Daily Mail (UK),
Alex Hammer
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Posted by
JoElla Bee
12/8/2024 6:50:32 PM
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Pope Francis unveiled the annual nativity scene at the Vatican over the weekend - raising some eyebrows in the process.
A noticeable addition this year saw the seminal scene's baby Jesus draped in a keffiyeh - a traditional scarf used by Palestinians as a national symbol. Jesus was born into a Jewish family in Bethlehem some 2,000 years ago - and his death triggered the birth of Christianity. A statement from the wheelchair-bound pontiff, moreover, saw him humbly ask onlookers for peace in the Middle East, weeks after he called for an investigation into what he said may be a 'genocide' occurring in the Gaza Strip.
Gateway Pundit,
Seth Segal
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Posted by
12/8/2024 7:46:12 AM
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According to The College Fix, “President Joe Biden’s Department of Education has proposed a student loan forgiveness plan to take effect after President-elect Donald Trump takes office in January”
This follows a series of student loan debt forgiveness by the Biden regime.
According to The College Fix,”While the Department of Education puts the estimated cost at $112 billion, one analyst called it a “gross underestimate” and suggested the cost could be five times larger.”
“According to the new proposal, this act would “specify the Secretary’s authority to waive all or part of any student loan debts owed to the Department based on the Secretary’s determination that a borrower has experienced
PJ Media,
Scott Pinsker
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Posted by
12/8/2024 5:13:42 AM
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When your opening line is, “I’m Joni Ernst, I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm,” not only do you have our attention — you’ve got us squirming in our seats. (Ouch.)
Before the castration spot aired, Ernst was struggling to raise money, trailing Republican frontrunner Mark Jacobs by several points for the GOP nomination. Conservative women — including Sarah Palin — found the ad humorous, endorsed her candidacy, and helped Ernst build her war chest. Within months, she was the undisputed frontrunner.
And in 2020, she was elected to her second term in the Senate
Red State,
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12/8/2024 6:47:59 AM
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The re-opening of the Notre Dame Cathedral, which suffered extensive fire damage in 2019, occurred on Saturday, and dozens of world leaders were on hand for the festivities. There was one notable absence, though. President Joe Biden was nowhere to be found. Instead, Jill Biden showed up with her daughter. That alone spurred questions given the president has long claimed to be a "devout Catholic." Yet, he couldn't be bothered to show up for a once-in-a-lifetime event that other world leaders flocked to? Of course, while the White House will likely claim a scheduling conflict (there was nothing on the president's schedule for Saturday),
Conservative Trehouse,
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Posted by
12/8/2024 6:39:53 AM
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This is too funny. For President Trump at Notre Dame, it’s an ordinary walk to his seat, except something happened.
It starts out with Poland’s President Andrzej Duda standing up to greet President Donald Trump. They are friends, and Duda is one of the EU heads of state that is seriously thrilled to see President Trump return (Hungary’s Orban is another). However, after Duda stands things get funny because all the other dignitaries then feel obligated to stand and greet President Trump.
President Trump ended up turning his simple walk to his seat, into a reception line of foreign dignitaries who stood at attention to greet him.
Conservative Treehouse,
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Posted by
12/8/2024 5:00:28 AM
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According to Reuters, “Syrian rebels announced they gained full control over the key city of Homs early on Sunday after only a day of fighting, leaving President Bashar al-Assad’s 24-year rule dangling by a thread as insurgents marched on the capital, Damascus.”
Responding to the situation on the ground, President Elect Donald Trump says we should stay out of it. Meanwhile a joint statement was released from officials from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Russia after an emergency meeting in Doha.
USA Today,
Brendan Morrow
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12/8/2024 5:02:44 PM
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Another CNN anchor is saying farewell. Journalist Alisyn Camerota announced on Instagram Sunday that she is leaving the network after a decade. Sharing a photo of herself behind her desk, Camerota wrote, "Big News, Everyone! − today is my last day on CNN." She did not immediately reveal her next steps but said she would sign off Sunday afternoon on CNN and will share updates with followers. USA TODAY has reached out to CNN for comment. Camerota, 58, joined the cable news giant in 2014 and served as anchor of its "New Day" morning show from 2015 to 2021. The
National Pulse,
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12/8/2024 3:02:23 PM
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In an interview on “Meet the Press,” President-elect Donald Trump outlined his plan for immigration policy, emphasizing deportation for those in the United States illegally. Trump expressed a commitment to removing illegal immigrants, starting with those who have committed crimes and expanding to others without specifying which crimes would be prioritized. This approach may also involve U.S. citizens choosing to leave with family members who are undocumented. Trump’s stance reiterates a key aspect of his campaign platform. He also suggested terminating birthright citizenship via executive action, forecasting potential legal opposition.
American Thinker,
Wendi Strauch Mahoney
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Posted by
12/8/2024 8:22:42 AM
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The final report from Oversight on the COVID-19 pandemic has been released, and and it is clear that the government’s handling of the crisis was a failure on nearly every front. Not only did government officials repeatedly mislead Americans about the origin of the virus and U.S. funding of gain-of-function research, but the various mandates, and the failure to adopt early interventions such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin likely caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
Front Page Magazine,
Daniel Greenfield
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Posted by
12/8/2024 4:49:33 PM
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December is here, the election has been over for a month, Trump has picked out his cabinet and California is still counting the votes. And will go on counting them until the Dems win.
Considering Trump’s landslide victory, California had a difficult task ahead of it, but it has already managed to flip the seats held by Rep. Mike Garcia, Rep. Michelle Steel and just stole the seat held by Rep. John Duarte.
In Duarte’s 13th congressional district, California Dems have taken a month to count a little over 210,000 votes. That’s an impressive achievement considering that the proverbial Florida Man seems able to count the votes on Election night.
Breitbart Middle East,
Joel B. Pollak
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Posted by
12/8/2024 7:34:43 PM
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President Joe Biden delivered a short address from the White House on Sunday, claiming credit for the toppling of the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, who was ousted by rebels after a long and brutal reign lasting decades.
Biden claimed that a combination of U.S. policies — isolating Assad; tying Russia down in Ukraine; and allowing Israel freedom of action against Iran and its Hezbollah proxy — weakened the regime and left it without defenders.
Biden said: Over the past four years, my administration pursued a clear, principled policy towards Syria. First, we made clear from the start that sanctions on Assad would remain in place unless
CBS News,
Jessica Derschowitz
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Posted by
12/8/2024 2:43:24 PM
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John Lennon: Musician, advocate...closet Republican?
The singer's former assistant claims in a new documentary that Lennon was a Ronald Reagan fan and a conservative at the time of his death.
The Toronto Sun reports that Fred Seaman, Lennon's assistant from 1979 until his death in 1980, made the revelations in the documentary "Beatles Stories."
"John, basically, made it very clear that if he were an American he would vote for Reagan because he was really sour on Jimmy Carter," Seaman reportedly told filmmaker Seth Swirsky.