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Posts on Thursday, June 20, 2024

Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò
with schism for ‘denial of the legitimacy
of Pope Francis’
Posted by Harlowe 6/20/2024 11:46:24 PM Post Reply
The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has instigated an “extrajudicial penal trial” against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, accusing the prelate of “the crime of schism.” [Snip] In response, Viganò defended himself stating: In the face of the Dicastery’s accusations, I claim, as Successor of the Apostles, to be in full communion with the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, with the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiffs, and with the uninterrupted doctrinal, moral, and liturgical Tradition which they have faithfully preserved. [Snip]...Viganò asked Catholics to “pray that the Lord will come to the aid of His Church and...
Police: Texas Taekwondo Family Saves Woman
from Sexual Assault
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 11:04:37 PM Post Reply
A family of Texas taekwondo instructors heroically stepped in to save a woman from an apparent sexual assault after hearing her screams near their dojo. Siblings 20-year-old Simon and 22-year-old Hannah An were at their family-owned Yong-In Tae Kwon Do gym in Harris County on Tuesday afternoon when they heard “commotion going on next door,” KHOU11 reported. By the time sheriff’s deputies arrived at the neighboring Cricket Wireless store, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said instructors from the dojo “had a male pinned to the ground.” [Tweet] “I saw a man on top of a woman, and the woman was on the ground,”
Florida Republicans Closing in on One
Million Voter Registration Advantage over Democrats
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 10:58:29 PM Post Reply
Florida Republicans are closing in on a massive one million voter registration advantage over Democrats in the Sunshine State — roughly 60,000 registered voters from the milestone. The Republican Party of Florida has been making progress on this front for the past three years, overtaking Democrats for the first time in history in November 2021. At the time, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said, “When I got elected governor, we had 280,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans in the state of Florida.” “Today, and it will probably be fully publicized very soon, today for the first time in the history of Florida, we’ve now overtaken Democrats,” he said during that November press conference.
Letter reveals that federal prosecutors
declined to charge man who threatened
Indiana congressman
Posted by OhioNick 6/20/2024 10:52:59 PM Post Reply
A Fort Wayne man convicted for harassing and intimidating U.S. Rep. Jim Banks was given a pass by federal prosecutors, who declined to act on the case despite apparently pursuing similar cases in other districts — according to a December letter Banks sent to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. Banks’ office publicized the letter following an op-ed written by Garland condemning political violence, noting that Garland never responded to his concerns about the threats against the Banks family.
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey
Will Sue New York for ‘Lawfare Against
President Trump’
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 10:50:52 PM Post Reply
Andrew Bailey, attorney general for the state of Missouri, announced on Thursday that his office will be suing the state of New York for its “lawfare against” former President Donald Trump. “I will be filing suit against the State of New York for their direct attack on our democratic process through unconstitutional lawfare against President Trump. It’s time to restore the rule of law,” Bailey announced on X. “We have to fight back against a rogue prosecutor who is trying to take a presidential candidate off the campaign trail. It sabotages Missourians’ right to a free and fair election,” he added.
Red state sues tech giant IBM over diversity 'quotas' replies
Posted by sunset 6/20/2024 10:34:32 PM Post Reply
The state of Missouri has filed a lawsuit against the technology giant International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) for unlawful practices in allegedly requiring racial and gender quotas in its hiring and promotion structures for employees. Missouri Republican Attorney General Andrew Bailey on Thursday filed suit against the company, alleging that such practices are a violation of the Missouri Human Rights Act. "It has come to my attention that IBM has adopted an unlawful policy that blatantly favors applicants of a certain gender or skin color over others, and that managers within the company who refuse to comply with said policy face adverse action, including and up to, termination.
Illegal migrant charged with murdering
Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, was released into
the US just weeks ago: Texas girl was
found raped and strangled in creek
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 9:45:32 PM Post Reply
The two men charged with the murder of a 12-year-old Texas girl are migrants from Venezuela who were released under the 'alternatives to detention' program. Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, was fitted with a GPS ankle monitor by border patrol after he crossed at El Paso in Texas on May 28, but he had cut it off by the time they were arrested for killing Jocelyn Nungaray. Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, was also released after being intercepted by border agents on March 14, little more than three months before Jocelyn's body was found floating in a creek near her Houston home on Monday.
Trump Lawyers File Motion to Remove Engoron
From NYC Civil Fraud Case After it Was
Revealed Judge Had ‘Improper’ Conversation
with Real Estate Attorney
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 9:33:39 PM Post Reply
President Trump’s lawyers filed a motion to remove Judge Arthur Engoron from the NYC civil fraud case brought by Stalinist NY AG Letitia James. Trump’s attorneys said Engoron should recuse after it was revealed the judge had an “improper” conversation about the civil fraud case with a real estate lawyer shortly before he issued ruling ordering Trump to pay a $454 million penalty. The real estate attorney, Adam Leitman Bailey, revealed he had a conversation about the Trump case with Engoron during an interview with NBC New York in February. “I know he respects my real estate knowledge,” Bailey said. “So I gave it to him. I gave him everything I knew.
CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover
Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department
Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement
Theory’ is REAL — Admits Deliberately
Importing Criminals
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 9:28:26 PM Post Reply
A State Department official has been caught on camera admitting the truth behind the ‘Great Replacement Theory.’ This theory is often dismissed by the far-left as “one of the most dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theories out there.” They argued that the “Great Replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant concept that posits white people are being replaced by immigrants, Muslims, and other people of color in their so-called “home” countries.” The footage, recorded by Project Veritas, exposes a chilling reality: the Biden regime is knowingly allowing criminals into the United States to change the country’s demographics.
Voters Are Turning Against This Democrat Governor replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/20/2024 9:25:51 PM Post Reply
Americans are fed up with the way the United States is heading under Democrat leadership. Not only does it show in polls regarding President Joe Biden’s historically low ratings, but other left-wing politicians are getting the cold treatment from voters as well. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's (D-NY) job approval rating is sinking faster than the Titanic as residents are fleeing the state for more Republican-friendly regions. According to a recent Siena College survey, Hochul’s approval rating is just 44 percent— a record low. Respondents cited her carelessness for people and her failure to provide decisive leadership for their disapproval of her leadership. Fifty percent of respondents disapprove
Poll: Independents Back Donald Trump over
Biden in New York by Double Digits
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 8:59:24 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden by double digits among independents in New York State, the latest Siena College survey found. The overall survey showed Biden with a net negative approval rating in the blue state. Just 42 percent favor Biden, while most, 53 percent, view him unfavorably — a net negative favorable rating of -11 percent. In May, 45 percent viewed him favorably, compared to 50 percent who had an unfavorable view, giving him a net negative of -5. In other words, his net unfavorable rating increased by six percentage points in the last month.
Crazed Carville Wants White House to Compel
Media to Help Defeat Trump
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 8:43:17 PM Post Reply
I think it's safe to say we're there. Where is "there"? In this case, veteran Democrat activist-operative James Carville is openly calling for the creation of a White House-led "enforcement mechanism" to compel the lapdog media to directly help embattled Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in November. We first go back to May, when New York Times editor Joe Kahn said the duty of his paper is to cover news that Americans care about rather than what helps Biden or hurts Trump, while Biden aides were reportedly urging officials to criticize the NYT’s coverage that didn't help Biden or hurt Trump. The Biden aides' plan wasn't good enough for Carville.
Sen. Kennedy Explains Why Men Shouldn’t
Play Women’s Sports in a Way Even Dems
Can Understand
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 8:42:42 PM Post Reply
Senator John Kennedy (R-La.) has become known for his simple yet incisive takedowns of Biden nominees and Democrat expert witnesses. His pointed questioning often reveals glaring shortcomings, leading to some of Biden's picks withdrawing from consideration due to their evident lack of qualifications. You just gotta love him. More recently, he's also been an outspoken critic of Joe Biden's assault on women's sports.Earlier this year, Joe Biden, in a blatant move to pander to the radical gender activists of his party, leveraged his executive power to unilaterally rewrite Title IX, the 1972 civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination i
CBS News Ratioed Into Oblivion for Posts
Providing Cover for White House on 'Cheap
Fake' Narrative
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 8:34:36 PM Post Reply
During Monday's press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed over a dozen times that videos showing concerning moments that President Joe Biden has had amount to "cheap fakes." Sure enough, on Tuesday, CBS News stepped in to provide cover for the White House when it comes to videos that we've seen with our own eyes. It was a segment that our sister site of Twitchy quipped could have been written by Jean-Pierre herself, and one which Guy touched upon as well, as he fittingly phrased it as "surreal gaslighting" when it comes to how Biden and the media "collude."
The Squad's Jamaal Bowman Makes Desperate
Move As the Fat Lady Warms Up in Contentious
Primary Race
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 8:34:20 PM Post Reply
We're less than one week away from primary day in New York, and Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) is not acting like a man who is confident he's on his way to securing a primary win. The Hamas Caucus member's Democratic opponent, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, a well-known longtime politico in the area, appears to be in the driver's seat, sitting firmly ahead of Bowman in polling averages and getting generally favorable press coverage in comparison to Bowman, who apparently thinks he can yell and pander his way to victory.
Watch — Scott Presler: If Every Christian
Voted, ‘We Would Never Lose Another
Presidential Election’
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 8:29:04 PM Post Reply
“People really need to understand if every Christian in America actually voted, we would never lose another presidential election,” he said. “And 30 percent of evangelicals — it’s not that they don’t even vote — 30 percent are not registered to vote.” “We want to get people registered so they can go from the pews to the polls,” Presler, who runs the voter registration organization Early Vote Action, added. The conservative activist also mentioned that “the Muslim community is ripe to come over to the Republican Party.” “We are seeing big moves from the Muslim community to the Republican Party because A, they don’t like Joe Biden’s anti-peace
Democrat Pramila Jayapal Chuckles While
Discussing News Headline About Illegal
Alien Raping Young Girl In NYC
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 8:22:30 PM Post Reply
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) faced backlash online on Thursday after she chuckled during a television interview when discussing multiple news chyrons that networks displayed during a Biden immigration speech, one of which from Fox News referred to an illegal alien in New York City who violently raped a young girl late last week. “There’s a lot of fear mongering,” Jayapal claimed during an MSNBC segment with Joy Reid. Reid read chyrons that the three major cable news networks had on their screens as Biden held a press conference announcing that he was taking execu
Bring Back The Ten Commandments replies
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 8:19:32 PM Post Reply
The Louisiana governor signed into law legislation that requires a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in all public classrooms. And the Left absolutely lost its mind. The ACLU, who used to stand for free speech but now stands for radical leftism, immediately announced this was unconstitutional and they were going to stand up against it. CNN’s Elie Honig was asked if the display violated the First Amendment. He replied: Yes, flagrantly, in my view. If you wanted a perfect example of what the First Amendment prohibits, I think this is it. The First Amendment says Congress, government, shall make no law respecting establishment of religion,
'Just Stop Oil' Activists Attack Stonehenge,
Get Demolished by Historic Site's Account,
Community Notes
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 8:01:54 PM Post Reply
Radicals don't have any compunctions about the actions they take when it comes to their anti-fossil fuel agenda. They've done everything from attacking famous works of art to gluing themselves to roads and blocking traffic. They even went after the Magna Carta last month. None of what they do has done anything to stop people from using fossil fuels. If anything, it just tends to make people -- even those who might possibly agree with them -- mad at them when they do such crazy things. It brings the right and even some liberals together to decry such actions.
Billionaire Winklevoss Twins Endorse Trump,
Donate $2 Million to His 2024 Campaign…
And Send a Message to Joe Biden
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 8:00:46 PM Post Reply
The billionaire Winklevoss twins endorsed Trump for president and donated $2 million to his 2024 campaign. Gemini crypto exchange founders Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss announced they will be voting for Trump in November…and they sent a message to the hostile Biden Regime. I just donated $1 million in bitcoin (15.47 BTC) to Donald Trump and will be voting for him in November. Here’s why: Over the past few years, the Biden Administration has openly declared war against crypto. It has weaponized multiple government agencies to bully, harass, and sue the good actors in our industry in an effort to destroy it.
Alvin Bragg’s Office Drops Charges against
Dozens of Columbia Protesters Who Ransacked
Campus Hall
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 7:21:51 PM Post Reply
The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office is dropping charges against more than two dozen protesters arrested for ransacking a campus building at Columbia University during the height of its anti-Israel protest encampment. Manhattan prosecutors said at a court hearing on Thursday that over 3o protesters would not be prosecuted on misdemeanor trespassing charges for storming Columbia’s Hamilton Hall, according to multiple reports. Protesters covered the security cameras inside Hamilton Hall when they took control of it, contributing to a lack of evidence showing any identifiable individuals committing property damage,
US Marine Veteran Dies Alone, but Not Forgotten replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 6:54:07 PM Post Reply
Gerry Brooks was one of our nation's heroes. A Marine - I have it on good authority from friends who served in the Corps that there are no former Marines, only Marines who are no longer on active duty - Gerry was a widower, apparently with no family, and when he passed away at age 86 in a nursing home in Augusta, Maine, nobody showed up to claim his body or make funeral arrangements. But it didn't end there. The funeral home posted a notice asking if anyone in the community would be willing to serve as a pallbearer, or even to attend his funeral. The response was overwhelming.
Trump Does What Biden Won't on the Rachel
Morin Matter As Her Mother Unloads on Mayorkas
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 6:45:25 PM Post Reply
As we previously reported, the suspect in the August 2023 rape/murder of 37-year-old Maryland mother of five Rachel Morin was arrested Friday night in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has been identified as Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, a 23-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador who is said to have gang ties and a violent history. (Snip) the Morin family's attorney, Randolph Rice, released a statement Thursday announcing that former President Donald Trump had reached out to express his condolences: President Donald Trump called Patty Morin, the mother of slain jogger Rachel Morin, in a heartfelt manner to offer his deepest condolences.
EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated
Posted by Kate318 6/20/2024 6:33:25 PM Post Reply
Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the church and sharing Jesus Christ in all he does has been notified that he is being summoned to the Vatican. Our friend, Archbishop Vigano has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Hoy Catholic Church.
Lawsuit by October 7 Victims Against Two
Pro-Palestinian Groups: A battle for justice.
Posted by OhioNick 6/20/2024 5:11:59 PM Post Reply
There is no point in invoking morality, decency, or any suchlike stuff, in appealing to the pro-Palestinian groups that have been spewing their antisemitic venom on campuses from sea to shining sea to cease and desist. But a just-announced lawsuit against two of those groups could lead to a possible hit to their pocketbook. [SNIP] Now a group of nine victims of Hamas’ attacks on October 7 are suing two of the most important anti-Israel groups on American campuses, the umbrella groups National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJUP) and American Muslims For Palestine (AMP), for aiding Hamas as “collaborators and propagandists.”
DOJ Omits One Inconvenient Detail About
the Club Q Shooter
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 5:09:13 PM Post Reply
On the day of the Club Q shooter's sentencing, the top brass at Biden's Justice Department delivered a diatribe of buzzwordy proportions against all apparent domestic threats to gays, "transgenders," and everything else in between and beyond. 24-year-old convicted killer Anderson Lee Aldrich was sentenced Tuesday to 55 life sentences running concurrently, plus 190 years in prison, without the possibility of parole after pleading guilty to 74 federal hate crimes and firearms offenses for the shooting spree he carried out at Club Q, an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on November 19, 2022. [Tweet] According to the plea agreement, Aldrich admitted to murdering five victims,
Who Will Have the Last Word at Next Week's
Trump v. Biden Debate? It's Already Been Decided.
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 3:59:06 PM Post Reply
The final details of next Thursday's debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are being squared away, including the candidates' position on the stage and who will have the final word at the end of the face-off. Determined by a coin flip, CNN said on Thursday that "Donald Trump will get the final word when he debates President Joe Biden." "The coin landed on the Biden campaign's pick — tails — which meant his campaign got to choose whether it wanted to select the president's podium position or the order of closing arguments," according to CNN. "Biden's campaign chose to select the right podium position,
NYC Residents Revolt Over Illegals After
Brutal Assault of 13-Year-Old
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 3:43:40 PM Post Reply
Despite living in a huge, deep blue, toilet city, New Yorkers are losing their patience with Democrats, and it's largely due to Joe Biden's wave of "diversity" crashing our border and bringing with them a tsunami of crime. As you may have heard, an animal from Ecuador, here illegally, tied two 13-year-olds together, one boy and one girl. He threatened them with a large knife as he raped the girl. Cops posted his picture around a nearby shelter for illegal immigrants. Local residents, both men and women (real New Yorkers, not illegals), recognized the man, waited for him at a store he frequents, and promptly beat the potato salad out of him
Joe Biden prepares for presidential debate
against Donald Trump with five-day Camp
David trip, as the nominees ready for
first face-off in four years
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 2:22:35 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden heads to the reclusive mountain resort of Camp David on Thursday night to lock himself up with advisers to prepare for next week's debate with Donald Trump. With the showdown one week away, Biden, who prefers briefing binders and practice sessions, will be focused on holding Trump accountable on his record and coming up with punchy one-liners to throw off the former president. Trump, meanwhile, has been trying out new catch phrases and bits of rhetoric, ready to pound his rival with his words.
A Terrifying Combo: Biden and the Nuclear Football replies
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 2:02:56 PM Post Reply
Not Biden’s age, as such, but his cognitive decline renders him disabled. His aiders and abettors discharge most of the duties of the office, with him serving as a useful idiot. He’s just a clueless figurehead. But there is one thing the malevolent minions cannot usurp from his duties: he has the sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. Outside of the White House, that authority can be initiated by the Presidential Emergency Satchel, colloquially called the Nuclear Football. Is there anything -- anything -- more terrifying than a bumbling Biden in control of such a thing? The possessed Dem demon with dementia is always within reach of the Football.
Media Goes All In On White House’s ‘Cheap
Fakes’ Narrative
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 1:56:42 PM Post Reply
Legacy media outlets appear to have gotten the message — straight from the White House — on how to handle a rash of recent viral video clips that show an unflattering side of President Joe Biden looking lost, frail, or old. The White House has repeatedly referred to these video clips — many of which were not edited and provided full context of the situation in which they were taken — as “cheap fakes,” claiming that they were intentionally deceptive or promoting outright lies about President Biden and his mental state. “They are done in bad faith. And some of your news organizations have, have been very clear, have stressed
Donald Sutherland dead at 88: Star of
Mash and Hunger Games' passing announced
by actor son Kiefer
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/20/2024 1:46:05 PM Post Reply
Hollywood icon Donald Sutherland has died aged 88. The veteran Canadian actor's death from a long illness was announced by his movie star son Kiefer Sutherland Thursday. He died in Miami, according to his talent agency CAA. Sutherland's career spanned over 60 years and included appearances as the evil President Snow in The Hunger Games franchise. The Emmy and Golden Globe winner also appeared on MASH, Klute and the 1970s horror movie Don't Look Now. In 2022, he appeared on what would be his last projects, Lawmen: Bass Reeves and Swimming With Sharks Sutherland is survived by Keith and his twin sister Rachel from his marriage to ex-wife Shirley Douglas.
Jack Phillips Is Back in Court replies
Posted by Christopher L 6/20/2024 1:39:12 PM Post Reply
America’s favorite baker, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop, is back in front of the Colorado supreme court today for yet another round of state-sponsored persecution. The question before the court: Does the First Amendment apply in Colorado, or can the state continue to harass, target, and bully speakers who don’t ascend to the state’s view of cultural issues, in direct contradiction of recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings? That is not hyperbole. The Supreme Court already ruled once that Colorado unconstitutionally targeted Phillips for his religious beliefs. It also ruled a year ago that Colorado law to compel speech violates the First Amendment. 
Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home 'is raided
by FBI', as progressive lawmaker faces
recall over soaring crime
Posted by Beardo 6/20/2024 1:29:57 PM Post Reply
Oakland's embattled Mayor Sheng Thao has had her home raided by the FBI, local media have reported. The Democrat lawmaker's home on Maiden Lane was raided around 5:30am PT Thursday, CBS San Francisco reports. It is unclear why the property was raided, but according to public records, it appears Thao rents the home. Earlier this week, it was revealed Thao is facing a recall election as voters complain about soaring crime in the Bay Area city. They say her progressive, soft-on-crime policies have emboldened criminals and driven away businesses.
Moment California Democrat WEEPS when
Latina Republican tells him why slavery
reparations are doomed
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 1:14:56 PM Post Reply
A top California Democrat was brought to tears when he was told in a heated debate that Asian and Latino residents shouldn't have to pay for a controversial slavery reparations package. Ash Kalra, the Indian-American chair of the Assembly Judiciary Committee, briefly sobbed in a tense exchange with Latina Republican Kate Sanchez as she slammed race-based payouts. The pair were debating Senate Bill 1331, one of 14 reparations bills being weighed by lawmakers after a task force last year proposed $1.2 million packages for every descendant of slavery.
Exclusive — Chip Roy: Most Democrats
Opposed Efforts to Stop Noncitizen Voting,
Base Congressional Allocations on Citizens Only
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 1:11:19 PM Post Reply
Most Democrat lawmakers have opposed efforts to stop noncitizens from voting as well as basing congressional allocations on citizens only, Rep Chip Roy (R-TX) revealed during a Wednesday appearance on Breitbart News Daily. Roy spoke about Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAFE) Act, which he believes will help address ongoing issues with noncitizens voting in federal elections — of which he said there is ample proof — making it so every state would have anyone applying to register to vote to prove their citizenship.But this issue, he explained, is the Achilles heel of the Democrats.
Joe Biden’s America: Five Illegals Arrested
in Kidnapping of 14-Year-Old Girl From
Her Indiana Home
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 1:02:15 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s America. Five illegal aliens on Monday were arrested in the kidnapping of a 14-year-old child from her Indiana home. Marlon Aguilar, 44, from the Honduras Arturo Eustaquio, 41, from Mexico Noe Guzman Hernandez, 24, from Mexico Daniel Ruiz Lopez, 19, from Honduras Carlos Funez, 56, from Honduras... The girl’s father last saw his daughter getting into a black SUV and reported her missing to law enforcement. Missouri State Troopers were able to locate the missing girl after her phone pinged a tower on Highway 36. The vehicle was heading west.
Hewitt Identifies the One Crucial Aspect
About Trump Those on His VP Short List
All Agree On
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 12:58:59 PM Post Reply
Salem radio host Hugh Hewitt identified the one feature about former President Donald Trump those on his VP short list agree on. "President Trump himself is a deterrent," he recalls North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum telling him during a recent conversation about the threat China poses to Taiwan, the U.S., and the West in general. “America has lost the ability to deter the alliance of evil autocrats around the world,” Hewitt wrote in a Fox News op-ed. “We have to approach this election as though World War III looms, because it does if Biden and his risible ‘advisors’ (read handlers) stay in power.
If Character Matters, Biden Flunks the Test replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/20/2024 12:37:47 PM Post Reply
When a candidate runs on character, you know his record can’t be good. Hence President Biden’s reported $50 million spend on an ad titled “Character Matters,” which features unflattering photos of Donald Trump while focusing on the Republican nominee’s legal troubles. Hey, we paid good taxpayer money engineering those court cases and we’re not going to waste it. “Going negative,” as they say in politics, worked for Biden before. He was on the ticket in 2012 when Barack Obama became the first modern president to win reelection with fewer votes than he received the first time.
White House deja vu: 'Cheap fake' Biden
videos are media's 2024 Hunter laptop lies
Posted by Moritz55 6/20/2024 12:31:46 PM Post Reply
It has been almost 4 years since the mainstream media demanded we not believe our lying eyes and instead pretend that Hunter Biden’s infamous and damning laptop was all just Russian disinformation. So it should come as a shock to precisely nobody that with Joe Biden and his presidency crumbling all around us, his media allies and enablers are back at it, this time with ludicrous claims that the president’s obvious mental decline is all just a "cheap fake." The term itself is absurd on its face, derived from "deep fake" which is an image or video manipulated by software, "cheap fake,"
Boston liberal arts college blames low
enrollment, possible staff cuts on anti-Israel protests
Posted by Moritz55 6/20/2024 12:25:37 PM Post Reply
A Boston liberal arts college admitted that the recent anti-Israel protests on campus have contributed to low enrollment for the upcoming academic year which will necessitate possible staffing cuts. In an internal message this week, Emerson College president Jay Bernhardt pointed to "multiple factors" prompting a "significant" shortage in the incoming freshman class, including the protests and the press generated by them. "We want to share with our community that the size of our incoming first-year class for Fall 2024 is significantly below what we had hoped," Bernhardt’s statement declared this week.
Massachusetts launches $1 million taxpayer-funded
campaign warning of 'dangers' of pro-life
pregnancy centers
Posted by Beardo 6/20/2024 10:51:08 AM Post Reply
Massachusetts' Democratic leadership announced a first-in-the-nation public education campaign warning about pro-life pregnancy clinics' "dangers and potential harm." Ads on social media, radio, billboards and transit that began rolling out on June 10 warn women to "avoid anti-abortion centers," the Executive Office of Health and Human Services announced. The ads direct viewers to a webpage advertising how to "search for a trusted abortion provider." (snip) These (pro-life) clinics typically provide free testing, baby items, counseling and other forms of support for women who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies. Supporters say they provide education and resources for women to explore alternatives to abortion to make an informed decision about their pregnancy.
It’s Outrageous – Nothing Will Change,
But Lessons Will Be Learned
Posted by earlybird 6/20/2024 10:49:06 AM Post Reply
One of the reasons why YOU are part of The Last Refuge, is that together we accept things as they are – not as we would prefer them to be. (snip)So, summarizing this story today from the video below. {Direct Rumble Link} House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has Biden documents…. 3+ million of them…. that were never on the laptop…. that originated within a 2016 FBI investigation of Burisma Holdings in a semi-related fraud case, that the House Oversight Committee is now is sharing with John Solomon… who is generating a brand-new Tick Tock “BOOM” clock, that can be promoted by Bannon.
Sirens Are Blaring and Red Warning Lights
Are Blinking at the CIA. Is the White
House Listening?
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 10:47:00 AM Post Reply
Every once in a while, history gives us a second chance. The multitude of errors and missed signals that led up to the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon taught us valuable lessons about the nature of the world we live in and how truly vulnerable we are in the United States to bad actors looking for blood. One of the most valuable lessons we learned from that terrible day is that complacency is a deadly disease that can result in tragedy too painful to bear. We had many warnings about Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda
Israel Insists on Goal of ‘Dismantling
Hamas’s Governmental and Military Capabilities’
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 10:41:20 AM Post Reply
Israel reiterated Thursday that its goals for the war in Gaza include the “dismantling of Hamas’s governmental and military capabilities,” after a controversy over a military spokesman’s comments. Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said Wednesday that it would be impossible to destroy Hamas ideologically, and that pretending otherwise would be fooling the public. The Times of Israel reported: IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari on Wednesday cast Israel’s war aim of eradicating the Hamas terror group as unattainable,
Exclusive: Biden’s Green Energy Agenda
Would Make the U.S. Military Reliant on
China, Study Finds
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 10:35:09 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration’s aggressive push to transition to alternative green energy is leaving the U.S. military dependent on its top adversary, China, which would be disastrous in an event of a war with the country, according to a study by the Heritage Foundation publishing on Thursday and obtained first by Breitbart News. The study, entitled “Chinese Handcuffs: Don’t Allow the U.S. Military to Be Hooked on Green Energy from China,” is the second part in a series researching the perils of over reliance on Chinese renewable energy and a “misguided” environmental agenda. The top takeaways of the study, authored by Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow for Naval
Supreme Court upholds Trump-era tax on
foreign earnings
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 10:31:34 AM Post Reply
Washington — The Supreme Court on Thursday left intact an obscure tax enacted as part of Republicans' sweeping 2017 reform package that targets U.S. taxpayers with shares of certain foreign corporations. The court ruled 7-2 that the so-called mandatory repatriation tax is constitutional under Article I and the 16th Amendment. Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote the majority opinion. "[T]he precise and narrow question that the Court addresses today is whether Congress may attribute an entity's realized and undistributed income to the entity's shareholders or partners, and then tax the shareholders or partners on their portions of that income," Kavanaugh wrote. "This Court's longstanding precedents,
Corn growers join lawsuit against EPA
for emissions mandates
Posted by AltaD 6/20/2024 10:23:07 AM Post Reply
(The Center Square) – Several U.S. oil and corn industry lobby groups are suing the Biden Administration over its plans to slash planet-warming tailpipe emissions from cars and trucks. The coalition argues the regulations will cause economic harm. Dave Loos, Illinois Corn Growers Association director of Biofuels, says higher octane fuels could be a solution. The EPA finalized new rules for models of semi-trucks, buses and other heavy-duty vehicles released from 2027 to 2032 in a bid to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Loos said another requirement that up to 56% of all car sales be electric between 2030 and 2032 is unrealistic.
Taylor Swift's private Jet vandalised
at Stansted Airport in London ahead of
Wembley Eras Tour
Posted by Hazymac 6/20/2024 9:14:42 AM Post Reply
Taylor Swift's Wembley Eras Tour is just around the corner, but a recent incident has thrown a splash of orange paint onto the pre-show buzz. Swift's private jet became an unwitting target in a London airport protest. Eco-activists from the group Just Stop Oil doused several private jets with orange paint, with Swift's plane reportedly among those present at the moment. The Cruel Summer singer’s jet was believed to have just landed hours before the “second anti-fossil fuels protest,” took shape. Taylor Swift's name has been added to an expanding roster of stars under scrutiny for their use of private jets. As concerns over carbon emissions mount,
Biden’s Immigration Policy: Disaster
By Design, Not By Accident
Posted by RockyTCB 6/20/2024 8:39:02 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is very clearly in the running to be the worst U.S. president ever. To understand why that’s true, you need only look at the Democrat’s refusal to protect the integrity of our borders. It’s almost as if he wants America to disappear. As we’ve noted here before, we do not oppose immigration. But, as with everything else, immigration is governed by laws, rules and principles. Unfortunately, when it comes to immigration, Biden simply ignores the law and instead uses presidential command in its place. The result: chaos on our border and, increasingly, on our streets as city after
Biden Summons His Top Guys to Make Sure
He Doesn't Get Obliterated by Trump in
the Debates
Posted by Hazymac 6/20/2024 8:14:01 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is being shuffled to Camp Debate to prepare for the most consequential debate of his political career: the June 27 debate with former President Donald Trump. Biden is mustering all his top advisers to prepare him for this epic showdown, where the president’s mental health and stamina will be tested. For weeks, we’ve seen a mentally declining president on display. CBS News reported that “we should expect some surprises” from this debate preparation excursion. And what will that be—Biden not falling or him saying something remotely coherent? The 2024 playbook is a mess, and it's Democrats who are making that known behind the scenes.
Barack Obama vs. Bayard Rustin on Affirmative
Action, Reparations and Israel
Posted by Mercedes44 6/20/2024 7:45:05 AM Post Reply
"Rustin" is a Netflix biopic produced by Barack and Michelle Obama. Bayard Rustin, the underappreciated black 1960s civil rights activist, certainly deserves an ambitious film about his life. After all, the 1963 "March on Washington" that culminated with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s historic "I Have a Dream" speech was Rustin's brainchild. Rustin, in a matter of about seven weeks, assembled a team that promoted the march and handled the logistics. This included security, transportation, seating, a sound system, and providing water and restroom facilities for an expected 100,000 attendees that swelled to a crowd of 250,000.
Border Patrol Encountered 932 Afghans
at Southwest Border In 156 Days
Posted by Mercedes44 6/20/2024 7:41:12 AM Post Reply
There is good reason for Americans to be concerned about individuals from Afghanistan coming across our southern border. When Gen. Michael Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, testified in the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 7 he issued a warning about ISIS-K, a terrorist group based in Afghanistan. "[V]arious groups in the Central Region retain the capability and will to target U.S. interests abroad in under six months with little to no warning," Kurilla said in a written statement to the committee. "We assess an attack on American soil would likely take longer," he said.
Mayorkas: ‘A Criminal Is Responsible’
for Morin Death, Not Biden Admin.
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 7:39:10 AM Post Reply
On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Laura Coates Live,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas responded to criticisms that the Biden administration should face blame for the killing of Rachel Morin by stating that “a criminal is responsible for the criminal act. The criminal who committed this heinous act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, and forcefully so. That is my response.” Guest host Jim Acosta asked, “I do want to ask you about the murder of this Maryland mother that has been in the news. It’s gotten a lot of attention.
How California’s Paradise Become our Purgatory replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/20/2024 7:38:47 AM Post Reply
California has become a test case of the suicide of the West. Never before has such a state, so rich in natural resources and endowed with such a bountiful human inheritance, self-destructed so rapidly. How and why did California so utterly consume its unmatched natural and ancestral inheritance and end up as a warning to Western civilization of what might be in store for anyone who followed its nihilism? The symptoms of the state’s suicide are indisputable. Governor Gavin Newsom enjoyed a recent $98 billion budget surplus—gifted from multibillion-dollar federal COVID-19 subsidies, the highest income and gas taxes in the nation, and among the country’s steepest sales and property taxes.
Supreme Court abortion pill decision ties
issue to Trump-Biden race
Posted by 4250Luis 6/20/2024 7:36:31 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone means the drug’s future is now firmly tied to the 2024 presidential election. Anti-abortion groups said they were dealt only a temporary setback by last week’s ruling and are planning the path forward on how best to restrict access or get the drug removed from the market completely. The court left the door open to other legal challenges, including from a trio of red states in front of the same Trump-appointed federal judge who initially suspended mifepristone’s approval in 2023.
Biden administration moves to ban medical
debt from credit reports
Posted by 4250Luis 6/20/2024 7:34:01 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration announced Tuesday it will be following through on plans to bar medical debt from being included on credit scores. “One of the most significant consequences of carrying medical debt is the harm it does to a person’s credit score,” Vice President Harris said in a press briefing. “Medical debt makes it more difficult for millions of Americans to be approved for a car loan, a home loan or a small business loans. All of which in turn makes it more difficult to just get by much less get ahead. And that is simply not fair.”
Putin gifts car buff Kim Jong Un a fancy
limousine, dagger in visit to North Korea
Posted by 4250Luis 6/20/2024 7:31:35 AM Post Reply
What does one dictator bent on world domination give another? Limos, tea sets and daggers, of course. During his first visit to North Korea in nearly a quarter century this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin came bearing gifts for the despotic Kim Jong Un — with the big unveil being a Russian-made Aurus limousine. Kim — reportedly a major car enthusiast and collector — beamed as he jumped in beside Putin at the wheel of the limo and they hit the highway side by side. Kim Jong Un takes the wheel of his new Aurus Senat, alongside Vladimir Putin.
They Rarely Report the Revisions - Three
Months of 2023 Job Gains Wiped Out After Updates
Posted by FlyRight 6/20/2024 7:13:52 AM Post Reply
One of the Bidenary impacts to economic analysis and/or economic outcome review has been the inability of any government statistical data to make any sense. Quite frankly, almost every financial pundit in mainstream media pretends the data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) or the Dept of Commerce is accurate. It’s not, and we all know it. Just like every other institution in Washington DC, the systems of economic tracking have lost all their credibility. That said, even with all the pretending intended to prop-up the Biden administration,
South Korea blasts Russia-North Korea
deal, says it will consider supplying
arms to Ukraine
Posted by FlyRight 6/20/2024 7:08:20 AM Post Reply
South Korea’s presidential office on Thursday condemned an agreement reached by Russia and North Korea that vowed mutual defense assistance in the event of war and said it will reconsider its policy of limiting its support to Ukraine to non-lethal supplies. The comments by a senior presidential official came hours after North Korea’s state media released the details of the agreement reached between its leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin during their summit on Wednesday in Pyongyang.
Europe: Nazis' 'Do Not Buy from Jews' 2.0 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/20/2024 6:57:05 AM Post Reply
Since October 7, when Iranian proxies Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad committed unspeakable atrocities against men, women, children and babies in Israel, large parts of the international community have been in a frenzy over the Jews' puzzling inclination to defend themselves. This is the same French government [which banned Israel from participating in Eurosatory 2024 defense industry trade fair] so obsessed with appearing inclusive and non-discriminatory that it recently supported a bill that outlaws discrimination based on hair texture, length, color or style.
'Madam President' Kamala Harris mocked
for 'cringe' video of the Queer Eye cast
members at the White House: 'The world
is laughing at us'
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 4:35:03 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris received critical backlash after she welcomed founders and cast members of the show 'Queer Eye' to the White House. A video of TV star Jonathan Van Ness went viral on Tuesday as he stepped up to the White House podium during the visit and hosted a mock press briefing. 'JVN is it true that is all your natural hair?' one cast member asked Van Ness, as he stood at the briefing room podium. The video player is currently playing an ad. You can skip the ad in 5 sec with a mouse or keyboard 'Yes I can confirm that this is not a wig, thank you so much
After This Failed Program, Does Anything
*Work* in Joe Biden's America?
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 3:30:36 AM Post Reply
Three years ago, Biden rolled out the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD), allocating $42.5 billion to bring high-speed internet access to rural America. And not a single home has been connected to the network. It’s a hodgepodge of government bureaucracy, red tape, and other aspects of Washington that perfectly illustrates why this is a classic tale of government action (via Washington Times): (X) Residents in rural America are eager to access high-speed internet under a $42.5 billion federal modernization program, but not a single home or business
Whistleblower nurse claims FBI turned
up at her door and threatened her after
she accused America's largest children's
hospital of illegally giving kids free
sex change operations
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 3:27:00 AM Post Reply
A whistleblower nurse who accused America's largest children's hospital of illegally using Medicaid benefits to offer children free sex change operations claims the FBI showed up at her doorstep and threatened her. Vanessa Sivadge told journalist Chris Rufo that her employer, the Texas Children's Hospital, was violating state law by using the benefits to provide sex change operations to minors. She further alleged that doctors at the hospital were manipulating patients into accepting 'gender-affirming care, and said she believed that some families feared the doctors would call Child Protective Services if they dissented.
Romney Says He Did Not Attend Trump Meeting
to ‘Support’ Former President
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 3:21:57 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) explained that he did not attend a meeting with former President Donald Trump last week to “support” him, but rather to “listen.” Romney clarified to CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju that the meeting he attended at the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) headquarters between Republican senators and Trump, had not swayed his opinion on supporting the former president. “I didn’t go there to support former President Trump,” Romney began. “I went there to listen to what he was planning on doing if he became president.”
Senate Passes Legislation to Accelerate
Development of Nuclear Energy Power Plants
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 12:44:42 AM Post Reply
A bipartisan bill that will advance the development of nuclear energy power plants in the nation was passed by the United States Senate on Tuesday. In an 88-2 vote, the Senate voted to pass the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act, which is part of the Fire Grants and Safety Act (S.8.70), according to a press release from the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW). The ADVANCE Act will now move forward to President Joe Biden’s desk to be signed. “Today, we sent the ADVANCE Act to the president’s desk because Congress worked together to recognize the importance of nuclear
The Warning Signs are Flashing Red replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 12:24:45 AM Post Reply
The intelligence community is telling Congress that the warning lights are flashing bright red. Is anyone paying attention? Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell is urging the Biden administration to 'do something.' Morell and Graham Allison, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans, wrote an op-ed for Foreign Affairs earlier this month. It's the open southern border, stupid. "Given the particular vulnerability of the southern border, Biden’s recent executive order to restrict asylum processing is a valuable step toward limiting entry to the United States," Morell and Graham Allison, former United States Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans,
Former Obama Mega Fundraiser Now Backs
Trump, Biden 'Has Been Asleep at the Wheel'
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 12:19:30 AM Post Reply
As our sister site Townhall reported, Silicon Valley progressive Allison Huynh, who co-created a robotics and AI company that was sold to Google, has decided to change her Obama-loving ways and back Donald Trump in the presidential election over failed incumbent Joe Biden. She believes that Democrats have lost their way, and no place is that more obvious than in the former jewel of California, San Francisco: “He’s allowed Big Tech as well as the looters to take over Silicon Valley,” she told “Fox & Friends First.” “San Francisco has been the science experiment that’s gone awry. I wake up in the morning, there’s no grocery stores
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