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America: Wake Up and Hear the Gunshots.
This Election Is Life or Death for U.S.

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/13/2024 10:20:06 PM

After an apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, leaving the former president bloody but defiant, it’s time for Americans to wake up and hear the gunshots. Democrats have been claiming Trump and his supporters are worse than Nazis and equivalent to terrorists. This election is about the survival not only of Donald Trump, but of the American Republic. Whether the online rumors about the attempted shooter being an Antifa member are true or false, the fact remains that Joe Biden, his handlers, and his media lackeys have been using the most aggressive and slanderous language against Trump and MAGA for years. Some prominent Democrats have even fantasized about Trump’s death.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 7/13/2024 10:34:56 PM (No. 1755885)
Yes, and the SS is incompetent or in on it.
78 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Birddog 7/13/2024 10:35:13 PM (No. 1755886)
It appears that the person killed was "Of Color" or at least verrry tanned.
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: ronbet 7/13/2024 10:39:20 PM (No. 1755893)
Well folks, there can be no doubt now about what a political party will do to keep power. These folks are crazy. Their words and deeds have proven just who they are and what they will do.
86 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: chagrined 7/13/2024 10:39:21 PM (No. 1755894)
There's never been any doubt in my mind. I've dealt with them. Been abused by them. Excoriated by them. They're your everyday, ordinary Demonrats! I'm not inciting anything!!! Just want people to know what you're up against. I'm positive there's more than a few of them who are abjectly disappointed by the failure to KILL President Trump today.
75 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 7/13/2024 10:47:59 PM (No. 1755904)
Appalling. Appalling. This is what radical left-wing and Democrat extremism has wrought on our beloved homeland. These extremists have been allowed to say anything without impunity, without accountability, and they have incited violence like this act.
54 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Faithfully 7/13/2024 10:49:24 PM (No. 1755906)
When the media aka The View say DT is Hitler what can we expect?
51 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: snakeoil 7/13/2024 10:55:08 PM (No. 1755909)
FTA: apparent assassination attempt. Apparent? It was an attempted assassination. Time we were given some facts. Who was the shooter? What was the motive? Why the delay?
44 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 7/13/2024 10:55:59 PM (No. 1755911)
God protect President and Mrs. Trump.
68 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: PChristopher 7/13/2024 11:05:27 PM (No. 1755922)
I wonder which Leftist will be the first to try to blame it o Russia?
27 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: davew 7/13/2024 11:40:16 PM (No. 1755951)
The saving of President Trump from a bullet that missed its mark by mere millimeters can only be interpreted as Divine Intervention. God has cast an early ballot.
98 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 7/14/2024 12:05:36 AM (No. 1755967)
"A house divided cannot stand" Our enemies want us divided. We can fall for it and rip ourselves apart or we can unite. Just like the Civil War, we have a choice to make. God help us make the choice peacefully.
30 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: mifla 7/14/2024 4:11:17 AM (No. 1756036)
Imagine our country if the bullet found Trump's head. That would have been enough to push the right into the violence typically employed by the left. Schumer threatened the supreme court justices. House Dems filed a bill to remove Trump's SS protection. Biden said it was time to paint a target on Trump.
52 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Trigger2 7/14/2024 4:44:24 AM (No. 1756045)
My first thought was: Joey & his evil demonrats were behind this. No question about it.
34 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: ARKfamily 7/14/2024 5:59:43 AM (No. 1756060)
#2, I don't know what pictures you are looking at but I am not seeing someone "Of Color" and does it really matter?
34 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Strike3 7/14/2024 7:17:29 AM (No. 1756085)
Thus far the reason for this attempt is pure insanity or TDS. They haven't been able to link this kid to anything. It's the next day already and I haven't heard the first yappings about gun control, especially since the amateur shooter had one of those scary black rifles that they love to target with their idiocy.
17 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Rinktum 7/14/2024 8:07:11 AM (No. 1756114)
We are finding out that when dealing with the insane democrat/leftists that regardless of what we were taught in kindergarten, names can harm us. Only a party without a moral compass could fail to understand what their unhinged rhetoric very likely could bring. Even worse, I believe they implicitly understood and it gave them more reason to continue spewing their hate. In fact, I am sure some of them were counting on it. If we have learned anything in the past few years it is that democrats are not like us. They believe life is cheap except when they can make a buck by doing abortions and selling baby parts, swindling folks out of their retirement savings, or shaking down a corporation or a foreign country for cold hard cash and political power. That is when life has meaning to these miscreants. I just pray that this act of unhinged violence against President Trump will open eyes of the apathetic and force them to think about the trajectory of our country under this heinous administration. This country has changed. The left has become more deranged and thankfully, the right has become more determined to save the Republic. I am so thankful I am waking up today with a slightly wounded President Trump, my heart sank as I watched the rally and realized what had happened. Then watching President Trump get to his feet with determination on his face and his fist held high in the air, I felt I could breathe again. It’s not that I feel he is some kind of Superman or demi god, but at that moment I knew he was all in for this country and the American people and that God had protected him which gave me tremendous faith that this country will get through this national nightmare. As Republicans we will carry on, work hard to defend and protect this country and most of all, defeat this heinous party. Keep praying! I think we all witnessed a miracle yesterday. God bless America!
54 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: chillijilli 7/14/2024 8:37:49 AM (No. 1756145)
Almost immediately after the assassination attempt, a liberal texted saying her sources were saying the "attack was staged and Trump was shot with a BB gun." When I pointed out that others had been wounded or killed so I doubted this was staged, her response was that she "didn't want Trump to be a martyr and also didn't want to see him alive" and that she wouldn't have been surprised if there had been an attempt on Biden's life because"that side has the angry gun nuts." She really thinks like this. Logic and reason absolutely won't work.
30 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 7/14/2024 8:55:56 AM (No. 1756162)
Any reasoning person can see that this was an inside job. Yes, I said it and I mean it. Why in heaven’s name was that clear shot position not secured? Why did the USSS sniper wait until the shots were fired before returning fire? Why has the identity of the assassin been “sanitized? This is madness, total complete Junta led madness. Those responsible must be jailed for life. Period. Where in heavens name is Mike Johnson not calling for a full, complete investigation of ALL of the components that we saw play out last night, or is he in on it, too?
21 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: red1066 7/14/2024 8:59:38 AM (No. 1756166)
Initial reports that the shooter was of Chinese descent. He was a 20 year old Pa. resident.
5 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: ARKfamily 7/14/2024 9:52:16 AM (No. 1756204)
And Democrats really want me to believe that there was no cheating going on in the 2020 election? They are doing anything and everything to keep Donald Trump out of the 2024 election. Disgusting.
25 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: PM'sSubstack 7/14/2024 10:29:41 AM (No. 1756223)
Project 2025 is a blueprint for what a second Trump administration could look like, dreamed up by his allies and former aides. The President elect now has a clear mandate. to implement project 2025. For those not too familiar with it, believe it or not, there's a good article in the Washington Post. Google PM's substack if you can't stand the WAPO (Democracy Dies in Disinformation).
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Strike3 7/14/2024 10:36:50 AM (No. 1756228)
Some L-Dotters sound like the people on the media that speak of which they know nothing. Other than experienced veterans like Cory Bush or Pete Hegseth, the talking heads just like to hear themselves talk and they are spouting a lot of nonsense. The most important piece of an assassination attempt is the shooter and you can't tell me that an organized effort would include a 20-year-old nut case who couldn't accurately shoot a rifle at half of its effective range without hitting the target. Had he been competent, one shot or, at the most two, would have preceeded a successful murder. The 5.56 or 223 round would have dropped about an inch at the distance involved and the distance was too short for the wind to affect the shot, so the guy was an inexperienced amateur. He looks and probably acts like that kid Kyle on Last Man Standing. NOT an organized effort, NOT a good shooter.
3 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: NotaBene 7/14/2024 11:51:19 AM (No. 1756282)
I accuse the Democrat Party.
10 people like this.

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Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 8:40:39 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 6:38:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 6:09:40 PM Post Reply
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FBI says it is investigating Trump shooting
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 4:33:08 PM Post Reply
The FBI says that the attempt to shoot Donald Trump is being investigated as a potential act of domestic terrorism, adding that the shooter acted alone and had no known ideology. “We are investigating this as an assassination attempt, but also looking at it as a potential domestic terrorism act,” Robert Wells, assistant director of the FBI counterterrorism division, tells reporters. The gun used in the attempted assassination was an “AR-style 556 rifle” that was purchased legally, FBI Special Agent Kevin Rojek tells reporters.
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 3:07:31 PM Post Reply
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The Central Question Facing the Secret Service 20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 2:24:39 PM Post Reply
Dominic wrote on the long list of failures by the U.S. Secret Service over recent decades, but when it comes to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, one question in particular rises above them all: How did they allow a shooter to get on a roof that was in striking distance of Trump? There are other questions that have been raised. Why did the counter-sniper team appear to wait until the shooter fired at Trump before taking him out? Why didn’t police and Secret Service react more quickly to numerous people who were shouting at them for minutes that a gunman was crawling on a nearby roof? Why
Explosives Found in Car of Would-Be Trump
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22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 11:41:41 AM Post Reply
Explosives were found in the car of would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks after he was killed in a failed attack on the former president during a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, according to multiple reports. Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania was identified by the FBI as the man responsible for shooting Trump and numerous rally attendees in Butler, Pa. The shooter’s car was parked near Trump’s rally, and police dispatched bomb technicians after receiving multiple reports of suspicious packages, the Wall Street Journal first reported.
Melania Trump Gives First Statement Following
Assassination Attempt On Husband: “The
Fabric Of Our Nation Is Tattered”
5 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 11:24:08 AM Post Reply
Former First Lady Melania Trump, in her first remarks since the assassination attempt on the life of her husband, Donald Trump, said that “the fabric of our gentle nation is tattered,” while she called for a more humane approach to political discourse that has gotten increasingly toxic. “We have always been a unique nation,” Trump wrote in a message posted on her X/Twitter account. “America, the fabric of our gentle nation is tattered, but our courage and common sense must ascend and bring us back together as one.” She wrote that “when I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron’s life,
The Attempted Assassination of Donald
J. Trump
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 12:40:38 AM Post Reply
The nation escaped an unspeakable tragedy that would have been profoundly destabilizing for the country by perhaps a few centimeters. As it is, what happened in Butler, Pa., is godawful enough. A gunman tried to assassinate former president Donald Trump and grazed his ear with a bullet, while killing one rally-goer and seriously injuring others. This was a heinous act of violence and an attack on American democracy. Trump’s reaction was truly extraordinary and will long be remembered. After Secret Service officers threw themselves on the former president and then picked him up to begin to take him to safety, he insisted on pausing on the stage
Thomas Matthew Crooks ID’d as gunman
who shot Trump during Pa. rally
42 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 12:28:14 AM Post Reply
The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post. Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh. Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds. He was killed by Secret Service snipers. An AR-style rifle was later recovered. Bethel Park is a village 40 miles south of where the Butler rally was held. Why Crooks fired on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is unclear.
'It's Over': Dem Panic Over 2024 Curdles
Into Despair
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 12:14:31 AM Post Reply
How do I know that the reports over Democrat despair are credible? This one comes from Politico, but the New York Times has covered it wall-to-wall for the past two weeks as well. This isn't just conservative schadenfreude, but a real phenomenon unfolding on and being reported by the Left. Before we get to Politico's more explicit report, we can certainly extrapolate establishment Democrat despair from this NYT report about Joe Biden's appearance in Michigan. He drew a crowd, but not any other high-ranking Democrat officeholder: Conspicuously absent, however, were many of Michigan’s highest-profile Democrats, including Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whose popularity
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Trump rushed offstage after gunshots ring
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 6:30:55 PM Post Reply
Gunfire appeared to erupt at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania while he was speaking on stage. People in the crowd could be heard screaming as Secret Service Agents crowded Trump and rushed him off the stage. Trump appeared to grab his ear in the moments before he was taken to the floor by the Secret Service. He was heard asking for his shoes as the guards rushed him away. Trump was seen pumping his fist as he was rushed to a car by Secret Service. Soldiers in military gear were seen rushing into the rally.
TRUMP SHOOTER DOWN!!– Was Outside the
Venue on Trump’s Right Side Likely Well
Over 200 Yards Away – Sounded Like a
22 Long Rifle
55 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 7/13/2024 7:45:47 PM Post Reply
President Trump was shot on Saturday at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Firearms expert Larry Johnson confirmed to The Gateway Pundit: ** The shooter was likely outside the venue, ** The shooter was on the right side of Trump, ** This was not a pistol used by the shooter, ** Likely a 22 Long Rifle – likely semiautomatic, ** The 22 Long Rifle is effective up to 200 yards, ** It appears no one else was shot on the stage, ** The audience was looking to their right after the shots were fired. ** Bullet was in a deceleration range
FBI surprised how Trump’s would-be assassin
Thomas Matthew Crooks fired off many shots
before Secret Service killed him at rally
43 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/14/2024 5:58:35 AM Post Reply
Law enforcement officials admitted it was “surprising” how the gunman was able to get so many shots off in the attempted assassination on former President Donald Trump before he was taken out by Secret Service snipers. During a press conference early Sunday, officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Pennsylvania State Police deferred several questions about security to the Secret Service — who were notably absent. When asked if he was surprised at the number of shots the gunman was able to take at a former president, Kevin Rojek, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh field office, said:
Thomas Matthew Crooks ID’d as gunman
who shot Trump during Pa. rally
42 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 12:28:14 AM Post Reply
The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post. Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh. Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds. He was killed by Secret Service snipers. An AR-style rifle was later recovered. Bethel Park is a village 40 miles south of where the Butler rally was held. Why Crooks fired on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is unclear.
Biden calls Trump's assassination attempt
'sick' kind of violence: President thanks
Secret Service and has tried to speak
to Republican in hospital
39 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 8:42:38 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Saturday evening said there was no place for 'sick' political violence in America and said he was grateful that former President Donald Trump was safe. He addressed the media about two hours after shots were fired at Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. There's no place in America this kind of violence, it's sick. It's sick,' he said. 'It's one of the reasons we have to unite this country. The president said he was trying to reach Trump, who is believed to be in a hospital near the rally site. He said the investigation was ongoing and he steered clear of giving a definitive assessment
There’s only one right response to the
Trump shooting
34 replies
Posted by Calvinesq 7/14/2024 7:53:17 AM Post Reply
I was boarding a plane from Los Angeles back home to Philadelphia when the news hit that former President Donald Trump had been injured during a rally in Butler, Pa. The details were sketchy, but the responses online and on the plane were already wild — and entirely predictable. [SNIP] But the only response here isn’t to make Trump a god or a goat: It is to declare, once and for all, that we will finally stop pledging our allegiance to guns more than to one another.
Analysis: Election Remains Close, But
Biden Still Favored Despite Debate Abomination
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 1:33:06 AM Post Reply
An analysis of the 2024 presidential election by FiveThirtyEight found that while the election was close, President Joe Biden was still favored to win, despite his poor debate performance. FiveThirtyEight found that Biden was favored to win the November presidential election “50 times out of 100,” whereas former President Donald Trump was favored to win the presidential election “49 times out of 100.” The predicted outcomes were a result of FiveThirtyEight’s “simulations of the 2024 presidential election.” Out of 1,000 simulations, FiveThirtyEight found that Biden won 505 times, while Trump won 491 times.
Flashback: J6 Chairman Bennie Thomspon
Proposed Revoking Donald Trump's Secret
Service Protection
28 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/13/2024 11:40:22 PM Post Reply
Former and potentially future President Donald Trump was shot at his rally in Butler County in Pennsylvania on Saturday night, an incident that could have been much worse had Trump turned his head a different way. Secret Service agents quickly sprang into action to escort him off of the stage and to safety. In light of such serious news, it's worth reminding that Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), who was chairman of the January 6 Select Committee, just months ago introduced legislation to deny presidents who were convicted of felonies. Trump was ultimately convicted of 34 charges in New York City on May 30.
FBI says it is investigating Trump shooting
as ‘potential domestic terrorism’
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 4:33:08 PM Post Reply
The FBI says that the attempt to shoot Donald Trump is being investigated as a potential act of domestic terrorism, adding that the shooter acted alone and had no known ideology. “We are investigating this as an assassination attempt, but also looking at it as a potential domestic terrorism act,” Robert Wells, assistant director of the FBI counterterrorism division, tells reporters. The gun used in the attempted assassination was an “AR-style 556 rifle” that was purchased legally, FBI Special Agent Kevin Rojek tells reporters.
Report: Secret Service Reportedly Ignored
Warning About Man With Rifle on Roof
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 10:40:41 PM Post Reply
An eyewitness at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania claims he saw a man with a rifle on a rooftop. He said he warned authorities but was ignored. "We couldn't see [Trump], but we could hear him. So we walked up probably five to seven minutes from Trump speaking—I'm estimating here, I've no idea. But we noticed the guy crawling, bear-crawling up the roof of the building beside us, fifty feet away from us. So we're standing there, you know, we're pointing, we're pointing at that guy crawling up the roof." "He had a gun, right?"
Will Biden Accept Blame For The Assassination
Attempt Against Trump?
25 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/13/2024 10:04:16 PM Post Reply
On July 8, CNN reported that while defending his campaign in a video call with top donors, President Joe Biden said: “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye. We can’t go another day, another day, without explaining what he’s doing, and we have to go after him.” Five days later, someone apparently took Biden up on his word and tried to assassinate Donald Trump at a campaign rally north of Pittsburgh.
Flashback: Biden Said Days Ago, ‘It’s
Time to Put Trump in the Bullseye'
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 9:59:50 PM Post Reply
On Monday, during an appearance on “Morning Joe,” President Biden used violent rhetoric about Donald Trump. “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” Biden said. Earlier this evening, Trump was shot at during a rally in Pennsylvania. As my colleague, Rick Moran, wrote earlier today: For years, Republicans have been told their rhetoric leads to violence. Sarah Palin put a bullseye on the congressional district of Rep. Gabby Giffords. The "crosshairs" were not placed on Giffords. They were placed on her district on a map. After Giffords was shot by a mentally unstable person, Democrats blamed Palin for the attack. School shootings, mass casualty events, and almost any act of violence
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