Where Was '60 Minutes' When Rust Belt
Jobs Were Cut?
Salena Zito
Original Article
Posted By: Judy W.,
2/25/2025 7:50:58 AM
CAMPBELL, Ohio -- Sept. 19 marked 47 years since thousands of workers, who were mainly men, did what they did every Monday in the valley. They walked into the Campbell Works of Youngstown Sheet and Tube along the Mahoning River for the early shift.
Within an hour of the workers' shift, Youngstown Sheet and Tube abruptly furloughed 5,000 of them in a single day. Within months, 16 more plants owned by U.S. Steel shut down, including Youngstown-based Ohio Works.
(Snip) On a recent "60 Minutes," Scott Pelley interviewed a woman named Kristina Drye, who lost her job during the U.S. Agency for International Development shutdown.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Ebenezer 2/25/2025 8:05:06 AM (No. 1903408)
To use a more recent example, 60 Minutes also didn’t say a word when the Keystone Pipeline was shut down and thousands of workers lost their jobs. Where was the sympathy for them?
59 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Namma 2/25/2025 8:06:14 AM (No. 1903411)
Carter! Who campaigned on the issue of closing the steel mills and buying foreign made steel. He won, with the help of the steel workers union.
So many Union workers lost their jobs. Cleveland steel mills shut down. The mills finally demolished, along with so many other business’s supported by Union workers. Schools closed etc.
who voted for Carter. Union bosses were well taken care of
These people in Washington, most on probation. And really not holding full time jobs. Some “workers” supposedly working from home, holding down another job. The government is the largest employer in the nation.many jobs are nonessential.
Clean up the corruption Do as hitlary said. Learn coding!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Sgt. Stubby 2/25/2025 8:07:29 AM (No. 1903413)
For anyone who needs a job: Governor Glenn Youngkin has put out the clarion call and a website. virginiahasjobs.com. 250,000 jobs all over the Commonwealth. Business is booming in Virginia.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
philsner 2/25/2025 8:14:59 AM (No. 1903422)
The stark reality is that "60 minutes" doesn't give a rip about the government workers either. They are simply using them as props for their subversive agenda.
47 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
JimBob 2/25/2025 8:45:20 AM (No. 1903430)
GM was laying off auto workers 10,000 at a crack.
The pontificators in Academia and the Media proclaimed it was the 'Post-Industrial Economy' and it was 'The Information Age'.
They sneered and said 'Learn to Code'.
25 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 2/25/2025 8:54:32 AM (No. 1903436)
This article illustrates a couple of things. First that, clearly, for 50 years the media has been biased toward liberal elites. The private steel industry was mismanaged and the government allowed foreign industry to plunder America. THIS is exactly why Trump uses tariffs. When foreign, often government subsidized industries, undercut American labor, Trump slaps tariffs on them to balance the scales and put America first. Carter, and those before him, left the steel industry twisting in the wind and unable to compete against foreign competition. To be fair, American labor unions ALSO undercut the ability of American steel companies ability to compete. They got greedy and didn't care about the fight the steel industry was in until it was too late. Multinational business is very complex and those in industry need to work with government to be competitive.
The other aspect of this is the difference between private business workers and government workers. Business workers produce profit. They pay their way through their work efforts. While it's a balancing act to make enough profit to pay the workers and remain competitive, the overall balance is that money is made, making it all worthwhile.
Government, meanwhile, is a drain on the profitability of industry. Consider that ALL taxes are paid out of profit from business, either directly from the business or indirectly from taxes on wages paid to workers. So business viability is dependent on reasonable costs of government. Over time, government has grown out of control, and the efficiency of government has plunged as it has become incompetent. The media screams that thousands of people are being let go. But consider that this pruning SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE regularly. We are dealing with a government personnel BLOAT of decades. Also consider that about 4 1/2 million people work for the government. In business, a 10% RIF is EASILY managed. For government, that would be 450,000 people. The numbers are shocking large only because government is so bloated. Media will bleat about the humanity but all they are really worried about is that their liberal government ox is being gored.
Granted, 450,000 people without jobs, with questionable skills (incompetent government, remember), and with Leftist tilt are a concern. Where will they fit in a competitive economy? Some temporary placement support from the government might be considered to help in transition. Some of them are near retirement so that may be a viable option. People let go from industry work things out. These people will have to as well.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
cor-vet 2/25/2025 9:52:03 AM (No. 1903467)
All these people working for the government, and we still have to sit on hold for an hour, until someone will talk to you, and then whatever they do for you takes weeks to be done. Maybe letting some go will light a fire under the remaining 'workers'.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
VietVet68 2/25/2025 10:06:03 AM (No. 1903476)
Job cuts only matter when leftists are the ones let go.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Trump Won 2/25/2025 10:13:02 AM (No. 1903484)
First of all, government workers, we don't care that you lost your job. Second, join the club. There aren't many people working in the United States nowadays who haven't been laid off or terminated.
I worked at a chemical plant in the Houston area when I was laid off during a downturn in the oil/gas/chemical industry in the early 1980s. I found a temporary job at another facility with no benefits, but it was a paycheck. I then found a job at another facility as a contractor. Again, no benefits but I had a paycheck. After about 6 months, I was hired on permanently. I worked there for 39 years until our parent company (I went through 5 changes of ownership) shuttered my department and I was forced to retire.
Again, while I can empathize with you, I truly do not care for your Gen X/Gen Z/ millennial whining and crying.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 2/25/2025 10:51:17 AM (No. 1903511)
As I recall many Democrats actually campaigned on closing down coal jobs, that's when the answer was let them learn to code came from. They do however seem to care when the media has to down size.
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Probably millions of Americans have suddenly lost their jobs when their place of employment was shut down. It happened to me. But as Salena shows, the let-go federal workers get big sympathy and air time for their plight (while those who resign now get eight months' pay), while almost no attention was paid by the mainstream media to the private-sector closings which were worse, since most of the workers did not have the kind of resources and connections and perhaps savings that most bureaucrats have.