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TDS destroys DeNiro and other once-favored celebs

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Posted By: abuela10, 6/13/2024 10:42:45 PM

It is a real mystery why Trump Derangement Syndrome has managed to destroy the legacies of so many formerly admired Hollywood celebrities. Robert DeNiro, whom I had always thought was a terrific actor, has become such a vicious and profane TDS victim that I have lost the urge to watch again any of his great performances. After the braindead NY jury found Trump guilty of 34 fake felonies, Hollywood TDS-infected stars celebrated this egregious miscarriage of justice.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: snakeoil 6/14/2024 12:32:55 AM (No. 1736874)
de Nero reminds me of what Jack Warner of Warner Brothers said about actors: The only difference between an actor and Rin Tin Tin is Rin Tin Tin can lick his own private parts.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 6/14/2024 1:07:36 AM (No. 1736886)
There was a story long ago that Alfred Hitchcock said actors are like cattle. He said no, that's not what I said. I said they should be treated like cattle.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Trigger2 6/14/2024 4:06:20 AM (No. 1736897)
Consider where DeNiro comes from - Hollywood, the home of drunks, pot heads, sex traffickers, morons, and degenerates.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 6/14/2024 5:01:04 AM (No. 1736922)
Before the age of television, actors were traveling circus people who climbed up on a wooden stage in a small town and people threw them pennies in exchange for a few good lines and laughs. The media science has matured but actors have not.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Venturer 6/14/2024 8:34:53 AM (No. 1737008)
In DeNiro's case it is better to be thought a fool than to speak out and prove it.
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TDS destroys DeNiro and other once-favored celebs 5 replies
Posted by abuela10 6/13/2024 10:42:45 PM Post Reply
It is a real mystery why Trump Derangement Syndrome has managed to destroy the legacies of so many formerly admired Hollywood celebrities. Robert DeNiro, whom I had always thought was a terrific actor, has become such a vicious and profane TDS victim that I have lost the urge to watch again any of his great performances. After the braindead NY jury found Trump guilty of 34 fake felonies, Hollywood TDS-infected stars celebrated this egregious miscarriage of justice.
Isn’t ItIsn't It Time to Stop Blaming
God for Tragedies?
17 replies
Posted by abuela10 2/5/2023 8:36:16 AM Post Reply
While I actually haven’t personally heard anyone blame God when they lost a close one in a tragedy, it’s a timeworn message in fiction novels. The protagonist wails against God when tragedy occurs or sometimes we read the words of an atheist shouting, “Where was God when the tsunami (earthquake, cyclone, hurricane, mass shooting, etc.) killed thousands? If there was a God, wouldn’t He have stopped this?” The truth is, God is an unlikely scapegoat and if one reads the Bible, especially the Old Testament, one would give Him the benefit of the doubt.
What Eddie Fisher Said 13 replies
Posted by abuela10 12/22/2022 10:01:26 AM Post Reply
Perhaps only senior citizens will recognize his name and a few millennials might know that he was the father of Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher). Other cinephiles might know that he left his wife Debbie Reynolds to marry Elizabeth Taylor, who left him for Richard Burton, but since they’re all dead, who cares? Well, I was ten years old when I heard Eddie Fisher sing “Count Your Blessings” and it’s a lesson that in this crazy world of protests and angst, we should all heed especially in this season of increasing despair.
Censorship works only if you're dumb 6 replies
Posted by abuela10 12/6/2022 11:09:32 AM Post Reply
Much of today's hot topics involve Elon Musk disclosing details of Twitter's censorship of the New York Post article about Hunter Biden's laptop. Since I bookmark the N.Y. Post webpage, I had already read the article, as had millions of other readers. Now, why on Earth would I then pay any attention to Twitter, Facebook, TikTok or any other social network to disbelieve what I had read with my own two eyes?
No Way to Win? Then Fix the Machine! 10 replies
Posted by abuela10 11/18/2022 9:01:46 AM Post Reply
“We have put together" ... "the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history…..Joe Biden 2020 Don't believe he said it? He may have misspoken or he may have just spoken the absolute truth. There was a great article in PJMedia by David Solway entitled: DeSantis in 2024? Think Again. It was an eye-opening although bleak reminder of how difficult it will be to elect any Republican given the voting machine manufactured and engineered by the Democrats and paid for by billionaire despots like George Soros and Sam Bankman-Fried.
Progressive Women are Not Only Dumb, They're
Downright Evil
22 replies
Posted by abuela10 10/12/2022 8:35:34 AM Post Reply
 Forgive me for using such harsh words but I just watched Greg Gutfeld mock a NYC Councilwoman for making what can only be a very, very dumb inexplicable statement. Tiffany Caban, representing D22, released a public safety guide urging merchants to call 3-1-1, not 9-1-1, to seek mental health services and engage in community mediation, rather than call the cops. She tweeted: "We're distributing them to local businesses, so our neighborhood is equipped with better ways of solving problems than simply summoning police every time a challenge arises."
How Stupid are American Voters ?--- Very! 42 replies
Posted by abuela10 4/1/2021 4:32:54 AM Post Reply
Perhaps stupid is not the right word. Gullible is not right either. It's really hard to pinpoint the main reason behind the disastrous state of our country but the cold hard fact is that many Americans have fallen for two of the biggest hoaxes perpetrated by the left , the media and corrupt politicians. It's too simple to blame the voters of any particular party when the main culprits are the individuals who just can't be bothered with politics. They don't want to get involved so they don't vote yet they complain when their taxes go up or their civil rights are taken away
I Refuse to Play Make Believe Any Longer 7 replies
Posted by abuela10 3/2/2021 3:27:57 PM Post Reply
If you are a parent or grandparent, you have probably at one point or another had one of your daughters or granddaughters come up and ask you if you would like to dress like a princess and have a tea party. Or perhaps your son or grandson has asked to dress up and play Cowboys and Indians. And of course we all did (to be clear though, I did not dress up as a princess). At some point, however, those children stop playing make believe.
Trump Reloaded 13 replies
Posted by abuela10 3/2/2021 8:14:57 AM Post Reply
Former president Donald Trump emerged from 38 days of self-enforced silence for a lengthy speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, that was frequently interrupted with boisterous applause and chants from an adoring, mostly white and older crowd. He was spot-on in his indictment of the five-week-old Biden administration, accusing the new president of lying about his "radical far-left" agenda during the campaign. Predictably, he also slammed the "fake news" for what he said was their assistance in covering up that agenda.
Hollywood Liberals Really Hate Everything 18 replies
Posted by abuela10 3/2/2021 7:25:14 AM Post Reply
I just put myself through something I don’t recommend to anyone: I watched the Golden Globes. I don’t recommend it, especially if you’re prone to eye rolling or vomiting which have been known to be exacerbated by prolonged exposure to self-righteous Hollywood leftists, but I am a trained professional so, with Visine and a bucket at the ready, I was able to survive it to tell my tale. And the only takeaway from the night is the fact that liberals are awful people who hate themselves, each other, and the country.
The Trump Comeback Begins: The Plan to
Make Trump and America Great Again
16 replies
Posted by abuela10 1/31/2021 8:28:52 AM Post Reply

I am the author of the bestselling book "TRUMP RULES." My book identifies the top 10 rules that made former President Donald Trump one of the greatest winners in world history in business, branding, real estate, celebrity, television, publishing and politics. Trump is the only person in world history to reach the pinnacle of all of those fields. And the only person to become both a billionaire and president of the United States. It's not a bad resume. Many critics think Trump's winning streak ended with a presidential loss. I disagree. I know the man. I understand the man. I know what comes next. It may be Trump's greatest chapter yet.  Correction*

What 'Forever Trump' Really Means 25 replies
Posted by abuela10 1/19/2021 7:46:12 AM Post Reply
Recently Michael Brown wrote a column titled Neither Never Trump Nor Forever Trump in which he urges Trump supporters to move on. Another pundit, Robert W. Merry of The American Conservative writes "But now Republicans must push beyond their disgraced and deeply flawed standard-bearer to remake themselves under new leadership." In the House, a Democrat representative spoke about the necessity for the second impeachment to ensure that Trump will never run for office again. The mistake that all of these pundits make is assuming that we Trump supporters(snip) No way do we want him to run again. Why not? We do not consider him a disgrace. We love him.
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Posted by Imright 6/14/2024 6:42:07 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/14/2024 1:43:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2024 11:36:28 AM Post Reply
The United States Supreme Court struck down the Trump administration’s 2018 ban on bump stocks in a Friday ruling, with Justice Clarence Thomas writing the majority opinion in a 6-3 decision. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) issued the ban at former president Donald Trump’s urging after the gunman who killed 58 people in a 2017 Las Vegas shooting was found to have used bump stocks, which increase a rifle’s rate of fire by using the recoil from a semiautomatic rifle to fire bullets in rapid succession. The Trump administration argued in 2018 that adding bump stocks to semiautomatic rifles converts them into machine guns
Hunter Biden drops laptop lawsuit against
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Posted by Beardo 6/14/2024 7:20:53 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden is dropping his lawsuit accusing Rudy Giuliani and the former New York City mayor’s ex-lawyer of manipulating data found on his infamous laptop. Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell filed the stipulation for dismissal Thursday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. (snip) The lawsuit claimed that Giuliani, 80, and Costello violated the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act when they allegedly hacked and manipulated data on the abandoned laptop in a “total annihilation” of the disgraced first son’s “digital privacy.”
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12 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/14/2024 10:05:02 PM Post Reply
The Los Angeles City Council has decided to remove ‘No U-Turn’ signs from a gay neighborhood, claiming they’re homophobic. In an era where ideologies should be advancing, it’s baffling that the far-left remains stuck in the past, misreading everyday symbols as politicized messages. Who, in the year 2024, still believes that road signs like “No U-Turn” are covert directives aimed at the LGBTQ+ community, instructing them not to engage in wild sex in the streets? I didn’t know that traffic signs were hurting feelings. According to the LA Times: Messages like, “No cruising. No U-turns. Midnight to 6 am” were posted around the neighborhood in 1997,
Democrats Plan to Protest, Disrupt Netanyahu
Speech to Congress
12 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/14/2024 8:32:34 PM Post Reply
Democrats plan to disrupt Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a special joint session of Congress on July 24 in an unprecedented show of hostility to the democratically-elected leader of a close American ally. 56 Democrats boycotted Netanyahu’s speech in 2015, when Republicans invited him to argue against then-President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. This time, Axios reports, “Democrats plan to go bigger than a boycott”: The proposals include a press conference, a vigil, or an event with families of those taken hostage by Hamas, many of whom feel Netanyahu hasn’t done enough to free their loved ones. In a sign of how extensive and high-level some of these discussions are,
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In her blood-caked Chanel suit, Jackie
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Posted by Imright 6/14/2024 12:30:38 PM Post Reply
In a major new Mail series starting today, Maureen Callahan's book 'Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed' is published in four groundbreaking extracts....Here, she details the stunning fortitude of Jackie Kennedy as her husband died in front her... The day was hot and wild, the sun so strong. Jackie Kennedy went to put on her sunglasses, but the president said: 'No, please don't — they really came to see you.' Driving along the streets of Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, she could hear the screams of her husband's supporters over the presidential motorcade.
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Posted by Imright 6/14/2024 8:55:18 AM Post Reply
Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary has revealed his pick for Donald Trump's vice president, as suspense builds over who will join him on the 2024 ticket. Speaking exclusively to, the investor hailed North Dakota governor and former businessman Doug Burgum as a potential buffer to the often unpredictable former president. 'If you're an independent and you're thinking that Trump is too crazy, but then you've got Burgum in the package, then you've got some "Trump insurance". That's the way I think they're going to sell it,' he said.
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