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Scientist calls for Americans to cut off
air conditioning in summer, claiming it
causes global warming

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Posted By: Wetenschapper, 9/7/2024 10:41:16 AM

A scientist is calling for Americans to cut off air conditioning after refusing to use it for 25 years during the throes of the summer in order to combat climate change. Stan Cox is an Ecosphere Fellow at the Land Institute who also believes the U.S. military is an "enemy" to mitigating climate change. He wrote a guest essay in the New York Times on Saturday, "I Swore Off Air-Conditioning, and You Can, Too," claiming that "air-conditioning is making our summers even hotter" due to climate change.


Better idea: cut off this "scientist's" funding year round. It'll save money and have exactly the same effect (none) on the climate.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: earlybird 9/7/2024 10:51:10 AM (No. 1791781)
Ha! You know they'll have theirs on.
38 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: earlybird 9/7/2024 10:53:15 AM (No. 1791783)
Ir was 115 in our part of SoCal yesterday.
28 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: sw penn 9/7/2024 10:55:32 AM (No. 1791785)
44 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: slipstik 9/7/2024 10:55:42 AM (No. 1791786)
Hey! I have an idea! Stan should stop flushing his toilet(s) and then he can drown in his own BS.
50 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: NorthernDog 9/7/2024 10:55:56 AM (No. 1791787)
Let's start with Washington DC. Lawmakers used to flee the city during the swamp-like summers when there was no A/C. Anything to get them away from passing kooky laws would be a good thing.
48 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 9/7/2024 10:56:38 AM (No. 1791788)
Googling Land Institute, I see that it's in Salina, Kansas. Kansas.... or many of the other 49--- in the summertime? No, thanks. The heat must have addled the brain of Mr. "Scientist." Maybe the column was written and published to provoke. I hope he is not taxpaer-funded.
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 9/7/2024 10:57:49 AM (No. 1791789)
Without America, the rest of the world would regress back to stone age. How about the rest of the world getting their own shite together and stop begging us for handouts like vagrants.
23 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: WesternTradition 9/7/2024 11:01:06 AM (No. 1791793)
Yeah, I guess the idiots will be outside the Pentagon protesting against our enemy military.
13 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: NamVet70 9/7/2024 11:07:51 AM (No. 1791801)
Yes, only run YOUR AC in the winter, so maybe we won't have a summer brownout and I can keep mine running.
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: ladydawgfan 9/7/2024 11:12:01 AM (No. 1791806)
I live in Florida. We run our A/C year round so that we can breathe!! This moron can bite my fluffy arse!!
28 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: PChristopher 9/7/2024 11:13:13 AM (No. 1791807)
Uh huh...well...'scientists' can go to blazes...and 'scientists' had better not try to take it away from me, or 'scientists' will wish they'd never been born. The 'climate' would be so much better off without Chinese funded 'scientists'!!!
17 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: chumley 9/7/2024 11:20:31 AM (No. 1791816)
No matter how stupid the idea, it will not be hard to find some scientist sounding the alarm if we dont go along with it. Produce something of value or shut up.
16 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 9/7/2024 11:21:42 AM (No. 1791817)
....and the horse you rode in on, buddy. Total malarkie. Do what YOU want, but I'm using my AC.
24 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: billa57 9/7/2024 11:24:28 AM (No. 1791818)
He wants to be the Anthony Fauci of the climate cult. They both love to force bogus policy on the populace.
14 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: wilarrbie 9/7/2024 11:36:46 AM (No. 1791830)
Hmmm, none of you seem to agree with Expert Scientists. Executive Order to follow.
15 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: leonardo 9/7/2024 11:38:55 AM (No. 1791831)
The NEXT “scientist” will assure us that OWNING a DOG causes global warming and that we need to give up our pets and assure that we adhere to climate predictions to “save the earth.” How many Americans will dutifully adopt this new edict? NONE, even though “cat ladies” WILL INSIST.
12 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Bur Oak 9/7/2024 11:53:30 AM (No. 1791838)
I bet Stan Cox hasn't convinced the Land Institute organization to turn off the AC in their buildings.
14 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: chance_232 9/7/2024 11:55:58 AM (No. 1791841)
Without AC. Half of the country would be undeveloped. And they would be complaining that heating your homes in the great white north causes global warming.
12 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: JimBob 9/7/2024 12:09:30 PM (No. 1791848)
This guy can stick it right where the moon don't shine. First, the whole 'Anthropogenic Climate Disruption' issue is the biggest Scam in human history. Note that 'Mister Net Zero', John Effin' Kerry his own self, wants everyone ELSE to eat bugs while he flies off to exotic 'Climate Summits' with 70,000 other 'attendees; ... no doubt Kerry travels by private jet. Last I heard, Heels-Up Harris followed along to the last 'Summit' ... no doubt in Air Force Two. Second, the USA did a huge changeover from coal to natural gas, and the USA reduced it's 'Eevil Carbon Emissions' more than any other nation on earth. Third, The ChiComs have, for the last few years, put TWO new, large Coal-Fired Power Plants into service EACH WEEK. China burned over Four Billion (4,000,000,000) Tons of coal in 2023, and continues to burn more coal every year..... along with India, Indonesia and a bunch of other countries. link: So, 'Mister Scientist", go tell the CHICOMS, Indians and Indonesians to stop burning Coal!
14 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 9/7/2024 12:20:54 PM (No. 1791857)
If he's a scientist I'm Queen Victoria.
13 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: rytwng 9/7/2024 12:31:17 PM (No. 1791864)
I turn mine off in the winter.This idiot can turn his off in the summer like the jerks that drive around with their windows open in the summer.
10 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: JHHolliday 9/7/2024 12:40:48 PM (No. 1791866)
Not to worry, a few more years of a Democrat administration and the average person won't be able to afford AC anyway. We will swelter in our hovels while the elites stay cool.
10 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Highlander 9/7/2024 12:41:05 PM (No. 1791867)
God gave us the smarts to counter many things in our immediate environment; Modern medicine saving countless lives, as one example. People like this so-called expert think we’re better off living as we did in past centuries, with all manner of disease and pestilence.
14 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Mcscow sailor 9/7/2024 12:44:30 PM (No. 1791870)
Across the US, the total electric energy consumption, annually, for aircon is 240 Terawatt Hours. Across the US, the good old sun (net after cloud reflection) bathes us with 35,000,000 Terawatt Hours of solar energy, annually. Ecosphere Fellow Cox may have a point, but his point is truly insignificant.
8 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: stevendm 9/7/2024 12:47:03 PM (No. 1791873)
Possibly, but it definitely causes household cooling.
10 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Birddog 9/7/2024 12:55:04 PM (No. 1791878)
Ha! Silly scientists miss the simple solution...Just tell people to run their AC with doors and windows open...Two birds, One stone. Why do they never seem to notice, let alone mention, that the natural migration pattern of ALL people, all around this "Warming" Globe is FROM cooler climes to warmer, and has been since long before oil/gas/electricity was commonplace. The average mid summer temps of much of europe is well below the spring/fall and even winter temps in the most popular migration destinations.. Brits are gobsmacked that their "Dangerously HOT, 68-78 degree summer heat waves", are the common settings of Americans AC/Furnace thermostats.
6 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: hershey 9/7/2024 12:56:47 PM (No. 1791881)
Another so called 'scientist' that probably can't find his tush with both hands in the dark...
7 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Starboard_side 9/7/2024 1:03:17 PM (No. 1791884)
Poor delusional "scientist".
6 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: downnout 9/7/2024 1:12:16 PM (No. 1791890)
Keep your damned hands off my AC, you mind-numbed fool.
6 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: mc squared 9/7/2024 1:29:13 PM (No. 1791895)
95/90 all summer here in FL. F-off you imbecile.
8 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: dwa 9/7/2024 1:30:06 PM (No. 1791896)
Just like many judges aren't judges any more but are Democrats/Leftists in black robes, many scientitst aren't scientists any more but Democrat/Leftist who push Democrat/Leftist philosophy and propaganda under the guise of being "experts".
6 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: bighambone 9/7/2024 1:30:34 PM (No. 1791897)
Sounds weird, but clearly Trump would not shut down air conditioners throughout the USA, while Harris would, as she follows that leftist and progressive Democrat climate change political agenda. Remember that when you vote!
4 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: Hazymac 9/7/2024 1:53:51 PM (No. 1791909)
A few years ago after my air conditioning silted up and stopped running on a Saturday summer evening, I knew I'd be without a/c for the better part of two days, and for two nights. The temperature in my bedroom hit 89 degrees, and that's not sleepable. Mr. Cox is an complete idiot, and Willis Carrier, the inventor of air conditioning over a century ago, was a saint for all ages.
10 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: JonR 9/7/2024 1:58:53 PM (No. 1791910)
For the love of God, do we have to be subjected to every crackpot crank and weirdo on the planet? Just because some imbecile shoots off his mouth, does it have to be front page news?
11 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 9/7/2024 2:03:43 PM (No. 1791914)
Is Stan Cox heavily invested in deodorant? Gonna need alot of it if we turn off the AC. Basically, he is saying saving the planet is more important than human lives. Dangerous way of thinking.
6 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: ASAvet 9/7/2024 2:17:36 PM (No. 1791918)
Communists never give up
6 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: Rumblehog 9/7/2024 2:24:23 PM (No. 1791920)
What kind of morons believe such crap? Oh, yeah, it's the same ones who swindle Federal tax payers out of millions a year on "research grants" to be able to say things like this. I would like just ONE of these "warm-monger" scientists to go to the South Pole for a whole year, then come out and say our planet is warming. No temperature increase down there!
6 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: Enoch Powell 9/7/2024 2:35:29 PM (No. 1791925)
Actually, earth has been experiencing a "little ice age" for the past 100-150 years. It has been abnormally cold. Any warming trend is returning to more normal temperatures. What idiots Kerry and his like are. I can understand some scientists wanting to keep their funding by fomenting a crisis, but it's still unethical.
3 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: LadyHen 9/7/2024 2:35:51 PM (No. 1791926)
"Scientist" Stan Cox can shove up his rotorooter!! These evil morons can have my AC when they pry it from my cold dead hands. It was 102 and felt like 108 here just 2 weeks ago. Local charities give out AC and fans just to keep people from dying around these parts in summer! Today however it is a blissful 72, no air on and windows are open.
3 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: BarryNo 9/7/2024 3:05:51 PM (No. 1791936)
Actually, no. 16, I have seen a paper coming to that conclusion: pets contribute to global warming! It like the Babylon Bee: come up with something absurd, to make a point, and the Elites perk up, nudge each other and exclaim, "What a fine idea!"
3 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: jasmine 9/7/2024 3:13:52 PM (No. 1791940)
If climate change was the existential threat we are told it is, why are the biggest promoters of Americans giving up AC, meat, cars and living in the suburbs (AKA Democrats) supporting open borders? The 10 to 20 million illegal alien "newcomers" Kamala and Joe invited in over the past four years are INCREASING demand for what we are told is BAD for our plant. We already had at least 15 million illegals living on our soil before Joe Biden was put in the White House. In addition, these people are increasing our population rapidly, what with free pregnancy and hospital care for every illegal who demands it. If it's incumbent on Americans to give up their quality of life, they might want to start asking their corrupt politicians why they are so determined to help non-citizens have "a better life" while they advocate for their own constituents to give up the quality of life they've EARNED for themselves and their families.
3 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: paral04 9/7/2024 3:37:06 PM (No. 1791947)
Yeah, these scientists all work in air conditioned labs. They just joined the billionaires, you know the ones to commute to Europe in their faster than the speed of jets going to meeting, to decide which bugs the rest of us should eat. If they rally believe CO2 causes Global Warming they need to sail over there and have donkeys carry them up to the top of their lairs in the Alps.
3 people like this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: padiva 9/7/2024 4:16:16 PM (No. 1791960)
With this year's hot summer, my AC ran most of the time. Yup, about $70/month. I figured out how to use solar shades to keep my apartment cooler with the afternoon sun blasting on my sliding door. (The solar shade was expensive but I love it. I can still see outside thru the screen.)
4 people like this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: jimincalif 9/7/2024 4:41:25 PM (No. 1791967)
Like #5 said. First, the feds can ban AC in Washington DC, and California likewise in Sacramento, and then let’s see the EU ban it in Brussels. Then get back to me and I’ll think about it.
3 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: Ditto1958 9/7/2024 6:09:06 PM (No. 1792004)
No. It doesn’t cause global warming.
2 people like this.

Reply 46 - Posted by: Kate318 9/7/2024 6:52:44 PM (No. 1792033)
Get a real job, Stan, and shut the hell up.
5 people like this.

Reply 47 - Posted by: red1066 9/7/2024 6:54:21 PM (No. 1792034)
Turning off the air conditioning will certainly increase the temperature in my world which is my home.
3 people like this.

Reply 48 - Posted by: mifla 9/8/2024 3:40:11 PM (No. 1792484)
Sure, you first.
1 person likes this.

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Scientist calls for Americans to cut off
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Posted by Wetenschapper 9/7/2024 10:41:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/8/2024 1:23:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/8/2024 8:10:21 PM Post Reply
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Black Swans, Orchestrated Chaos and November 5 15 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/8/2024 8:32:07 AM Post Reply
True the Vote the first citizen voter integrity group in the 21st century, was started by Catherine Engelbrecht in 2009. At the time, she had been managing a manufacturing plant that supplied parts to the oil and gas industry in Texas for eleven years. Interviewed last month Patriots with Grit, she explained, “I had never been interested in politics, but after ‘09, I found government was everywhere, my kids school, health care, oil and gas, regulations out of control. How could citizens engage?” Engelbrecht hasn’t been out of court one day since 09, and the pretty blond country club woman today has the stripped down looks of a real fighter.
Byron Donalds Destroys Dick Cheney Over
Kamala Endorsement
14 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/8/2024 5:26:31 AM Post Reply
If you’re familiar with my background with blogging, you know that twenty years ago, I ran a blog called Blogs For Bush to support the Bush-Cheney ticket. I wouldn't be here at PJ Media today had it not been for that experience. So, it was particularly crushing to learn that former Vice President Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris. "In our nation's 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney said in a statement. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him.
Tim Walz Got Caught Lying Again 13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/8/2024 6:24:01 PM Post Reply
It's Friday, so obviously there's another Tim Walz claim from his biography we have discovered is a lie. According to a new report, the latest fiction from Walz involves his academic credentials. Despite his claims of almost becoming “Dr. Walz,” official records paint a different picture. "As recently as 2011, Tim Walz claimed in official biographies for his campaign and congressional office that he was on the verge of completing a doctorate in education, a decade after he enrolled in a doctorate program at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota in the small town of Winona," reports The Washington Free Beacon. "The university, however, told the Washington Free Beacon
As Liz Cheney Endorses Colin Allred, Cruz
Campaign Isn't Fazed
12 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/8/2024 5:04:27 PM Post Reply
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) made headlines recently for endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for president, with her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, doing the same just a few days later. On Friday, the former congresswoman made another endorsement, this time in the U.S. Senate race for Texas. While speaking at an event for the Texas Tribune, Cheney endorsed Rep. Colin Allred, the Democrat running against Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in November. "Here in Texas, you guys do have a tremendous, serious candidate running for the United States Senate," Cheney said, referring to Allred. "I'll be working on his behalf."
George W Bush has finally made a decision
on the 2024 president race - after VP
Dick Cheney's SHOCK move
12 replies
Posted by Imright 9/8/2024 4:28:14 AM Post Reply
Former President George W. Bush has made an announcement about the 2024 presidential election in November - but he's taking a less prominent stance than his vice president. Bush, a Republican who served from 2001 to 2009, said in a statement Saturday that he has no plans to make a public endorsement or voice how he or his wife Laura will be voting. 'He retired from presidential politics many years ago,' the spokesman said, who did not wish to be named.The video player is currently playing an ad. You can skip the ad in 5 sec with a mouse or keyboard In 2012, Bush backed then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
MSNBC Trashes Elon Musk, Urges ‘Collective
Action’ to Get People to Stop Using Twitter/X
12 replies
Posted by Imright 9/8/2024 4:10:14 AM Post Reply
MSNBC wants people to ditch Twitter/X. One of their columnists is even urging people to take ‘collective action’ to get people to stop using the application. In the process, the writer takes multiple unfair shots at Elon Musk. It’s a good thing Musk bought Twitter. He brought free speech back to the social media site and the left will never forgive him for it. In a way, this is just like the ongoing tantrum the left is throwing about the U.S. Supreme Court. They are angry at Twitter/X because they no longer control it.
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