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Could merit, competence, and fairness
replace DEI?

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Posted By: Msquared112, 1/8/2025 5:31:44 AM

Now that DEI is on its way out (with some major holdouts like Costco and Disney), something intelligent should replace it. With our culture's fondness for acronyms, we need a new one such as MCF. It's not enough to say just "Let's go back to the way it was" because too many people don't remember or never knew how it is supposed to be. We need hiring and promotion based solely on Merit, Competence, and Fairness.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Strike3 1/8/2025 5:50:24 AM (No. 1868972)
You mean like it was pre-Obama and pre-George Floyd?
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Reply 2 - Posted by: planetgeo 1/8/2025 7:29:28 AM (No. 1869051)
Personally, I suggest "FCM" (Fairness, Competence, and Merit), not only because that's the natural sequence in the progression but also because I can't wait to have everyone say "fucem" starting January 20. I hereby trademark this new acronym, FCM.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 1/8/2025 7:58:27 AM (No. 1869081)
The pendulum swung too far to DEI. In fact Affirmative Action jobs are needed to keep black workers working. We have to be sure it doesn't swing back to the point where blacks are kept out of jobs. I have seen standards lowered, tests rewritten so that blacks can pass them ,promotions made because of race or gender. I have seen it, it exists,. A certain amount of it is necessary . I hate to say it , but it's true. Without Affirmative Action not many blacks will make the cut, and that will bring on more racial problems. If AA is not needed, why has it lasted so long. It was supposed to be a stop-gap way to get by until blacks caught up. They have never caught up and never will.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 1/8/2025 9:28:22 AM (No. 1869150)
Merit, competence and fairness used to be the special sauce that the USA had over the rest of the world, where nepotism, classism and racism were the norm for centuries.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: OhioNick 1/8/2025 2:45:12 PM (No. 1869354)
It's a shame that Costco is on a suicide mission. Like millions of conservatives, I have decided not to renew my membership.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Kafka2 1/9/2025 3:07:23 PM (No. 1870143)
MCF is the ideal way to advance people, but it is seldom achieved. Too often advancement is based on who you know. Also unions protect the incompetent and lazy to the detriment of the industrious. And, some of those doing the judging are not good judges. DEI and the earlier EEO were sold as a way to make things fair,but instead created quotas that were unfair.
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Could merit, competence, and fairness
replace DEI?
6 replies
Posted by Msquared112 1/8/2025 5:31:44 AM Post Reply
Now that DEI is on its way out (with some major holdouts like Costco and Disney), something intelligent should replace it. With our culture's fondness for acronyms, we need a new one such as MCF. It's not enough to say just "Let's go back to the way it was" because too many people don't remember or never knew how it is supposed to be. We need hiring and promotion based solely on Merit, Competence, and Fairness.
COSTCO's DEI tone-deafness 9 replies
Posted by Msquared112 12/30/2024 7:06:27 AM Post Reply
It seems COSTCO has not gotten the message and is doubling down on its DEI policies while other large companies and many small ones are jettisoning their DEI programs. As if this were not enough, COSTCO is threatening its shareholders with lawsuits if they do not jump as high as the DEI devils want. Right now: "The proposal noted that while Costco has changed around the names of its DEI initiatives, they remain rather unchanged in practice. “With 310,000 employees, Costco likely has at least 200,000 employees who are potentially victims of this type of illegal discrimination because they are white, Asian, male or straight,”...
The speech Trump should give at his next rall 3 replies
Posted by Msquared112 9/7/2024 1:34:35 PM Post Reply
President Trump can handle himself just fine, but I would especially love to see him win over the Black community bigly and sweep this election handily. To this end, I humbly offer the Trumpster the following speech for his perusal: “Americans of all colors, I have a message for you. Are you tired of being talked down to by white people or black people affecting phony black or Southern accents? Are you tired of violence in your neighborhoods and are you tired of being unable to call the cops because Democrats have cut services and defunded the police?
The Death of Truth is Killing America 6 replies
Posted by Msquared112 8/25/2024 6:49:38 AM Post Reply
Lies abound: Men can be women, men can menstruate and nurse babies, America is racist, the incompetent should be elevated while the competent get shoved off a cliff. Universities are educating, Trump threatens democracy, Democrats can fix what’s wrong. Kamala is fit to be POTUS, Tim Walz is normal, and DEI isn’t reparations and the theft of merit.
The absolute, extreme, extraordinary,
weirdness of the left
7 replies
Posted by Msquared112 8/4/2024 5:10:47 PM Post Reply
The American media and political class have a new mantra: Conservatives and Republicans are weird. We’re weird? Seriously? They can say that with a straight face? I’ll tell you what’s really weird. What’s weird is men in women’s clothing, sometimes with mustaches, being placed in high positions in our government. Some of them steal suitcases and clothing. What’s weird is Drag Queen Story Hour, where men dressed as women, often in scanty prosti-suits, gyrating on stage for very young boys and girls, are accompanied by their approving parents.
Kamala's Chances 12 replies
Posted by Msquared112 7/5/2024 6:13:01 AM Post Reply
Talk about failing upward. Recent reports that everyone’s favorite Vice President is about to enjoy a major career enhancement should remove any doubt of a divine power intent upon intervening on America’s behalf. Nixon had his Ford insurance policy to shield against impeachment. The thought of that dummy becoming president was supposed to shield against Nixon’s enemies defenestrating him. How well did that work out? Saint Kamala of California was supposed to be Biden’s Ford. It is beginning to look like this analogy is becoming more true than anyone could have anticipated.
The media loses the game 5 replies
Posted by Msquared112 7/5/2024 6:09:45 AM Post Reply
POTATUS (hat tip to BEEGE WELBORN of Hot Air) is suddenly persona non grata after his strabismus-inducing debate performance. Well, maybe not so suddenly. Everyone with a scintilla of firing neurons knew that Joe Biden was not all there. Excuses to the contrary fall on bored and jaded ears. The media made their Biden-bed and now that they are forced to lie in it, they pretend that we put the bedbugs in it. No, their own dirt attracted those bedbugs, so they have no excuse for blaming anyone else.
The deliberate murder of virtue 5 replies
Posted by Msquared112 7/3/2024 8:15:53 AM Post Reply
For decades, the American Left has been making a deliberate and successful attempt to kill virtue. Much of what they do demonstrates a disregard for normal traditional American virtues such as decency, consideration, productivity, respect, decorum, honor, and moderation. The truly virtuous would never dream of announcing their sexual preferences in public. The only reason to do that is to draw attention to yourself and your private parts. Every year, San Francisco offers a sickening public street festival called Up Your Alley for the gay bondage, discipline and sadomasochism subculture. If you dare to look it up (I cannot bring myself to include the link), beware. Just … beware.
Be Careful, Donald 17 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/29/2024 1:49:55 PM Post Reply
I am worried about President Trump. Now that he has demolished Joe Biden in this week's presidential debate, many on the Left would like to see him vanish. Democrats are desperate, and likely to try to stop him by fair means or foul. This tweet from RealClearPolitics founder and CEO Tom Bevan, a hard realist who doesn't go into hysterics, is hard to disagree with: (snip) is no secret that assassins are out there (look up “arkancide” and then when you're done with that, ask why security cameras were “malfunctioning” when Epstein “hung himself” in his jail cell.)
Can America defend itself against border terrorists? 5 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/21/2024 2:34:11 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s three-and-a-half-year long porous border has without a doubt allowed some vicious terrorists to enter our country. The odds demand it. It cannot be otherwise, given that almost zero care is being given to Americans and keeping these demons out. For Biden’s reign of error so far, Americans were lied to by Mayorkas and Karine Jean-Pierre, to name only two, that “the border is secure,” “the border is closed,” and “we are watching the border.” Yes, that last was true, they were watching the border; they watched it vacuum up migrants from other countries into our sovereign land and did nothing to stop it.
Will New York die of stupidity? 21 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/13/2024 11:58:52 AM Post Reply
Since the 1960s many of America’s foremost cities, notably Detroit, Newark, St. Louis, and Baltimore have exhibited sharp declines in population, economic vitality, and overall quality of life. Today, other major cities such Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and even New York City may soon join this list. (snip) This “death by a thousand stupidities” is currently occurring in New York City with its attempts to rescue its public transportation from bankruptcy.
The current trend of deeply annoying movie music 24 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/2/2024 6:10:12 AM Post Reply
If you do any amount of movie or TV series streaming via Netflix, Prime or other channels, you may have noticed a truly annoying trend of loud, inappropriate songs in the background of what you’re watching. The singers are almost always bad and the lyrics almost always totally wrong for the content of the movie or series you're watching. I was watching a murder-mystery thriller movie on Prime and suddenly a soundtracker bursts into loud, raucous songs about something utterly unrelated to the plot. I have noticed this trend mostly in the last five years but lately, it has been enough to make me hit the mute button.
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Posted by Harlowe 1/9/2025 12:59:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 1/9/2025 4:11:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 1/9/2025 7:11:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/9/2025 8:01:41 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/10/2025 11:47:24 AM Post Reply
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Turn Out The Lights, Gavin's Party's Over 19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/10/2025 10:06:17 AM Post Reply
If only Dandy Don Meredith were alive to sing the chorus... I'm sure within the ego of California Governor Gavin Newsom, as vast as the acreage of the L.A. basin that's burned, he thinks he's handling this crisis just fine, and that no one will remember this unpleasantness witnessed over the last week. I'm sure he believes his presidential ambitions, unlike so many historic homes, restaurants, museums, and other buildings, still stand. It's over. Yesterday, there was one exchange Newsom had with a mom overcome with grief. She had lost her home. Her daughter lost her school. She lost everything and was apoplectic, as most Angelinos are, at the horrific response
LA Already Shipped Firefighting Equipment
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18 replies
Posted by Harlowe 1/9/2025 2:15:41 PM Post Reply
The Los Angeles County Fire Department shipped equipment to Ukraine in 2022, and now the Biden administration is working overtime to send the country millions more in handouts as wildfires devastate California. [Snip] The fire department donated its own “surplus” supplies to help a foreign regime and is now caught flat-footed without the capacity to respond to the Pacific Palisades wildfire,... [Snip] In a reactionary move...the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has cut a deal with California to reimburse the state for having to hire more firefighters, providing compensation for up to 75 percent of “eligible firefighting costs” for things like equipment, supplies, and mobilization efforts.
There Was a Ton of Drama at Jimmy Carter's Funeral 18 replies
Posted by DW626 1/9/2025 1:24:49 PM Post Reply
Former President Jimmy Carter, who died on December 29, 2024, at age 100, was laid to rest today. Yet, the state funeral at Washington National Cathedral would be one chock full of awkward moments. All former presidents would be in attendance. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were there. In short, it was a high-drama event where most of the VIPs hated each other. Barack Obama didn’t even shake Donald Trump’s hand
Watch Biden's Grossly Inappropriate Response
to the LA County Wildfires
18 replies
Posted by Imright 1/9/2025 4:34:35 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is mentally cooked and almost out the door, but he had to do what presidents do during these natural disasters. The wildfires engulfing Los Angeles County is the second inferno Biden has dealt with. He led Maui burn to the ground and took his sweet time visiting the island, whose residents endured the worst wildfire seen in almost a century. The president was briefed on the raging wildfires that have so far killed at least two people, destroyed over 1,000 buildings, forced 70,000 from their homes, and charred close to 30,000 acres. None of the fires have been contained (via CBS News):
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Posted by Imright 1/10/2025 8:20:11 AM Post Reply
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Report: Michelle Obama Skips Jimmy Carter’s
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/9/2025 9:51:49 PM Post Reply
All living former first ladies attended former President Jimmy Carter’s funeral on Thursday, except Michelle Obama. Former first lady Michelle Obama did not attend because she reportedly had “scheduling conflicts,” journalist Jeff Zeleny told CNN. “She’s still in Hawaii,” Zeleny said, underscoring the lack of an open seat next to her husband. “Mrs. Obama sends her thoughts and prayers to the Carter family, and everyone who loved and learned from the remarkable former President,” her spokesperson told reporters. Because of Michelle Obama’s absence, former President Barack Obama sat in between President-elect Trump and former first lady Laura Bush.
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