Issues & Insights,
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3/7/2025 9:26:55 AM
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This is a surprising — or perhaps not too surprising — twist in the was-Biden-senile game. Research by the Heritage Foundation’s investigative arm, called the Oversight Project, looked at every document they could get their hands on that Joe Biden “signed.”
Turns out that most of them were signed by autopen. We’re not talking about form letters. We’re talking about things like executive orders.
If true, this raises several legitimate and very troubling questions.
Did Biden know that he was “signing” these documents?
Who had control of the autopen?
Was it ever used without Biden’s knowledge?
If Biden himself didn’t sign
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
3/7/2025 8:34:36 AM
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Before Texas’ embarrassment of a congressman, Al Green, was kicked out of the House chamber during President Donald Trump’s address on Tuesday, he shouted “You have no mandate to cut Medicaid!” while pointing a cane at Trump.
Green is dead wrong. Trump does have a mandate. And it comes from none other than Joe Biden.
Republicans are looking at substantial spending cuts to help reduce the nearly $2 trillion deficit and keep the economy moving. And one big, fat, juicy target for savings is a Medicaid funding scam that lets states steal tens of billions of dollars from the federal government every year.
Here’s how this particular scam works.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
3/6/2025 8:40:58 AM
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Sunday, its largest circulation day of the week, the New York Times ran a lengthy, triple-bylined story intended to stir up fear and anger over the Trump White House’s climate policy. It was no example of civically minded journalism, just another propaganda piece to fuel the global warming tale.
Right from the top, the reporters tell readers that President Donald Trump “has severely damaged the government’s ability to fight climate change, upending American environmental policy with moves that could have lasting implications for the country, and the planet.”
“Could?” That’s what the entire global warming scare is built on, coulds and maybes and possiblies.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
3/5/2025 10:12:21 AM
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When the president addresses Congress, we expect some partisanship. When Democrats talk about how they want to force people to do their bidding, Republicans don’t applaud. When Republicans talk about cutting people’s taxes, Democrats sit on their hands.
But there have always been times in the past when the entire chamber applauds, sometimes members of the opposing party even stand. That’s because the person addressing them is president of the United States, not leader of a faction.
Until now.
We have never seen a spectacle like we saw last night.
Issues & Insights,
Terry Jones
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Posted by
3/5/2025 9:09:33 AM
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Five weeks into his second term as president, and Donald Trump still holds the approval of the American voting-age public. But, not surprisingly, sharp differences emerge when looking at party affiliation, with Republicans more likely to give the new chief executive high approval marks than either Democrats or independents, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.
The national online poll was taken by a sample of 1,434 adults from March 26-28 and has a margin of error of +/-2.6 percentage points.
Those taking the poll were asked: “Overall, is your opinion of Donald Trump generally favorable,
Issues & Insights,
Bob Maistros
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Posted by
3/5/2025 9:03:10 AM
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In 1984, a legendary Gipper debate quip put to rest fears about President Ronald Reagan’s advanced years:
“I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”
The public’s response: “people meters” off the charts with likes – and the instant recouping of a polling margin that had begun to erode.
But equally telling was Democratic candidate Walter Mondale’s reaction: a sheepish laugh plus looks over and then downward – a visage and posture essentially conceding defeat.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
3/4/2025 9:21:28 AM
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Conservatives have been positively giddy with the whirlwind of activity out of the White House over the past five weeks. But if President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress don’t start focusing on the economy, the excitement will be short-lived.
Not only are there worrisome signs of an economic slowdown, but the public is growing increasingly frustrated with what they see as a lack of attention to pocketbook issues on Trump’s part. Republican lawmakers are making matters worse by dawdling on extending Trump’s tax cuts, which is causing businesses to hold off on big investments. This is a lethal combination.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
3/3/2025 8:52:37 AM
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The end is near. That’s what we’ve been told since the beginning. The doomsdayers have cited a variety of cataclysms that will do us in, from asteroids to resource exhaustion to a dying sun. But they all have one thing in common: So far, they’ve all been wrong. Same with the climate alarmists. And the public is catching on.
A study, published by the Stanford University School of Sustainability, no less, found that “resistance to climate action has become a global movement that strengthens after governments implement climate-related policies.”
“We found that counter climate change organizations tend
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/28/2025 9:17:13 AM
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In consuming the news, one could easily conclude that, as we said earlier in the week, President Donald Trump and Elon Musk are carpet bombing the federal government. The wails and screeching breakdowns over the injustice of federal workers losing their jobs are ear-piercing. They are, we’re told, under attack.
After all, these are no everyday workers toiling for large corporations and small businesses – they’re federal employees who apparently are so indispensable to life as we know it that if they are no longer employed at taxpayers’ expense, America and maybe even western civilization will collapse.
Why else
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/27/2025 9:00:19 AM
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Amazon founder and owner of the Washington Post Jeff Bezos announced Wednesday that change is coming to the paper’s opinion pages. Going forward, they will be supporting and defending the “two pillars” that are “right for America,” “personal liberties and free markets.” It was helpful for those who oppose the change to identify themselves as enemies of personal liberties and free markets. [snip]
In fact, to a casual observer, it might seem as if Bezos had committed a felony by assaulting someone or had shot and killed Karl Marx, whose hostility to personal liberties and free markets has produced quite
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/26/2025 9:24:45 AM
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We know what you’re thinking. Why waste any time on Joe Biden? Who cares about him anymore? Well, you should, since the nation will be cleaning up Biden’s messes for years to come.
And one of the biggest was his campaign to usher as many illegal immigrants as possible into the country while lying to the American people about what was going on.
At his first press conference in March 2021 – after claiming that nothing had changed at the border (despite repealing every Trump executive order securing the border on day one) – he said the surge of illegals then underway
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/25/2025 9:17:24 AM
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As night follows day, Democrats and their champions in the mainstream press have started trotting out their shopworn horror stories about budget cuts. And why not? It’s always worked in the past, turning Republicans’ knees into jelly. President Donald Trump needs to tell them to man up this time, and he can start by calling out the left’s world-is-about-to-end nonsense.
Anyone who follows the news would think that Trump and Elon Musk are carpet bombing the federal government. We keep seeing headlines about how Musk and DOGE are “shredding” and “dissecting” the federal government, about how spending cuts are causing