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Here we go again with that hopey-changey scam

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 8/22/2024 8:56:09 PM

Barack Obama was elected in 2008 on his vague promise of “hope and change.” It was a shrewd strategy. He played into Americans’ perpetual dissatisfaction with their elected officials. Who doesn’t want change in the political system, and what better thing to hope for? Moreover, by running mostly on a slogan, he became an empty vessel for people to fill with their individual hankerings. If you hoped that college would be changed to make it tuition free, then Obama’s your man because, after all, he did promise hope and change.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: JrSample 8/22/2024 9:37:45 PM (No. 1783126)
Big problem with the changey thing is that she is the incumbent.
9 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Oldenoughtoknowbetter 8/22/2024 11:23:14 PM (No. 1783170)
If she wins, there will be no joy shopping because you will hope you will have some change left.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: halfnorsk 8/22/2024 11:25:30 PM (No. 1783172)
No hopey-changey but, instead, "joy." However, as tonight's speech wore on, Kamala's joy evaporated, and she grew dark and angry and divisive.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: mifla 8/23/2024 6:11:23 AM (No. 1783234)
Moving from dementia to communism is not change. It is national suicide.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: DiegoDude 8/23/2024 6:23:21 AM (No. 1783245)
Kind of like wish in one hand, $hit in the other, and see which one fills first?
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Subsuburban 8/23/2024 7:25:05 AM (No. 1783299)
And yet, she may very well "win" the presidency. (Quotation marks are necessary in order to note the probability that electoral fraud will provide her with any margin of victory.)
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Here we go again with that hopey-changey scam 6 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/22/2024 8:56:09 PM Post Reply
Barack Obama was elected in 2008 on his vague promise of “hope and change.” It was a shrewd strategy. He played into Americans’ perpetual dissatisfaction with their elected officials. Who doesn’t want change in the political system, and what better thing to hope for? Moreover, by running mostly on a slogan, he became an empty vessel for people to fill with their individual hankerings. If you hoped that college would be changed to make it tuition free, then Obama’s your man because, after all, he did promise hope and change.
Secret Service helter-skelter 5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/15/2024 1:13:10 PM Post Reply
The phrase “helter-skelter” has a storied history (not that we’re burdened by the past, anymore). For centuries it meant something like “confused, disorderly and hurriedly.” In my lifetime, it was the name of a heavy-metal song by an overrated pop group out of Liverpool with mop hair and skinny pants. A weird, murderous cult figure misinterpreted their song as a prediction of race war in America, maybe because it was on an album they called the “White Album.” (Yes, “White” was capitalized, and they never did produce a “Black Album” or even a “black Album.”) In short, the meaning of “helter-skelter” over the years has been, well, helter-skelter.
Kamala is not as stupid as advertised 10 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/7/2024 12:35:26 PM Post Reply
In the death throes of his presidency (at least) Joe Biden threw his DEI hire, Kamala Harris, to the back of the bus. Then off it. And then under it. The Worst President Ever promised/threatened that if he were to withdraw from the 2024 race, his $200,000,000 in campaign funds, plus or minus, would go to her. Left unsaid was what everyone knew: She’d waste it because she was unelectable. Joe’s threat became less threatening as time went on and campaign donors went away. Moreover, his physical state became shakier, as did his mental state.
Kamala is not as stupid as advertised 7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/7/2024 12:32:22 PM Post Reply
In the death throes of his presidency (at least) Joe Biden threw his DEI hire, Kamala Harris, to the back of the bus. Then off it. And then under it. The Worst President Ever promised/threatened that if he were to withdraw from the 2024 race, his $200,000,000 in campaign funds, plus or minus, would go to her. Left unsaid was what everyone knew: She’d waste it because she was unelectable. Joe’s threat became less threatening as time went on and campaign donors went away. Moreover, his physical state became shakier, as did his mental state.
Where do you draw the line on biological
men competing in women’s sports?
23 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 8/4/2024 1:17:58 PM Post Reply
Olympic boxing sunk to a new low last week. An Algerian boxer with XY chromosomes – the ordinary definition of “male” – and commensurate male testosterone levels – beat up a woman in front of thousands of cheering spectators. The woman who was beat up had to quit 46 seconds into the match, apparently with a broken nose. In tears, she said in her native Italian “not fair, not fair” and explained afterward that she’d “never been hit so hard in my life.” The XY boxer was declared the winner. Yesterday, the XY boxer won again in a decision where all three judges favored the XY boxer in all three rounds
Does “accepting” gays mean we have
to pay them to mock our religion?
30 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/29/2024 12:27:11 AM Post Reply
Twenty-six years ago, a young man named Matthew Shepard was beaten and strung up on a Wyoming barbed wire fence to die. The beating and murder were because Shepard was gay. The perps were quickly found, tried for murder, convicted, and sentenced to prison. They’re still there. It was a good news story about bad news and was widely reported. But it wasn’t true. It has since been shown that Shepard and one of the perps were in the drug business together. Shepard was due to receive a $10,000 shipment of meth. The perp himself was gay and had been in a gay relationship with Shepard.
Is Joe Biden Dying? 24 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/23/2024 9:26:04 PM Post Reply
I’ll just give the facts: He’s 81-years old. He’s shown a distinct decline in his physical and mental state. The White House announced last week that he has COVID. He was pushed out of the presidential election by people who are familiar with his physical and mental state. He has essentially disappeared since then – for over 48 hours. He apparently traveled to the vicinity of Las Vegas. There are reports that he suffered a medical emergency there, and emergency assistance was called. His handlers refused the assistance, and instead flew him back east, according to local authorities.
And the winner of the pool to predict
the date of Joe’s dropout is . . .
1 reply
Posted by Big Bopper 7/23/2024 9:48:59 AM Post Reply
Readers will recall that a couple of weeks ago, I started a pool to predict Joe’s dropout date. First prize was a day or evening of hiking and drinking with me around, or in, Aspen. (There’s no truth to the rumor that second prize was two days, and third prize was three.) The pool filled and flooded, the dam burst, and I was deluged with more predictions than I can shake a Speedo at, through my two websites and by direct email correspondence. My own prediction was too early by over a week, so at least I won’t be drinking alone.
Joe, did you just break up with us –
by text?
11 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/21/2024 4:12:01 PM Post Reply
One of three things happened this afternoon. Either (1) the Lord Almighty told Joe to quit the race, or (2) the polls said there was “no way” he could win, or (3) he got hit by a train. Because he assured us over the last weeks – most recently the last few days – that those were the only things that would cause him to quit. I suppose there’s one other possibility that he neglected to mention. Barack might have told his butt boy to get the hell out, else Barack would spill the beans on Joe’s family business. So . . . Joe did what Joe had to do.
Is “cheap stuff” the right goal for
our trade policy?
7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/21/2024 2:06:05 PM Post Reply
Economists – who have predicted seven of the last four recessions – will tell you that trade tariffs are bad. The reason tariffs are bad is that they make imported goods more expensive. The money for the tariff has to come from somewhere, so it gets built into the price of the product. So, the effect of an American tariff on, say, televisions made in China is to raise the prices to the American consumer. OK, I buy that. But what does that mean in real life? It means that a family in Peoria that would like to buy a 60” TV might have to settle for a 52” screen.
Trump the Grey has re-arisen as Trump
the White
8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/18/2024 10:22:39 AM Post Reply
I won’t compare the events of last Saturday afternoon in rural Pennsylvania to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. I have a weakness for melodrama, but that’s a bridge too far even for me. But the renewing effect of a near-death experience is old and powerful in literature and life – perhaps especially when the near-death is out of the blue. There’s no anticipation, no nervousness, no preparation. The entire reaction occurs after the event is already over. Then, safe and sound, the person whose corporeal self was nearly extinguished is completely and intensely alive. The only evidence that he nearly departed is his shaking head and trembling hands.
I hear a train 7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/16/2024 11:47:13 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden continues to resist calls from Democrats to quit his flagging reelection bid, and continues to accede to prayers from Republicans not to. Instead, he has set some pre-conditions on quitting that he figures will never be fulfilled. “If the Lord Almighty came down and said, ‘Joe, get out of the race,’ I’d get out of the race,” he said last week. At his rare press conference a few days later, he said he’d quit if the polls said, “There’s no way [he] could win.” He followed that up with “No poll says that” in that creepy, corny stage whisper he has affected.
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Posted by Imright 8/23/2024 4:29:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 8/22/2024 7:31:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/23/2024 3:37:25 PM Post Reply
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21 replies
Posted by Imright 8/22/2024 2:34:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 8/22/2024 10:35:59 PM Post Reply
Cardinal Blase Cupich, the progressive Catholic Archbishop of Chicago, offered the invocation for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) Monday without ever mentioning Jesus Christ. (snip) In his anodyne address, Cardinal Cupich avoided abortion and all other relevant issues in the election to focus on niceness. (snip) Cardinal Cupich has regularly downplayed the centrality of abortion as a moral and political issue, insisting it must be seen as just one element of “a consistent ethic of life.”
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Posted by Imright 8/22/2024 9:49:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/22/2024 12:57:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/22/2024 11:04:30 AM Post Reply
The FBI is investigating an incident at a delegate buffet breakfast at the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago where live maggots were thrown on the food. "Multiple unknown female offenders are alleged to have entered a building...and began placing unknown objects onto tables containing food," the convention's information center said in a statement. "The offenders are believed to have then left the area. One victim was treated and released on-scene. Along with CPD, FBI-Chicago is assisting in the investigation." No one claimed responsibility for what the FBI called an "attack." Got to watch those maggots, man. They can be vicious. "We were all coming down to breakfast, and there were these two women
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