do you say to those Trump voters who prioritize the economy over the president's bigotry?"Here are seven possible responses: 1. Yes, I know your 401K is up $75,000 since Trump took office, but he used the phrase "corrupt mess" when speaking of Elijah Cummings's home district in Baltimore. These were mean words. Now, Bernie Sanders said "third world country" when referring to Baltimore, which was much more sensitive and non-racist. This is why you should vote for Bernie and his crazy socialist platform, and stop worrying about stupid things like your own retirement.
These People Are Crazy replies
Posted by abuela10 8/1/2019 8:24:33 AM Post Reply
Liberals are insane. That’s not news, at least to anyone who watched even clips from the Democratic debates this week. They promised a unicorn that poops gold while paying for your health care and college, giving you a high-paying job and foot rubs at will. If you completely ignore the reality of the hell on earth their socialistic policies would create, it sounded wonderful. But you can’t ignore reality with these people. Any of them. It’s reality they want to “fundamentally transform.” To do that they’re not only willing destroy what exists now, they have to destroy
Romney calls Sanders 'all hat, no cattle' after Democratic debate replies
Posted by tisHimself 8/1/2019 7:12:54 AM Post Reply
Former GOP presidential nominee and current Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is calling current White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) "all hat, no cattle," saying he was "so angry" in the second Democratic primary debate. The tweet follows Sanders's Tuesday debate appearance in Detroit in which the self-proclaimed democratic socialist and fellow progressive candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) clashed with centrists over issues like health care.
MSNBC and CNN Claim Trump Was Never
at Ground Zero after 9/11 Attacks; Videos
Prove Otherwise
Posted by Hazymac 8/1/2019 7:10:56 AM Post Reply
On Monday, when President Trump signed the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund extension, he told a story of being at Ground Zero after the 9/11 terror attacks, that immediately got unhinged liberals coming out of the woodwork to claim he was lying. Kyle Griffin, a producer at MSNBC, actually claimed there was no evidence Trump was ever at Ground Zero after 9/11: (Snip) Others in the media quickly piled on, challenging Trump's claim. The New York Times even fact-checked his claim, citing a retired NYFD deputy chief who said Trump was never at Ground Zero. Business Insider ran a story with the headline, "Trump said he was 'down there'
Jewish Democrat: GOP Only Opposes
Antisemitism to Get Money from Jews
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 7:00:51 AM Post Reply
Republican opposition to antisemitism is a political ploy to glean money from Jewish donors, said Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) at a “Jewish Democratic summer conference.” Audio of her remarks was captured and published at the Washington Free Beacon: There has been a lot of discussion for the past 9 months or so, 8 months, about, anti-Semitism. We have, what I believe is a full-on attempt by the Republican Party to grab a different community and bring them into the fold, and I will just be very honest, right, they are not looking for our votes, because we are a relatively small community, they are looking for our donors, right?
Jeff Daniels to Stephen Colbert:
America Needs Someone Who Can
Punch Trump in the Face
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 6:57:43 AM Post Reply
Actor Jeff Daniels appeared on The Late Show Tuesday evening and said that President Donald Trump’s challenger needs to be somebody who can “punch him in the face.” Daniels, who stars as Atticus Finch in Broadway’s To Kill A Mockingbird, said America needs to “do better” and expressed hope that President Trump’s challenger will be someone who can “punch him in the face.” “You know, I — whittle it down, but we need somebody that can take this guy on, that can punch him in the face,” he said. Colbert sparked Daniels’ answer after talking about the play and how it is “about different people in the
Prince Harry Says People ‘Don’t
Understand’ Their ‘Unconscious’ Racism
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 6:54:34 AM Post Reply
Progressive Prince Harry has said that people expressing “racist” behaviour do so because of their upbringing, but may not know they are acting in a racist way because they “don’t understand” their “unconscious biases”. The Duke of Sussex made the comments whilst he was interviewing famed anthropologist Dr Jane Goodall for September’s issue of Vogue magazine, which is being guest-edited by his wife, American former TV actress Meghan Markle. Speaking of the “stigma” which is “handed down from generation to generation”, Prince Harry said that “unconscious bias” is “something which so many people don’t understand”.
‘Witches’ for Marianne Williamson
Launch ‘Occult Task Force’
Posted by M2 8/1/2019 6:51:25 AM Post Reply
A group of supporters of 2020 White House hopeful and Marianne Williamson has put together an “occult task force” in support of the spiritual guru; however, her campaign is none too pleased about the move. In an interview with the Washington Post, the anonymous individual heading up the “task force” told the Jeff-Bezos owned newspaper that 13 witches, chaos magicians, and energy workers performed “gestures” in an effort to get Williamson more speaking time during Tuesday’s Democrat presidential primary debate in Detriot, Michigan.
Kamala Harris Must Think
Voters Are Pretty Dumb
Posted by PageTurner 8/1/2019 6:15:12 AM Post Reply
After going back and forth and back and forth about whether she would eliminate private insurance and shove every American into Medicare, Kamala Harris thinks she’s found a solution. Shove everyone into Medicare, but do it a little more slowly and pretend that private insurers will still be involved. No doubt the Democratic California senator is reading the same polls as everyone else. Namely, that the public thinks it likes “Medicare for All” until it learns what it means. Then support evaporates. But Harris still wants to appeal to the Democrats’ increasingly socialist base. So, voilà. She’s proposing to let people choose between regular Medicare and Medicare Advantage,
'Nationalized, partisan and polarizing':
Return of liberal hero Wendy Davis
sets up Texas slugfest
Posted by StormCnter 8/1/2019 5:29:29 AM Post Reply
Wendy Davis, the famous filibusterer, is hoping her pink sneakers can turn a slice of Texas blue. A liberal hero who gained a national following with her 13-hour stand against a pro-life bill in the state Senate in 2013, Ms. Davis tried to channel that notoriety into a bid for governor a year later. She was crushed, losing by more than 20 percentage points. Now she’s returning to electoral politics, announcing last week that she has set her sights on Washington and the House seat held by freshman Republican Rep. Chip Roy, in what analysts say could be a high-spending ideological slugfest. She’s not likely to appeal to the median voter
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders,
Marooned Together on Fantasy Island
Posted by MissMolly 8/1/2019 5:21:10 AM Post Reply
I’m no good at sartorial stuff, so I can’t describe how Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were actually dressed. But I can tell you what they were effectively wearing: targets. They came into the debate in Detroit on Tuesday night not just as the highest-polling candidates among the 10 on the stage, but also as the most ardent progressives, with plans more expansive and expensive than their rivals’. That gave those rivals both the motivation and the means to attack. So they did, portraying Sanders and Warren as fantasists peddling policies — single-payer health care, the decriminalization of illegal border crossings, the elimination of all or most college debt
Chakra and Awe replies
Posted by Pluperfect 8/1/2019 5:15:30 AM Post Reply
If the “debate” to which the jostling scrum of Democratic presidential aspirants subjected the nation Tuesday is any guide, President Trump need not worry about losing his job in 2020. The most sensible participants were treated as unwelcome interlopers by the invitation-only audience and their fellow candidates, while the most incoherent contenders were greeted as staunch defenders of the faith. Thus, former Maryland Rep. John Delaney and Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan got the raspberry, while Senator Bernie Sanders and New Age author Marianne Williamson had a big night. The latter was widely declared the “breakout winner” of Tuesday’s debate due to effusions such as this:
Donald Trump Didn't Lie About
Where He Was after the 9/11
Attacks, But Hillary Clinton Did
Posted by Pluperfect 8/1/2019 5:12:56 AM Post Reply
The liberal media has egg on their faces for claiming that Trump lied about being down at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks. Despite video evidence that has been floating around on the internet for years, they just couldn't help themselves. It's curious, however, that the candidate that they all wanted to win in 2016, Hillary Clinton, actually did lie about where she was on 9/11 in order to insert herself into it. In an address Tuesday evening in Sanford, Florida, Hillary Clinton said: “I was in New York City on 9/11 as one of two senators. I will defeat ISIS.”
Democrats’ Embrace Of Al Sharpton
Exposes Their Hypocrisy
Posted by Pluperfect 8/1/2019 5:08:04 AM Post Reply
If Donald Trump attacked Somalian warlords on Twitter, The Atlantic would run a 10,000-word piece explaining why decentralized Somali rule is actually good for minorities. Because it’s no longer sufficient to be a Trump antagonist, no longer enough to stick the word “racist” in every news piece and broadcast; a real patriot embraces all the president’s enemies, no matter how morally loathsome. Which brings me to the Rev. Al Sharpton. This week, Barack Obama’s “go-to man” on racial issues headed to Baltimore to protest President Trump’s attacks on Elijah Cummings, the Democratic congressman from Maryland. As is his wont — whatever creed, color, or faith
Watchdog tells Democrats he can't probe White
House security clearances until Trump asks
Posted by MissMolly 8/1/2019 5:03:07 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration's intelligence watchdog has declined a request from four top Senate Democrats to investigate how the White House has handled security clearances for Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and other employees, according to a letter obtained by NBC News. Michael Atkinson, the inspector general of the intelligence community, meaning the chief internal watchdog for the nation's intelligence agencies, wrote to the senators that he would be happy to conduct such an investigation, but could only do it if President Donald Trump asks him.
James Comey's next reckoning is
imminent —this time for leaking
Posted by MissMolly 8/1/2019 4:57:24 AM Post Reply
The Justice Department’s chief watchdog is preparing a damning report on James Comey’s conduct in his final days as FBI director that likely will conclude he leaked classified information and showed a lack of candor after his own agency began looking into his feud with President Trump over the Russia probe. Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz’s team referred Comey for possible prosecution under the classified information protection laws, but Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors working for Attorney General William Barr reportedly have decided to decline prosecution — a decision that’s likely to upset Comey's conservative critics. Prosecutors found the IG’s findings compelling but decided not
Biden Survives, So Biden Wins replies
Posted by MissMolly 8/1/2019 4:53:59 AM Post Reply
All night long, almost every candidate on stage aimed their attacks at Joe Biden. Early on, Kamala Harris referred to him as “Senator Biden,” a perhaps not-so-accidental demotion. Julian Castro, Bill de Blasio, and Cory Booker all went after him in rapid succession. Even Kirsten Gillibrand claimed that Biden opposed women working outside the home, a particularly implausible accusation. Here’s the good news for Biden: If tonight doesn’t do any damage to his numbers, he will probably cruise to the nomination. This is life as the frontrunner – you get attacked by everybody, all the time, on any issue that they think will get them some traction.
California’s pathetic attempt to troll Trump replies
Posted by MissMolly 8/1/2019 4:48:34 AM Post Reply
Why let a little thing like the US Constitution get in the way of a dig at President Trump? That’s the attitude of the Democrats who run the Golden State. No joke: California Gov. Gavin Newsom just signed a law Tuesday that aims to bar Trump’s name from the state’s primary ballot unless he releases his tax returns for the past five years, which Trump refuses to. Several other states, including New York and New Jersey, have eyed similar bills. Dems pushing such laws see them as a win-win: If the president releases his returns, they can mine them for evidence, however weak, to justify new witch hunts
Second Democratic debate – A
Trump supporter's top takeaways
Posted by MissMolly 8/1/2019 4:35:39 AM Post Reply
Here’s a word that was not once uttered by any of the 10 Democratic presidential candidates who gathered for the second night of the debates held in Detroit Wednesday: growth. Not a single person on the stage at the CNN debate discussed how he or she might increase the incomes of Americans or how to create jobs. Instead, inspired by the fleeting success of Sen. Kalama Harris of California in the first round of debates, they all came armed to take down frontrunner former Vice President Joe Biden. What a sorry spectacle it was. Poor Biden, tripping over his garbled defense of his 1994 crime bill support, his vote
US newborns are two times more
likely to die a preventable death
if they are black, CDC data reveals
Posted by Ribicon 8/1/2019 2:14:26 AM Post Reply
Black babies in the US are still more than twice as likely to die in infancy as are white babies, disheartening new data reveal. In 2017, 22,341 American infants died before their first birthdays, according to the numbers released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But whereas less than five out of every 1,000 white infants perished, nearly 11 out of every 1,000 black babies lost their lives. Infant mortality rates in the US have fallen year-over-year since 2005 but, as is the case with so many public health gains, this improvement doesn't apply to all Americans equally.
Democrats turn on Obama legacy as they
hit out at Biden in debate
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/1/2019 1:23:11 AM Post Reply
When Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez asked the audience gathered for the last night of the second Democratic presidential primary debate in Detroit whether they missed former President Barack Obama, many suspected it wouldn't be the last time Obama's name was evoked that evening. Obama's two-term No. 2, Joe Biden, took the stage moments later and was repeatedly forced to defend his political record, eight years of which he amassed under the country's first African American president.
Biden stumbles over statistics, phrases,
and titles in 2020 debate
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/1/2019 1:13:24 AM Post Reply

Joe Biden, 76, repeatedly stumbled over numbers and phrases throughout his second Democratic presidential primary appearance Wednesday night, at one point accidentally endorsing one of his primary rivals. Biden told viewers that if they agree with him, "go to Joe 3-0-3-3-0." He likely meant to tell them to text the number 30330, which subscribes supporters to text message Biden campaign updates.

Women's March leaders among protesters
who interrupted de Blasio
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/1/2019 1:01:36 AM Post Reply
Two leaders of the Women's March were among those protesting New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio during Wednesday night's presidential debate. De Blasio was touting how he was different from the front-runners, such as former Vice President Joe Biden and California Sen. Kamala Harris, when he was interrupted. The protesters were chanting “Fire Pantaleo!" a reference to NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo, the officer involved in Eric Garner's death five years ago. Earlier this month, the Justice Department announced that he would not be charged in Garner's death.
Kamala Harris: ‘Babies Will Be Born into
Our Plan,’ but Plan Allows Free Abortions
Posted by LittleHoodedMonk 8/1/2019 12:01:32 AM Post Reply
Democrat 2020 contender Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) said during the Democrat debate Wednesday that her Medicare for All health plan would start up quickly and that “babies will be born into our plan,” but her plan would also allow free abortions at taxpayer expense. (Snip) In a column at Medium, in which she explained her plan, Harris said: Medicare for All will cover all medically necessary services, including emergency room visits, doctor visits, vision, dental, hearing aids, mental health, and substance use disorder treatment, and comprehensive reproductive health care services. “Comprehensive reproductive health care services” is a euphemism for abortion.
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