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The current trend of deeply annoying movie music

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Posted By: Msquared112, 6/2/2024 6:10:12 AM

If you do any amount of movie or TV series streaming via Netflix, Prime or other channels, you may have noticed a truly annoying trend of loud, inappropriate songs in the background of what you’re watching. The singers are almost always bad and the lyrics almost always totally wrong for the content of the movie or series you're watching. I was watching a murder-mystery thriller movie on Prime and suddenly a soundtracker bursts into loud, raucous songs about something utterly unrelated to the plot. I have noticed this trend mostly in the last five years but lately, it has been enough to make me hit the mute button.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: avital2 6/2/2024 6:26:20 AM (No. 1729375)
glad i'm not the only one who finds this annoying. i guess producers think they are enhancing the experience but i find it loud and disruptive. thanks for posting.
32 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: petrichor 6/2/2024 6:54:47 AM (No. 1729388)
I agree. I figured it was popular music, which I don't listen to, in an attempt to attract younger viewers who don't want to be bogged down with a story.
19 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: franq 6/2/2024 7:40:50 AM (No. 1729404)
Wouldn't know.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 6/2/2024 7:54:16 AM (No. 1729409)
I really hate the dramatic music being added to news items. I guess they think we need something to keep us interested as we read??? It causes me to switch to another site.
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: NamVet70 6/2/2024 8:20:51 AM (No. 1729420)
I usually entertain myself reading books. If you need a soundtrack while you read, you can pick your own.
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: mc squared 6/2/2024 8:31:47 AM (No. 1729428)
YES, awful. The theme through the movie 'Laura' is necessary to the plot. 80 yeas ago.
10 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Catherine 6/2/2024 8:46:43 AM (No. 1729435)
Even more annoying is the fake laugh sound track on some of the videos on Youtube.
13 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: privateer 6/2/2024 8:50:41 AM (No. 1729442)
I resent the laugh track on actually funny shows, like The Big Bang Theory. Maybe it's the producer's way of saying: we figure you're too stupid to know this is funny. Or maybe it adds to the running time.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: chance_232 6/2/2024 8:51:46 AM (No. 1729444)
Now that you mention it, yes. I was watching a movie the other day and thought on more than one occasion, "why are they playing this". It was a momentary distraction on multiple occasions.
13 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 6/2/2024 9:08:58 AM (No. 1729458)
Music in commercials is infinitely worse. That’s why God invented the Mute button.
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: raspberry 6/2/2024 9:49:47 AM (No. 1729483)
I was born nine years after film became talkies and grew up on really great films. My father limited me to one movie a week and I maintained that schedule well into maturity. I have two degrees in Communications and know what films should be. Now, sadly, I never watch films made in the last two decades. Terrible soundtracks and really bad progressive music are part of the reason.
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: RubiconDan 6/2/2024 10:17:22 AM (No. 1729506)
This goes along with the in your face insertion of black people into all commercials along with finding homosexual people kissing, laughing, and cavorting through movies, commercials, and everywhere else. Try to find an intelligent healthy white man anywhere on TV as all white men are either portrayed as idiots submissive to their wives who are actually in charge of all life decisions or go along background characters.
20 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: chumley 6/2/2024 10:20:35 AM (No. 1729511)
I understand the laugh track. Laughter is contagious. When people are laughing our natural impulse is to laugh along with them, regardless of how not funny the subject might be. Sitcoms have used that device for decades to make up for bad writing.
4 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Strike3 6/2/2024 10:40:14 AM (No. 1729534)
Funny, I haven't noticed it but then I haven't seen any movies made after about 2008 when the woke and perverted stuff started.
6 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: DVC 6/2/2024 11:09:37 AM (No. 1729562)
Affirmative action hires in the movie score department?
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Reply 16 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 6/2/2024 11:12:01 AM (No. 1729570)
In this era of multi-media marketing, any attempt to push a product onto consumers at any time will be employed. Wouldn't surprise me if the next development will be song/artist credits inserted onto the corner of the screen theoughout the movie. Re laugh tracks: A good, high-tech (at the time) idea in the infancy of television. But if a comedy is well-written and well-executed by talented actors with great timing it will stand on its own. Imagine 'The Office' or 'Modern Family' with canned laughter.
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Smartypants1122 6/2/2024 11:15:02 AM (No. 1729577)
This is so true, try watching tv show 20/20, musicso loud I can’t hear dialog so I have to use subtitles and read what’s going on. How do producers not see or hear this???
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Reply 18 - Posted by: jhpeters2 6/2/2024 11:19:29 AM (No. 1729584)
I try to look up the songs being played to determine ownership - usually different from who the composer is/was. Micheal Jackson Estate and Paul McCartney own most of the music you know and may hum along to. It used to be very expensive to use rock n roll for a movie sound track when that music was owned by the composers. Now it isn't relatively speaking. Couple that fact with the knowledge most directors and producers are terrible at creating their product - Netflix movies - voila, terrible soundtracks.
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Reply 19 - Posted by: Kate318 6/2/2024 11:34:26 AM (No. 1729599)
Yes, it is truly awful, along with the irritating trend of using modern, pop culture music in period pieces. Case in point, Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette. Not a bad movie, but the music was beyond horrendous.
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Reply 20 - Posted by: bgarrett 6/2/2024 11:36:02 AM (No. 1729602)
Hollywoods old tired story lines can not compete with youtubers real life adventures. See Matts Offroad Recovery
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Reply 21 - Posted by: Rumblehog 6/2/2024 2:41:42 PM (No. 1729698)
Too cheap Producers no longer pay to commission a music score for a new movie. Those things died in the 1980's. These braindead dolts simply regurgitate some "period" music from the era covered, OR they grab some current street-gang crap and stick it in there to satisfy the cockroaches frequenting theaters these days. Truth is, no one goes to the movies anymore, and especially not for the current Hollyweird crap and at such exorbitant ticket prices. Besides, they use the same 10 actors over and over and over again, oh, and of course the talking cardboard cutout, Samuel L. Jackson, gets lands the "DEI Lead" in every movie made.
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Reply 22 - Posted by: FLCracker 6/2/2024 3:07:14 PM (No. 1729720)
I would dearly love to have a button that would mute everything but the dialog. For some reason, the entertainment industry thinks their sound departments are more intriguing than their script departments and how their actors deliver their lines. Hmmm, maybe they're right.
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Reply 23 - Posted by: formerNYer 6/2/2024 8:00:14 PM (No. 1729861)
I watched very few of the movies that were made in the last 20 years.Glad you told me this will keep that practice more keen.
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: ladydawgfan 6/2/2024 9:25:41 PM (No. 1729908)
RE #6: I LOVE that movie!! I discovered it on TCM and watched it on a lark. Now it's one of my favorite movies!!
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The current trend of deeply annoying movie music 24 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/2/2024 6:10:12 AM Post Reply
If you do any amount of movie or TV series streaming via Netflix, Prime or other channels, you may have noticed a truly annoying trend of loud, inappropriate songs in the background of what you’re watching. The singers are almost always bad and the lyrics almost always totally wrong for the content of the movie or series you're watching. I was watching a murder-mystery thriller movie on Prime and suddenly a soundtracker bursts into loud, raucous songs about something utterly unrelated to the plot. I have noticed this trend mostly in the last five years but lately, it has been enough to make me hit the mute button.
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Posted by Msquared112 5/6/2024 8:01:48 AM Post Reply
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13 replies
Posted by Msquared112 2/3/2024 8:49:45 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Msquared112 12/31/2023 9:17:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Msquared112 12/27/2023 7:37:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/29/2024 1:02:40 AM Post Reply
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