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So, That's Why a Major 'Fact Checker'
is Covering for Harris

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Posted By: DW626, 8/12/2024 12:19:03 PM

Since Vice President Kamala Harris was catapulted to the top of the Democratic presidential ticket when President Joe Biden was forced out of his 2024 campaign, her leftist allies in the media have gone above and beyond to scrub her far-left record -- in addition to sanitizing her many failures as a 2020 presidential candidate. PolitiFact, a major "fact checker," has been one of Harris' greatest champions and advocates. They've explained away positions she still holds in hopes normal, moderate voters will take the bait and think she's changed -- that she isn't a controlling government leftist after all.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: john56 8/12/2024 12:30:32 PM (No. 1776905)
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Tim Walz and the rest of the Democrat party and their controlled media whores remind me of arsonists complaining about how easy it is to commit arson. Or bank robbers promoting bank security.
9 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: itsonlyme 8/12/2024 12:58:43 PM (No. 1776913)
PolitiFact and the many pukes that work there
8 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: kono 8/12/2024 1:38:27 PM (No. 1776925)
A PolitiFact-checker is needed, to check the 'checker'. The proliferation of 'fact checkers' is dominated by propaganda-slingers, whose first order of business is to persuade the world that they KEEP truth in reporting, when they really KILL truth in reporting. The political spin cycle has virtually eliminated trustworthy news. Orwell's prophecies were pretty spot-on, but about 40 years early...
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Reply 4 - Posted by: john56 8/12/2024 2:26:05 PM (No. 1776944)
Orwell was dead on right except for three things. 1. The year. 2. The Ministry of Truth isn't a government bureaucracy in a drab diwntown building but ensconsed in pretty pastel Silicon Valley tech campuses. 3. The two-minutes-of-hate has been extended to 24/7 all things hate Trump.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: ladydawgfan 8/12/2024 2:26:29 PM (No. 1776945)
Why does anyone give credit to anything PolitiHack has to say??!! Bunch of leftist punks covering for Shamala and A-Walz!!
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/13/2024 11:17:31 AM (No. 1777406)
I be a fact checker because I say So...that's how it works in Leftist America.
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Anyone Notice This Anomaly During Ilhan
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Posted by DW626 8/14/2024 10:00:47 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 8/14/2024 7:28:42 AM Post Reply
The best definition of ‘valor’ I have come across is ‘strength of mind in regard to danger, that quality which enables a man to encounter danger with firmness and courage.’ Reading of vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz and his stolen valor made me think of my father’s service during WWII and, to a lesser extent, my own some thirty years later. My dad, like a great number of young men, was drafted into the military in early 1942. Was spending the next three and a half years in the jungles of the Pacific fighting the Japanese the way he would have preferred to spend that time?
The Obama Effect 21 replies
Posted by DW626 8/13/2024 7:24:05 AM Post Reply
A coincidence is, “the occurrence of events that happen at the same time... but seem to have some connection.” That seems to be the case whenever Barack Obama is in close relationship with left-leaning world leaders or directly involved in an American election. Although Obama works hard to look like he’s not directly involved in the things he’s engaged in, anyone who has followed the machinations of the stealthy socialist knows that there are no coincidences regarding the former president. Barack Obama thrives on adoration
A 'Conservative' Columnist Endorses Harris 14 replies
Posted by DW626 8/12/2024 2:43:34 PM Post Reply
I finished Megan Basham's "Shepherds for Sale" over the weekend. Paula is working on getting her for an interview for the podcast, and if that happens, it should be an eye-opening discussion. Basham's book outlines how progressive forces have infiltrated the Evangelical churches of America to undermine the conservative presence in those churches and flip them blue. Basham asserts that this effort is well-funded and occurs across multiple fronts, often aided and abetted by Christian and conservative thought leaders. One of those leaders, according to Basham, is David French. French was once a columnist for National Review before jumping ship for the Left.
So, That's Why a Major 'Fact Checker'
is Covering for Harris
6 replies
Posted by DW626 8/12/2024 12:19:03 PM Post Reply
Since Vice President Kamala Harris was catapulted to the top of the Democratic presidential ticket when President Joe Biden was forced out of his 2024 campaign, her leftist allies in the media have gone above and beyond to scrub her far-left record -- in addition to sanitizing her many failures as a 2020 presidential candidate. PolitiFact, a major "fact checker," has been one of Harris' greatest champions and advocates. They've explained away positions she still holds in hopes normal, moderate voters will take the bait and think she's changed -- that she isn't a controlling government leftist after all.
Special Counsel Confirms Hunter Biden
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Posted by DW626 8/9/2024 4:48:08 PM Post Reply
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American Jews, During the Catastrophes
of the Jewish People
5 replies
Posted by DW626 8/9/2024 7:38:04 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump asks why American Jews vote for the Democrat party, whose left wing is hostile to the Jewish state. American Jews have many concerns. Israel ranks low on their priority list, about as low as European Jews ranked on the priority list of American Jews during Kristallnacht 1938 and the Holocaust. Unlike an astonished Trump, "progressive" American Jews place very little importance on the fate of Israel and Israelis. On Nov. 10, 2018, the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany, The Times of Israel's reporter, Matt Lebovic, discussed the attitudes of American Jews toward the events of Kristallnacht on Nov. 9-10, 1938:
A Reality Check for American Voters 2 replies
Posted by DW626 8/8/2024 2:51:10 PM Post Reply
This election season, the Democrats have again descended into a quagmire of duplicity, lies, mindless name-calling, and one-upmanship. In response, the Republicans, including the Trump campaign, are predictably and foolishly initiating their own campaigns of name-calling and one-upmanship. In the meantime, the vast majority of Americans remain on the sidelines, watching the food fight. As a result, far too many fail to understand the threat the Democrat party, controlled by the Obama-led Marxist faction, poses to the country. In order to win in November, Donald Trump, his campaign surrogates
The Harris Flop Would Be Scarier Than
Her Flip
8 replies
Posted by DW626 8/8/2024 12:13:21 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden won in 2020 on the premise that until the November election, he would pose as good ol’ Joe from Scranton and not scare voters. So Biden talked about “unity” and “competency.” He erased his prior wild primary pandering to left-wing voters about shutting down fracking and opening the border. But as soon as he was elected in 2020, Biden became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term. Fooled and naïve voters were shocked that their supposedly moderate candidate turned into a veritable neo-socialist president. But as soon as he was elected in 2020, Biden became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term.
The New Olympic Sport: Woman Beating 10 replies
Posted by DW626 8/6/2024 7:13:09 AM Post Reply
The ancient Olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece, in honor of the Greek god Zeus. The original games date back to 776 B.C. and ran for a millennium until 393 A.D. The games were held every four years and initially only permitted first-born Greek men to participate. Artists and poets presented their works, and the ancient Olympics had a definite political flavor, even thousands of years ago. Early sports included running, boxing, chariot racing, wrestling, and pentathlon. The Olympics went dark in the 4th century A.D. until the first modern games in Athens in 1896. Over the next hundred-plus years, winter games were added, professional athletes were allowed to participate,
The ‘Crime’ Harris Was Toughest on
was Journalism
1 reply
Posted by DW626 8/6/2024 7:08:01 AM Post Reply
Finally, Congress has taken an interest in the work done by investigative journalist David Daleiden and his colleague Sandra Merritt nearly a decade ago. A week ago, for instance, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene released the full versions of subpoenaed undercover videos that were featured at the March hearing, "Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting.” As shocking as the videos are and as evil as the practice is, the more immediate problem is the possible election of presidential candidate Kamala Harris. While attorney general of the trend-setting California, Harris helped usher in the age of proto-fascism even before it was cool.
Latest Development in Biden Cocaine-gate
Fiasco Raises New Questions About the
Secret Service
5 replies
Posted by DW626 8/5/2024 8:17:10 PM Post Reply
Former Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle isn’t out of the woods yet. She tried to sneak out in the dead of night after a shambolic congressional appearance following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. Cheatle, at the time, remained defiant that she was the best to lead the agency despite this catastrophic failure in protecting the former president. More updates about this attempt only reinforce the embarrassing security flaws that led to this event. Cheatle resigned, but lingering questions, specifically that of a cover-up, lingered.
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RIDICULOUS: Anthony Fauci Catches COVID
Again and Calls for Americans to Mask
Up – Has Been Vaxxed and Boosted a Total
24 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/13/2024 12:11:47 AM Post Reply
The person who was arguably most responsible for the lies that destroyed the livelihoods of millions of Americans during the COVID pandemic has contracted the virus again and has more bad advice. In a video interview back on July 30 that went viral on Monday, Fauci told Dr. Jeremy Faust that despite being vaccinated to the max; he still caught the virus for the third time. “I got infected about two weeks ago,” said Fauci. “It was my third COVID-19 infection, and I had been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times.”
MSNBC, Jemele Hill, Brian Stelter Silent
on Joy Reid's Racist Rant Calling White
Sen. 'Mayonnaise Sandwich'
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/13/2024 1:35:43 PM Post Reply
MSNBC is the self-appointed police force for racist comments in American society. Not a day goes by when at least one of the pundits at the network does not label someone a "racist" – even if they are not actually a racist. Yet, last week, one of MSNBC's own went on another overtly racist rant against white people. Primetime host Joy Reid thanked Kamala Harris for not picking Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly as her running mate because, unlike Tim Walz, Kelly is "super white." Err, not just "super white. According to Reid, Sen. Kelly is "like a mayonnaise sandwich on Wonder bread white."
Bloomberg writer argues Tim Walz’s ‘traditional
masculinity’ is a threat to Republican voters
21 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/14/2024 4:23:17 AM Post Reply
Tampon Tim, Low-T(estosterone) Tim, call him what you want, is the face of a big, fat, middle-aged, sweaty-palmed, pervert groomer. (snip) But, according to a new opinion column by Francis Wilkinson and published by Bloomberg on Friday, Walz is a “manly man” defined by traditional “masculinity,” and it is these characteristics that are “terrifying” to the MAGA voters: Tim Walz’s Masculinity Is Terrifying to Republicans Kamala Harris’ running mate has traditional ‘manly man’ traits. He’s also not frightened of women, afraid of Black people or terrified of the future. … Any liberal Democrat whose resume includes football coach, military veteran and sharp-shooting hunter is a challenge to MAGA mythology, "
Joe Biden Throws Kamala Harris
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for Current Dumpster Fire Economy as She
Desperately Tries to Distance Herself
From His Polices!
21 replies
Posted by Imright 8/13/2024 4:03:06 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Tuesday stopped to chat with reporters on the South Lawn of the White House as he departed en route to New Orleans. Biden is traveling to Louisiana to deliver remarks a Cancer Moonshot event. He’s going to cure cancer. Just ask him. After hiding from the public, Biden shuffled out of the White House and took four questions before hobbling over to Marine One. One reporter asked Biden if he would attend a Trump inauguration. “I have good manners, not like him,” Biden said.
The Obama Effect 21 replies
Posted by DW626 8/13/2024 7:24:05 AM Post Reply
A coincidence is, “the occurrence of events that happen at the same time... but seem to have some connection.” That seems to be the case whenever Barack Obama is in close relationship with left-leaning world leaders or directly involved in an American election. Although Obama works hard to look like he’s not directly involved in the things he’s engaged in, anyone who has followed the machinations of the stealthy socialist knows that there are no coincidences regarding the former president. Barack Obama thrives on adoration
Harris To Voters: You Have To Elect Me
To Find Out What I’m For
21 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/13/2024 6:14:54 AM Post Reply
In the three weeks since Joe Biden handed her the nomination, Kamala Harris spent a total of 70 seconds in front of reporters and issued one specific promise, which she stole from Donald Trump. This is the first presidential campaign in history that appears to be guided by Nancy Pelosi’s line about Obamacare: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” At her brief stop before a handful of reporters while boarding Air Force Two, one of them oh-so-politely asked Harris when she’d sit down for a press interview. Her answer: “I’ve
United Auto Workers Union Files Federal
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Successful Twitter Space Discussion, Alleging
Worker Intimidation
18 replies
Posted by Imright 8/13/2024 3:04:40 PM Post Reply
The United Auto Workers (UAW) union has filed federal labor charges against former President Donald Trump and billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk. This comes hot on the heels of their groundbreaking Twitter Space interview, a conversation that garnered global attention and shattered records with nearly 1 billion combined views of the conversation and subsequent discussion by other accounts. The interview, which took place on Monday night, saw Trump and Musk exchange ideas on a range of topics, in what many have dubbed a historic dialogue between two of the most influential figures of our time. However, not everyone was thrilled with the outcome of this conversation. The UAW,
CBS News Attacked Donald Trump’s ‘No
Tax on Tips’ Proposal — Until Kamala
Harris Copied Him
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/13/2024 12:19:57 AM Post Reply
In a stunning display of hypocrisy and double standards, CBS News attacked former President Donald Trump when he announced his “no tax on tips” policy proposal in June and then suddenly became uncritical of the idea when Vice President Kamala Harris copied Trump on Saturday. “Vice President Kamala Harris is rolling out a new policy position, saying she’ll fight to end taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers,” CBS announced in a Monday X post. However, when Trump first announced the policy proposal in June, CBS adopted a strikingly different tone. “Former President Donald Trump’s vow to stop taxing tips would cost the federal government up to $250 billion
Report: Harris Campaign Runs Google Ads
that Look like Media Articles
16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/13/2024 6:55:27 PM Post Reply
The Harris campaign runs misleading Google ads that look like news articles published by the establishment media, an Axios analysis found Tuesday. The strategy harnesses the ambiguous nature of the media’s oftentimes pro-Harris coverage with actual Harris campaign advertising. The Harris campaign edits the ads that “make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side,” Axios reported. “It’s a common practice in the commercial advertising world that doesn’t violate Google’s policies, but the ads mimic real news results from Search closely enough that they have news outlets caught off guard.” “According to Google’s ad transparency center,
Elon Musk Pitches ‘Government Efficiency
Commission’ to Trump, Offers His Help
16 replies
Posted by Imright 8/13/2024 3:59:04 PM Post Reply
Tesla CEO Elon Musk pitched a “government efficiency commission” to cut government waste while speaking with former President Donald Trump on Monday, and offered to “help out” with such an endeavor. Musk called for the commission during his more than two-hour conversation with Trump on Monday night. Trump was very receptive to the idea. The relevant conversation begins around the 1:44:00 mark: (X Video) “I think it would be great to just have a government efficiency commission that takes a look at these things and just ensures that the taxpayer money, the taxpayers’ hard-earned money, is spent in a good way,” Musk told Trump.
Hillary Clinton Attempts to Rescue Embattled
VP Pick Tim Walz After Stolen Valor Claims
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/13/2024 1:26:31 AM Post Reply
Hillary Clinton — who once falsely claimed she took sniper fire in Bosnia — attempted to come to the rescue of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democrat vice presidential candidate. Walz is facing scrutiny for exaggerating his military service and choosing to retire from the military after he knew his unit — of which he was the senior enlisted leader — would deploy to Iraq. “Tim Walz served honorably for two decades. Then he joined Congress and worked to pass a new GI bill that helped fund the college educations of millions of veterans—among them, JD Vance,” Clinton posted on X on Monday.
Trump’s Social Security proposal could
be his biggest political weapon
15 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 8/14/2024 6:32:40 AM Post Reply
With Kamala Harris becoming a rock star by inviting rock stars to open her act, it’s clear she’s focused on generating excitement through pure fluff. But whereas Harris captures headlines with showmanship, Donald Trump has an opportunity to resonate deeply with a far more substantial and often overlooked voting bloc: those who have paid into the Social Security system. If Trump zeroes in on this group, he can unlock a political goldmine that could propel him back into the White House. In what even the New York Times admits could be a game-changer, Trump has proposed ending income taxes on Social Security benefits.
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