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FBI surprised how Trump’s would-be assassin
Thomas Matthew Crooks fired off many shots
before Secret Service killed him at rally

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 7/14/2024 5:58:35 AM

Law enforcement officials admitted it was “surprising” how the gunman was able to get so many shots off in the attempted assassination on former President Donald Trump before he was taken out by Secret Service snipers. During a press conference early Sunday, officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Pennsylvania State Police deferred several questions about security to the Secret Service — who were notably absent. When asked if he was surprised at the number of shots the gunman was able to take at a former president, Kevin Rojek, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh field office, said:

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Reply 1 - Posted by: BirdsNest 7/14/2024 6:02:38 AM (No. 1756064)
They shouldn't be surprised...they should be embarrassed. And fired.
71 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Highlander 7/14/2024 6:08:09 AM (No. 1756065)
Define “surprised.” Context is everything. What kind of “surprised” are they talking about?
38 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Jethro bo 7/14/2024 6:36:02 AM (No. 1756069)
Unnamed sources claim that Meritless said when told of the attack and where the attacker was, "Why the Hell did we make him get that far away? That wasn't the plan!'
24 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Knotwyrkin 7/14/2024 6:53:02 AM (No. 1756073)
Surprised - thought they would get better results with all their planning and training.
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DiegoDude 7/14/2024 6:53:21 AM (No. 1756074)
Looks like a case of gross incompetence or a set up.Having been a cop, we knew when the president came in, any surrounding high ground was sealed an had people posted to prevent a possible sniping vantage point. We used to work with SS and FBI advance teams before a visit.
58 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: peebster 7/14/2024 7:00:10 AM (No. 1756076)
It appeared the SS sniper had Crooks in their sights, but didn’t fire until after Crooks fired. That will probably be the Elephant in the Room question. That, and the size of the effective perimeter. Hate to second guess the USSS. This happened very quickly.
15 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Knotwyrkin 7/14/2024 7:04:28 AM (No. 1756078)
"Surprised he could get so many shots". Let me translate this Progressive speak: "We need to get rid of all semi-automatic weapons."
36 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: lynngirl122 7/14/2024 7:05:35 AM (No. 1756079)
Inept fools more like Keystone Kops.
19 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Rand Al'Thor 7/14/2024 7:07:49 AM (No. 1756082)
25 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: minuteman 7/14/2024 7:11:09 AM (No. 1756083)
In the best case, this event represents extreme incompetence. It is interesting that the SS was apparently ignoring the witnesses pointing out the shooter on the roof until he was allowed to get off multiple shots. Then they made sure he was dead.
48 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Lazyman 7/14/2024 7:24:00 AM (No. 1756087)
Didn't they learn anything about snipers taking the high ground? 130 Yards away? They need to swap out the Postal Workers with the Secret Service. They have a history and can take better care.
21 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 7/14/2024 7:25:33 AM (No. 1756088)
The FBi was probably well aware of this shooter's name, and not surprised by anything.
16 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Strike3 7/14/2024 7:35:41 AM (No. 1756092)
The fact that the shooter was an inexperienced kid blows up the conspiracy theories. He missed a still target at a relatively short distance for a rifle, a shot that even I could make easily. Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine sniper and had an effective rifle, not a combat style rifle with only 300 yard guaranteed accuracy. He was also involved with the CIA. This no-name kid missed while going for multiple shots when one would have been sufficient for a pro. The SS have rules of engagement like our military snipers do and are pressured to be sure of their target or lose their careers. The details will shake out eventually.
14 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: The Remnants 7/14/2024 7:36:09 AM (No. 1756093)
Know nothing about this stuff, but I am surprised they do not also use drones. Though that would be a distraction. Of course, if everyone is doing what they should be doing, they would not need them.
13 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 7/14/2024 8:17:20 AM (No. 1756122)
"Surprised," say the FBI. Would that be "surprised" like the media say they were at the cover-up of Biden's failing cognition?
16 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: minuteman 7/14/2024 8:21:48 AM (No. 1756127)
While I am uncertain one way or the other as to a direct conspiracy, the Democrats, including the MSM, have been promoting violence against him for years, hoping that someone would in fact kill him. We also know the a building that was very obviously a potential sniper location was left completely unguarded and that a sniper chose that exact building to try to assassinate the President. Would potential conspirators recruit a young, idealistic, mentally unbalanced individual to carry out their nefarious plans? He can’t tell us.
27 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: coldborezero 7/14/2024 8:23:29 AM (No. 1756130)
Re#13: I am afraid you have received bad information. Lee Harvey Oswald was not a "Marine Sniper' (Marine Corps MOS 0317, Scout Sniper). Oswald was a Aviation Electronics Operator in the Marine Air Wing. Not every Marine is a crack shot. I include myself in that statement.
15 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: sunnyday 7/14/2024 8:30:24 AM (No. 1756140)
In my opinion, if the shooter had taken President Trump out with his first shot, the secret service would have ended his life and no one else would have been wounded or killed. Just my opinion.
6 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: NeonVortex 7/14/2024 8:39:51 AM (No. 1756148)
DEI gets people killed.
14 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/14/2024 8:54:04 AM (No. 1756161)
FTA: “In their defense, what I would want to say is it is incredibly difficult to have a venue open to the public and secure that against any possible threat against a determined attacker, that’s a huge lift to try and do it,” Bivens told reporters. Fair enough but, and I'm just a silly old civilian, I would think a large building with an expansive rooftop, directly across from the stage where the President would be speaking MIGHT be THE FIRST PLACE you secure!! Also, if SS Director Cheadle wasn't playing politics, there would have been more than enough security detail in place. That woman needs to be gone YESTERDAY. As to the number of rounds the shooter got off, I said the same thing. The SS Snipers were in place. It's not about the weapon, it's about their failure to shut him siren immediately. Again, this whole thing does not pass the smell test.
23 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/14/2024 8:58:01 AM (No. 1756164)
*shut him down
4 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: chillijilli 7/14/2024 9:00:52 AM (No. 1756167)
I read there were 2 different sets of shots fired in the burst we all heard---the 1st 2 by the sniper attempting to kill Trump and the next 4 or 5 by the SS killing the sniper. This seems credible to me. Otherwise WHEN did we hear the gunshots that killed the assassin?
12 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: bgarrett 7/14/2024 9:04:29 AM (No. 1756171)
The surprise is, how did he fire 9 shots and only hit 3 people??
6 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: tootall 7/14/2024 9:06:08 AM (No. 1756173)
It's been reported by credible sources that Trump's SS detail asked several times for more support but were denied by their superiors. This needs to be investigated and someone needsto have her career ended!
15 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/14/2024 9:09:39 AM (No. 1756178)
Also, there was an active shooter, so why did the SS stand Trump back up?? It took forever for them to get him off that stage. Something is just not right here, and I hope someone truly gets to the bottom of this!
5 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Clinger 7/14/2024 9:15:38 AM (No. 1756181)
It’s Opposite Day again to keep us from questioning how they took him down that fast without noticing him ahead of time
9 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Rinktum 7/14/2024 9:23:59 AM (No. 1756185)
#5, if LEO’s knew the protocol, why didn’t they go head and secure every building if that was the way it had always been done? Did the feds stop them from doing so? I obviously do not know but there are plenty of questions that need to be answered. I always appreciate comments like yours because we get a glimpse of the reality of a situation. Thanks for posting!
15 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: mifla 7/14/2024 9:32:07 AM (No. 1756191)
You can get multiple shots off in two seconds. The issue is that he had a clear line of fire.
12 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/14/2024 9:41:08 AM (No. 1756200)
A complete and total breakdown of the Secret Service has occurred under that idiot female. Did anyone check out how stupid those pony-tailed female agents look in the crisis? Whom would you rather have guarding your life? The pony-tails, or a man who can physically carry you out of danger? Her DEI emphasis has ruined THE greatest political security organization in the world. By the way, exactly how was it that the shooter knew in advance that the Secret Service would not have security covering those adjacent buildings? The Secret Service normally establishes those things several weeks in advance of the actual event... so how did he know? I suspect they'll discover the shooter was deeply involved with Antifa... unless Chris Wray tells them not to divulge that.
23 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: 3XALADY 7/14/2024 10:01:47 AM (No. 1756210)
#29 Amen on the pony-tailed agents. They make you laugh. Someone said agents should be tall enough that when they are standing by the adult they are guarding, they should at least cover his/her space. These chicks weren't even shoulder high to PDJT. I also laugh at female cops, fireMEN, chiefs of police - well you know what I mean. Where are our men!
24 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Penelope27 7/14/2024 10:06:46 AM (No. 1756213)
It's important to hold the individuals responsible for their actions, not just the agency itself. When we blame the "agency" as a whole, no one is truly held accountable, and everyone gets to keep their pensions and salaries. This means the taxpayers end up footing the bill for any mistakes or misconduct. I believe we need to start with the people in charge of the agents and make our way down the chain. I believe we will not have to go too far down if we start with the people in charge...
10 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: Penelope27 7/14/2024 10:20:58 AM (No. 1756217)
Also, I am not as focused on the shooter. He has paid his price. He was a useful idiot to the opposition who kept calling for President Trump to be assassinated. I think this kid drank deep of the "Kool-Aid" and acted on what people with TDS called for - but time will tell...
7 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 7/14/2024 10:29:02 AM (No. 1756222)
To break this down a bit, there are two obvious areas of serious concern. 1)The SS knew before yesterday that Trump's life was in grave danger everytime he stepped outside. Yet, the SS failed to properly secure the rally venue yesterday. 2) 20-year old kid had enough hate-Trump pumped into his head during his short life that brought him to the roof top. And/or had a mental health problem. As for the SS, it will become apparent soon how and why it failed in its mission yesterday. But, eternal thanks to the SS sniper who took out the kid. As for what prompted the kid to do this, more to come, I am sure. But meanwhile, don't expext the dims, the left in general, and the msm to cease with their hate-Trump schtick. It became in-bred long ago. Such is today's Amerika.
12 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Northcross 7/14/2024 10:32:43 AM (No. 1756225)
On the contrary, I am surprised how quickly he was killed unless they already had him in their sites. And if they did, why was he not stopped before he was able to shoot?
12 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Italiano 7/14/2024 10:36:20 AM (No. 1756227)
Ray Epps redux?
4 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 7/14/2024 11:32:10 AM (No. 1756268)
The beginning of a unified push by the Left to put all the blame on... GUNS.
7 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: DVC 7/14/2024 11:41:26 AM (No. 1756274)
I think the shooter got off 1 to 3 shots before being killed by 3-5 shots from the SS countersnipers. Best guess is that shooter fired three, SS fired four, two each from two countersnipers. This is what it sounded like to me, and I have heard literally millions of rounds being fired in matches, often very fast.
3 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: AGGW 7/14/2024 11:43:44 AM (No. 1756278)
Glad to see #29 and 30 referencing the stupid looking behaviors of the women SS involved, especially the one helping him off the stage. Embarrassing to watch. However much the feminists want to pretend everyone is equal in everything, they are not. I am a woman who is smart enough to recognize differences.
17 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: Venturer 7/14/2024 12:11:31 PM (No. 1756312)
Trump is damned lucky a bad shot was trying for his head instead of body mass.
3 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: Pete Stone 7/14/2024 12:22:11 PM (No. 1756332)
Re #38: Absolutely right! Anecdote: At my father's funeral some years ago, my sister (obese and not that strong) wanted to be a pallbearer. I pointed out to her that two or three of the pallbearers were inevitably going to be OLD men, not that strong, and that the coffin was heavy. The 3 or 4 of us that were able-bodied men were going to find it hard enough to do the heavy lifting.
3 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: LadyVet 7/14/2024 2:47:09 PM (No. 1756437)
RE #38 and others addressing the female SS agents, I am in general agreement. I do believe we need female agents when dealing w the public, for example, to send into ladies restroom, body search females, etc. But those assigned as personal body guards need size and strength. It is possible that the female agent came from a nearby post and added to what appeared to be inadequate protection. She acted with courage, but that would not have been enough. I am not sure she would have been tall enough for Melania's detail. But I will trade height for willingness to protect, courage to act, and loyalty. That said on behalf of the agent, that DEI head of SS needs to go immediately.
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Reply 42 - Posted by: bighambone 7/14/2024 4:36:49 PM (No. 1756505)
If you are a Secret Service counter sniper protecting a principle and have a probable unknown sniper in your sights who is holding a rifle in a firing position, as those Secret Service snipers apparently observed yesterday, they simply can’t wait until even a second or two to fire on that unknown sniper until after he fires on their principle, in this case Trump! Did they have rules of engagement that required them to wait, if so, who ordered that?
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Reply 43 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 7/14/2024 5:21:13 PM (No. 1756535)
Exactly. Jurisdictional issue? USSS vs. local police? That was my first thought.
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A shooting range, a gun store, and a ladder
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27 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/16/2024 1:16:25 PM Post Reply
In the 48 hours before he opened fire on former President Donald Trump, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks made a series of stops in and around his suburban Pittsburgh hometown. On Friday, he went to a shooting range where he was a member, and practiced firing, [Snip] The next morning, Crooks went to a Home Depot, where he bought a five-foot ladder, and a gun store, where he purchased 50 rounds of ammunition, the official said. [Snip] He parked the car outside the rally, with an improvised explosive device hidden in the trunk that was wired to a transmitter he carried, the official said.
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/16/2024 12:47:02 PM Post Reply
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27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/16/2024 10:24:02 AM Post Reply
Enough about Joe Biden's mindless nastiness. I'll take my cue from Donald Trump and Biden himself and focus on policy this morning. Specifically, let's talk about Joe Biden's mindless and nasty demagoguery on economic policies. Faced with the electoral consequences of his corrosive inflationary wave, especially in shelter costs, Biden has to come up with some promised policy solution. And that is ... federal rent control: President Joe Biden is ready to propose a 5% cap on annual rent increases for tenants of major landlords as he tries to show he’s doing something about the high cost of housing, according to a person familiar with the plan.
Firefighter Corey Comperatore’s widow
refused Biden call after Trump rally shooting:
‘Didn’t want to talk to him’
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/16/2024 6:34:09 AM Post Reply
The heartbroken widow of Corey Comperatore, the hero firefighter shot dead by a sniper at a Trump rally, wanted nothing to do with President Biden when he called after the tragedy, she told The Post. “I didn’t talk to Biden,” Helen Comperatore said from her Pennsylvania home on Monday. “I didn’t want to talk to him. My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.” Corey Comperatore, a beloved volunteer firefighter and married father of two, was at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pa. on Saturday with his family when deranged sniper Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, opened fire.
Left Join Entertainment Elites to Mock
Trump’s Ear Bandage After Assassination Attempt
21 replies
Posted by Imright 7/17/2024 10:38:33 AM Post Reply
Members of the far-left joined with their entertainment elite compatriots on social media to mock former President Trump’s ear bandage just days after he survived an assassination attempt which also took the life of one man. Sneering far-left Star Wars actor Mark Hamill happily showed the way. According to Ronny Jackson, the former White House doctor who became a Texas congressman, Trump lost “a little bit” of his ear when the bullet grazed him on Saturday. “I checked his ear out,” Jackson said. “I went up and dressed his ear this morning.”
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