End Homelessness By Making It Illegal
Scott Morefield
Original Article
Posted By: Mercedes44,
2/24/2025 3:38:05 AM
According to Google’s AI Overview, approximately 653,100 people, uh, “experience homelessness” on any given night in 2023, up a crazy 12% from just the year before. It’s a stunning number, but one that probably isn’t surprising to you no matter where you live, because this has gone far beyond just being a ‘big liberal city problem.’ Likely, your small town in your red state is also “experiencing homelessness” more than it ever has. Walk down your typical formerly Norman Rockwellesque main street today and you’ll likely see more than a few shopping carts, dirty tents, and drug-addled vagrants sitting or lying around.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Highlander 2/24/2025 4:50:45 AM (No. 1902686)
Workhouses… very Dickensian.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
minuteman 2/24/2025 5:56:22 AM (No. 1902714)
I agree with him 100%.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Subsuburban 2/24/2025 5:58:19 AM (No. 1902715)
Stop! Stop! You're making too much sense! I can't take it!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
homefry 2/24/2025 7:38:54 AM (No. 1902768)
If you want more of something, subsidize it. That is just what you do when you make housing and meals for people who are homeless and at a time when jobs are everywhere.
People do for themselves when forced to, and will line up at the freebies line instead if its available.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
anniebc 2/24/2025 8:03:05 AM (No. 1902800)
So homelessness is just like being on welfare. Subsidize uneducated women having babies out of wedlock with housing and food and you get more uneducated women having babies out of wedlock who need housing and food. Liberals are evil degenerates for what they've done to society.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/24/2025 8:57:39 AM (No. 1902840)
The homeless, just like the permanently unemployed, would all disappear if that giant safety net suddenly vanished. If they had to make their own money to buy needles full of their drug of choice and alcohol and cigarettes, they would be buying food instead. If the police would pick up those street-corner people carrying the pitiful cardboard signs, they would no longer be tying up traffic during rush hour as normal people returned from school or work. Give them a choice, a job or a mental institution.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
bighambone 2/24/2025 10:11:55 AM (No. 1902888)
It’s the same with mass uncontrolled illegal immigration. We have been watching the leftist and progressive Democrats, by their very public comments and actions encourage and invite more and more such illegal immigration by protecting millions of illegal aliens who under the Federal immigration laws are subject to arrest and deportation, now called removal, from the USA.
Now we have been hearing from the Democrats that all illegal aliens in the USA who do not have known serious criminal records should no longer be deemed subject to arrest and removal from the USA, but should be legalized, be put on “a path to citizenship” and have a chance to make better lives for themselves in the USA, of course as future leftist and progressive Democrat supporters and voters in unlimited numbers in the years ahead. If that were to occur the populations of the Third World undeveloped countries, amounting to at least six billion people, the vast majority of who are poor, uneducated and unskilled would be encouraged and essentially invited to cross the borders into the USA believing that they could just stay in the USA, being granted all sorts of US Government provided benefits and services, while being protected by the leftist and progressive Democrats. There is only one “partisan” reason why the Democrats would support that, and that is in the long-term to permanently change the population demographics of the USA to the point where the USA becomes a minority-majority country made up of a vast coalition of minority group members, as identified as such through Democrat identity politics, to keep the leftist and progressive Democrats in permanent political power able to transform the USA into some form of future socialist utopia. Why else would the partisan Democrats support such “open borders” policies?
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Gallo3 2/24/2025 10:29:06 AM (No. 1902895)
Arrest them for vagrancy. Put them in a stringent prison similar to Bukele's CECOT in El Salvador. Build a large treadmill they can walk on 12 hours per day that has a big magneto hooked up to the electric power grid. Give them some rice and beans and some water, to sustain them for the year they will be walking the treadmill. They will get in great shape, and not be clogging the ER and health care facilities any more. After a year, discharge them from the sustainable power prison and issue them a one-way bus ticket to Burlington, Vermont, and let the Bernie Bots take care of them. Make it illegal for them to ever come back to any Red State. These people are mostly party animals looking for getting bombed and high and Gimme Dat Mo' Free Shiite. Each one is a walking human toxic waste site that cost the local, state and federal taxpayers well over a million dollars in the course of their self-chosen miserable lives. This only happens because we let it happen.
'Housing First' is as big a farce as 'Global Warming'- Liberal schemes to destroy America.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
cor-vet 2/24/2025 11:19:05 AM (No. 1902941)
While we don't have the tents and shopping carts of the big cities, or people sleeping in doorways,etc., we do still have the busy food banks. A lot of people lost their jobs when FJB went after the oilfield and many were out of work. I hope, with President Trump, that will now taper off and will be back to the regular 'gimmeedats' that will always be there.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 2/24/2025 12:23:25 PM (No. 1902994)
Would we have the money for this? This is our corrupt government. The likelihood of things going other as planned would be quite high. One thing for certain, the safety net needs to be pulled away, so these people hit bottom. That's the only way to convince them to change. Can see many of the homeless accepting jail especially if it means free food and shelter.
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