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Joe Biden Is No Longer In Touch With Reality

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Posted By: Hazymac, 12/29/2024 8:50:15 AM

Is President Joe Biden making any decisions anymore? Who knows? Probably not. Heck, it was debatable from day one whether he was the one actually in charge of his administration. Well, now he’s made it crystal clear that he’s utterly disconnected from reality. According to White House insiders, Biden is reportedly lamenting his decision to to drop out of the presidential election, and—try not to laugh—he still believes he could have easily defeated Donald Trump had he stayed in the race. Joe Biden regrets having pulled out of this year’s presidential race and believes he would have defeated Donald Trump in last month’s election –

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Reply 1 - Posted by: downnout 12/29/2024 8:53:15 AM (No. 1862795)
As if we needed more proof that Democrats lie….
27 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: voxpopuli 12/29/2024 8:58:37 AM (No. 1862801)
".. it was debatable from day one whether he was the one actually in charge of his administration." the ukraine, china and any other countries that were bribing/blackmailing him have been in control since day one.. allied with the EU/NWO/Hollywood/Deep State.. list goes on..
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: red1066 12/29/2024 9:13:50 AM (No. 1862810)
You're just noticing this now? I suspect Biden has been mentally removed from reality since before 2019.
37 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 12/29/2024 9:18:26 AM (No. 1862811)
Joe Biden left reality in his rear view mirror decades ago. The only reason that he made it to the presidency is because democrats work to a different set of standards. i.e. corruption, spending money and self-serving policies.
34 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Hazymac 12/29/2024 9:21:44 AM (No. 1862812)
When Biden regaled a friendly crowd with his anecdotes about Corn Pop, the straight razor, the chain, and his hairy legs that kids in the pool liked to rub down, his dementia couldn't have been more clear, and that was well before the 2020 election. He's bound for the box pretty soon, and for a place of no illusions where everything is clear. See ya, Joe. I wouldn't want to be ya.
35 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: udanja99 12/29/2024 9:21:49 AM (No. 1862813)
No longer? According to demonicrat donors and WH staff, he hasn’t been making decisions since the basement campaign of 2019/2020. On Day One, they piled a bunch of EOs on the Resolute Desk and told him to sign them. And the only thing that has changed is that he probably is no longer able to write his own signature. Thus the auto penning of a bunch of pardons and commutations while he was on his latest vacation. If he truly believes that he could have beat Trump, he doesn’t just have advanced dementia, he’s had a psychotic break.
34 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 12/29/2024 9:44:42 AM (No. 1862822)
Delusions are nothing new for Despicable Joe. He still believes - - that there was a mean black dude named Corn Pop - - whom he whupped behind the school gym 65 years ago. And he also believes that he's a 6-handicap golfer. The only thing which matches his delusion - - is his evilness. That's why he's so fondly known as Despicable Joe.
33 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Venturer 12/29/2024 9:57:24 AM (No. 1862823)
There is every possibility that he could have beaten Donald Trump, and the morons would have in effect elected Kamala Harris. No way in hell could he have been hidden for another 4 years. IMO he will be visiting a funeral parlor from the back door before another 4 years is up. He is already above the normal life span of 79 and in bad health. has already had 2 strokes and brain surgery.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: JrSample 12/29/2024 10:12:05 AM (No. 1862829)
His executive orders, pardons, and commutations should be challenged in court. As part of the legal process he should be required to take a cognitive test. When it indicates that he has been mentally incapacitated during much of his term, then they are no longer legally binding.
20 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Italiano 12/29/2024 10:25:08 AM (No. 1862832)
So? That makes him a mainstream Democrat.
10 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: czechlist 12/29/2024 10:31:43 AM (No. 1862839)
and Jerry Jones thinks he can win another Super Bowl egos have no limit
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: gwholmessr 12/29/2024 10:36:48 AM (No. 1862843)
Matt did you wake today and just realize this..
5 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: FunOne 12/29/2024 10:39:37 AM (No. 1862844)
In a crooked election: Biden 1, Trump 0. In a reasonably honest election: Trump 1, Biden 0. There is no way a cellar dweller candidate could win an honest election.
11 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: sanspeur 12/29/2024 10:40:01 AM (No. 1862845)
the article pretty much “click -bait” with info pretty much visible for any observer..Only now is it safe for the press to call out the elderly ole feller ..correction biden-harris -obama ticket ..
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: New Mexico Rider 12/29/2024 10:41:12 AM (No. 1862846)
The last sentence in the article "...could have one proves..." the word 'one' should have been 'won' demonstrates the uselessness of spell check and makes me think that a good proofreader is always a good idea. Otherwise an excellent article.
7 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 12/29/2024 10:43:09 AM (No. 1862848)
One thing I have been trying to understand is how Slo Joe can be mentally incompetent and at the same time be some criminal kingpin masterminding all kinds of dirty deals. The answer is look at the people he surrounded himself with. Joe may have been masterminding the dirty deals when he was VP, but doubtful in the last four years. So, who has been making the decisions in the last four years? For starters, Jill and Hunter Biden. Isn't that a sickening thought. One has to wonder how much they had to do with the deals with Joe being a vegetable. That means others were making the deals. The other group was all those radical leftists he surrounded himself with who think of themselves as enlightened and entitled. No doubt they are as corrupt as the Bidens and wanted their cut. Eventually they pushed the Bidens to the side. There is no honor among thieves. They took everything for themselves. The looter mentality in action. That's the mentality that has been running the Whitehouse the last four years. Who is top in that group of radical leftists? Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer come to mind. Also, all the billionaire leftists that have access to them and tell them what to do. No doubt there are others.
13 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 12/29/2024 10:46:30 AM (No. 1862851)
He never was. He's always been a puppet. Just make sure he gets his daily dose of pablum and he will do anything. He's been bought and paid for over and over again.
11 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 12/29/2024 11:02:32 AM (No. 1862858)
The biggest story here transcends Biden or Harris. It is that the dem party would put such losers up for election. Beyond that, how many people in the Biden administration, and who have been shown to be completely incompetent, have run for president. Going further, how many Congressional reps are obvious fools? How about the 3 dem stooges on the SCOTUS who have embarrassed themselves with their numerous statements of idiocy? The above defines the dems as a party of incompetence, none of whom should be let near government of any form. It's also tragic that so many voters think that these dolts are worth voting for. This isn't a matter of differences in governing philosophy. The people they are voting for are dangerously incompetent. They are given votes because they are labeled as dems. They might as well drag out real donkeys as candidates.
10 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: justjoe1237 12/29/2024 11:37:44 AM (No. 1862870)
Of the countless scandals the Biden administration has perpetrated on America, this is the very worst. It is treasonous. His cabinet, his political allies, his press secretary, the media, Hollywood, his family – all knew that he was senile. And they created a cover-up that went on for years. In which they left America leaderless in a very dangerous world.
9 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 12/29/2024 12:08:46 PM (No. 1862890)
And Biden the cheater didn't win in 2020.
18 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Strike3 12/29/2024 12:42:55 PM (No. 1862914)
If you lost friends just as I did over their support for Joe Biden in 2020, make sure they stay lost. Anybody who saw this man as presidential material has a faulty mind and no variety of excuses for supporting him is valid or in the realm of sanity. They may have seemed intelligent but deep down they are flawed and best avoided.
11 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DVC 12/29/2024 12:58:23 PM (No. 1862931)
He's been off in Dementia Land for several years now. This isn't really news.
10 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: rytwng 12/29/2024 2:43:44 PM (No. 1862972)
Biden's a idiot and low life white trash. The sooner he takes a dirt nap the better.
5 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 12/29/2024 5:26:54 PM (No. 1863054)
Hey, Matt: That MIGHT have been news to us five years ago. ;-)
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Reply 25 - Posted by: mifla 12/30/2024 5:02:28 AM (No. 1863248)
I don't think the Carter family will let him give the eulogy at Jimmy's funeral, despite Joe saying that he was asked by Jimmy to do so. Look for Bill Clinton to do the honors, while Joe looks at his watch.
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Reply 26 - Posted by: MickTurn 12/30/2024 10:44:04 AM (No. 1863478)
This headline is at least 10 years late!
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Posted by Hazymac 12/30/2024 6:11:58 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/30/2024 1:11:14 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/30/2024 8:39:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/29/2024 3:50:49 PM Post Reply
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Joe Biden Is No Longer In Touch With Reality 26 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/29/2024 8:50:15 AM Post Reply
Is President Joe Biden making any decisions anymore? Who knows? Probably not. Heck, it was debatable from day one whether he was the one actually in charge of his administration. Well, now he’s made it crystal clear that he’s utterly disconnected from reality. According to White House insiders, Biden is reportedly lamenting his decision to to drop out of the presidential election, and—try not to laugh—he still believes he could have easily defeated Donald Trump had he stayed in the race. Joe Biden regrets having pulled out of this year’s presidential race and believes he would have defeated Donald Trump in last month’s election –
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Posted by Hazymac 12/29/2024 7:31:34 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/28/2024 12:36:52 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/28/2024 10:12:23 AM Post Reply
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Biden Takes Cheap Shot at Trump in Remarks
on Death of Jimmy Carter; Says Trump Should
Learn “Decency, Decency, Decency”
From Carter
37 replies
Posted by Imright 12/30/2024 9:14:22 AM Post Reply
oe Biden took a cheap shot at President-elect Trump in his remarks Sunday evening in St. Croix on the death of former President Jimmy Carter. (Photo) When asked by a reporter what Trump could take from Carter, Biden flashed a Carter-esque toothy smile while saying “decency” three times and then went on a brief diatribe comparing Carter to Trump. The reporter squeezed the question in as White House press wranglers were trying to shut down Biden and the assembled reporters and end the press availability. The reporter’s question was partially lost in cross talk, “Is there (anything?) President Trump could take from President Carter?” Biden answered:
Vengeful Democrats boast about the surprising
way Jimmy Carter's death will affect Trump's inauguration
31 replies
Posted by Imright 12/30/2024 1:09:40 AM Post Reply
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29 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/30/2024 6:01:39 AM Post Reply
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CBS News journalist says most underreported
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Posted by Imright 12/30/2024 1:49:16 AM Post Reply
Veteran CBS News reporter Jan Crawford dinged news organizations for not thoroughly covering President Biden’s “obvious cognitive decline” this year until it became unavoidable during his disastrous debate against Donald Trump over the summer. Crawford, the network’s chief legal correspondent, insisted stronger reporting on the topic could have changed the entire election as she responded to a question from “Face the Nation” moderator Major Garrett about the most underreported story in 2024. “Undercovered and underreported, that would be, to me, Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate,” she said on the Sunday morning show.
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/30/2024 11:12:44 AM Post Reply
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has handed down a ruling in President-elect Donald Trump's appeal of the verdict in E. Jean Carroll's defamation/sexual abuse civil suit against him. In a word: No. The court declined to overturn the verdict. A federal appeals court on Monday rejected President-elect Donald Trump's attempt to overturn a jury's verdict last year that found he sexually abused writer E. Jean Carroll in the mid-1990s. The Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided "Trump has not demonstrated that the district court erred in any of the challenged rulings" and "has not carried his burden
Donald Trump Honors Jimmy Carter: ‘We
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22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/30/2024 1:07:25 AM Post Reply
President-elect Donald Trump honored former President Jimmy Carter upon hearing of his death at age 100, graciously remembering him as a man who did his best “to improve the lives of all Americans.” The president-elect honored the now-deceased former president in a post on his Truth Social account Sunday. “I just heard of the news about the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Those of us who have been fortunate to have served as President understand this is a very exclusive club, and only we can relate to the enormous responsibility of leading the Greatest Nation in History,” Trump wrote. The president-elect then graciously characterized Carter’s tenure,
Matthew Graves, the Biden Regime Henchman
Primarily Responsible for Persecuting
J6 Protesters, Announces Resignation Ahead
of Trump Inauguration
21 replies
Posted by Imright 12/30/2024 4:01:40 PM Post Reply
The Biden regime’s hit man most responsible for the persecution of J6 protesters is out of a job. DC US Attorney Matthew Graves announced today he is resigning from office in a statement: His resignation will become official just days before President-elect Trump is inaugurated: “Serving as the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia has been the honor of a lifetime. I am deeply thankful to Congresswoman Holmes Norton for recommending me; to President Biden for nominating me; and to Attorney General Garland for placing his trust in me.”
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Into DEI, Hosts Federally-Funded ‘Nonbinary’
Rock Climbing Program
19 replies
Posted by snakeoil 12/30/2024 10:32:47 AM Post Reply
The Ohio State University (OSU) spends over $13 million on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) staff and hosts a multitude of “radical left-wing” courses and programs, a report released Monday found. The school spent $13.3 million in 2023 on salaries for its 201 DEI employees, which is the equivalent of the cost of tuition for over 1,000 students at OSU, Open The Books found. OSU also highlights gender and sexuality topics in several courses, such as “Sexualities and Citizenship” and “Queer Ecologies.”
Trump gives complete and total endorsement
of Johnson as Speaker
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/30/2024 10:55:23 AM Post Reply
President-elect Trump offered his complete and total endorsement of Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Monday, days before a House vote on Friday to elect a new Speaker. “Speaker Mike Johnson is a good, hard working, religious man. He will do the right thing, and we will continue to WIN. Mike has my Complete & Total Endorsement. MAGA!” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social. Trump’s public endorsement could be key to a win by Johnson, who can only afford a handful of GOP defections and be elected Speaker. Anger from GOP members about how Johnson has handled various issues
2 dead after search for Sasquatch in Washington
national forest
17 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 12/30/2024 9:27:27 AM Post Reply
Two men from Portland died searching for Sasquatch during Christmas week, according to officials. Around 1 a.m. on Christmas Day, Skamania County Communications Center received a report from a family member of two people who were searching for Sasquatch and were missing after they had planned to return home on Dec. 24, according to the Skamania County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO). A "flock camera," also known as a license plate reader, located the men's car off of Oklahoma Road, near Willard, Washington, SCSO said. Over three days, search and rescue resources, including more than 60 volunteers, canines, drones and ground search
Federal Prosecutors Involved in Trump
Witch Hunts and January 6 Cases Flee DOJ,
Fear They will Go Bankrupt
15 replies
Posted by Imright 12/30/2024 1:06:23 AM Post Reply
The hunters are becoming the hunted. Federal prosecutors involved in the Trump witch hunts and January 6 cases are exiting the Justice Department at a record rate. Many of Jack Smith’s prosecutors also fear they will go bankrupt defending themselves if Trump’s DOJ decides to launch an investigation into the Biden Regime’s weaponization of the department. The swamp is draining itself. The Wall Street Journal reported: Justice Department lawyers who have angered President-elect Donald Trump and his allies are facing tough decisions about whether to stay in government—and how to best protect themselves from threats of retribution
Illinois Board of Education to Use Nearly
$20 Million in Federal Grants on Electric
School Buses
14 replies
Posted by Imright 12/30/2024 3:03:25 PM Post Reply
Several Illinois school districts will be receiving millions in federal grant dollars to purchase electric school buses to replace gas-powered ones, Board of Education officials said. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) announced on December 19 that it had been awarded a $19.9 million grant from a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiative “made possible by President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.”The initiative, called the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant (CHDV) program, is doling out more than $400 million to communities across the country in areas that have been designated as being in “non-attainment” with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
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