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I served in the FBI for 25 years... here's
who I suspect is to blame for the Trump
assassination attempt security disaster

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Posted By: OhioNick, 7/14/2024 7:49:09 PM

What the hell happened - and how was it possible? These questions will be at the heart of the FBI investigation into probable multiple failures by the Secret Service and others in the lead-up to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. [SNIP] During 25 years with the FBI, I have seen how countless similar rallies were organised and I consider it highly likely that the Secret Service was responsible for security within an enclosed perimeter, while the local police took charge of the wider zone outside.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: john56 7/14/2024 8:07:19 PM (No. 1756627)
I remember once back when Clinton was President and he was flying out of Kelly-Lackland one of the local radio stations mentioned that the San Antonio PD was tasked with being sure each overpass and underpass was closed as the Presidential motorcade went down the US 90 expressway.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 7/14/2024 8:15:07 PM (No. 1756632)
FTA: "During 25 years with the FBI, I have seen how countless similar rallies were organised and I consider it highly likely that the Secret Service was responsible for security within an enclosed perimeter, while the local police took charge of the wider zone outside." There it is!! As suspected, jurisdictional.......
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: chumley 7/14/2024 8:19:20 PM (No. 1756635)
Enough time has gone by that the ugly details have been buried or altered to protect the guilty or incompetent. We will likely never know the truth. Thats how these things usually go.
36 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 7/14/2024 8:21:20 PM (No. 1756637)
Also published by Figliuzzi today was his warning that MAGA terrorists would be assassinating Democrats in revenge for the attempt on Trump. But, then what do you expect from a guy who worked for the corrupt FBI for 25 years before becoming an NBC propagandist?
24 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 7/14/2024 8:30:44 PM (No. 1756646)
This whole article reeked with "expert" "know-it-all" stuff. Are we sure that Hannity didn't write it?
15 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: red1066 7/14/2024 8:31:06 PM (No. 1756647)
This just appears to be an enormous screw up by law enforcement. If the secret service was only responsible for the venue itself, then shouldn't they have requested the local police or state police secure that building? It just seems there was no communication amongst the agencies responsible for security. I thought after 9/11, the communication issue between law enforcement agencies had been solved. Maybe it's a problem on the federal level. The SS and FBI may look down their noses at local and state police. I know from a neighbor of mine who was an ATF agent at the time of the World Trade Center bombing that the piece of evidence that eventually led to the truck rental place was found by someone outside of a federal agency, and when he presented the vin number plate to the FBI, they basically blew it off and told him to throw it away. It was only the persistence of that person that helped the FBI locate the rental agency and names of those who rented the truck that led their arrests. This arrogance on the part of federal law enforcement people seems to be a persistent problem.
30 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 7/14/2024 8:51:04 PM (No. 1756664)
I don't see any way the SS snipers could have, "assumed the assassin was a police sniper." They had high-powered scopes and at 150 yards could have seen the pimples on the face of the snot-headed sniper and could almost have read the serial number on his rifle.
27 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 7/14/2024 8:54:40 PM (No. 1756670)
Ok. Got it, Frank. Just a quick question, then. How did Crooks who was there to kill Trump just happen to blend in with local police who were protecting the perimeter and help himself to the rooftop and open fire while the SS briefly thought Crooks was one of the local police. SS leadership and local police, did you happen to have a pre-rally briefing to discuss roles and responsibilities and get to meet your counterparts? While we await some answers, MAGA kudos to the SS sniper who correctly read what he saw and dropped Crooks with some expert marksmanship. Mr. President, meet this guy and express your deepest gratitude for his rather fast decision-making.
17 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Twinkle93 7/14/2024 9:03:24 PM (No. 1756674)
Maybe the secret service requested more personnel be made available and the Biden people refused the request.
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: DVC 7/14/2024 9:27:30 PM (No. 1756694)
If the local cops were responsible for that zone, then probably the SS countersnipers had to be certain that they weren't seeing some local cop on that roof with a gun. Blue on blue friendly fire is not OK, and I suspect that they ROEs are pretty strict on "out of our zone" engagements where it is difficult to tell who in the heck they might be killing.
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: BRDG 7/14/2024 9:54:00 PM (No. 1756717)
The “they were following rules of engagement” argument is bogus BECAUSE they had 3 minutes and didn’t radio for Trump to take cover
14 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Words have Meaning 7/14/2024 10:20:54 PM (No. 1756733)
If the Secret Service had eyes on this inbred punk...why then did they wait until after he fired what could have been a kill shot to blow this killer into next week? Is it possible another security "screw-up" is planned for the RNC Convention. Pray for Trump's safety?
12 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/14/2024 10:27:44 PM (No. 1756736)
Not everyone who served in the FBI was ever responsible for Presidential security, so I beg to differ a bit. Those Secret Service Agents have overlay maps showing where everyone involved with security is located, especially guys with guns. They also have two-way radio headgear they use to stay in constant contact with their on-site commander to stop all confusion. I do however agree from whence the shots came was a great location for a S.S. Sniper team, unfortunately, someone got there first. /s
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 7/14/2024 11:58:15 PM (No. 1756771)
DEI Secret Service means Due Expect Incompetence Secret Service. Thank you Kimberly!
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Reply 15 - Posted by: DVC 7/15/2024 1:16:07 AM (No. 1756792)
This guy fails to realize that the shooter was on the reverse slope of the roof most of the time, and not visible to the countersnipers near Trump. I have listened to multiple different videos, from different locations, repeatedly. In all cases I hear three quickly paced shots, timed about like a shooter with a semiauto rifle reacquiring the target hurriedly (which means approximately and roughtly) and firing again at max speed. Then a literal flurry of shots, and the two countersnipers on the roof that were very visible had bolt action rifles, at least 2-3 seconds between shots is fastest possible, and the video does not show them working their bolts, so one shot each. I count between for and 7 countersniper shots in around 2 seconds. IMO, this means that there were MANY countersnipers who were able to return fire, not just those two, once they had identified the target. I wonder how many times he was struck? Which of the countersnipers had the best angle on his position. If his head had been hit multiple times withe .300 Win Magnum rifle bullets it wouldn't have been as intact as it appeared in the one closeup that I have seen on the web. I think that the flurry of shots got one head shot, possibly other body shots. But no sources have said how many countersnipers there were, or how many fired. Since some of the "gunshots" may be echos or artifacts from the sound system and mics, I'd say at least 4 countersnipers, maybe 5 to 7 if there were no echos. From some locations, I count only four countersniper shots, but from others 6 or 7. Sound does tricky things, echos and refracts.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: danu 7/15/2024 2:49:42 AM (No. 1756825)
another corruptocrat in search of a fig leaf?
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Reply 17 - Posted by: Trigger2 7/15/2024 3:51:28 AM (No. 1756832)
I see. The blame will fall on the local cops. You heard it here first. Local cops are the scapecoat.
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Reply 18 - Posted by: Red Jeep 7/15/2024 6:08:40 AM (No. 1756868)
Frank Figliuzzi - MSNBC goon.
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Reply 19 - Posted by: mifla 7/15/2024 6:27:46 AM (No. 1756878)
I would like to hear the SS's version of the story. Has Kimberly come out of hiding yet, or like many in the Biden administration, is she on vacation?
2 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: 5 handicap 7/15/2024 6:33:15 AM (No. 1756880)
All America loving patriots who worked for the FBI retired or resigned in DISGUST...Frank Figliuzzi also left.
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The Protection of Divine Providence: Something
stood between Donald Trump and death last
Saturday evening.
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Posted by OhioNick 7/17/2024 10:20:30 PM Post Reply
When the Founding Fathers mutually pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to each other, they did so “with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence.” [SNIP] Divine providence was also the only thing standing between Donald Trump and death Saturday evening. Had the would-be assassin’s bullet been a fraction of an inch to the right, we would be having a much different conversation right now. If the attempted murder of Donald Trump “is evidence of the reality of evil in the world,” as Robert Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, said, Trump’s survival is evidence of divine providence.
Donald Trump Jr. Slams Media, Democrats
for Trying to Blame ‘Both Sides’ for
Assassination Attempt
6 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/14/2024 11:01:36 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump Jr. called out corporate media and Democrats who, in the wake of an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, are equivocating and victim-blaming Republicans for the political violence and bloodshed. “The leftwing media and Democrat political hacks are actually trying to ‘both sides’ some psychopath attempting to assassinate my father,” the former president’s son said in a post to X on Sunday. “Just when you think these people can’t get any lower, they always do!!!” he added.
'Why Butler?': Community grapples with
the aftermath of the Trump rally shooting
8 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/14/2024 9:45:18 PM Post Reply
The small, rural city of Butler woke up Sunday morning in disbelief, grappling with the aftermath of an attempted assassination of a presidential candidate that took place too close to home. [SNIP] Mr. Watterson had driven by the rally while it was ongoing and noticed that the farm show grounds seemed to be lacking strict access and crowd control. He added that the layout of the grounds had multiple entryways. “There were people crowded around the fence. There were people everywhere, so the fact that someone could get on one of those buildings was not unlikely at all,” he said.
I served in the FBI for 25 years... here's
who I suspect is to blame for the Trump
assassination attempt security disaster
20 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/14/2024 7:49:09 PM Post Reply
What the hell happened - and how was it possible? These questions will be at the heart of the FBI investigation into probable multiple failures by the Secret Service and others in the lead-up to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. [SNIP] During 25 years with the FBI, I have seen how countless similar rallies were organised and I consider it highly likely that the Secret Service was responsible for security within an enclosed perimeter, while the local police took charge of the wider zone outside.
How the Pentagon wants to cancel Thanksgiving
and teach military kids that America is
'stolen land'
19 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/12/2024 8:34:40 PM Post Reply
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A Plot to Stop Trump in 2016 May Lose
Dems the White House: A scenario they
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7 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/11/2024 10:25:26 PM Post Reply
When the English arrived in Australia, they discovered tribesmen using curved pieces of wood that they called “bou-mar-rangs” or “boomerangs” which fly away and come back at you. Politics has lots of boomerangs. The latest throwing stick to fly out and come circling back when least expected was a Democrat conspiracy aimed at keeping Trump out of the White House. [SNIP] Even if Biden remains the nominee and wins, and then plops, there’s no mechanism for many electors voting for anyone else and that makes for a very split ticket. Democrat electors would have a choice of selecting a dead (or brain dead) man or nothing.
Biden Floods Ohio Town with 20,000 Haitian
Migrants: Ten to a Bedroom
36 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/10/2024 11:12:26 PM Post Reply
Residents of the west-central town of Springfield, Ohio, are demanding that their city council do something to stem the tide of the Haitian immigrants that have flooded the city. [SNIP] The town situated just west of the state capitol in Columbus has been a target of Haitian immigrants at least since 2014, and in the ensuing years, some ten thousand had moved to the Rust Belt town. But in the last four years alone, that population has ballooned to more than 20,000. The influx is causing serious pressures to mount on the town.
France 'on the brink of financial meltdown'
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25 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/10/2024 6:45:12 PM Post Reply
France is on the verge of a “financial crisis” and consequent economic decline after the surprise success of a hard left coalition in this weekend’s elections, the country’s outgoing finance minister Bruno Le Maire has warned. [SNIP] In a possible hint at future chaos, riot police clashed with left-wing demonstrators in Paris on Sunday evening. The hastily assembled Popular Front (NFP) - spearheaded by left-wingers including former Presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon - is pledging to increase public spending by £125 billion if they successfully form a government. They have also proposed a 90 percent tax on incomes over £340,000 a year.
NEA Mussolini Demands ‘All the Things’
in Unhinged Speech
18 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/10/2024 5:25:36 PM Post Reply
At the annual assembly of the National Education Association (NEA) in Philadelphia last weekend, President Becky Pringle addressed representatives of the three-million-member labor union with a bombastic speech that sparked social media comparisons to Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. In her heavily political speech, Pringle raised such progressive issues as LGBTQ rights, unrestricted abortion, equity and inclusion. She shouted about the union having “worked hard to rid ourselves of a tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt [Trump] White House,” about resisting any “scheme” such as school vouchers to “drain resources from our beloved public schools."
Woke New Yorkers whine about 4th of July
saying America 'doesn't deserve a birthday
party' - but newcomers have a different view
23 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/4/2024 5:59:14 PM Post Reply
Just as millions of Americans were preparing to Independence Day across the country, woke New Yorkers were insisting the country's founding was not worth a celebration. Patriotism among liberals is extremely low, with recent polling from Gallup showing just 34 percent of Democrats are extremely proud to be American. [SNIP] 'I saw a meme the other day that was like 'America does not deserve a birthday party,' and I feel like that kind of encapsulates how I feel a little bit about the 4th of July,' said Denise Parker, 34, Wellness Director at a high school.
How false claims of voter fraud tarnished
trust in Arizona elections
21 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/3/2024 10:23:24 PM Post Reply
Arizona has been at the epicenter of false claims of voter fraud since the 2020 presidential elections, rhetoric that persists as the swing state braces for the rematch of a presidential contest that triggered chaos and conspiracy theories nearly four years ago. [SNIP] Garrett Archer, an ABC15 data analyst and a former senior elections analyst for the Arizona secretary of state, recalled claims of rigged elections dating back to the 2000s, but said they didn’t compare to the supercharged allegations of voter fraud fueled by Trump, his former attorney Rudy Giuliani and high-profile republicans in Arizona. Archer said the false claims “blew up,” and ignited demonstrations across Phoenix.
Rapper Waka Flocka Flame kicks Biden supporters
out of concert: 'We're gonna party right
now for T24'
13 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/3/2024 3:35:31 PM Post Reply
Newly released footage shows the moment an Atlanta-based rapper stirred controversy after asking all President Joe Biden supporters to leave his concert. Musician Waka Flocka Flame, whose real name is Juaquin James Malphurs, was performing at the Club Sky in Salt Lake City, Utah on June 27 when he addressed the crowd. The 38-year-old rapper could be heard telling his Democratic Party supporting fans: 'All Joe Biden voters, get out of my concert. We're gonna party right now for T24'- referencing GOP candidate Donald Trump's 2024 Presidential campaign. As his sudden announcement caused mixed reactions among the crowd.
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Posted by Beardo 7/17/2024 6:36:58 PM Post Reply
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MSNBC Pushes Debunked Conspiracy Theory
that Trump Wasn’t Shot, Glass
34 replies
Posted by Imright 7/17/2024 1:16:43 AM Post Reply
Despite the graphic photographic evidence from different angles showing former President Trump was missing chunks of his right ear after being shot in the head during a failed assassination attempt over the weekend, MSNBC host Michael Steele wasted oxygen during the network’s coverage of Night Two of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday to spew debunked fringe conspiracy theories claiming Trump wasn’t actually hit by a bullet. “Where I am at this point, it's been three days, going on four…and yet, we have not received a medical report from the hospital nor have we received a medical report from the campaign or from the Trump organization about
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Posted by formerNYer 7/17/2024 2:25:27 PM Post Reply
President Biden said in a new interview that he would consider dropping out if he was diagnosed with a “medical condition” by doctors — giving the clearest indication yet that he may be faltering in his vow to seek a second term. The 81-year-old president made the remark in a BET interview taped Tuesday when asked what it would take to prompt him to reconsider his candidacy. “If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem,” Biden said in an excerpt released Wednesday.
DHS Inspector General Opens Investigation
into Secret Service Failure at Trump Rally
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/17/2024 12:21:43 PM Post Reply
The Department of Homeland Security inspector general opened an investigation on Wednesday into the Secret Service’s failure to prevent the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump at Saturday’s Pennsylvania rally. The objective of the probe is to “Evaluate the United States Secret Service’s (Secret Service) process for securing former President Trump’s July 13, 2024 campaign event,” according to a short notice posted to the inspector general’s website. No specific date was given for when the investigation was launched. The newly launched investigation comes after President Joe Biden had directed the Secret Service to conduct an independent review
WOW! Republican Senators John Barrasso
and Marsha Blackburn Confront Secret Service
Director at RNC and Chase Her Out of the
Building Demanding Answers! (Video)
25 replies
Posted by Imright 7/18/2024 3:49:38 AM Post Reply
This was a surreal and amazing incident that unfolded tonight at the Republican National Convention. Kimberly Cheatle, the director of the Secret Service, was confronted by Republican senators John Barrasso of Wyoming and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who were demanding answers about the failure of the Secret Service to protect Donald Trump. Kim Cheatle tried to run away but the senators chased after her, demanding answers. This is just stunning. Watch below:
Joe Scarborough backs push for Biden to
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for ‘financial’ reasons: ‘Not going
to end well’
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/18/2024 11:01:45 AM Post Reply
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough all but called on President Biden to drop his re-election campaign Thursday — as the TV host ripped the commander-in-chief’s inner circle for keeping him in the race. “This is not going to end well if it continues to drag out,” Scarborough said during a lengthy spiel on his “Morning Joe” talk show. Scarborough, who has staunchly defended the 81-year-old president in recent weeks despite the mounting calls for him to step aside, called on those closest to Biden to help him “do the right thing.” “It’s really incumbent on people that are around Joe Biden to step up at this point and help
“She Looks Like She’s 7 or 8 Maybe”
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22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/17/2024 4:26:33 PM Post Reply
He just can’t help himself. After two disastrous speeches, Joe Biden made an unscheduled stop at Mario’s Westside Market in Las Vegas, Nevada Tuesday evening.“How you doin? Good to see you!” Biden said as he went in for a sniff. “Thank you, Riley! How old are you? 5?” Biden asked the child after he took a picture with her. Biden delivered remarks during the 115th NAACP National Convention and then participated in an economic summit with Rep. Steven Horsford earlier Tuesday. 81-year-old Biden walked into Mario’s Westside Market and immediately went in for a sniff. The child’s mother chimes in, “Say 3! I’m 3!”
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22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/17/2024 3:30:55 PM Post Reply
In a leaked Zoom call with moderate House Democrats on Sunday, President Joesph Biden once again used his dead son, Beau Biden, this time, to insult and denigrate the military and combat service of Colorado Congressman Jason Crow (D). Biden was unhinged as he told Crow to "tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son!" President Biden was attempting to convey the message that he was fit and able to continue on with his campaign and snapped at Crow when he politely expressed his concerns to the president.
Left Join Entertainment Elites to Mock
Trump’s Ear Bandage After Assassination Attempt
22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/17/2024 10:38:33 AM Post Reply
Members of the far-left joined with their entertainment elite compatriots on social media to mock former President Trump’s ear bandage just days after he survived an assassination attempt which also took the life of one man. Sneering far-left Star Wars actor Mark Hamill happily showed the way. According to Ronny Jackson, the former White House doctor who became a Texas congressman, Trump lost “a little bit” of his ear when the bullet grazed him on Saturday. “I checked his ear out,” Jackson said. “I went up and dressed his ear this morning.”
Desperate Joy Reid Claims Biden Overcoming
COVID Shows Strength Like Trump After
Assassination Attempt
21 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/18/2024 1:42:48 AM Post Reply
Just when I think the media can’t get any dumber, folks like MSNBC’s Joy Reid prove me dead wrong. In Reid’s latest tap-dancing routine for President Joe Biden, she responded to the news that he has COVID-19 – again. During the segment, she lauded Biden’s latest COVID diagnosis as an opportunity to attack former President Donald Trump, who is riding high after Saturday’s attempt on his life. And not spread COVID around, but also to remind people of what hell we went through with COVID because of Donald Trump. Here is a great messaging opportunity for President Biden to bring out the tape and remind people of how many people died.
Failed RNC Chair Turned Democrat Floats
Conspiracy Theory About Trump Assassination
Attempt Wound
20 replies
Posted by DW626 7/17/2024 2:34:47 PM Post Reply
Former RNC Chair Michael Steele floated a debunked conspiracy theory that a shard of glass injured former President Donald Trump’s ear during Saturday's assassination attempt rather than a bullet. Speaking on MSNBC, Steele said no medical reports have been released and questioned the extent the ear was injured. Despite left-leaning fact checkers such as Snopes giving a false rating to claims that glass from a teleprompter hit Trump’s ear, the commentator floated the theory anyway.
Joe Biden's Appearance After COVID Diagnosis
Goes Viral
19 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/17/2024 9:08:33 PM Post Reply
A photo of an unmasked President Joe Biden in front of reporters after news broke of his COVID-19 diagnosis went viral on social media on Wednesday evening. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Wednesday evening that earlier today, Biden tested positive for COVID-19 after a campaign event in Las Vegas. Minutes after Jean-Pierre's statement was released, CNN White House and politics reporter DJ Judd shared a photo of Biden on X, formerly Twitter, and wrote: "An unmasked President Joe Biden flashes a thumbs up to reporters on the tarmac before boarding Air Force One moments after the
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