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I inherited $250,000 from my grandmother
when she died - here's how I blew through
it all and ended up living in a rental

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Posted By: zephyrgirl, 8/23/2024 8:16:07 AM

A woman who inherited $250,000 from her late grandmother has revealed how she quit her job, blew through the money and now lives in a rental home. Sarah Faith Jacobson, a 40-year-old corporate consultant in Texas, said after she received the large amount of money she had no idea what to do with it, and 'regrets' how she spent it. Her grandparents were successful Bay Area real-estate investors in the 1970s,


She majored in "Women's Studies" in college. One of many bad decisions she made on the cusp of adulthood.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: JrSample 8/23/2024 8:29:49 AM (No. 1783350)
Summarized; Because she is an idiot.
42 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Venturer 8/23/2024 8:36:04 AM (No. 1783356)
Does the Corporation she consulted for know how lucky they are that she is gone. $250,000 is no problem to blow through, did she really thinks she could live off so puny an inheritance?
32 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: franq 8/23/2024 8:36:45 AM (No. 1783358)
Too soon old. Too late schmart.
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: chumley 8/23/2024 8:36:50 AM (No. 1783359)
Poor people know only how to be poor. One of the tests I see failed over and over is that, when a poor person gets a few bucks, they dont save it. They dont pay down bills with it. They order pizza or go out to a restaurant; arguably the biggest wastes of money with the least payoff. It doesn't matter if you give them a 10 or a million, it always ends up the same way.
33 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: chance_232 8/23/2024 8:39:29 AM (No. 1783361)
My late sister inherited close to a million in property, stocks and insurance. Within 5 years, she was a full blown alcoholic living in a single wide that was condemned after her passing. What she had left would fit in a trunk.
17 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: SRhea 8/23/2024 8:44:25 AM (No. 1783363)
So she is a "lactation" consultant? Doesn't that come naturally? Is there really a college course in lactation studies? I am bewildered that this is a subject that hasn't been handed down through the centuries, millennia? A natural function? Well, I am old and don't know what society has become. Very confusing. Although, even those that win big in the lottery are penniless within a short time. A classic example of not having a life plan.
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: seamusm 8/23/2024 8:51:23 AM (No. 1783372)
Most of us would be just as stupid if suddenly 'in the money'. Lottery winners and retired pro athletes are notoriously broke within just a few years after 'having it all'. The NFL has their new draftees meet with financial counselors but I am not sure it prevents squandering their new-found wealth. In this case grandma was stupid to have gifted her all the money at once and we'd be well advised to leave money to OUR heirs in trust for the pay out to be doled out in less than $250,000 at once.
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Digger 8/23/2024 9:01:44 AM (No. 1783381)
When my Dad died, he left me $250k. I resolved that I would not spend any of it on myself until I had educated my grandchildren, his great grandchildren. I placed it in a special account and bought NetFlix stock. I funded fully or partially the college education of 8 grandchildren and one daughter through various degrees from BS to doctorate, all meaningful and practical degrees. The two youngest grand children are now enrolled in a BS and MS program and I am helping my daughter start her own business. The account is now worth $3 million. I think Dad would be pleased.
57 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Snow Possum 8/23/2024 9:06:32 AM (No. 1783387)
Quitting a job in one's 40's because you came into a quarter of a million dollars? A smart person in their 40's looks at the rest of their life, and the 250K, and says "How many more jobs do I need to take in order to retire with at least 2.5 million". And, a smart person looks at that amount and thinks "That's 250K today, but in 25 years... likely less than 100K worth of purchasing power, if THAT much."
15 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: southernboy 8/23/2024 9:06:36 AM (No. 1783388)
My friend once told me "In your old age.... if you want a Cadillac and can afford a one rather than denying yourself to leave money to your heirs. Because once they get the inheritance they will likely run out and buy themselves a Cadillac that they will not appreciate in the least because it was "easy money!"
18 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Kate318 8/23/2024 9:19:24 AM (No. 1783396)
“When she was young, Jacobson was never really taught how to manage money, except for how to balance a checkbook. She went to college and graduated in 2007 debt-free after her family paid for her bachelor's degree in women's studies.” Mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be liberals.
33 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: hershey 8/23/2024 9:24:15 AM (No. 1783404)
A fool and their money are soon parted....
20 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: LadyVet 8/23/2024 9:30:24 AM (No. 1783408)
This person looks like someone who would be in a women's studies program.
15 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: crashnburn 8/23/2024 9:31:26 AM (No. 1783411)
There are all sorts of books and radio programs that are good at educating people on how to manage their money. That's how I started educating myself about money management. At the most, you should only withdraw about 4% of it's value, yearly. That would mean an extra $10K per year. Ideally, she should find an ethical financial advisor, invest it, and reinvest the dividends until she retires, ideally at 70, to get the biggest SS check possible. She could reasonably expect an average annual return of 10%. The law of 72 says it would double every 7 years. That means the $250K would turn into about $2 million at 70, and two million would generate $80K annually. Not counting her 401K and SS benefits. Who was it said "A fool and his(her) money are soon parted"?
12 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Bassman1911 8/23/2024 9:50:10 AM (No. 1783424)
And she has no shame in telling the whole world just how galacticly stupid she is proving that college doesn’t make you smart.
25 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: bpl40 8/23/2024 9:51:45 AM (No. 1783427)
Doesn't a degree in women's study and "lactation consultant" explain it all?
20 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Rather Read 8/23/2024 10:07:36 AM (No. 1783440)
My former husband got quite a bit of money from inheritance and insurance settlements. I knew from experience that when he had money, his first impulse was to spend all of it and he did. When he died, he had nothing. Just a box of personal possessions that went to his sister and that was it. Nothing for his children.
11 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Are You Serious 8/23/2024 10:15:07 AM (No. 1783449)
QUICK !! She needs a Go Fund Me page to replace all of the money she threw away.....along with an apology from the evil "patriarchy"/
7 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: swarfer 8/23/2024 10:31:59 AM (No. 1783461)
Read the article and you’ll be shocked how irresponsible this is with money, worse than a teenager! The disrespect to her grandparents hard work and values is beyond belief. Even worse are the excuses.
10 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 8/23/2024 10:33:47 AM (No. 1783465)
This is actually a perfect illustration of what would happen if we gave all da homies reparations. They would blow through their windfall in no time flat and find themselves right back at square one demanding more.
16 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Highlander 8/23/2024 11:19:25 AM (No. 1783488)
For blowing off a good job to splurge out Grannie's money, what a ditz! I wouldn't hire her to walk my dogs!
8 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: padiva 8/23/2024 11:27:25 AM (No. 1783495)
In 2011, I received about $18,000 from my estranged husband's estate. I kept working. I splurged on a new laptop (which I am still using). I have paid cash for 2 pre-owned cars. I have enough to pay cash for another car. I live abundantly.
8 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: crashnburn 8/23/2024 11:28:06 AM (No. 1783497)
I spent all of my parents' inheritance, and a lot more, providing my wife 24/7 long term care for my wife after she contracted CJD (think dementia on steroids). She lasted 14 months after her diagnosis. I didn't, don't, and never did regret spending a single cent on her. I figured things would work out. Somehow, they did. God blessed me with great investment returns; considerably greater than what I spent on her. I'd rather still have her than the money, but I am now financially independent. (Still haven't decided if I want to go back to work, or not.) So sometimes you go through money like a blithering idiot, and sometimes you don't have a choice.
12 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 8/23/2024 11:54:29 AM (No. 1783516)
This is exactly what will happen if reparations ever become a reality. The fact that she ended up in Austin tells you all you need to know about her.
11 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/23/2024 12:09:26 PM (No. 1783531)
Yep and Grandma has reserved a Sweet overlooking the "Swimming Pool"...IN HADES for her granddaughter!
2 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 8/23/2024 12:28:51 PM (No. 1783544)
250K. Is that before or after taxes? It's not nearly as much as she thought it was. Thinking of retiring? First total up your savings and value of property you own. Subtract your debt and bills. She didn't retire. She decided to party! What is that saying about a fool and their money? That's what happened. She went through her inheritance and had nothing to show for it. Reminds me of the parable of the Prodigal Son. The prodigal Son ended up living in a pig pen, IIRC. What happens to her when she cannot afford the rent?
5 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Vaquero45 8/23/2024 12:49:43 PM (No. 1783564)
Lemme guess.... she’s a Democrat...
3 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: anniebc 8/23/2024 1:52:56 PM (No. 1783594)
Who quits their job after inheriting $250k?
4 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: mifla 8/24/2024 6:24:02 AM (No. 1783981)
She blew it. Should have kept her job, invested the $250K in a retirement fund. When she hit retirement age, she likely would have been in good shape to enjoy the money and not have to worry about a stupid government driving the cost of living through the roof.
1 person likes this.

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I inherited $250,000 from my grandmother
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Posted by zephyrgirl 8/23/2024 8:16:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by zephyrgirl 2/7/2024 11:19:57 AM Post Reply
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Posted by zephyrgirl 2/2/2024 10:42:28 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 8/24/2024 12:38:21 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 8/24/2024 10:10:58 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 8/25/2024 10:54:18 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 8/25/2024 12:00:21 PM Post Reply
Europe is experiencing a crisis evidenced by a “wave of populism” that threatens European universality, Pope Francis warned Saturday. In a message to participants in the European Alpbach Forum, an Austrian nonprofit foundation advocating a strong and democratic Europe, the pontiff said that Europe is “experiencing a time of crisis,” a time “in which various populist movements are enjoying great popularity.” In Europe, “as a result of this ‘wave’ of populism, some ideals have vanished and some principles, with regard to behavior towards the weaker members of society, have been sidelined,” he added.
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19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/24/2024 7:40:30 PM Post Reply
If you reside in one of four Massachusetts municipalities, the governing authorities are treating you to a fresh set of lockdowns on the flimsiest of pretenses.  Via New York Post (emphasis added): Four Massachusetts towns — Douglas, Oxford, Sutton and Webster — have enacted a voluntary evening lockdown in an attempt to curb the spread of a potentially deadly mosquito-borne disease. The decision comes after the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) confirmed the first human case of Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) since 2020 in Worcester County.
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19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/24/2024 12:23:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 8/24/2024 12:05:17 AM Post Reply
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18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/24/2024 12:12:12 AM Post Reply
Another ‘coincidental’ Secret Service failure that led to the attempted assassination of President Trump. The Secret Service never picked up radios that were set aside for them by local law Butler County law enforcement at Trump’s rally on July 13. Would-be assassin Thomas Crooks was able to climb on top of a roof next to Trump’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally and put Trump in his scope. A bullet grazed President Trump’s ear during his Pennsylvania rally. One rallygoer was fatally struck in the head. Two other rally attendees were wounded, one critically. Bodycam footage shows a Butler Township police officer flipping out after his warnings about Crooks on the roof over the radio went ignored.
Here's the Most Brutally Honest Response
to RFK Jr's Siblings After They Betrayed
Him for Kamala
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/25/2024 7:20:32 AM Post Reply
While Robert F. Kennedy Jr's family has been attacking him over his political beliefs for at least the last year, their behavior since he announced his support of the Trump/Vance presidential ticket has been shameful, to say the least. RFK Jr's wife, actress Cheryl Hines, is standing by her husband even though she doesn't agree with him politically and even though she undoubtedly will pay a heavy professional price for her loyalty and love. It's no secret that her "Curb Your Enthusiasm" co-star Larry David has one of the more severe cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome in Hollywood, and her other colleagues are right there with him.
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Hezbollah fires 150 rockets towards the
Iron Dome
16 replies
Posted by Imright 8/25/2024 2:55:28 AM Post Reply
Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones against Israel on Sunday in retaliation for the assassination of a senior commander in Beirut last month. The Lebanon based militant group launched over 320 Katyusha rockets towards Israel and hit 11 military targets, according to the group. Israeli intelligence had been aware of the impending attack, causing Israeli jets to start an airstrike campaign across southern Lebanon as an act of self-defense before Hezbollah could strike first.
The Kennedy Family at Large Is Trash 16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/24/2024 1:29:47 PM Post Reply
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gave an epic speech on Friday, during which he suspended his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump. And he destroyed the Democratic Party at the same time. "I attended my first Democratic convention at the age of 6 in 1960, and back then, the Democrats were the champions of the Constitution, of civil rights," Kennedy said. "The Democrats stood against authoritarianism, against censorship, against colonialism, imperialism, and unjust wars. We were the party of labor, of the working class. (Snip) But the family at large really outdid themselves on Friday after Robert endorsed Trump, releasing a really nasty statement.
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