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Why Didn’t the Democrats Steal the 2024
Presidential Election?

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Posted By: Calvinesq, 1/25/2025 10:19:10 AM

Many Trump supporters believe that Trump won the 2024 election because, this time, the vote for Trump was “too big to rig.” Others dismiss the concern about “stolen elections” because Trump won the popular vote in addition to the electoral vote, plus a GOP majority in the U.S. House and Senate. The reality is that elections are still corruptible. While Democrats didn’t rig the presidential race this time around, the narrow congressional majority probably means that down-ballot races were still manipulated...something Democrats can and will do again.


Algorithms embedded. What nastiness.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bassetguy 1/25/2025 10:29:59 AM (No. 1881725)
FTA: "All consideration of an alternative presidential candidate, including Michelle Obama, stopped. Despite increasing evidence of Biden’s diminishing mental capacity, he'd outmaneuvered Obama." How does that make you feel, Barry?
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 1/25/2025 10:55:50 AM (No. 1881743)
They tried but the bright lights even in the middle of the night made the vote roaches scatter. Voter ID is required everywhere. Paper ballots only. Purple ink on the thumb. Thumb print each ballot. Hand count the ballots. Old school works best. No digital voting machines.
36 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: franq 1/25/2025 11:14:08 AM (No. 1881754)
One author whom I trust says the bankers wanted Trump. Witness the many state races which were still stolen.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 1/25/2025 11:35:47 AM (No. 1881769)
Many other factors besides voter fraud at work. We had a senile President, too stubborn to step aside, forced out in the eleventh hour. We had an oppressive tyrannical administration that resembled a dictatorship. We had out of control inflation. Heard a report that federal spending had increased 55% since 2019. At COVID's height, 60 million people were out of work, and our government subsidized them. We couldn't afford that. Increased spending coupled with decreased tax revenue. Thank you, COVID. Our government's handling of COVID was terrible at best and we are still dealing with the fallout 5 years post-COVID. Personally, I believe COVID was the biggest factor in the last two elections. If we hadn't had the COVID pandemic, would Trump had won in 2020? Voter fraud was definitely a factor, but there were other factors at work too.
11 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Kate318 1/25/2025 12:16:54 PM (No. 1881793)
Finally, someone asks the obvious question. Obviously they could have stolen the presidential race, but chose not to. Why?
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: mifla 1/25/2025 12:20:27 PM (No. 1881796)
One major factor was an RNC that finally knew what it was doing.
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: billa57 1/25/2025 12:22:50 PM (No. 1881799)
You have to give credit to Laura Trump. She helped put together thousands of attorneys and volunteers to watch over the counting. Without that they could have locked the doors and close the blinds like they did last time.
27 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Lucky5 1/25/2025 12:29:00 PM (No. 1881804)
I do not think the "bankers" wanted it and therefore it happened. Lara Trump her RNC team, and years long work on voter fraud made the difference.
16 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 1/25/2025 12:32:18 PM (No. 1881809)
Incompetent Dems knew they needed somebody to right the ship of state and were confident Trump would do it. And when he's done they'll take it back I don't ruin it again.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: JimBob 1/25/2025 1:58:34 PM (No. 1881841)
I believe that the 'Rats will steal every election that they can. In the elections leading up to 2016, their control of pretty much every media outlet made it possible for them to control what the bulk of the American public heard.... and what it didn't. In 2016, Trump used Twitter to blast huge holes in the Media wall of lies. Trump would send a tweet, and the Lamestreams were compelled to cover it. This was a good portion of the political and election news on that cycle, and Trump triumphed over the evil HildeBeast. In 2020, the Leftists had gained control of Twitter and banned Trump. This shut off one of the main ways he used to get HIS message out in HIS words. Also, the Leftists amplified the 'Covid' danger. They abused the health system into scaring nearly everyone into getting the 'Clot Shot' so-called vaccines, and more importantly, they used 'emergency' measures to ram through Mail-In Ballots in many states where it was specifically not allowed by law. In many 'swing' states they flooded the system with fake ballots. This was a critical part of 'The Steal'. That, combined with -what, 7 states?- that all stopped counting at the same time (remember the 'water main break' in Georgia that wasn't?) sent the observers home, then resumed counting through the wee hours of the morning, mixing the fake ballots with the real ballots, deliberately scrambling and destroying the records so that there was no way to tell which were which. I believe that these were the dominant factors in the 'Rats successfully stealing the 2020 election. There were of course many other techniques- 'ballot harvesting' etc. I have a very strong suspicion that using the Covid scare to enable mail-in ballots and to force observers out of the counting rooms so as to enable The Steal was THE primary reason that the Covid response was so bad.... and possibly the reason that the Covid was inflicted on us by the Chinese. In 2024, Musk had bought Twitter -now "X"- and Trump was back on it. Also the Pubbies had wised up and were able to stop many of the more blatant 'Rat election-stealing techniques. In addition, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to [fornicate] things up" Biden hung on until the 'Rats forced him out, then he gave his delegates to HeelZup, who was a uniquely bad candidate. The combination of Trump being unleashed on 'X' and Kammie's uniquely poor abilities enabled Trump to win in 2024, beating not only HeelZup, but the entirety of the 'Rat machine and the Lamestream media (who pretty much destroyed themselves in the process) as well.
11 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: red1066 1/25/2025 2:23:22 PM (No. 1881848)
The Dems this time concentrated their efforts in rigging the election in Congressional and Senate races knowing that if giggling Kamala suddenly received 81 million votes, the outcry would indeed trigger a real insurrection. This is why votes were still being counted a month after the election and surprise surprise, the democrat always won.
12 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Kate318 1/25/2025 3:17:06 PM (No. 1881874)
Yes, #11, I believe that, too.
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 1/25/2025 3:54:31 PM (No. 1881881)
It's because God, our Heavenly Father in Heaven and Earth said, "No". What part of "No" don't people understand, the "N" or the "o".
3 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 1/25/2025 5:11:55 PM (No. 1881913)
And, hopefully somewhere on Trump's agenda is solidifying election integrity via the state legislatures.
4 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Chicagoan 1/25/2025 7:11:53 PM (No. 1881979)
In California's Orange County, they stole two GOP seats. "Flipped, me arse." It took them a month to count 265,000 ballots. Assuming 30, 8 hour days, that's 1104 per day for one counter. I've said for years, "Make sure the ink is dry on all of the FOUND ballots."
7 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Jiobaobubai 1/25/2025 9:53:02 PM (No. 1882043)
The county I live in went solidly Trump. Yet three congressional races went dem and took 10 days to count. Yeah, there was cheating.
7 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: homefry 1/26/2025 7:25:46 AM (No. 1882138)
Because we turned out hard, and had our eyes wide open to stop any cheating that we could. Also the msm didnt have the sway that they had before.
1 person likes this.

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Why Didn’t the Democrats Steal the 2024
Presidential Election?
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Posted by Calvinesq 1/25/2025 10:19:10 AM Post Reply
Many Trump supporters believe that Trump won the 2024 election because, this time, the vote for Trump was “too big to rig.” Others dismiss the concern about “stolen elections” because Trump won the popular vote in addition to the electoral vote, plus a GOP majority in the U.S. House and Senate. The reality is that elections are still corruptible. While Democrats didn’t rig the presidential race this time around, the narrow congressional majority probably means that down-ballot races were still manipulated...something Democrats can and will do again.
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Raquel Evita Saraswati pretended to be
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Posted by Calvinesq 3/20/2023 7:42:23 AM Post Reply
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Philly’s own James Bond was an ornithologist
who lived in Chestnut Hill
2 replies
Posted by Calvinesq 2/27/2023 8:32:51 AM Post Reply
Everybody knows James Bond, the protagonist of history’s longest-running action-adventure movie franchise and one of the most famous fictional characters of all time. [Snip] A new documentary, The Other Fellow — available now on all major video-on-demand channels — tells us there was one right here in Philadelphia. A famed ornithologist, James Bond was born in 1900 and lived in Chestnut Hill. [Snip] Ian Fleming named his 007 character after seeing the Philly Bond’s name on the cover of his book, Birds of the West Indies, which was first published in 1936.
Woody Harrelson’s ‘Saturday Night
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Elon Musk says he was spot on
12 replies
Posted by Calvinesq 2/26/2023 8:37:34 AM Post Reply
Woody Harrelson’s opening monologue during "Saturday Night Live," where he referenced the COVID-19 pandemic and collaboration between the medical industry and the government to push vaccines, has sparked backlash online. And Twitter CEO Elon Musk chimed in on the discussion. Closing out the segment, Harrelson talks about a film pitch that included one of the "craziest script" he’s read, which included the "biggest drug cartels" forcing people to remain in their homes unless they agreed to take and keep taking their drugs.
The New Gnostics From neopaganism to
cryptocurrency cults, the Internet today
is full of strange quasi-faiths
5 replies
Posted by Calvinesq 11/14/2022 11:42:31 AM Post Reply
In early 2022, a video-essay creator named Dan Olson uploaded a two-hour-long exposé to YouTube. “Line Goes Up—the Problem with NFTs” quickly became a viral sensation, accumulating nearly 9 million views as of August—an incredible number for a seemingly niche topic. (The acronym “NFT” stands for “non-fungible token,” the name of a very small subset of the still fairly obscure online cryptocurrency system.) [Snip] In earlier eras of American history, major crises, as well as the ideological and religious revivals that often followed them, played out in streets, churches, tent meetings, and lodges. Now the process takes shape primarily online, where the new Gnostics preach.
Lancaster County man arrested after putting
Joe Biden sticker on gas pump.
15 replies
Posted by Calvinesq 4/9/2022 8:29:47 AM Post Reply
The average price of gasoline hovers around $4.139 per gallon at the moment and some people are putting their frustrations into action by taking to the streets with stickers. Yes, stickers. All across the country, people are placing stickers on gas pumps that depict President Joe Biden pointing, if placed correctly, at the price of gas with “I did that” scrawled beneath. One Lancaster County man was arrested, however, after an employee at a Turkey Hill convenience store saw him placing a Biden sticker on a gas pump there on March 31.
So long, heroes: Mayo Clinic fires700
workers over vaccination mandate
9 replies
Posted by Calvinesq 1/5/2022 5:32:31 PM Post Reply
I’m so old that I can remember when first responders and health-care workers were the Heroes of the Pandemic. It doesn’t take long to go from hero to goat these days, not even in the middle of a personnel shortage in the health-care industry and a spike in transmissions that clearly include vaccinated people. Mayo Clinic fired 700 of its workers last night for failing to get vaccinated according to its mandate, a number that amounts to one percent of its overall workforce: Mayo Clinic now confirms it fired 700 employees Tuesday who did not comply with its policy to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by Monday.
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What McConnell Did After the Hegseth Vote
Is Infuriating
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Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 7:35:08 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had good qualities. He pushed through Trump’s judicial nominees during the first presidency, got his tax cuts passed, and is a noted legislative strategist and tactician. It doesn’t mean he always bats a thousand, but McConnell got key portions of the Trump agenda passed after the 2016 election. Now, he’s erased all that goodwill with this dastardly vote against Pete Hegseth for secretary of defense. McConnell’s defection, plus that of Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), led to Vice President JD Vance performing his constitutional duty to break the tie.
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Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 6:26:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 1/25/2025 4:20:50 PM Post Reply
The CIA has today revealed its belief that COVID-19 was likely leaked from a Chinese lab after years of denial under the Biden administration. A spokesperson for the agency said on Saturday that they now favor the lab theory. Officials said that there is no new evidence behind their shift in opinion - it is based on the same evidence they have been mulling over for months. 'CIA assesses with low confidence that a research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely than a natural origin based on the available body of reporting.
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Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 4:12:59 AM Post Reply
Pete Hegseth was confirmed as Secretary of Defense in a late night confirmation vote on Friday night. Vice President JD Vance cast the tie-breaking vote on Friday after toxic RINO Senators McConnell, Murkowski and Collins voted “no.” WATCH: (Video) It was already known that GOP Senators Murkowski and Collins were going to vote against Hegseth on Friday evening, so all eyes were on McConnell after Fox News’ Chad Pergram said the Kentucky Senator might defect.
Graham on Jan. 6 pardons: ‘I don’t
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Posted by mc squared 1/26/2025 12:19:49 PM Post Reply
Sen. Lindsey Graham said he doesn’t approve of President Trump’s pardoning of the Jan. 6 rioters, especially those who “beat up cops” who were defending the Capitol. “No,” Graham said, when asked whether he’s okay with the most violent offenders on Jan. 6 getting pardoned, in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I’ve always said that I think when you pardon people who attack police officers, you’re sending the wrong signal to the public at large, and that’s not what you want to do to protect cops,” Graham continued. “But he has that power.”
Hollywood Reeling After Kamala’s Loss:
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Resistance Playbook
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Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 7:13:18 PM Post Reply
A prominent Hollywood talent manager believes that Kamala Harris’ loss to President Donald Trump in November shows that Hollywood no longer drives the culture as it once did since the plethora of celebrities who endorsed Harris failed to alter the outcome of the election. “Hollywood doesn’t matter as much as it thinks it matters,” the unnamed talent manager with A-list clients told Vulture. “You had the biggest stars in the world support Kamala Harris. She couldn’t have drawn more powerful advocates. And it didn’t move the needle. What does that tell you? It’s unsettling because the people and things you hold in high esteem don’t drive the culture.
South Africa Legalizes Mass Land Seizures
from White Farmers
26 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/25/2025 4:28:28 PM Post Reply
The corrupt ANC government just starved dozens of black miners to death to gain control over the diamond trade. The regime suffered a massive decline in popularity forcing it to cut deals even as it hiked welfare spending and taxes. [SNIP] President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday signed the Expropriation Bill into law. In a statement, the Presidency said the Bill allows for local, provincial and national authorities “to expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons that seek, among others, to promote inclusivity and access to natural resources”.
Taliban Rejects Trump’s Demand to Return
$7 Billion in U.S. Military Gear
23 replies
Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 5:15:14 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump is demanding the return of a staggering $7 billion in U.S. military gear left behind during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan under the Biden administration. In a move that’s drawing both support and criticism, Trump has called on the Taliban to recover the equipment, which includes advanced weapons, vehicles, and other critical resources. The request has sparked debate over accountability and the handling of the withdrawal, with Trump arguing that the gear should never have been abandoned in the first place. However, the Taliban is refusing to give it back to its rightful owners.
‘Calexit’ initiative could see Californians
deciding whether they want the Golden
State to leave the US
22 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 1/26/2025 12:09:19 PM Post Reply
A “Calexit” initiative to allow California to secede from the United States has been cleared to legally gather signatures. If passed, the proposed measure — “Calexit,” a nod to the Brexit vote in the UK — would be on the ballot in 2028 and ask voters: “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?” For the measure to pass, at least 50% of registered voters must participate in the election, and at least 55% — or more than 500,000 people, must vote “yes” by July 22.
Joe Biden Potentially Faces Excommunication
After Quiet Induction Into Historically
Black Masonic Lodge
22 replies
Posted by Digger 1/26/2025 2:38:18 AM Post Reply
Former President Joe Biden, who is Catholic, joined a historically black Freemason lodge just one day before he left the presidency, an offense punishable by excommunication in the Church. Biden was conferred with “Master Mason membership” and “full honors” on Jan. 19 at the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of South Carolina, according to the Conference of Grand Masters announcement. Joining the Freemasons as a Catholic forbids an individual from receiving communion, with the potential for excommunication, according to canon law of the Catholic Church.
GOP trio missed the whole point of Secretary
of Defense Pete Hegseth
19 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/25/2025 1:39:29 PM Post Reply
Pete Hegseth squeaked through his Senate confirmation on Friday and became America’s new secretary of defense, but he needn't thank Republican senators Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins. For all three long-time establishment and anti-Trump senators, the main objection to Hegseth stepping into the top Pentagon job was that they believe he lacks the prerequisite experience to run the mammoth organization. [Snip] Never mind that Hegseth was educated at Princeton and Harvard...served more than a decade in the U.S. Army infantry...rose to the rank of major while serving tours in a published author who has led veteran advocacy organizations.
GOP Senators Who Confirmed AWOL Austin
Have No Real Reasons To Oppose Hegseth
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 1/25/2025 10:27:38 AM Post Reply
Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine are hinging their opposition to the confirmation of President Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of defense, Pete Hegseth, on their alleged concern that he is not fit to handle the pressures of the Pentagon job. Their paragraphs-long attempts to justify why they are going against the will of their GOP voters, however, pale in the face of their voting records for a cabinet member who abandoned his post twice without notifying Congress. (snip) Both Murkowski and Collins helped Senate Democrats confirm President Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, without blinking an eye.
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