Five Years Later: All That Was Lost
Red State,
Susie Moore
Original Article
Posted By: 4250Luis,
3/17/2025 4:40:21 AM
I don't know if it's maturity or just weariness, but over the past few years, I've somehow managed — finally — to develop some emotional callouses that keep me from feeling every darn thing so very much. I can see the drawbacks of that, but I also see the benefits. If I were to allow myself to perpetually swim in the emotional stew prompted by life and the world we find ourselves living in these days, I'd swift become a basket case. And ain't nobody got time for that. Consequently, I've not really allowed myself the luxury of dipping deeply into the feels of The COVID Times,
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
chumley 3/17/2025 6:33:45 AM (No. 1915795)
I consider myself blessed in that my cynicism kept me from playing along with their little fantasy. I'd worked for the government my whole life and recognized a psyop when I saw one. Everyone was so scared they didnt listen to me, but that was their choice. I went where I wanted, didnt mask up the vast majority of the time, and was able to fight the vaccine mandate at work until I was able to retire. Only once was I denied admission anywhere for not wearing a mask, and it was run by some screaming mimi from Massachusetts, so I guess that was predictable.
As a result, I can now engage in heavy work without worrying that my heart is going to explode every time I start breathing heavily, and my death will not be hastened by my compliance. Thats worth something.
I mourn for all the good restaurants that were forced to close and still miss them.
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It wouldn't have been lost - or taken - if so many weren't willing to give it.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
RussZilla 3/17/2025 7:53:51 AM (No. 1915821)
I lost friends because I spoke out against the medical tyranny. I’m trying to repair relations with siblings and college friends but there’s a deep loss of trust between us.
I feel the worst about my grandkids. They began their schooling in the middle of this chaos, and, my neighborhood, once filled with kids playing, is empty every day. The kids sit stiffly in front of tablet screens and I-pads. They go on virtual play dates with unreal children — virtual friends — onscreen that have every toy and unreal inflatable playgrounds. They lost time in formative activities, church and classrooms and regular family gatherings. Everything today seems stiff and forced. I don’t know how else to explain this. It just doesn’t feel healthy to me.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/17/2025 8:31:03 AM (No. 1915840)
I never got covid to this day. For that matter, I don't even remember when's the last time I've had anything. But something was really off with how covid was handled by Fauci et al. An experiment in operant conditioning of the masses. And they succeeded.
My wife and I got vaxxed one time in early 2020 so we could go ahead with a trip to Maui. After we returned home, I spent a lot of time researching retroviruses, gain of function research, and the mRNA clot shot. After that, we knew better. A lot better. Most people in my western Colorado town stopped masking by summer of that year feeling like they had been had. People ignored the one-way arrows on the aisle floors at the grocery store.
I felt bad for world-known virologists like Dr. Judy Mikovits who had their careers and lives ruined by Fauci et al all because they had the courage to speak up against the dangers of the clot shot and how it manipulated human DNA. I felt especially bad for my grandchildren who spent the spring of 2020 "learning" at home.
Many small businesses in my town had closed never to return. Shame on the chicoms. Shame on those who chose to politicize covid and for what? For the ugly fun of destroying Trump's re-election prospects. I remember Kamala Harris proclaiming that covid was God's gift to the dims so the dims could go full steam ahead with balloting harvesting. Shame on biden the cheater and the dims. Shame on the msm. And they doubled down with the Great Election Fraud of 2020 to make sure. Evil on display. And too many drank the cool aid.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/17/2025 8:31:40 AM (No. 1915841)
Those of us who experienced military life have a huge advantage over those who have not. Foreign deployments showed us just how much of a privilege it was to be an American. Living through danger and tough conditions taught us just how good it is to be living in a relatively safe country with the means and ability to defend ourselves. Most of all, it taught us the value of Freedom and what a prize it is and so worth fighting for. Living with our values and a healthy suspicion of the government and those who abused power during COVID was not difficult and any friends lost during that time was a simple culling of those who were not worthy of our friendship.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/17/2025 9:17:35 AM (No. 1915859)
When the pandemic hit, it reminded me of the movie 'Cabin Fever'. It was a horror movie where people turned on others that were sick with a lethal highly contagious airborne virus. The other thing it reminded me of was the show 'Scare Tactics'. Are you scared? Well, you should be. You are on 'Scare Tactics'. The pandemic was a real-life version of Scare Tactics. We were all being BS'd. I used to be a software tester. I saw how quality could not be designed or coded. That's why they need testers. I saw how the vaccine was rushed without being tested and knew right away how bad that was.
I get A-fib when I get sick. The longest I have ever gone without A-fib was 16 months. That was at the height of the pandemic. Isolation actually worked for me. I saw fewer people and am OK with that. I have always been a bit of a loner. The A-fib only came back after I started the COVID vaccine. It came back with a vengeance after the third shot. Had a bout the day after the shot and had 6 bouts of A-fib in 7 months. I thank God the A-fib calmed down after that. I got a new cardiologist after moving to Florida and he put he on two more heart meds.
The pandemic was more about people than a virus. There are a lot of people out there, for a lack of a better term, are nasty pieces of work. They aren't nice. One benefit of the pandemic was how many people wised up and saw how these nasty people operate. As I mentioned earlier, it was 'Cabin Fever' in real life. Many people had their eyes opened to the nastiness around them for the first time. That's a good thing. Lots of naive people out there.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 3/17/2025 9:47:17 AM (No. 1915870)
I will admit I did not read the entire article but I need to re-word the title. It would be: "All That Was Lost: The Last Twelve of Sixteen Years Governed By Democrats."
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
crashnburn 3/17/2025 9:55:51 AM (No. 1915880)
At least she and her daughter survived. I'm making a very long and sad story way too short.
My wife and I got the Covid flu in Mid-November 2019. I told her that since we'd had it, we didn't need the shots. She spent a lot of time on the road listening to government propaganda about getting the shot, plus she didn't want to get the Wuhan flu and bring it back to her mother, who was undergoing chemo, so she got the shot.
The second shot gave her CJD (think Mad Cow Disease for humans) immediately. It took 5 months for her to be diagnosed, and she spent the last 14 months of her life in hospice, in a hospital bed, deteriorating before my eyes.
I never got the shot and walked away from a job because they required you to have it to come to the office, and I'm physically fine. Fraud-Chi, et. al. took the love of my life away from me. There is not a corner of Hell hot enough for all the people that perpetuated that fraud on the American people.
It's been long enough so that for the most part I'm happy for what I had, not sad for what I lost. Still, my life would be much better if she were still in it,
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 3/17/2025 9:58:42 AM (No. 1915882)
Re #1. We muddled through. We also knew that the virus could be deadly in many cases but also figured that we were being played by petty and power hungry bureaucrats for their own ends. Suppressing and ridiculing the use of Ivermectin, the closure of many businesses and restaurants, (except the ones where Pelosi got her hair done and Newsome ate (masks were just for us little people), forced vaccination if you wanted to keep your job, the smug superioriy of the ones who wore their masks everywhere and dozens of other demands from our "betters".I believe in God but also hope there is a Satan around to gather these fools when their time comes.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Zigrid 3/17/2025 10:11:04 AM (No. 1915890)
Poor Susie..who wrote of her turmoil over the past years...listen honey...I'm sick to death of woman beating their chests and judging life with only emotions...not common sense...when faced with a either dig in and solve your problem...or you revert to endless moaning and tears....I can chastise the situation...OR take best I can..and solve my this case doing as much research as possible to determine my course of action for me....
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 3/17/2025 10:19:34 AM (No. 1915893)
I'm not ready to review the last 5 years. For now I'm glad that Biden and all the woke nonsense is out of our faces and we are moving on.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
red1066 3/17/2025 10:20:18 AM (No. 1915894)
As I've mentioned on here before, I worked at a major world-renowned hospital and in September of 2019 we started to notice large shipments of masks, gowns, gloves, etc. arriving at the hospital and being stored in the basement. Pallets and pallets of items. Everyone I worked with wondered what was going on. We've never seen so much stuff being delivered all at once. By October of 2019, the word started getting out amongst the hospital staff about this virus from China. When I asked a couple of doctors, they just said it was nothing. So, while most of the country wasn't informed about this virus until January or February of 2020, those of us working at the hospital knew something was up as early as September of 2019, and our lockdowns and precautions started in December of 2019.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
stablemoney 3/17/2025 12:39:58 PM (No. 1916021)
No tattoo's on our beautiful daughters. Drug addicts with tattoo needles are not artists. What we lost from covid was life, liberty, and freedom. The perpetrators should not be allowed to hide behind immunity from prosecution or pardons for what they did.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
NotaBene 3/17/2025 1:21:58 PM (No. 1916056)
Life for most is before and after COVID-19. The virus was designed at University of North Carolina by Dr. Baric and spliced in Wuhan on a new Coronavirus backbone. All paid by our NIH and Drs. Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci. We learned that follow the Science was only another political tool. The AMA did get rid of Trump but a high cost for US. We had the highest per capita COVID deaths in the world and after the vaccine young athletes still drop like flies because myocarditis. Doctors lost our trust. To make it worse, mRNA vaccines are not only very dangerous due to individual variability in protein production but also ineffective.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 3/17/2025 2:27:27 PM (No. 1916119)
"They took school from the kids. They took outdoor parks and restaurants away. They took church away. They forbade family gatherings. They kept people apart from dying family members. They fundamentally altered the way we handle elections. They debanked people for trying to stand up for what was right. They forced people to take a vaccine about which there were legitimate questions and doubts — or else. They showed us they could crush us if they wanted to. In the name of "safety," they shredded the Constitution and lied about it while doing it." I remember those days. We lived in California then. It was hell. We will never forget.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
harold2002 3/17/2025 6:34:38 PM (No. 1916251)
Dr. Fauci giving a big smile and thumbs up to Jim Acosta as he was leaving the news conference after clearly convincing President Trump that a terrible "novel" virus was on the way from China and the "flattening of the curve" needed to take place; Chinese people falling over dead in the streets and having to be hauled away in body bags by men in hazmat suits (simply put---that does not happen in real life and they were propaganda videos by a cooperating Chinese government); unconfirmed media stories of a highly deadly virus and the need to wear masks and distance by 6 feet.....this all spelled fake, fake, fake to me! Yes, it was a plan to scare the crap out of the US population and it worked. We should not gather together in closed spaces like voting places; we should mail in our ballots for the 2020 presidential election to avoid spreading this horrible virus. Funny how it turned out that record numbers of ballots were cast in that election than anytime in history! Then came the "vaccines" that had been developed long before Trump announced he wanted the "warp speed" development. Little did he know he was being greatly deceived by Fauci, et al. Corona Virus Disease 2019 (CoViD19) was a made up disease that never existed.
Two PhD level virologists at two different university laboratories, using scanning electron microscopes to examine samples from 1800 "covid" patients could only find Influenza A or B viruses, no "novel" coronaviruses were present. That was never reported by the media. Draw your own conclusions. Mine is that we were lied to and it continues to this day. Covid is seasonal flu. People to this day getting sick will tell you they "got covid". The fraud will continue because people have accepted covid as a real disease. Truly sad.
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