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Iran: 'Most Aggressive Foreign Election
Threat to U.S.'

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Posted By: FlyRight, 8/27/2024 6:06:05 AM

The Biden-Harris administration has not lifted a finger against Iran for a reported 200 attacks on US troops in the Middle East, which include firing on US Navy ships, closing the Suez Canal, launching a Hamas-Hezbollah-Houthi War against Israel, not to mention the atrocities Iran's regime commits every day against its own people. By ignoring sanctions against Iran and presenting no deterrence, the administration has, in fact, set up Iran to do all of that. The US could probably close down Iran's election-interference activities, but [m]ore to the point, the administration has the same goal as the Iranian regime: it does not want Trump elected, either.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Strike3 8/27/2024 6:56:05 AM (No. 1785539)
For obvious reasons, Iran has become the democrats' best friend in the world. That friendship was bought with billions of dollars and a free pass to practice terrorism any time in any place. Donald Trump is the Great Satan to both of them.
6 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 8/27/2024 7:14:15 AM (No. 1785558)
The main reason Iran is so dangerous is not just because it is fiercely hostile. But due to the fact that it has close allies and supporters in the highest echelons of the US political power structure. A list that starts with Hussein, the Jarrett, Kamala leading to God knows where.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Californian 8/27/2024 8:21:17 AM (No. 1785619)
They're nothing compared to the blatant theft the left pulled off in 2020 right in front of our eyes then gas lighted.
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: JimBob 8/27/2024 12:00:00 PM (No. 1785778)
I'm with #3. The 'Most Aggressive Foreign Election Threat to U.S.' is pocket change compared to the industrial-scale vote fraud being run by the Democ'RATS.
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mifla 8/28/2024 7:36:26 AM (No. 1786188)
Iran hates us and refers to us as the Great Satan. Yet, this administration gives them everything they want.
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Posted by FlyRight 8/29/2024 8:59:38 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 8/28/2024 4:35:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 8/28/2024 10:36:35 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 8/28/2024 10:33:27 AM Post Reply
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How Trump must use the military to smash
the cartels and build the border wall
8 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/28/2024 10:29:23 AM Post Reply
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Where’s Kamala’s Convention Bounce? 4 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/28/2024 7:18:36 AM Post Reply
Two days ago, Nate Silver, the media’s favorite polling “expert” who on election day in 2016 gave Hillary Clinton a 71% chance of winning, said polls had Kamala Harris 5 points ahead of Donald Trump and that “our best guess is that her lead will increase further, especially given that almost none of the polling was done after her strong acceptance speech on Thursday.” Of course, Silver was hardly alone. The leftist media was fully expecting a big bounce in Harris’ poll numbers. So, where is Kamala’s big convention bounce? The Morning Consult found Harris’ lead over Trump unchanged since last Thursday.
RAGING BULL: New J6 Footage Shows Pelosi
Admitting They 'Totally Failed,' Then
Setting Sights on Trump
1 reply
Posted by FlyRight 8/28/2024 7:15:25 AM Post Reply
Newly released video filmed by Nancy Pelosi’s daughter as the events of Jan. 6 unfolded reveals a furious House Speaker admitting that the National Guard should have been called in earlier as the unrest unfolded. However, seeing an opportunity—"never let a serious crisis go to waste,” in the words of former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel—the San Francisco liberal quickly realized that she could use the situation to try to take down then-President Donald Trump. It’s hard to hear what she’s saying because they’re all wearing those ineffective, virtue-signaling COVID masks, but it’s pretty clear that she does admit, “We have totally failed.” You decide:
Iran: 'Most Aggressive Foreign Election
Threat to U.S.'
5 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/27/2024 6:06:05 AM Post Reply
The Biden-Harris administration has not lifted a finger against Iran for a reported 200 attacks on US troops in the Middle East, which include firing on US Navy ships, closing the Suez Canal, launching a Hamas-Hezbollah-Houthi War against Israel, not to mention the atrocities Iran's regime commits every day against its own people. By ignoring sanctions against Iran and presenting no deterrence, the administration has, in fact, set up Iran to do all of that. The US could probably close down Iran's election-interference activities, but [m]ore to the point, the administration has the same goal as the Iranian regime: it does not want Trump elected, either.
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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 8/29/2024 2:41:45 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 8/29/2024 8:02:55 PM Post Reply
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Harris, Walz will sit down for first major
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Posted by Imright 8/29/2024 9:26:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by JoElla Bee 8/29/2024 10:09:10 PM Post Reply
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The Cringe: Animated Kamala Harris Talks
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18 replies
Posted by Imright 8/29/2024 7:54:20 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 8/29/2024 5:37:02 AM Post Reply
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Trump says he wants to make IVF treatments
paid for by government or insurance companies
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15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/29/2024 11:19:33 PM Post Reply
POTTERVILLE, Mich. — Former President Donald Trump said in an interview with NBC News on Thursday that if he is elected, his administration would not only protect access to in-vitro fertilization but would also have either the government or insurance companies cover the cost of the expensive service for American women who need it. "We are going to be, under the Trump administration, we are going to be paying for that treatment," Trump said before adding, "We're going to be mandating that the insurance company pay." Asked to clarify whether the government would pay for IVF services or whether insurance companies would do so, Trump reiterated that one option
Vermont Department of Health urges public
to avoid gendered words like 'son' or 'daughter'
14 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 8/30/2024 1:28:31 AM Post Reply
As the back-to-school school season kicks off, the Vermont Department of Health is encouraging school employees and others to refrain from referring to children as a "son" or "daughter" and instead embrace gender-neutral terminology.[Snip] The agency advised the use of the terms "child" or "kid" to refer to someone's offspring as opposed to "son" or "daughter." "This is gender-neutral and can describe a child who may not be someone's legal son or daughter," the Facebook post reads. 
Kamala's First 'Interview' Was the Dumpster
Fire You Expected It Would Be
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 8/29/2024 10:49:25 PM Post Reply
Did you catch Kamala Harris's first "interview" as the Democratic Party nominee for president? It was pretty much everything you'd expect from an interview conducted by CNN. Lots of softball questions, lots of word salad responses. CNN anchor Dana Bash actually asked some decent questions, but what really struck me about the interview was that Kamala Harris, more often than not, avoided answering most of the questions, and Bash didn't seem to be concerned with getting an actual answer. You knew things were going to be bad when Harris really struggled to give a coherent answer to the cliché question about what she would do on "on day one."
Gang's Takeover of Apartment Complex is
Why People Need 'Assault Weapons'
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/29/2024 9:46:47 AM Post Reply
When people ask why we need so-called assault weapons, most of us default to point out that we don't have to illustrate a need to exercise our rights. That is completely true and I'm one of those who has said it time and time again. We don't, nor should we. If we're required to show a need, then it's not a right in the first place. That was the core issue at the heart of the Bruen case, really. The state demanded someone show a need and the Supreme Court said you can't do that. That extrapolates out to things like AR-15s. But from time to time, we also see a situation
JD Vance Is Crushing It As Trump's Running Mate 12 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 8/29/2024 5:43:05 AM Post Reply
I have to say that I'm liking JD Vance – in fact, he's killing it. Now, I've always liked the guy. I've met him a couple of times and he's not a stiff. He’s a normal human being, as one would expect from an Ohioan (I am one too, despite my California residence for the last half-century). He doesn't have that weird vibe you get from a lot of politicians, that if they take off their suit they'll disappear. The Democrats may think he's weird, or at least claim he is, but that's only because they are weirdos.
Pro-Palestinian Students Take Over U.
Michigan Student Gov‘t, Suspend Funds
to Groups Until Divestment
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/29/2024 12:18:37 AM Post Reply
Pro-Palestinian students have assumed control of student government at the University of Michigan with the return to fall classes, suspending funding for student groups until the administration agrees to divest from, and boycott, Israel. The New York Times reported Tuesday: At the University of Michigan, many student activities are usually funded or subsidized by the Central Student Government, known as C.S.G., an elected undergraduate and graduate council that decides how to dole out roughly $1.3 million annually to about 400 groups.
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