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The deliberate murder of virtue

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Posted By: Msquared112, 7/3/2024 8:15:53 AM

For decades, the American Left has been making a deliberate and successful attempt to kill virtue. Much of what they do demonstrates a disregard for normal traditional American virtues such as decency, consideration, productivity, respect, decorum, honor, and moderation. The truly virtuous would never dream of announcing their sexual preferences in public. The only reason to do that is to draw attention to yourself and your private parts. Every year, San Francisco offers a sickening public street festival called Up Your Alley for the gay bondage, discipline and sadomasochism subculture. If you dare to look it up (I cannot bring myself to include the link), beware. Just … beware.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Red Ghost 7/3/2024 8:40:03 AM (No. 1748714)
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 7/3/2024 8:56:08 AM (No. 1748731)
I remember one of our high school teachers talking about display of affection and sexual activity. He said it was like going to the bathroom. It's normal, necessary for good health, everyone does it. But you don't do it in public!
13 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 7/3/2024 9:14:12 AM (No. 1748756)
If God does not destroy Sab Francisco he should apologize for Sodom and Gomorrah.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Maggie2u 7/3/2024 10:27:53 AM (No. 1748829)
The normals lost when the destructors convinced women it was O.K. to kill their children. It's been downhill since then.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: anotherctyankee 7/3/2024 1:37:50 PM (No. 1748945)
My favorite takeaway fta Don't buy their products, don't patronize their stores, online or elsewhere, and don't tolerate it in public. The boycott is among the most effective tools we have. So is the vote. Demand to know what candidates tolerate
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The deliberate murder of virtue 5 replies
Posted by Msquared112 7/3/2024 8:15:53 AM Post Reply
For decades, the American Left has been making a deliberate and successful attempt to kill virtue. Much of what they do demonstrates a disregard for normal traditional American virtues such as decency, consideration, productivity, respect, decorum, honor, and moderation. The truly virtuous would never dream of announcing their sexual preferences in public. The only reason to do that is to draw attention to yourself and your private parts. Every year, San Francisco offers a sickening public street festival called Up Your Alley for the gay bondage, discipline and sadomasochism subculture. If you dare to look it up (I cannot bring myself to include the link), beware. Just … beware.
Be Careful, Donald 16 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/29/2024 1:49:55 PM Post Reply
I am worried about President Trump. Now that he has demolished Joe Biden in this week's presidential debate, many on the Left would like to see him vanish. Democrats are desperate, and likely to try to stop him by fair means or foul. This tweet from RealClearPolitics founder and CEO Tom Bevan, a hard realist who doesn't go into hysterics, is hard to disagree with: (snip) is no secret that assassins are out there (look up “arkancide” and then when you're done with that, ask why security cameras were “malfunctioning” when Epstein “hung himself” in his jail cell.)
Can America defend itself against border terrorists? 5 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/21/2024 2:34:11 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s three-and-a-half-year long porous border has without a doubt allowed some vicious terrorists to enter our country. The odds demand it. It cannot be otherwise, given that almost zero care is being given to Americans and keeping these demons out. For Biden’s reign of error so far, Americans were lied to by Mayorkas and Karine Jean-Pierre, to name only two, that “the border is secure,” “the border is closed,” and “we are watching the border.” Yes, that last was true, they were watching the border; they watched it vacuum up migrants from other countries into our sovereign land and did nothing to stop it.
Will New York die of stupidity? 21 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/13/2024 11:58:52 AM Post Reply
Since the 1960s many of America’s foremost cities, notably Detroit, Newark, St. Louis, and Baltimore have exhibited sharp declines in population, economic vitality, and overall quality of life. Today, other major cities such Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and even New York City may soon join this list. (snip) This “death by a thousand stupidities” is currently occurring in New York City with its attempts to rescue its public transportation from bankruptcy.
The current trend of deeply annoying movie music 24 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/2/2024 6:10:12 AM Post Reply
If you do any amount of movie or TV series streaming via Netflix, Prime or other channels, you may have noticed a truly annoying trend of loud, inappropriate songs in the background of what you’re watching. The singers are almost always bad and the lyrics almost always totally wrong for the content of the movie or series you're watching. I was watching a murder-mystery thriller movie on Prime and suddenly a soundtracker bursts into loud, raucous songs about something utterly unrelated to the plot. I have noticed this trend mostly in the last five years but lately, it has been enough to make me hit the mute button.
The EPA has given $50,000,000 to a radical
leftist, pro-Hamas organization
16 replies
Posted by Msquared112 5/27/2024 6:18:15 AM Post Reply
I’ve just caught up with a video of Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R. WV) explaining how $50 million from the $40 billion that Congress allocated to the chimera of climate change remediation ended up in the hands of radical activists. This isn’t necessarily the EPA’s fault. It’s simply how the system operates...and that needs to change. The grossly misnamed Inflation Reduction Act included handing $40 billion to the Environmental Protection Agency for it to allocate to organizations that promise to help save the environment from climate change.
The left is a shark: It dies if it stops moving 9 replies
Posted by Msquared112 5/26/2024 8:11:01 AM Post Reply
What differentiates the radical left from conservatives is that leftists will die if they stop trying to change things. They, like sharks, cannot survive if they stop moving ahead. They call it “progressivism,” but it is studied destruction. It’s what physicists call “entropy” or disorder. Leftists must change things for the sheer thrill of exerting destructive and revisionist power over others. It’s a recessive entropy gene. Entropy is disorder, chaos, the breaking down of things. In politics and culture, it is the deliberate collapsing of structures or systems that have worked well.
Bagel holes as a metaphor for your wallet
under Biden
3 replies
Posted by Msquared112 5/22/2024 9:19:06 AM Post Reply
To my chagrin, my "everything bagel" hole from a well-known commercial bagel maker is now three times the size of what it was last week. Where there was often no hole at all to sometimes being the size of a dime, the holes are now large enough to pass a shot glass through, leaving very little actual dough. (Bear with me here). I see this as yet another transfer from my wallet to Joe Biden's wallet. Or to the DEI reparations fund. As in all things government, we get screwed while our profligate government gets more and more ...
Jesus, Moses, and Donald Trump 11 replies
Posted by Msquared112 5/19/2024 5:49:52 AM Post Reply
All three of these men led their people out of slavery and into freedom. (snip) Donald Trump, while quite different in personality and means from Moses and Jesus, seems to clearly have the hand of God’s providence and provision on his life. Because it is Trump’s plan to deliver his people, the citizens of America, from the slavery of tyrants, Pharaohs, and other power-seekers and evil men, he is being pursued, attacked, vilified, ridiculed, pilloried, lied about, and unjustly accused. The jackals plan to crucify him any way they can because he has shown the enslaved People that life can be different: more prosperous, more secure, more pleasant and more sensible.
A DEI military cannot protect or defend America 16 replies
Posted by Msquared112 5/6/2024 8:01:48 AM Post Reply
DEI has infiltrated our American military like a deadly toxin, making it incapable of defending our shores or our country. The higher-ups in the American armed forces have somehow succumbed to a racist philosophy that recruits, promotes, hires, and rewards black, brown, and Hispanic members at the expense of white people, who need not apply. Word is out: White people will not be hired or promoted according to merit, nor will they even be allowed to function the way other races function so long as DEI has a branch in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or any other American defense mechanism.
I don’t care about your color or with
whom you sleep
13 replies
Posted by Msquared112 2/3/2024 8:49:45 AM Post Reply
Far too many cultural changes for the worse have happened because far too many people bought the “diversity is our strength” and the “love is love” mantras. Both are cultural poison because both drag your attention away from a person’s character and merit and play to narcissism. Many people of color have come to believe in and rely on their skin color as the sole determinant of their worthiness. Implicit in this belief is that dark skin is good, white skin is bad.
The Corruption of Everything 4 replies
Posted by Msquared112 12/31/2023 9:17:12 AM Post Reply
The justice system has been corrupted by partisan politics to the point where Republicans and conservatives are persecuted and prosecuted at a level far higher than anyone else. We on the right can reliably depend on being prosecuted for “misgendering,” contributing to conservative causes, being a Christian or a Jew, speaking out against the barbaric transing of children, defending ourselves with a firearm, and not being a Democrat. We can depend upon getting arrested for protesting peacefully as the corrupt “Justice” Department singles us out for jail, bankruptcy, or keeping us off election ballots, while really destructive rioters go free.
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Watch fists fly during all-out brawl between
female passengers on Carnival cruise:
‘Got out of hand very, very quickly’
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Posted by mc squared 7/4/2024 10:33:59 AM Post Reply
Viral video captured the moment chairs and fists went flying during a wild brawl aboard a Carnival cruise ship, as security officers tried in vain to douse the melee. The high-seas scuffle erupted aboard the Carnival Paradise on the last night of a five-day cruise to Central America in early June — adding turbulence to an otherwise idyllic voyage, said passenger Nick Richardson, who shot the footage after coming up on the scene. “This is just what happens at 3 in the morning when you got a bunch of drunk girls from Tampa,” said Richardson, 43, who was on the cruise with his fiancee and three children.
Biden at 81: Often sharp and focused but
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/4/2024 8:47:07 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden's conduct behind closed doors, in the Oval Office, on Air Force One and in meetings around the world is described in the same dual way by those who regularly see him in action. He is often sharp and focused. But he also has moments, particularly later in the evening, when his thoughts seem jumbled and he trails off mid-sentence or seems confused. Sometimes he doesn't grasp the finer points of policy details. He occasionally forgets people's names, stares blankly and moves slowly around the room. Biden’s occasional struggles with focus may not be unusual for
House Democrat is proposing a constitutional
amendment to reverse Supreme Court’s
immunity decision
32 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 7/4/2024 6:54:58 AM Post Reply
A leading House Democrat is preparing a constitutional amendment in response to the Supreme Court’s landmark immunity ruling, seeking to reverse the decision “and ensure that no president is above the law.” Rep. Joseph Morelle of New York, the top Democrat on the House Administration Committee, sent a letter to colleagues informing them of his intent to file the resolution, which would kickstart what’s traditionally a cumbersome amendment process. “This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do — prioritize our democracy,” Morelle said in a statement to AP. In referring to Donald Trump, Morelle said the former president “must be held accountable for his decisions.
Exclusive: President Kamala? Why Democrat
insiders fear it's now INEVITABLE that
Harris will replace Biden... as new Daily
Mail poll reveals how she stacks up against Trump
28 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 9:49:18 AM Post Reply
Democrats have a ready-made replacement if Joe Biden stands aside before November's election. She's been vetted. Her election would be historic. And she would easily take up the Biden mantle. There's one problem: Her name is Kamala Harris and by every measure she is the most unpopular vice president in American history – and among the least likely people to defeat Donald Trump in a general election fight. But Democrats may be stuck with her anyway. Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile explained the party's challenge most succinctly.
Biden tells Dem governors he needs more
sleep, no events after 8 p.m.: report
26 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 7/4/2024 3:16:30 PM Post Reply
President Biden told a gathering of nearly two dozen Democratic governors at the White House Wednesday night that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours — and even avoid events held after 8 p.m. — despite indications he can only handle the rigors of the job between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Biden’s acknowledgment was reported by the New York Times, citing two people who took part in the high-stakes meeting and others who were briefed on the comment.
Intruder Allegedly Lunges at Shotgun-Wielding
Homeowner, Dies from Gunshot Wound
26 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/3/2024 2:57:20 PM Post Reply
A San Antonio, Texas, homeowner armed with a shotgun killed an alleged intruder who reportedly lunged at him just before 1:00 a.m. Sunday. CBS Austin reported that the alleged intruder came to the front door seeking entry to the home, and the homeowner told him to leave. The alleged intruder then reportedly sought entrance again, and was again told to leave. Thereafter, the homeowner “heard noises in the backyard and upon investigation, encountered the same man.” The homeowner then grabbed his shotgun and was standing with his wife when the intruder allegedly lunged at him. The homeowner fired one round, fatally wounding the alleged intruder.
Washington Post: Justice Department to
pursue Trump prosecutions past the election,
even if he wins
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/3/2024 9:37:15 AM Post Reply
Justice Department officials will continue to pursue the federal criminal cases against Donald Trump past Election Day, even if he wins, The Washington Post reported Tuesday. The plan is due to a view that DOJ rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would not kick in until Inauguration Day in January, people familiar with the discussions told The Post. (snip) Officials who were not part of the special counsel’s deliberations told CNN they believed the long-standing DOJ policy against criminally charging a sitting president does not extend to a president-elect.
‘President’ Kamala Harris is ‘the
future of the Democratic Party,’ White
House says
24 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2024 6:22:03 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris is “the future of the Democratic Party,” the White House declared Wednesday as leading Democrats and their allies position themselves to replace President Biden as the party’s nominee if the 81-year-old president steps aside. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre pronounced Harris as Biden’s political heir, at one point referring to her as “president,” when asked about his 2020 campaign remark that he would be a “transitional” candidate. “One of the reasons why he picked the vice president, President [sic] Kamala Harris, is because she is indeed the future of the party,” Jean-Pierre said at her regular briefing.
Seven Biden Staffers Leak Support for
Kamala Harris to Replace Joe Biden
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/3/2024 1:04:43 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is the top alternative to replace President Joe Biden atop the Democrat ticket, seven senior sources from the Biden campaign, the White House, and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) told Reuters Wednesday. The leak to Reuters represents frustration within the Biden campaign, which is reeling from a poor debate performance and subsequent calls for Biden to drop out of the race. This is the fourth damning leak against Biden in two days. Previous leaks highlighted information about Biden’s nap schedule during debate prep, fear among staffers to speak to Biden due to anger flashes, and former President Barack Obama’s concern
French ‘feminists’ don skirts, go
topless, and start mopping the floors
in protest of the ‘far-right’ winning
at the ballot box
23 replies
Posted by DVC 7/4/2024 6:32:23 PM Post Reply
Nudity warning, but this video perfectly sums up the utter stupidity that’s apparently a shared trait between leftist women in the West: They’ve got their bare boobs out, doing “housework” in a skirt and heels, looking cute enough with their makeup, all without the financial stability and safety net of a provider husband because…they’re mad about electoral results. Seriously, if you’re going to become a cliché male fantasy, at least get the serious benefits that a man brings to the table as a partner. Why give all that up for nothing in exchange? If the relationship between men and women is all so gross and transactional, as leftist feminism routinely implies
Democrat Governors Issue Messages of Support
for Biden: ‘Time to Have His’ Back
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/4/2024 12:19:12 AM Post Reply
Democrat governors issued messages of support for President Joe Biden amid mounting concerns of Biden remaining the party’s presidential nominee after his debate performance. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) were among the governors who issued messages of support for Biden after having a call both virtually and in person with Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Other Democrat governors who had been on the call were Gov. Wes Moore (D-MD), Gov. Maura Healey (D-MA), Gov. Ned Lamont (D-CT), and Gov. Katie Hobbs (D-AZ). Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser was also on the call, according to Deadline. “I have three words from the President tonight — he’s all in,”
Joe Biden Threatens to Send Out Attorneys
General to Go After Grocers in Plan to
Combat His Food Inflation Crisis
22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2024 9:56:34 PM Post Reply
Grocery prices are soaring thanks to Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend policies. The US economy is in bad shape because of Joe Biden’s war on domestic oil and the ‘Green New Deal’ disguised as the ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’ Moody’s Investors Service recently cut the US’s outlook to negative. Moody’s lowered its ratings outlook on the US government citing high interest rates, government spending, and deficits. (Photo) Inflation is still high, grocery prices are up more than 19%, gas prices are still high and more than 15 million illegal aliens have poured over the border since Biden was installed in January 2021.
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