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South Africa Legalizes Mass Land Seizures
from White Farmers

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Posted By: OhioNick, 1/25/2025 4:28:28 PM

The corrupt ANC government just starved dozens of black miners to death to gain control over the diamond trade. The regime suffered a massive decline in popularity forcing it to cut deals even as it hiked welfare spending and taxes. [SNIP] President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday signed the Expropriation Bill into law. In a statement, the Presidency said the Bill allows for local, provincial and national authorities “to expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons that seek, among others, to promote inclusivity and access to natural resources”.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Nashman 1/25/2025 4:45:22 PM (No. 1881896)
Ahhhh. We all know how well this has worked out in the past. Welcome to the world of starvation…
40 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 1/25/2025 4:49:02 PM (No. 1881898)
I’m not holding my breath waiting for the chattering Hollywood types to start demanding regime change…
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bighambone 1/25/2025 4:50:23 PM (No. 1881901)
Well you could say this action in South Africa is a forethought as to where the leftist and progressive Democrat diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) political agenda in the USA could well be headed in the years ahead if it is not ground into the dust. Looks like Trump intends to get rid of the DEI agenda immediately if not sooner.
28 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 1/25/2025 4:53:18 PM (No. 1881903)
Zimbabwe 2.0 is underway in South Africa. Expect whites in SA to abandon their properties as was done in Zimbabwe. Could mass killings of white farmers be on the horizon? Followed by mass starvation of South Africans. Zimbabwe deja vu.
35 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 1/25/2025 5:05:20 PM (No. 1881909)
I thought they did that years ago.?!?!
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Safari Man 1/25/2025 5:11:49 PM (No. 1881912)
Here come the Dindu Nuffin tribe.
22 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 1/25/2025 5:13:56 PM (No. 1881915)
Is there a single country in Africa that has good governance? Is there a single black-run city in the US that has good governance?
42 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Birddog 1/25/2025 5:22:38 PM (No. 1881923)
My good friend nd neighbor moved here from SA ten years ago, as his american wife became extremy efearful of the changes happening there. The rst of his familkly stayed, they are Boers, descended fro the 1st settlers. He is an engineer by Trade, but currently buys , flips, or rents out properties he buys at auction then renovates. Last week he asked me to go with him to search for farmland nearby...The family is now interested in moving much of their wealth OUT of SA and investing it here. They own a LOT of property there, farm, open land, as well as many commercial buildings, factories and they have built numerous schools, colleges, and sports/recreation centers "for the people", especially for swimming, "Nautoriums". I will help him select land, we'll put cattle on some, lease out some to neighboring rowcrop farmers...and one we are looking at will be for a herd of goats which we will rent out for clearing overgrown yards, orchards, fallow lands, stream banks, and to maintain solar farms, hike'bike trails, park area woodlands, even empty urban lots and around commercial/manufacturing plants(Active and closed) We will buy THAT place first, and use the goats to clean up/clear/restore/improve subsequent areas purchased as well as the rental operations.
19 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Newtsche 1/25/2025 5:30:31 PM (No. 1881926)
Let them take over the hospitals and infrastructure too, move and bask in schadenfreude.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Kate318 1/25/2025 5:30:42 PM (No. 1881927)
Taking a page from the Obama/Biden regime. If they wanted to demonstrate inclusivity, wouldn’t that mean white people?
17 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 1/25/2025 6:27:01 PM (No. 1881950)
The Communist way. A small group of people become incredibly rich at the expense of literally everything else. Communism is the preferred method of government for criminals everywhere. Consolidate that wealth!
18 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: volksford 1/25/2025 6:30:49 PM (No. 1881954)
Well, they eliminated Apartheid ......
13 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 1/25/2025 6:31:09 PM (No. 1881955)
Black communists steadily wrecking what was one of the most technologically advanced and modern countries in the whole world, let alone on Africa.
20 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: jimincalif 1/25/2025 6:31:56 PM (No. 1881957)
How to make your country into a “sh@@hole” (as President Trump would rightly call it) in three easy steps.
19 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: seamusm 1/25/2025 6:41:47 PM (No. 1881962)
Absolutely ag properties owned by generational white farmers should be (mis)appropriated by the government on behalf of ignorant people who will at best farm as their ancestors did hundreds of years ago - because they don't really know how to farm at all. But being black (lower case) is all the reason necessary.
14 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: john56 1/25/2025 6:45:49 PM (No. 1881967)
Maybe we can move all the DEI folks over there,
15 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: rikkitikki 1/25/2025 6:55:12 PM (No. 1881973)
Anyone else want to try out govt by popular vote? Maybe the West Bank should try it out...oh wait, that didn't work, either.
10 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: JHHolliday 1/25/2025 7:31:02 PM (No. 1881992)
I have an Irish friend who got out of Zimbabwe because he could see it circling the drain. Ridiculous inflation. I have a one hundred million Zimbabwe note. Last I looked it was wort 47 cents US. There is an old phrase, "When the monkeys cut down all the banana trees, they then wonder why there are no more bananas".
16 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 1/25/2025 7:53:26 PM (No. 1882000)
The smart money left SA years ago, because Zimbabwe showed where "majority rule" led. To be honest, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. White people need to leave NOW. Remember what happened to the Jews who were in denial about the Nazis. It will be no different in SA.
17 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: DaddyO 1/25/2025 8:16:03 PM (No. 1882008)
Many years ago I read "The Last Resort: A Memoir of Zimbabwe" by Douglas Rogers. During Mugabe's reign many houses were being 'appropriated', not for the common people but because someone in power wanted 10 houses instead of nine. Some of the most productive farmlands fell into disuse, the people turned to drugs and prostitution. His house became an armed camp, and they were always in danger of having a small army show up in their front yard, demanding them to leave immediately with only what they could carry.
8 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: LadyHen 1/25/2025 8:29:44 PM (No. 1882013)
The guy who put in our Cabria counter tops, a real pro who did masterful work on our custom job, was from SA. He and his wife came over with their kids 20 years ago. He saw the writing on the wall. He was a white business owner, successful. He left it all and left his mom and dad who refused to move. His dad was still there. Heartbreaking how families can spend lifetimes building up dreams and a government and lazy populace of evil, greedy, power hungry pigs can smash everything overnight. I think President Trump should welcome any true SA refugees fleeing danger. Lots of good hard working people there who will lose everything.
13 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: BarryNo 1/25/2025 8:58:17 PM (No. 1882026)
South Africa returns to the Stone Age.
9 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: BarryNo 1/25/2025 9:07:37 PM (No. 1882027)
The problem with Africa is that they've always been to poor to be worthwhile to govern, except for one special item. South Africa had her diamonds. Other areas have special minerals. Eventually, the european powers go home and leave it to private industries to manage that one item. Then the communists move in. They want that one item for themselves and quickly use propaganda to turn the country as a whole against that industry, The foreign investors and engineers are either slaughtered or sent packing. The locals have some idea about how to continue, but the communists are there, armed and quite willing to kill them if they don't give all profit to the communists. Then you have various resistance groups purporting to be freedom fighters, but just want what the communists have and the whole thing goes to hell as East and West arm different groups hoping to win some of the precious commodity. The only nations safe are nations with nothing someone can acquire from them.
8 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: JimBob 1/25/2025 11:39:39 PM (No. 1882067)
Sounds like 'Affirmative Action', 'Equity' and DEI taken to it's logical conclusion. All the more reason to tear it out, root and branch, here in the USA.
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: DVC 1/26/2025 1:43:07 AM (No. 1882084)
A friend and his family lived in RSA. Last I heard from him his children, all adults, had emigrated to Australia. He and his wonderful wife were staying on, hoping to live out their years in their homeland and their lovely home. I have lost touch with him in the last six years or so, hope they are both well. A lot of violence is visited upon white people in RSA nowdays, and typically goes unpunished.
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Reply 26 - Posted by: franco 1/26/2025 11:46:09 AM (No. 1882336)
I remember a few years back when these farm seizures were first proposed that a tribal leader with significant power -- but who kept his tribe out of government -- informed the ANC leaders that he preferred to have readily available food harvested by competent white farmers to the alternative of starvation induced by seizure and operation of the farms by incompetent blacks. His admonition also contained a veiled warning of civil strife between his tribe and the ruling party should that happen. So in addition to mass starvation, the ruling black nationalists in RSA may well have a civil war on their hands. The sad historical footnote here is that the CIA may have gotten Nelson Mandela wrong, but their incorrect views of Mandela have instead been spot on with respect to the rest of the ANC.
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My Nazi grandfather murdered a MILLION
Jews in a WW2 death camp... here's why
I believe Israel is RIGHT to want to destroy Hamas
5 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/26/2025 12:26:35 AM Post Reply
Just the other day, a local technical college near Stuttgart, Germany, rang Kai Höss with alarming news. Someone had been etching swastikas on the doors of the loos. This followed a number of student protests against Israeli operations in Gaza. Might Kai give a talk to the students? He did not hesitate. Days later he was addressing a packed assembly, reading a first-hand account of scenes from the death camp at Auschwitz. [SNIP] Kai speaks with a unique authority. The author of those accounts was not some terrified witness. He was Kai's grandfather Rudolf Höss, commandant of Auschwitz.
South Africa Legalizes Mass Land Seizures
from White Farmers
26 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/25/2025 4:28:28 PM Post Reply
The corrupt ANC government just starved dozens of black miners to death to gain control over the diamond trade. The regime suffered a massive decline in popularity forcing it to cut deals even as it hiked welfare spending and taxes. [SNIP] President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday signed the Expropriation Bill into law. In a statement, the Presidency said the Bill allows for local, provincial and national authorities “to expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons that seek, among others, to promote inclusivity and access to natural resources”.
CIA now says Covid DID come from Chinese
lab in stunning reversal after years of
denial under Biden
31 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/25/2025 4:20:50 PM Post Reply
The CIA has today revealed its belief that COVID-19 was likely leaked from a Chinese lab after years of denial under the Biden administration. A spokesperson for the agency said on Saturday that they now favor the lab theory. Officials said that there is no new evidence behind their shift in opinion - it is based on the same evidence they have been mulling over for months. 'CIA assesses with low confidence that a research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely than a natural origin based on the available body of reporting.
Mexico risks Trump's wrath as it BLOCKS
packed illegal migrant deportation flight
from landing
48 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/24/2025 8:15:45 PM Post Reply
Mexican authorities blocked a US military plane from deporting illegal migrants on Thursday after President Trump's immigration crackdown began. US officials told NBC News that a jet filled with illegal immigrants bound for Mexico never took off after authorities south of the border rejected the move. The flight was one of three that were set to take off on Thursday, alongside two Guatemala-bound Air Force C-17s carrying over 150 people, as part of what Trump has described as the largest mass deportation effort in US history. Deporting migrants to foreign countries requires permission from the incoming nation's government, which Mexico declined on Thursday.
Costco won't join DEI backlash. Why shareholders
rejected anti-'woke' proposal.
14 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/24/2025 4:28:48 AM Post Reply
Costco shareholders voted down an investor proposal from a conservative think tank that urged management to investigate the business risks of its diversity initiatives. More than 98% of shares voted against the proposal, according to preliminary results announced by Costco chairman Hamilton “Tony” James. He and other board members had asked shareholders to reject the proposal involving the company's diversity, equity and inclusion policies ahead of Thursday's annual meeting.
Trump just gave Putin a wake-up call:
Far from cosying up to the Kremlin, the
president’s latest threats have sparked
deep concern in Moscow
4 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/24/2025 4:03:12 AM Post Reply
Less than a month into 2025, the ‘Year of the Snake’ is already living up to its ominous reputation. For Russians, it is the symbol of upheaval in the Chinese zodiac: the revolutions of 1905 and 1917, the Nazi invasion of 1941, Stalin’s death in 1953, and the Soviet collapse in 1989 all fell under its shadow. Now, some fear history is once again coiling to strike. Why? Donald Trump’s abrupt shift in tone towards the war in Ukraine.
NASA ends DEI programs that 'wasted taxpayers
dollars and resulted in shameful discrimination'
6 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/24/2025 2:52:18 AM Post Reply
NASA has ended its diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEI) programs after all federal agencies were directed to 'terminate' the initiatives. Staff received an email Wednesday from acting administrator Janet Petro, which said the space agency is 'taking steps to close all agency DEIA offices and end all DEIA-related contracts in accordance with President Trump's executive orders.' The order is titled 'Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing and Initial Rescissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions.' NASA's email admitted that 'these programs divided Americans by race, wasted taxpayer dollars, and resulted in shameful discrimination.'
Outrage as ABC7 Chicago broadcasts report
telling illegal migrants how to avoid
ICE capture
5 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/23/2025 2:53:25 PM Post Reply
Social media users are venting their rage over a recent ABC7 Chicago broadcast, where the news outlet interviewed locals who were telling illegal migrants how to avoid being captured by federal authorities. [SNIP] Viewers were quick to express their outrage over the station's decision to broadcast the anti-ICE advisory. 'Imagine if Chicago had an unbiased media that served the interests of the public not the interests of the WOKE Democrats who it carries water for,' one user wrote on X, formerly Twitter.
DOGE goes after $1.8 billion 'propaganda'
fund for mascots, comic books and candy
2 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/23/2025 2:46:37 PM Post Reply
A top Republican is working to slash government-funded advertising 'propaganda' like mascots, comic books, snuggies and stuffed animals that cost taxpayers nearly $2 billion annually. Senate DOGE Caucus Chair Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, has reintroduced a measure to restrict federal funds being used for public relations gimmicks. Her Stop Wasteful Advertising by the Government (SWAG) Act seeks to end unnecessary advertising initiatives on fidget spinners, koozies, clothes and other trinkets. It is part of Donald Trump and Elon Musk's plan to slash trillions in wasteful spending.
Dave Yost pushes for review of immigrant
protection program that enabled Haitian
influx in Springfield
3 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/23/2025 4:09:26 AM Post Reply
Eighteen Republican state attorneys general led by Ohio’s Dave Yost want the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to review the federal government’s list of countries whose migrants are admitted to the United States under the Temporary Protected Status program. “This program has been applied too loosely, allowing noncitizens to live here indefinitely, even after it’s safe for them to return home,” said a statement from Yost, who is weighing a run for Ohio governor. “Congress made these designations temporary for a reason – they were never supposed to last 20-plus years.”
EV startup Canoo files for bankruptcy
and ceases operations
12 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/23/2025 4:01:16 AM Post Reply
Seven-year-old electric vehicle startup Canoo has filed for bankruptcy and will "cease operations immediately." The company is liquidating its assets in a Chapter 7 proceeding in the Delaware Bankruptcy Court. [SNIP] Canoo is the latest EV startup to go bankrupt after merging with a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) as a shortcut to going public. Electric Last Mile Solutions was the first in June 2022. But since then, Fisker, Lordstown Motors, Proterra, Lion Electric, and Arrival all filed for different levels of bankruptcy protection in their various home countries.
God forgive me, I was one of the millions
of young men who wanted to be Bob Dylan.
Here's what the new film DOESN'T tell you
15 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/22/2025 8:12:38 PM Post Reply
Millions of young men once wanted to be Bob Dylan. God forgive me, I was one of them. [SNIP] But the film misses the true importance of the folk superstar Pete Seeger and of Suze Rotolo, though it spends a lot of time on the way they helped the young Dylan to fame. Seeger, later famous for his liberal ‘peace’ songs, had at one time belonged to the tiny, ultra-Stalinist US Communist Party. He wasn’t quite as keen on peace in those days. When most sensible people were very much in favour of fighting the Nazis, in from 1939 to early 1941, Seeger had been a sort of pacifist.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Graham on Jan. 6 pardons: ‘I don’t
like it’
45 replies
Posted by mc squared 1/26/2025 12:19:49 PM Post Reply
Sen. Lindsey Graham said he doesn’t approve of President Trump’s pardoning of the Jan. 6 rioters, especially those who “beat up cops” who were defending the Capitol. “No,” Graham said, when asked whether he’s okay with the most violent offenders on Jan. 6 getting pardoned, in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I’ve always said that I think when you pardon people who attack police officers, you’re sending the wrong signal to the public at large, and that’s not what you want to do to protect cops,” Graham continued. “But he has that power.”
‘Calexit’ initiative could see Californians
deciding whether they want the Golden
State to leave the US
40 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 1/26/2025 12:09:19 PM Post Reply
A “Calexit” initiative to allow California to secede from the United States has been cleared to legally gather signatures. If passed, the proposed measure — “Calexit,” a nod to the Brexit vote in the UK — would be on the ballot in 2028 and ask voters: “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?” For the measure to pass, at least 50% of registered voters must participate in the election, and at least 55% — or more than 500,000 people, must vote “yes” by July 22.
What McConnell Did After the Hegseth Vote
Is Infuriating
39 replies
Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 7:35:08 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had good qualities. He pushed through Trump’s judicial nominees during the first presidency, got his tax cuts passed, and is a noted legislative strategist and tactician. It doesn’t mean he always bats a thousand, but McConnell got key portions of the Trump agenda passed after the 2016 election. Now, he’s erased all that goodwill with this dastardly vote against Pete Hegseth for secretary of defense. McConnell’s defection, plus that of Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), led to Vice President JD Vance performing his constitutional duty to break the tie.
Rev. Al Sharpton leads Costco ‘buy-cott’
in support of company’s controversial
DEI commitment
31 replies
Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 6:26:00 PM Post Reply
Rev. Al Sharpton and about 100 of his followers descended on an East Harlem Costco Saturday in support of the company’s commitment to controversial diversity, equity and inclusion practices. “We’re supporting those who are not rolling back DEI,” Patrice Perry, crisis director for Sharpton’s nonprofit, the National Action Network, told The Post. “It’s very important to be here,” Perry added. (Photo) The demonstration was in response to President Trump’s crackdown on DEI initiatives this week, which put federal employees working on such initiatives on paid leave and shuttered offices dedicated to it.
CIA now says Covid DID come from Chinese
lab in stunning reversal after years of
denial under Biden
31 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/25/2025 4:20:50 PM Post Reply
The CIA has today revealed its belief that COVID-19 was likely leaked from a Chinese lab after years of denial under the Biden administration. A spokesperson for the agency said on Saturday that they now favor the lab theory. Officials said that there is no new evidence behind their shift in opinion - it is based on the same evidence they have been mulling over for months. 'CIA assesses with low confidence that a research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely than a natural origin based on the available body of reporting.
Toxic RINO McConnell Blasts Pete Hegseth,
Reveals Why He Voted “No” on Confirmation
30 replies
Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 4:12:59 AM Post Reply
Pete Hegseth was confirmed as Secretary of Defense in a late night confirmation vote on Friday night. Vice President JD Vance cast the tie-breaking vote on Friday after toxic RINO Senators McConnell, Murkowski and Collins voted “no.” WATCH: (Video) It was already known that GOP Senators Murkowski and Collins were going to vote against Hegseth on Friday evening, so all eyes were on McConnell after Fox News’ Chad Pergram said the Kentucky Senator might defect.
Pritzker Threatens Trump Admin — Local
Law Enforcement Will Stand Up for ‘Law-Abiding
Undocumented People’
29 replies
Posted by Imright 1/26/2025 5:10:36 PM Post Reply
Governor JB Pritzker (D-IL) Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” warned the Trump administration that his local law enforcement “will stand up for those law-abiding, undocumented people” facing deportation. Host Dana Bash said, “How are you preparing, particularly if they do target schools, churches and small businesses as they are now allowed to do?”Pritzker said, “Well, let me start by being clear that when we’re talking about violent criminals who have been convicted and who are undocumented, we don’t want them in our state. We want them out of the country. We hope they do get deported. And if that’s who they’re picking up, we’re all for it.
Taliban Rejects Trump’s Demand to Return
$7 Billion in U.S. Military Gear
27 replies
Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 5:15:14 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump is demanding the return of a staggering $7 billion in U.S. military gear left behind during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan under the Biden administration. In a move that’s drawing both support and criticism, Trump has called on the Taliban to recover the equipment, which includes advanced weapons, vehicles, and other critical resources. The request has sparked debate over accountability and the handling of the withdrawal, with Trump arguing that the gear should never have been abandoned in the first place. However, the Taliban is refusing to give it back to its rightful owners.
Hollywood Reeling After Kamala’s Loss:
‘Biggest Stars in the World’ Losing
Relevance, Industry Won’t Repeat Trump
Resistance Playbook
26 replies
Posted by Imright 1/25/2025 7:13:18 PM Post Reply
A prominent Hollywood talent manager believes that Kamala Harris’ loss to President Donald Trump in November shows that Hollywood no longer drives the culture as it once did since the plethora of celebrities who endorsed Harris failed to alter the outcome of the election. “Hollywood doesn’t matter as much as it thinks it matters,” the unnamed talent manager with A-list clients told Vulture. “You had the biggest stars in the world support Kamala Harris. She couldn’t have drawn more powerful advocates. And it didn’t move the needle. What does that tell you? It’s unsettling because the people and things you hold in high esteem don’t drive the culture.
South Africa Legalizes Mass Land Seizures
from White Farmers
26 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/25/2025 4:28:28 PM Post Reply
The corrupt ANC government just starved dozens of black miners to death to gain control over the diamond trade. The regime suffered a massive decline in popularity forcing it to cut deals even as it hiked welfare spending and taxes. [SNIP] President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday signed the Expropriation Bill into law. In a statement, the Presidency said the Bill allows for local, provincial and national authorities “to expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons that seek, among others, to promote inclusivity and access to natural resources”.
Whither Joseph Biden: What Will the Former
President Do Now?
24 replies
Posted by Imright 1/26/2025 10:24:04 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump (won't get tired of typing that for a long time) has done so much, so fast, that it's hard to believe. He's 78 years old but seems to have the energy of a much younger man. He has signed a huge host of executive orders, many of them revoking the previous administration's policies. He has engaged the press in free-wheeling, unscripted conversations. (Snip) The man is a flippin' prodigy. So much so, in fact, that we sometimes forget that there was another guy who served four years as president, and in between the two non-consecutive Trump terms, at that. What was his name again?
Joe Biden Potentially Faces Excommunication
After Quiet Induction Into Historically
Black Masonic Lodge
24 replies
Posted by Digger 1/26/2025 2:38:18 AM Post Reply
Former President Joe Biden, who is Catholic, joined a historically black Freemason lodge just one day before he left the presidency, an offense punishable by excommunication in the Church. Biden was conferred with “Master Mason membership” and “full honors” on Jan. 19 at the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of South Carolina, according to the Conference of Grand Masters announcement. Joining the Freemasons as a Catholic forbids an individual from receiving communion, with the potential for excommunication, according to canon law of the Catholic Church.
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