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This Small Ohio Town Is Being Overrun
By illegal Haitian Immigrants

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Posted By: Imright, 9/8/2024 5:09:05 AM

Every state is a border state under the Biden-Harris Administration—even a small town in Ohio with a population of just 56,000. Springfield, Ohio, is making headlines after it was reported that illegal immigrants— specifically Haitian immigrants, are overrunning the small town. Springfield City Commission officials say an estimated 4,000 to 7,000 Haitians have arrived in recent years. During a City Commission meeting last year, community members warned of an invasion of Haitians and the crime they would bring— and they weren’t wrong. This week, a Springfield resident told the mayor that she "can't take it anymore,”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: BirdsNest 9/8/2024 6:31:52 AM (No. 1792216)
They need a BIG can of Raid.
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Venturer 9/8/2024 6:46:00 AM (No. 1792225)
You expect law-abiding immigrants from the Capital of the Caribbean crime world? Dream on.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: RuckusTom 9/8/2024 8:35:10 AM (No. 1792288)
Anyone pointing out that these 'white bread' areas are having non-white third worlders dumped on them (e.g. Minneapolis, Maine, Ohio) will be called a racist.
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 9/8/2024 8:35:30 AM (No. 1792289)
"Told the mayor." What a joke, the mayor was obviously complicit in the sanctuary city action that allowed this to happen. If local leaders were not stupid, this invasion would not happen. Why are so many of the illegal immigrants, supposedly poor and starving in their home countries, so overweight? Haitians have been plaguing Florida for a number of years, they are some of the worst.
20 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: felixcat 9/8/2024 9:20:29 AM (No. 1792319)
I grew up in South Florida and on occasion would see a ramshackle wooden boat (more like a raft) washed up on the beach - a boat that somehow made it to Fl from Haiti. Use to feel sympathy for the Haitians back then (1970-80s) as the Cuban refugees were always welcomed with open arms - the Marielitos being the exception. Not anymore and quite frankly, I am not even in favor of increased legal immigration (don't care what their skillset) and of course, Zero illegals. The Left/Dem Party has so cheapened what it means being American that for that reason alone, they should never win any elected office at any level again.
21 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Rivetjoint 9/8/2024 9:33:36 AM (No. 1792327)
I used to visit numerous nursing homes in a work capacity and discovered that if you're looking for "a place for Mom" I urge people to avoid facilities staffed with Haitians.
20 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 9/8/2024 9:41:38 AM (No. 1792330)
Load them into trucks, take out of town and unload. Rinse, repeat.
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Daisymay 9/8/2024 9:41:51 AM (No. 1792331)
I would say if the Residents of Springfield, OH. have had "enough", how about voting OUT all of those in Power and replacing them with Citizens who are interested is sending the Haitians on their way! Trump says he is going to have the Biggest Deportation anyone has ever seen! Send him a note and tell him to start here! Easier to round them up when their all in one Town!
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: MaxWedge 9/8/2024 10:13:01 AM (No. 1792353)
I don't think I'd wait to vote them out, #8. I'd get a bunch of armed residents to show up at the next city council meeting, and tell the city council members they are all fired. And do the same to the county commissioners.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: mc squared 9/8/2024 11:20:40 AM (No. 1792378)
#4: I noticed that too. They're not underfed.
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Rumblehog 9/8/2024 11:29:20 AM (No. 1792383)
What the Federal government is doing is ILLGAL in ignoring immigration laws and invading small towns to destroy the demographic and turn white towns into black under Federal bureaucratic sleight of hand. The State should put these criminals on buses and move them to DC and restore the town to what it once was.
6 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: The Remnants 9/8/2024 11:50:19 AM (No. 1792394)
I believe that Voodoo is practiced in Haiti.
7 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: TrueBlueWfan 9/8/2024 11:58:15 AM (No. 1792396)
And where is the spineless wimp Gov. Mike DeWine?
7 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 9/8/2024 12:49:02 PM (No. 1792414)
Springfield, Oh is a great Liberal Bastion in an otherwise fairly conservative county. You wanted a Sanctuary City? Well, you got one, now pull on your big boy pants and deal with it, and NOT offload them on someone else...
6 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: FJB 9/8/2024 12:56:52 PM (No. 1792417)
Sweet Barry Obama's Marxocrat "transformers" are busily destroying our nation. Election? What's that? Never hatchee, GI. MAGA Vet.
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: preciosodrogas 9/8/2024 1:15:23 PM (No. 1792432)
"They, whoever constitute "They" are planting these seeds all across America, rural as well as cities. It has the fingerprints of the "Light Bringer" all over it, whether it is as a servant or of his own volition. Certainly, the muslims gain greatly, for in a few short years they will out vote these towns and some cities - like MN. It will fail, it is stupid and godless. Trump intends to rid us of this disease. G-d willing it will be done.
5 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: OhioNick 9/8/2024 3:50:02 PM (No. 1792487)
I read that these Haitians in Springfield are catching and eating wild geese as well as pet dogs and cats.
1 person likes this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: danu 9/8/2024 7:09:15 PM (No. 1792570)
12--in fla --and every where they land, bringing machetes. form a neighbourhood watch-with guns if poss. demand that ponce de-whine bring out the nat'l guard to send them all to barry in kalorama. his libtard friends on martha's vineyard forgot everything, save the plan to 'vote' them out and off the island in 24 hrs. those who won't go, should be marched to the bureaucrats at gun point , to be jailed.
0 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 2:29:11 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 12:59:35 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 1:48:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/9/2024 3:30:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 3:13:13 PM Post Reply
Former Hawaii congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard reacted to former Rep. Liz Cheney’s announcement that she would vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. Liz Cheney clarified that her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, would vote for Harris as well. “I have a very simple message for my Democrat friends, my independent friends, those who may not be sure about who they’re voting for in this election, Dick Cheney has just made the choice very clear, a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney, the architect of everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East for the last few decades,” Gabbard said
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Kamala Harris
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 12:59:35 PM Post Reply
Along with satire, parody, in my not-so-humble opinion, is one of the smartest forms of humor. Parody song-maker Brian Coyne, who recently created a parody video that absolutely blisters Kamala Harris and her never-ending lies, said the Democrat presidential nominee has become “the poster child for flip-flopping.”Kamala Harris has become the poster child for flip-flopping on everything from her ethnicity to policy. She steals policy ideas form her opponent, Donald Trump, while having almost no policies of her own. No wonder she avoids interviews like the plague!
Kamala Harris finally uploads a policy
page to her website 50 days after Biden
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12 replies
Posted by Imright 9/9/2024 3:05:49 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign finally added an 'issues' page to her presidential campaign website - 50 days after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and just in time for her pivotal debate with Donald Trump. The 59-year-old Democratic presidential nominee had been unveiling components of her agenda in some policy speeches and campaign announcements, but has faced criticism for not providing an in-depth platform and for only giving one major interview. The new page titled 'A New Way Forward' includes four sections 'Build an Opportunity Economy and Lower Costs for Families,' 'Safeguard our Fundamental Freedoms,' 'Ensure Safety and Justice for All,' and
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