Bill Murray was right: The Washington
Post framed Richard Nixon
American Thinker,
John D. O'Connor
Original Article
Posted By: rememberwhen,
3/9/2025 3:06:17 PM
In a recent podcast interview with popular host Joe Rogan, comedian Bill Murray complained about the false description he felt famous journalist Bob Woodward had rendered of Murray’s good friend, the late John Belushi.
As he expounded to Rogan on what he felt was Woodward’s gross inaccuracy, Murray mused that as a result, he began to think that President Nixon was framed by Woodward’s similarly false reporting during the Watergate scandal.
While Murray was not making a serious allegation about Watergate, in fact he was generally correct:
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Italiano 3/9/2025 3:17:50 PM (No. 1911718)
OP: Google John Dean and Maureen Biner.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Catherine 3/9/2025 3:37:24 PM (No. 1911728)
Nixon was a good president. He left office to spare the country the trauma of a president on trial. I always thought he'd been set up. Then there was Clinton and the disgusting things he did as president and everyone just giggled and said how cute.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
franq 3/9/2025 3:42:57 PM (No. 1911730)
It's pretty simple, but it has taken us 80-90 years to realize it. The communists want our stuff, and will lie, cheat, and kill to get it. Media no longer is just the province of leftists, thank God.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
czechlist 3/9/2025 4:16:12 PM (No. 1911744)
I recall Maureen sitting behind John during the Watergate hearings and the press hooplah over her beauty and dedication..Perhaps I am mistaken, but, I I don't recall spouses nor family sitting behind witnesses prior to then. Now it is common.
Dean was the mastermind behind both the burlaries and the coverup as well as a fink who acknowledged it all butonly sopent a couple of months under house arrest at an Army base as "punishment"
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
coyote 3/9/2025 4:21:20 PM (No. 1911748)
Bob Woodward has long been known as a liar.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
PostAway 3/9/2025 9:55:31 PM (No. 1911907)
Back during the lead-up to Nixon’s departure I was a college student and believed even then that he was being railroaded. There were plenty of significant political challenges and newsworthy incidents that were ignored while the press savaged Nixon. And they did so every single day. Every day included overblown headlines about Watergate and numerous related stories. And after he left, Woodward (a former CIA officer) and Bernstein made a killing on their stupid and dishonest book and the boring insipid movie that followed. It seemed like a vendetta then and I truly believe Murray is onto something. Maybe someday the sacrifices Nixon made for the good of the country will be highlighted by honest historians and Woodward and Bernstein will be remembered as the cruel and mangled souls that they are.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 3/10/2025 12:48:51 AM (No. 1911994)
It alwasy seemed like a rigged deck, even at the time. But don't get all dewy eyed, Nixon did some good things, like bombing the hell out of North Vietnam and mining Haiphon harbor, but he also did some seriously stupid and wrong headed things.
He created the EPA.
He imposed a wage and price freeze on the whole country. That was CERTAIN to make things worse, and, of course, it did.
I've never forgiven him for the damned EPA.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
franq 3/10/2025 5:54:54 AM (No. 1912034)
I'll cut Nixon some slack on the EPA. Of course the agency ballooned into a shadow government of its own. But I'm sure you remember smog and rivers in Ohio catching fire. There really was no impetus to improve tailpipe emissions back then.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
msjena 3/10/2025 8:04:02 AM (No. 1912090)
In retrospect, Nixon should not have resigned. If the Republicans wanted to commit suicide, so be it. Of course, he was subject to the biased media that existed before the internet. But would things have been worse for him if he had toughed it out?
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
billa57 3/10/2025 8:27:40 AM (No. 1912109)
The assassination of the Kennedy's and MLK, prolonging the Viet Nam war for profit, framing Nixon from and forcing him to resign. The Deepstate was very busy back then... and now.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/10/2025 8:58:23 AM (No. 1912136)
Actually, Nixon set himself up by choosing to cover up the Watergate break-in instead of announcing it immediately and calling for the arrest of the burglars. He personally had nothing to gain from the action. The WaPo was only doing what democrats do best, smell some blood in the water and blame it on a republican.
Correct, #8, the actions of the EPA were useful in the beginning as emissions into the air choked cities like Pittsburgh, Gary and Los Angeles and enabled cleanup of rivers like the Ohio where the fish have now returned to what was once miles of dead water. The government could have passed the applicable laws and did not need to create a new agency which then ballooned into a monstrous pain in the tush to maintain its relevancy after its original assignments were completed.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/10/2025 9:15:14 AM (No. 1912145)
The 18-minute gap in the tape recording that was thought at the time (June 1972) to be a conversation between Nixon and his chief of staff, Bob Haldeman. But I doubt to this day that the gap contained anything substantive although Walter Crankcase and the msm sure made a deal about it.
Nixon did many things well and a few other things not so well. He was sure treated rather harshly by the msm than his predecessor, Johnson and Kennedy. Later on, the msm went real soft on Jimmah, BJ, and Obie, too. But, the msm made sure life was miserable for Ronald Reagan and the Bushes.
As regards, was Nixon setup? IMO, absolutely yes. But Nixon tended to shy away from the evil jackals around him who wanted his head - the left who went insane over the Vietnam War and the msm who were just as evil then as they still are today. And Hanoi Jane was never dealt with. Nixon just wanted to do his job.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Italiano 3/10/2025 9:51:16 AM (No. 1912168)
Bob Haldeman's daughter and I worked at the same law firm in Newport Beach in the late-70s. I met him after he got out of prison. Very nice guy.
Bob, Ehrlichman, Chuck Colson and Nixon were patriots during a very tough time, and choirboys compared to the corrupt traitors who came after in the Clinton, Obama and Biden Administrations.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Zigrid 3/10/2025 10:17:26 AM (No. 1912194)
Someday WE will know all the truth about Nixon...I always felt that he was set up by the fake news because hey hated him so much...especially Woodward and made careers for them...but tore down a president...this I will always remember....and when Woodward appears on a program...I delete him....even if it's Newsmax....I don't want to listen to anything he says...may he live in his own h___....
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Phantomll 3/10/2025 10:45:09 AM (No. 1912219)
The VN POWs love Nixon. They came home thanks to his actions releasing our air power.
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An interesting take on the Watergate scandal. If I remember correctly, G. Gordon Liddy stated on his radio program that the purpose of the "burglary" was to obtain evidence of a prostitution ring being run out of DNC HQ.