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Thomas Matthew Crooks ID’d as gunman
who shot Trump during Pa. rally

Original Article

Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/14/2024 12:28:14 AM

The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post. Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh. Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds. He was killed by Secret Service snipers. An AR-style rifle was later recovered. Bethel Park is a village 40 miles south of where the Butler rally was held. Why Crooks fired on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is unclear.


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Reply 1 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/14/2024 12:37:10 AM (No. 1755982)
Not only should this kid not have been able to access that the h**l was he able to fire that many rounds before being taken down? I smell a rat.... with a D.
154 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Words have Meaning 7/14/2024 12:57:16 AM (No. 1755992)
I agree with #1. I think Dementia Joe and his real leaders of D party...hatched a quick plan to dispatch Trump after the historic Supreme Court decision on his presidential immunity. That being said...the Secret Service team on the ground performed like heroes and Trump truly has an angel on his shoulder. Remember it was Biden that said..."we have to put the bullseye on Trump"...coincidence, I think not, especially after what happened in PA.
114 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: buckhorn_cortez 7/14/2024 12:59:37 AM (No. 1755993)
Hard to believe the Secret Service doesn't own drones to provide surveillance of rooftops during outdoor events...
170 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Lawsy0 7/14/2024 1:09:49 AM (No. 1755995)
Such scant information seems to be devoid of the Five Questions: Who What When Where and Why. Maybe it'll come as the days move on.
50 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: JimBob 7/14/2024 1:33:06 AM (No. 1756001)
I predict that the Lamestreams will take full advantage and go on a wall-to-wall, full-court-press. No longer will we hear about the HairSniffer's decline into dementia. That unpleasant subject is Off the Table! There is Now a NEW SHINY OBJECT! From now, and into the foreseeable future, we are going to be bombarded with Banning Assault Rifles! Banning Assault Rifles! Banning Assault Rifles!..... to Save Our Democracy, or course. "If you're against Banning Assault Rifles, then YOU must favor Assassinating Donald Trump!"... of course! "I thought you wanted to Make America Great Again! We HAVE to Ban Assault Rifles to Protect President Trump!" .... at least that, or some variation thereof, is what I believe the Lamestreams are going to start pushing, as soon as whoever is running Journ-O-List gets the marching orders out to the Lamestream minions. Will my prediction come true? We'll just have to Wait and See!
88 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Wetenschapper 7/14/2024 1:33:40 AM (No. 1756002)
The Secret Service certainly seemed to want to make sure he was properly dead. I'm particularly curious about that final headshot, from how far away was it administered, and had the shooter already been rendered essentially harmless by that time? Did somebody want to "Lee Harvey Oswald" him to make sure he was able to tell no tales that would implicate well-placed handlers?
93 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Safari Man 7/14/2024 1:37:31 AM (No. 1756004)
No way do I trust the FBI on this investigation. They’re on it to provide cover for the dims. Who knows, maybe the FBI was in on it, that’s how much I trust the FBI. Dimocrats have blood on their hands under any circumstances
135 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Strike3 7/14/2024 2:34:42 AM (No. 1756023)
The democrats are currently in charge. Spiteful Biden denied SS protection to RFK and would have given the least amount of protection required to Donald Trump. Biden may or may not have done something fiendish but he certainly would want to make it easier. Eight rounds from an AR-15 can be squeezed off in a couple of seconds but one careful shot from a trained shooter could easily have been accomplished. The shooter wasn't a man, he was a kid and was either nervous or didn't have his rifle properly sighted in. He was not a pro.
51 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 7/14/2024 3:31:18 AM (No. 1756027)
I hope and pray that my government had nothing to do with this attempted murder. Since the FBI has the lead on the investigation, we will likely never know the truth.
118 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Highlander 7/14/2024 4:27:04 AM (No. 1756039)
Reply 9; After 59 years, no one really knows with absolute certainty who was behind Kennedy’s assassination. It’s not as simple as what it seemed at first. I do not trust the government at all in Trump’s case.
110 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: sagman 7/14/2024 6:01:37 AM (No. 1756062)
Too early to be definitive, but I don’t see this as a conspiracy involving the Secret Service, FBI, and the administration. So many questions, one of the most important being, how was the shooter able to get into place on that rooftop not so far from the podium? I thought the SS checks out venues, identifies potential lairs/roofs, and stations agents in these places while the principal is speaking. Regardless of whether the SS asked for but didn’t get more agents for the Trump detail, resulting in that unsecured rooftop, why didn’t the agent-in-charge request a cop or soldier be stationed on that roof?
54 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Msquared112 7/14/2024 6:31:57 AM (No. 1756068)
Republicans will be blamed; the shooter is a registered Republican. But I believe the shooter's plan was to get Republicans blamed for this shooting, and then to have the country go after the 2ndA.
41 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 7/14/2024 6:40:47 AM (No. 1756071)
A man is up on a roof that is 1⅓ football fields away from the president and is a clear shot. The witnesses alert authorities to the shooter as he is climbing up on the roof with a rifle. Within 3 seconds after the shot secret service snipers have sights on shooter and take him out. This is a bit reminiscent of the patsy Oswald who was dead within hours. Trump needs a polygraph done on the secret service logistics team and their snipers.
75 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: bpl40 7/14/2024 7:48:45 AM (No. 1756099)
A two story building 11/2 football fields away was not secured? Who was negligent? Why?
54 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 7/14/2024 7:51:32 AM (No. 1756100)
I wonder if Trump will tell us now what he found out about the JFK assassination?
25 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/14/2024 7:55:14 AM (No. 1756101)
I've been in various buildings at Dallas Love Field many times when different Presidents flew into town for a speech, and let me tell you, the Secret Service is extremely thorough at finding EVERY "angle of opportunity" a would-be-shooter might have and they'll put agents there, or simply "deny" access to an area in order to prevent what happened yesterday from happening. Based on what I've seen in the past, this event stinks to high heaven. Usually, the S.S. is just way too thorough with its "ground" teams AND its helicopter-borne agents/snipers. That said, I don't think "Candidate" Trump gets helicopter protection, although he probably should. By the way, they don't say where the S.S. Snipers were that killed the shooter however, it's entirely possible it was that sniper team who dropped the ball, failing to see the shooter in their sector before he got fully into position to take "the" shot. It was never expected that a MAGA supporter would stand and get in between the shooter and his target, wherein he "took a round" for the President. I'm so glad President Trump's very first statement to the public mentioned the shooter's other victims. The Democrats have sealed their own fate here. From here on, after each mention of Trump's name, the MSM puppets will almost be compelled to say, "Peace be upon him," so they're not be accused of seeking more violence against him.
23 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 7/14/2024 8:01:33 AM (No. 1756106)
The democrats have tried to imprison Trump, bankrupt Trump, silence Trump, and now murder Trump because they can’t beat him at the ballot box.
68 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: franq 7/14/2024 8:03:50 AM (No. 1756110)
#1, access to the roof is the real question. A semi-auto rifle can fire multiple rounds quickly. Probably two seconds to do 5-6 rounds.
13 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: BarryNo 7/14/2024 8:18:12 AM (No. 1756123)
Already happening. Talked to a lib last night about the shooting. First thing out of their mouths was about gun control. This one seemed mildly disappointed the assassin failed. Thinks Trump is a dangerous madman. Would not even discuss what's at issue or accept any refutation of J6 events. To them, there were no false flags, the J6ers were at minimum, violent rioters, and Trump instigated the whole thing. Suggested Trump arranged the assassination as a false flag, if you can believe that.
24 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: chillijilli 7/14/2024 8:20:23 AM (No. 1756125)
How did this guy GET on the roof? If he didn't fly, he must've used a ladder? And where is the ladder? And then how did he get the ladder there, without anyone noticing that someone with a rifle just happened to be casually carrying a ladder near where Trump would be speaking? And will someone please tell me what is that large plastic bottle on the rooftop past the top of the shooter's head?
23 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: homefry 7/14/2024 8:28:57 AM (No. 1756139)
The shooter was pointed out by a rally attendee way before he had time to shoot.
37 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: vhs68 7/14/2024 8:35:01 AM (No. 1756144)
The shooter was always going to be 'eliminated', the problem is he missed first.
28 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: NorthernDog 7/14/2024 8:41:08 AM (No. 1756150)
Merrick Gar-Lick has been amazingly quiet since the assassination attempt. You would think the Dept. of Justice would have something to say when a high profile person is nearly killed.
31 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 7/14/2024 9:02:35 AM (No. 1756169)
The picture of Crooks does not match the picture of the dead assassin. This whole thing must be investigated NOT by the Deep State FBI, CIA (Cue John Brennan) or any other whitewashing entity. It must be investigated by those who are sufficiently livid to get to THE TRUTH. Who that is, I’m not sure.
20 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 7/14/2024 9:03:38 AM (No. 1756170)
#23, perhaps they’re too busy writing & editing the young shooter’s manifesto.
20 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: red1066 7/14/2024 9:08:21 AM (No. 1756176)
Witnesses who saw the shooter several minutes before he started shooting tried to get the attention of police and secret service agents by pointing to the roof of the building. The witness asked why there were no police or secret service agents positioned on that roof because from that vantage point, there was a clear open view of Trump. Seems Biteme and the DOJ have refused extra secret service protection for Trump and RFK.
24 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: FormerDem 7/14/2024 9:15:18 AM (No. 1756180)
#15 re Dallas, see @papitrumpo account on Twitter, which is believed by many to be Trump. There is a mashup of a photo from Dallas with Trump's head superimposed, laughing, saying iirc You Missed. Also there is an account of the feelings that led him to Fight! Fight! Fight! ... do not miss that....
6 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Muguy 7/14/2024 9:18:30 AM (No. 1756182)
The article claims "Crooks was a registered Republican, according to state voting records." Crooks was a registered Republican, according to state voting records? He donated to Act Blue which is a Demonrat PAC..... This was a catastrophic protection failure of the highest order, especially as it relates to tall structures, It usually doesn't take long before the media begins a FULL COURT PRESS for gun control when something like this happens-- its a constant knee jerk reaction
17 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: chillijilli 7/14/2024 9:20:14 AM (No. 1756183)
Crooks had to know beforehand that the rooftop wouldn't be under SS scrutiny because he knew what kind of firearm to bring for the conditions.
20 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: clayusmcret 7/14/2024 9:30:42 AM (No. 1756190)
One of two roofs with direct line-of-sight with the president and the roof wasn't secured. Makes no sense whatsoever. That roof should have had a security detail on it. Inexcusable!
19 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: pensom2 7/14/2024 9:56:59 AM (No. 1756208)
This reveal of the shooter kid's identity raises as many questions as it answers. Hard to imagine he was a registered Republican unless he did so to vote against the stronger candidate in the Pa. Republican primaries. In the photographs, Crooks looks strangely effeminate. He could easily mistaken for an offspring of Elizabeth Warren.
12 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 7/14/2024 10:02:41 AM (No. 1756211)
Re #28. I read that too. A registered Republican that donated to Biden? Sounds like a Trump hater to me! He received some sort of award for mathematics. Sounds intelligent. No mention if he was mentally ill. Why are so many people falling for the hateful divisive rhetoric out there? It's all BS, but people believe it. Intelligent people. Those messages are meant to foment violence. There are people out there that want us at each other's throats. We are strong enough to withstand an external attack. We are being attacked from inside. A divided nation does not stand.
8 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: chance_232 7/14/2024 10:08:27 AM (No. 1756214)
So many questions….. The obvious being the failure of the SS. What possesses a 20 year old to make an assassination attempt when there is almost zero chance of surviving? I’m not surprised that he was a registered republican. I’ll be the registration was shiny new. That’s a good shot for an inexperienced untrained young man? Nothing in politics is coincidental
13 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Strike3 7/14/2024 10:51:59 AM (No. 1756237)
Most of our questions will be answered once law enforcement identifies the loser's friends and family, if he had any. In Pennsylvania, as in many other states, one can change one's political affiliation online except right before a primary but who knows why he would choose Republican if he hated Trump so much? There is no sense speculating in the absence of basic information, which the media initiates and is not hesitant to create news out of uninformed opinions. It was explained that the guy crawling up the roof was spotted from the other side but was not in the view of the SS protective snipers. They probably saw the man pointing up and had no idea what he was pointing at until it was too late. The man told the State Police but events happened very quickly and I doubt if they were on the same radio frequency as the SS.
3 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Strike3 7/14/2024 10:55:14 AM (No. 1756240)
One more point, many utility buildings have permanent roof access ladders to reach HVAC equipment, etc. The kid obviously did not carry his own ladder as well as the rifle. He was stupid but not that stupid.
5 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: stablemoney 7/14/2024 11:28:54 AM (No. 1756264)
Right away, the media is out front spinning the narrative that the shooter was a Republican. Next up, a lone shooter. No one else involved. Case closed.
3 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: NotaBene 7/14/2024 11:52:58 AM (No. 1756285)
Was he CIA or FBI? The people want to know.
6 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: DVC 7/14/2024 11:56:40 AM (No. 1756289)
Re #1. He eased up the back side of the roof. It is easily possible to fire 3 shots, which it seems that he did, in about 2 seconds....actually it is entirely possible to fire 3 shots in 1 second, but not well aimed shots for long distance. But note, only the first shot seemed to be aimed, then a couple more what we competition shooters poke fun at each other by calling "spray and pray" minimally aimed, which hit the crowd. SS countershipers probably each fired twice, giving 3 for the shooters and four for the SS guys, total of 7 shots in maybe 5 seconds or less. It's possible that there were other SS countersnipers that we haven't seen and perhaps it was more SS shooters, each taking fewer shots. My count is about 7-8 total. I don't think that the SS intentionally withheld shooting. If you watch the video, the two countersnipers that I am currently aware of, see something, and one lifts his head from the scope very quickly, and then back into the scope and a quick shot or two. The lower SS countersniper seems to stay 'in the scope' and take his shot or two. I wonder if there may have been other, unseen countersnipers firing, too. It takes a couple of seconds to respond to a sudden threat from "flat footed", no matter how alert a person is trying to be. At this point, I see DEI leadership in SS as a problem, and Mayorkas intentionally shorting them on people and other resources for Trump protection detail as the key problems. You can't cover all roof tops if you only have 10-12 people total. I am waiting to know how large a security team was available. I think a shortage of agents was a KEY problem, plus DEI as a secondary issue to be looked at closely.
12 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: NotaBene 7/14/2024 12:44:18 PM (No. 1756346)
And the Deep State accomplices are still denying Robert Kennedy Jr. SS protection. This is on purpose because he takes away votes from Bidet.
5 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: DCGIRL 7/14/2024 1:00:36 PM (No. 1756361)
It was embarrassing to watch how they fumbled Trump at the podium. The female SS agent should go through training again. An investigation into the entire event needs to be done. Why the police did nothing when notified that someone was climbing the building with a rifle. Go figure?????
5 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: rikkitikki 7/14/2024 1:24:25 PM (No. 1756379)
To the Secret Service, some advice for future venues: 1. Put Trump behind some Lexan safety screens to prevent future incidents. 2. Spend a few thousand dollars on some surveillance drones and about 200 wireless security cameras, and use them to surveil every possible sniper site using just one or two observers in a command truck. 3. Have a dozen delivery drones carrying flash-bang grenades on hand to disrupt any shooters until they can be neutralized
3 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 7/14/2024 4:58:26 PM (No. 1756527)
His nerdlet appearance belies his horrific act.
2 people like this.

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would make a good president, AP-NORC poll shows
26 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/19/2024 4:34:19 PM Post Reply
As President Joe Biden faces a growing drumbeat of pressure to drop his reelection bid, a majority of Democrats think his vice president would make a good president herself. A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Democrats believe Kamala Harris would do a good job in the top slot. About 2 in 10 Democrats don’t believe she would, and another 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say. Since Biden’s debate debacle on June 27, many Democrats have privately and even openly looked to Harris to step in and succeed Biden as the party’s presidential nominee.
WOW! Republican Senators John Barrasso
and Marsha Blackburn Confront Secret Service
Director at RNC and Chase Her Out of the
Building Demanding Answers! (Video)
26 replies
Posted by Imright 7/18/2024 3:49:38 AM Post Reply
This was a surreal and amazing incident that unfolded tonight at the Republican National Convention. Kimberly Cheatle, the director of the Secret Service, was confronted by Republican senators John Barrasso of Wyoming and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who were demanding answers about the failure of the Secret Service to protect Donald Trump. Kim Cheatle tried to run away but the senators chased after her, demanding answers. This is just stunning. Watch below:
Joe Scarborough backs push for Biden to
drop out, says aides keeping him in race
for ‘financial’ reasons: ‘Not going
to end well’
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/18/2024 11:01:45 AM Post Reply
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough all but called on President Biden to drop his re-election campaign Thursday — as the TV host ripped the commander-in-chief’s inner circle for keeping him in the race. “This is not going to end well if it continues to drag out,” Scarborough said during a lengthy spiel on his “Morning Joe” talk show. Scarborough, who has staunchly defended the 81-year-old president in recent weeks despite the mounting calls for him to step aside, called on those closest to Biden to help him “do the right thing.” “It’s really incumbent on people that are around Joe Biden to step up at this point and help
Hundreds of racist plant names will change
after historic vote by botanists
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/19/2024 3:30:16 PM Post Reply
For the first time, researchers have voted to eliminate scientific names of organisms because they are offensive. Botanists decided that more than 200 plants, fungi and algae species names should no longer contain a racial slur related to the word caffra, which is used against Black people and others mostly in southern Africa. The changes voted on today at the International Botanical Congress in Madrid mean that plants such as the coast coral tree will, from 2026, be formally called Erythrina affra, instead of Erythrina caffra. (snip) The measure passed in a tense secret ballot, with 351 votes in favour against 205 opposed.
Watch: Kamala Harris Musters Fake Accent
in North Carolina
23 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 4:10:21 AM Post Reply
Why does she always do this? Kamala Harris was in North Carolina rallying a small crowd of supporters as Joe Biden stayed out of the public eye after he announced he has Covid. Harris mustered a fake accent as she delivered a campaign speech to North Carolina rallygoers in a city near Fort Liberty (previously Fort Bragg). “We too busy watchin’ what you doin’ to hear what you’re sayin,'” Harris said in her fake accent. (Video) Harris bragged about defying the Supreme Court in their taxpayer-funded student loan bailout. WATCH: (Video)
Obama turns on Biden, pressures prez to
drop 2024 bid: report
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/18/2024 1:44:37 PM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama is pressuring President Biden to reconsider his 2024 run for re-election, according to a new report. Obama and Biden have only spoken once since the president’s debate debacle on June 27 — but stressed during that conversation that his old running mate’s chances of beating Donald Trump were “greatly diminished,” the Washington Post reported. The 44th president also stressed that while Biden’s legacy was important to him, only his former vice president could make the call on whether to stay in the race. “Our campaign is not working through any scenarios where President Biden is not at the top of the ticket.
IT WAS A SETUP! – Senator Hawley: Whistleblowers
Most of Trump Security Working Rally Were
Not Even Secret Service
22 replies
Posted by ScarletPimpernel 7/19/2024 11:18:29 AM Post Reply
And the hits keep coming. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday demanding answers on the attempted assassination attack on President Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania last .Senator Hawley wrote that whistleblowers have notified him that a majority of the security officials working the rally last weekend were not even Secret Service personnel but were with the Homeland Security Investigations team!
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