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I Prefer Toxic Masculinity to Deadly D.E.I. Incompetence

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Posted By: abuela10, 1/22/2025 9:22:07 AM

All masculine images have been reclassified as toxic by the progressive feminists so my headline may be misleading. I actually prefer real examples of the male in all his magnificent glory while rescuing those in need of brute strength to combat adversity of all kinds. What we have seen in recent news is the failure of instituting Diversity, Equity and Inclusive (D.E.I.) policies into emergency services that require strength and power.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Venturer 1/22/2025 9:36:49 AM (No. 1879060)
I have worked with women in the Fire service and some of them really work hard at it, but damned few can actually cut the mustard. Many end up in the Fire Marshal's office as fire inspectors.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: dbdiva 1/22/2025 9:59:36 AM (No. 1879078)
Trust me are not alone in your preference. May "toxic masculinity" rule again!
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: chumley 1/22/2025 10:17:58 AM (No. 1879095)
Toxic masculinity is another of those lib phrases that has been so overused it no longer has any meaning. I've known guys I hated to be around because they wore their testosterone on their sleeves. The Jack Klugmans, the Earl Hollimans, the bullies and the blowhards. Not to mention the horn dogs. But the vast majority of guys are just regular guys, and dont fall into the toxic category.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: FLCracker 1/22/2025 10:58:24 AM (No. 1879135)
#1, My sister-in-law was a fire fighter - big, strong girl, her earlier job was slinging luggage on the flightline for Delta. She became a paramedic. The only thing that should count is whether you can do the job. If you can't do that job, then find a job you CAN do. Do you not think fire inspectors and paramedics are not worthy jobs? And doesn't this free up the person having the musculature to be on the firefighting frontline, not being pulled for something else. Are they all not contributing to fire-fighting? Having the politically-approved skin color, primary sexual characteristics or personal sexual habits does not qualify you for the job -not even for White straight males.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 1/22/2025 1:13:51 PM (No. 1879287)
Watch a few evenings of "On Patrol: Live" on Reelz, and you'll see how ineffective most policewomen are. First of all, they're pretty short, and the men tower over them. They clearly don't have to upper-body strength of the men, and have to rely on their male counterparts to wrestle the perps and cuff them. If they attempt to help their counterparts, they mostly get in the way. Usually, they walk the perps to the patrol car and drive them off to central booking where (presumably) they do all the arrest paperwork.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: valinva 1/22/2025 2:28:51 PM (No. 1879323)
May I suggest that you all write to your Senators and Congressmen and spread this as a replacement for DEI. MCE (Merit, Competence, and Excellence) should be put in place going forward.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: nvr4get911 1/22/2025 2:57:37 PM (No. 1879336)
perfect response to what happened in LA wildfires
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Reply 8 - Posted by: 5 handicap 1/23/2025 6:59:42 AM (No. 1879768)
Alicia, I am with you! Maybe now Boeing can design and manufacture an Airplane that can stay in the air!
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I Prefer Toxic Masculinity to Deadly D.E.I. Incompetence 8 replies
Posted by abuela101/22/2025 9:22:07 AM
All masculine images have been reclassified as toxic by the progressive feminists so my headline may be misleading. I actually prefer real examples of the male in all his magnificent glory while rescuing those in need of brute strength to combat adversity of all kinds. What we have seen in recent news is the failure of instituting Diversity, Equity and Inclusive (D.E.I.) policies into emergency services that require strength and power.
The One Rule to Getting a Miracle 16 replies
Posted by abuela1010/22/2024 12:06:24 AM
Do you believe in miracles? Throughout history, inexplicable events have occurred yet naysayers refuse to name them miracles preferring to call them a lucky coincidence. In 1980, however, when the young USA team won the Olympic winter game against the behemoth Russian team and then went on to win the gold, it was called, "the miracle on ice". The following year, a movie by that name debuted and another one opened in 2004 about the same "miracle. I wouldn't call this event a miracle which was the result of hard work but I'll bet some of the players followed the rule of getting a ‘miracle'. What was it, you may ask?
TDS destroys DeNiro and other once-favored celebs 5 replies
Posted by abuela106/13/2024 10:42:45 PM
It is a real mystery why Trump Derangement Syndrome has managed to destroy the legacies of so many formerly admired Hollywood celebrities. Robert DeNiro, whom I had always thought was a terrific actor, has become such a vicious and profane TDS victim that I have lost the urge to watch again any of his great performances. After the braindead NY jury found Trump guilty of 34 fake felonies, Hollywood TDS-infected stars celebrated this egregious miscarriage of justice.
Isn’t ItIsn't It Time to Stop Blaming
God for Tragedies?
17 replies
Posted by abuela102/5/2023 8:36:16 AM
While I actually haven’t personally heard anyone blame God when they lost a close one in a tragedy, it’s a timeworn message in fiction novels. The protagonist wails against God when tragedy occurs or sometimes we read the words of an atheist shouting, “Where was God when the tsunami (earthquake, cyclone, hurricane, mass shooting, etc.) killed thousands? If there was a God, wouldn’t He have stopped this?” The truth is, God is an unlikely scapegoat and if one reads the Bible, especially the Old Testament, one would give Him the benefit of the doubt.
What Eddie Fisher Said 13 replies
Posted by abuela1012/22/2022 10:01:26 AM
Perhaps only senior citizens will recognize his name and a few millennials might know that he was the father of Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher). Other cinephiles might know that he left his wife Debbie Reynolds to marry Elizabeth Taylor, who left him for Richard Burton, but since they’re all dead, who cares? Well, I was ten years old when I heard Eddie Fisher sing “Count Your Blessings” and it’s a lesson that in this crazy world of protests and angst, we should all heed especially in this season of increasing despair.
Censorship works only if you're dumb 6 replies
Posted by abuela1012/6/2022 11:09:32 AM
Much of today's hot topics involve Elon Musk disclosing details of Twitter's censorship of the New York Post article about Hunter Biden's laptop. Since I bookmark the N.Y. Post webpage, I had already read the article, as had millions of other readers. Now, why on Earth would I then pay any attention to Twitter, Facebook, TikTok or any other social network to disbelieve what I had read with my own two eyes?
No Way to Win? Then Fix the Machine! 10 replies
Posted by abuela1011/18/2022 9:01:46 AM
“We have put together" ... "the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history…..Joe Biden 2020 Don't believe he said it? He may have misspoken or he may have just spoken the absolute truth. There was a great article in PJMedia by David Solway entitled: DeSantis in 2024? Think Again. It was an eye-opening although bleak reminder of how difficult it will be to elect any Republican given the voting machine manufactured and engineered by the Democrats and paid for by billionaire despots like George Soros and Sam Bankman-Fried.
Progressive Women are Not Only Dumb, They're
Downright Evil
22 replies
Posted by abuela1010/12/2022 8:35:34 AM
 Forgive me for using such harsh words but I just watched Greg Gutfeld mock a NYC Councilwoman for making what can only be a very, very dumb inexplicable statement. Tiffany Caban, representing D22, released a public safety guide urging merchants to call 3-1-1, not 9-1-1, to seek mental health services and engage in community mediation, rather than call the cops. She tweeted: "We're distributing them to local businesses, so our neighborhood is equipped with better ways of solving problems than simply summoning police every time a challenge arises."
How Stupid are American Voters ?--- Very! 42 replies
Posted by abuela104/1/2021 4:32:54 AM
Perhaps stupid is not the right word. Gullible is not right either. It's really hard to pinpoint the main reason behind the disastrous state of our country but the cold hard fact is that many Americans have fallen for two of the biggest hoaxes perpetrated by the left , the media and corrupt politicians. It's too simple to blame the voters of any particular party when the main culprits are the individuals who just can't be bothered with politics. They don't want to get involved so they don't vote yet they complain when their taxes go up or their civil rights are taken away
I Refuse to Play Make Believe Any Longer 7 replies
Posted by abuela103/2/2021 3:27:57 PM
If you are a parent or grandparent, you have probably at one point or another had one of your daughters or granddaughters come up and ask you if you would like to dress like a princess and have a tea party. Or perhaps your son or grandson has asked to dress up and play Cowboys and Indians. And of course we all did (to be clear though, I did not dress up as a princess). At some point, however, those children stop playing make believe.
Trump Reloaded 13 replies
Posted by abuela103/2/2021 8:14:57 AM
Former president Donald Trump emerged from 38 days of self-enforced silence for a lengthy speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, that was frequently interrupted with boisterous applause and chants from an adoring, mostly white and older crowd. He was spot-on in his indictment of the five-week-old Biden administration, accusing the new president of lying about his "radical far-left" agenda during the campaign. Predictably, he also slammed the "fake news" for what he said was their assistance in covering up that agenda.
Hollywood Liberals Really Hate Everything 18 replies
Posted by abuela103/2/2021 7:25:14 AM
I just put myself through something I don’t recommend to anyone: I watched the Golden Globes. I don’t recommend it, especially if you’re prone to eye rolling or vomiting which have been known to be exacerbated by prolonged exposure to self-righteous Hollywood leftists, but I am a trained professional so, with Visine and a bucket at the ready, I was able to survive it to tell my tale. And the only takeaway from the night is the fact that liberals are awful people who hate themselves, each other, and the country.
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the Statue of Liberty!’
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Posted by ConservativeYankee3/17/2025 10:32:42 AM
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Posted by ConservativeYankee3/17/2025 11:53:54 AM
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Posted by ConservativeYankee3/17/2025 11:18:46 AM
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Posted by ConservativeYankee3/17/2025 11:13:37 AM
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Posted by ConservativeYankee3/17/2025 5:08:55 PM
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16 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee3/17/2025 2:30:12 PM
A federal judge has called a hearing Monday on whether the Trump administration has the legal authority to deport alleged gang members and proceeded this the effort this past weekend amid a judge temporarily halting the process. The will take place in Washington, D.C. at 5 p.m. local time, according to NBC News. On Saturday, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg issued an order temporarily blocking the Trump administration from using the 1789 Alien Enemies Act to deport illegal migrants. However, the flights were in the air at the time of the ruling.
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Posted by ConservativeYankee3/17/2025 11:03:33 AM
An MSNBC panel argued Monday that unchecked falsehoods from President Donald Trump and Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) head Elon Musk are to blame for Democrats’ tanking popularity. The Democratic Party’s favorability has plunged 20% since January 2021 to a historic low of 29%, according to a Sunday CNN/SSRS poll conducted March 6-9. On “Morning Joe,” when host Mika Brzezinski asked former MSNBC host Chris Matthews about the party’s poor ratings, he asserted Americans are absorbing right-wing “lies,” claiming that “nobody” fact-checks them.
Five Years Later: All That Was Lost 16 replies
Posted by 4250Luis3/17/2025 4:40:21 AM
I don't know if it's maturity or just weariness, but over the past few years, I've somehow managed — finally — to develop some emotional callouses that keep me from feeling every darn thing so very much. I can see the drawbacks of that, but I also see the benefits. If I were to allow myself to perpetually swim in the emotional stew prompted by life and the world we find ourselves living in these days, I'd swift become a basket case. And ain't nobody got time for that. Consequently, I've not really allowed myself the luxury of dipping deeply into the feels of The COVID Times,
Chuck Schumer postpones book events due
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15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought3/17/2025 1:46:42 PM
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is postponing several events across the country this week to promote his new book amid Democratic backlash to his handling of last week's government funding fight. “Due to security concerns, Senator Schumer’s book events are being rescheduled,” said a statement provided by Risa Heller, who is handling communications for Schumer’s book, “Antisemitism in America: A Warning.” The postponement comes as protesters were expected to attend the events after Schumer led a group of Senate Democrats to provide key votes to pass a Republican-led government funding bill backed by President Donald Trump to avert a shutdown. Schumer and nine others in the Senate Democratic caucus voted
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Secret Service protection ‘effective immediately’
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Posted by ConservativeYankee3/17/2025 7:54:39 PM
President Trump revoked Hunter and Ashley Biden’s Secret Service security detail on Monday after the former first son, surrounded by more than a dozen agents, was spotted on an “ultra-luxurious” getaway in South Africa when he was due for a deposition in court. “Hunter Biden has had Secret Service protection for an extended period of time, all paid for by the United States Taxpayer,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “There are as many as 18 people on this Detail, which is ridiculous!” “He is currently vacationing in, of all places, South Africa, where the Human Rights of people has been strenuously questioned,”
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Dem Strategist Blames Obama, Bernie Sanders
For Hurting Party’s Blue-Collar Image
14 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee3/17/2025 4:54:51 PM
Democratic strategist Basil Smikle on Monday blamed former President Barack Obama and independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for weakening the party’s brand as a champion of working-class Americans. CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten in September highlighted how strongly former President Donald Trump was performing with “working-class voters,” a demographic that traditionally leans Democratic. Smikle, on “Chris Jansing Reports,” argued that both Obama and Sanders contributed to a long-term perception that the party does not prioritize the working class — without even mentioning Trump.
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