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Trump’s electoral map and coalition
are expanding

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Posted By: Moritz55, 3/15/2024 10:31:02 AM

The 2024 presidential election will be an issues-based campaign whether President Biden likes it or not. Mr. Biden can try desperate tactics like taunting former President Donald Trump and foolishly threatening to go for his jugular while trying not to fall over, but Americans won’t be distracted from the mess he’s made. Bad Biden policies will be the dominant factor for the next eight months because this race is about which candidate the voters can depend on to address the foreign policy failures, border catastrophe and economic malaise that this president created. This is precisely the reason Mr. Biden is trailing Mr. Trump in both national and state polls.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bpl40 3/15/2024 10:36:25 AM (No. 1678298)
I don't think it was any different at midnight Nov 3/4, 2020 This time we have to be vigilant. Otherwise this is of little use.
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DogFacedPonySoldier 3/15/2024 10:56:06 AM (No. 1678315)
3 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: NorthernDog 3/15/2024 10:59:02 AM (No. 1678318)
I wouldn't spend too much time trying to win Minnesota. Somehow the Dems always find some 'overlooked' ballots at the last minute. Just ask Owl Fwaken.
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: seamusm 3/15/2024 11:17:16 AM (No. 1678331)
If Trump is elected without also solid GOP control of both House and Senate, we will have sent DJT to DC with an empty gun. It is critical that we make sure voting for Trump is also voting AGAINST every DimoTwit regardless of the elected office both national and local.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 3/15/2024 11:52:43 AM (No. 1678358)
The key thing to note is that Trump WAS president and WAS successful in EXACTLY the areas that Biden has been a disaster. We don't have to speculate if Trump is capable, we KNOW he is. Further, although the media HATES Trump, no one believes them anymore. They trumpeted Biden's SOTU as great. Yet Biden's poll numbers slipped. The media no longer has the power to deceive most of the people. Viewers of Biden's activities see a stumbling, bumbling, confused, and ANGRY old man. It's not his AGE, he is mentally and physically incapable to be president RIGHT NOW. No one can believe he will be functional through 4 more years. I agree we need a strong Congress to get things done. Not just Republicans but those willing to get on board with the Trump agenda. Any remaining RINOs need to be corralled and given the word that stupid resistance will come with a great cost. Further, and I hope this is planned already, Trump needs to come in to the Presidency with a LIGHTNING STRIKE against the bureaucracy. The PRESIDENT is in charge. Bureaucrats that obstruct should be demoted to a basement office with no windows and no authority, at a minimum. Fire them if possible. Bureaucratic agendas not backed up by law should be DEAD STOPPED, reviewed, and if at all possible, KILLED. The people Trump places at the top of the government should have his authority to clean house. People who obstruct the legal orders of these leaders should be terminated immediately. If a bureaucratic group is blocking actions, the group should be LOCKED OUT of their offices. Pussy footing around is over.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: nelsonted1 3/15/2024 12:00:54 PM (No. 1678366)
Can you imagine what ads and commercials are going to look like? They'll be trump lunging a Biden's throat. They will or I should say should be targeted at one issue st a time. Beat each one to death If there are debates trump will run the risk of too many issues. Like a flock of ducks coming at a duck hunter there were so many to choose from he misses them all
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Dreadnought 3/15/2024 12:35:47 PM (No. 1678392)
CNN's Electoral map as of today has Trump 272, Biden 225.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: john56 3/15/2024 12:37:43 PM (No. 1678398)
Let's just keep fighting like we're 50 electoral votes and 5% behind. This sucker ain't done yet.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 3/15/2024 12:44:46 PM (No. 1678404)
People have clear memories of the "best in 50 years" economy under Trump last time, and all normal people are VERY painfully aware of how Joe and his evil minions have wrecked the economy, and how the Dems are destroying the country with literal tens of millions of violent, diseased illegal aliens swarming the country, breaking laws wholesale and disrupting everything. People want to go back to the good times before the ChiCom-Fauci pandemic was inflicted upon us.
2 people like this.

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Trump reveals 'very first actions' he'll
take as president during Ohio rally, hammers
Biden's border policies
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Posted by Moritz55 3/16/2024 8:24:41 PM Post Reply
Former President Trump visited Ohio on Saturday, where he barnstormed for businessman Bernie Moreno, a Republican seeking to win his state’s primary to run against Democrat Sherrod Brown for U.S. Senate. During his rally in Dayton, Trump repeatedly mentioned illegal migrants surging across the border, violent migrant crime, and the death of University of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley. "Not one more American life should be lost to migrant crime. We can't have another Laken," the 2024 Republican presumptive nominee said in his remarks, in which he also repeatedly blamed President Biden’s policies for allowing millions of migrants, including, "violent gang members and gangsters" into the U.S.
Lawfareland gets nervous 4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/16/2024 5:17:41 PM Post Reply
This newsletter has noted that the elected Democrats, Biden DOJ-appointed prosecutors, legal activists, and others who have filed criminal charges and lawsuits against former President Donald Trump have crafted a multiple-redundant line of attack. If one case fails, there is another to back it up, and if that case fails, there is another to back it up, and so on. There are four criminal cases against the former president, all charging him with felonies. At the beginning of this week, there were 91 felony counts against Trump, but a judge in the Georgia prosecution threw out some counts, so
New report blasts government's COVID response,
warns of repeating same mistakes
5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/16/2024 3:34:20 PM Post Reply
A new report has sharply criticized the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, writing that lockdowns, school closures and vaccine mandates were "catastrophic errors" resulting in many Americans losing faith in public health institutions. The report, published this week by the non-profit Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CTUP), paints a damning indictment of the government’s role in the crisis and offers ten lessons that must be learned, to avoid the same mistakes from being repeated. Some of the guidance includes halting all binding agreements or pledges to the World Health Organization (WHO),
Turley: The Best Thing For Trump May Be
For Fani Willis To Continue To Lead The
Case, She's "Damaged Goods"
10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/16/2024 3:00:45 PM Post Reply
FOX News contributor and GWU law professor Jonathan Turley on Friday told FOX News host Laura Ingraham that Fulton County DA Fani Willis is damaged goods. Turley said on 'The Ingraham Angle' that the best thing for former President Donald Trump may be for her to continue to lead the case. "Nobody reading this opinion with these damning findings could possibly believe that Willis can continue to be part of this case," Turley said. "She is prosecuting people for the underlining conduct she is accused of committing with Nathan Wade. False statements given to a court. False filings that have been submitted.
New Inflation Numbers Keep Economic Concerns
Front and Center
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/16/2024 1:07:23 PM Post Reply
Inflation ticked up in the latest figures from the U.S. government's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), released March 12. It's not a huge rise, but enough to keep the eroding value of the dollar in the headlines, feed Americans' dissatisfaction with the economy, and be received as very bad news by the White House. The president and his allies work hard to claim credit for what they tout as a thriving economy, but all they've done is link the Biden brand to rising prices and a general distaste for the president's management.
2024 Is Shaping Up To Be The ‘We Were
Right About Everything’ Election
3 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 8:45:37 PM Post Reply
Last week, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul ordered the National Guard to start patrolling the subways of New York City to deal with the city’s crime problem, which has been metastasizing for years now. There was a lot of guffawing from the online peanut gallery, and understandably so. In the summer of 2020, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., had written a New York Times op-ed suggesting the deployment of the military to quell the rioting that destroyed dozens of cities and did billions of dollars in damage. Though polls showed Cotton’s suggestion had popular support, the Times’ own staff revolted against their employer, with several employees publicly
Democrats are hemorrhaging support with
voters of colorM
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 5:13:14 PM Post Reply
Earlier this week, John Burn-Murdoch of the Financial Times posted a thread that purported to show substantial losses for Democrats among non-white voters, which he termed a “racial realignment”. If you’re an election data junkie, you’ve probably seen it; it’s been viewed more than 7 million times on Twitter. Here is the graphic that kicked it off. It’s worth reading the whole thread. There’s a lot of data, and Burn-Murdoch notes that the problems are particularly bad for Democrats among working-class voters of color, and younger ones. Many Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters have long identified as moderate or conservative rather than liberal, and Burn-Murdoch theorizes that Democrats’ tilt
Why this Democratic Nikki Haley backer
is endorsing Trump for president
2 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 4:00:31 PM Post Reply
It’s time for America to come together and make Donald Trump the next president of the United States. I was one of those who doubted he could pull off a second presidential victory and backed Nikki Haley. I was wrong — Trump is ready to be president again, and the country needs him. Indicted 91 times by biased prosecutors out to stop him, Trump has engineered a great comeback. He proved himself right — he is the one candidate who can overcome the left-wing machine that’s taken over our politics and our institutions. Democrats scream Donald Trump is a threat to democracy while doing everything they can to block voters
Russia votes: Why does Putin bother holding elections? 9 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 1:00:36 PM Post Reply
Critics have regularly said Russia is a dictatorship but nonetheless, between March 15 and 17, the country is holding a presidential election. But the outcome has been predicted long before polls opened: Vladimir Putin, who has been in charge of the country for the past 25 years, will win a fifth term. That means he would remain in power in the Kremlin until at least 2030. The only clear opposition figure, liberal politician Boris Nadezhdin, has been barred from running by Russian courts, including the Supreme Court, on appeal. Other candidates include Nikolai Kharitonov, 75, who represents the local Communist Party.
Trump’s electoral map and coalition
are expanding
9 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/15/2024 10:31:02 AM Post Reply
The 2024 presidential election will be an issues-based campaign whether President Biden likes it or not. Mr. Biden can try desperate tactics like taunting former President Donald Trump and foolishly threatening to go for his jugular while trying not to fall over, but Americans won’t be distracted from the mess he’s made. Bad Biden policies will be the dominant factor for the next eight months because this race is about which candidate the voters can depend on to address the foreign policy failures, border catastrophe and economic malaise that this president created. This is precisely the reason Mr. Biden is trailing Mr. Trump in both national and state polls.
Democratic Texas congressman compares
Latinos for Trump to 'Jews for Hitler'
13 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/14/2024 6:46:55 PM Post Reply
Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas, in an article published this week, compared Latinos who support former President Trump to "Jews for Hitler" as he discussed GOP outreach in the area, and the remark immediately drew accusations of racism from his Republican challenger in the upcoming election. For [Republicans] to stay in power, even at the state level, they need to convince at least a percentage, even a small percentage, of Latinos to start voting Republican," Gonzalez, who represents an area that includes some of the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, told The New Republic. "If not, they will eventually lose elections.
J6 Committee’s Suppressed Evidence Scandal
Exonerates Trump From ‘Insurrection’ Narrative
7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/14/2024 5:03:43 PM Post Reply
The greatest con job ever to happen in American politics is the false Jan. 6 “insurrection” narrative. The singular mission of this narrative is to stop Donald Trump from ever setting foot in the Oval Office again. A key pillar of the left’s propaganda about insurrection is to distort the truth surrounding whether Trump authorized, prior to Jan. 6, the deployment of National Guard troops to keep order on that day. The main architect of this disinformation campaign is former Congresswoman Liz Cheney. During my time on Capitol Hill as the chief investigator for the House Intelligence Committee, I remember briefing then-Congresswoman Cheney on the
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'Traumatized' residents of wealthy San
Francisco neighborhood resort to using
CHICKEN WIRE to protect their homes against
intruders as crime spirals - with even
'hard-core natives' feeling so unsafe
they want to move
27 replies
Posted by Imright 3/16/2024 8:35:48 AM Post Reply
Citizens in a residential area of San Francisco are bolstering their homes with chicken wire in a bid to keep out intruders. Happening in the city's Richmond District, the safety measures come amid a recent jump in burglaries, robberies, and homicides in the affluent neighborhood. Headline-grabbing incidents like thieves making off with a Bank of America ATM earlier this year have even longtime residents on edge - with some installing cameras and safety locks along with the unconventional farm equipment.
Mike Pence Says He Will Not Vote for Donald Trump 26 replies
Posted by earlybird 3/16/2024 10:45:45 AM Post Reply
Playing the role of the faithful corporate Republican, former Vice President Mike Pence appears on Fox News today to advocate for the nation state of Israel and disparage President Donald Trump. One does not need to be a deep weeds political follower to understand the motives of Pence(snip). The Wall Street Sea Island group, who operate in the multinational financial world, in combination with the professional political class, who organize both wings of the UniParty system, are diametrically opposed to President Donald Trump. This is Mike Pence’s tribe,(snip)There’s a sense of disgust, a genuine dislike of people who hold the personality traits of Mike Pence.
Holder: Media Will Change Coverage and
That’ll Help Biden Win
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/16/2024 1:50:27 PM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” former Attorney General Eric Holder commented on President Joe Biden’s poll numbers by stating that “as the media turns its attention to making this a binary choice between a person who’s got some age and cognitive issues — that would be Trump — against somebody who has actually accomplished a lot, I think we’ll do just fine.” Host Bill Maher asked, “What do you make of the fact that the Democrats, by every poll I read, are, I would just say, losing their base? If you look at non-white working-class voters, there has been a 61-point shift, that’s an incredible amount, from 2012,
AOC district neighborhood labeled 'Third
World' as migrants clog streets and prostitutes
overrun every block
19 replies
Posted by JunkYardDog 3/16/2024 10:07:52 AM Post Reply
An area in Squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district is being described as looking more like a Third World country as opposed to a thriving American neighborhood, as desperate migrants block up sidewalks selling food and shilling clothing items while prostitutes openly solicit sex from passersby — reportedly including teens. The neighborhoods of Corona, Jackson Heights and Elmhurst — a once-vibrant community in northwestern Queens — has now essentially deteriorated into a large flea market with trash overflowing on street corners, leading to unsavory and unhygienic conditions, as video obtained by Fox News Digital shows.
Elon Musk likens Don Lemon to spoiled
child from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
after TV host 'demanded free Tesla Cybertruck,
$8M salary with $5M upfront, and a stake
in X' before billionaire cancelled deal
for new show
18 replies
Posted by Imright 3/16/2024 12:40:37 AM Post Reply
Elon Musk has compared the former CNN anchor Don Lemon to a spoiled child from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory after a report claiming the TV host made a series of contractual demands before his new show streamed on X. Lemon is alleged to have requested a Tesla Cybertruck, an $8 million salary, an equity stake in X together with a $5 million upfront payment on top. In a posting to X on Friday night, Musk simply wrote, Don 'Veruca Salt' Lemon, in reference to the character from the 1970 film, that sees the youngster making clear her wants as she belts out 'I want it now!'
Chicago to Begin Evicting Illegal Immigrants
from Shelters as New 60-Day Limit Takes Effect
16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/16/2024 11:58:21 AM Post Reply
Chicago will evict some 5,600 illegal immigrants from city shelters in waves beginning on Sunday, as Mayor Brandon Johnson’s new rule limiting migrant shelter stays to 60 days takes effect. Thirty-four illegal immigrants will be evicted on Saturday as the policy finally kicks in, after having been delayed on multiple occasions since November because of cold weather. While exemptions will be made for illegal immigrants who have medical conditions, are in the process of securing housing, are experiencing domestic violence, or are pregnant, others who have overstayed the 60-day limit will be evicted in the coming weeks and told to report back to the city’s “landing zone,”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's family outraged
as foundation gives namesake award to
Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch after years
of only honoring women
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/16/2024 12:41:58 PM Post Reply
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's family has denounced an award in her name being given to Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch, among others. The Opperman Foundation has since 2020 bestowed the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award to extraordinary people. Actor Sylvester Stallone, financier Michael Milken, and fashion icon Martha Stewart will receive the award this year along with Musk and Murdoch. Ginsburg, the legendary late Supreme Court justice, consistently supported progressive positions during her 27 years on the bench. Her family lashed out at the foundation's choices as 'an affront to the memory of our mother and grandmother', without singling out the two conservative billionaires.
Hungry? Researchers Suggest Grilling Up
Some Snake Steaks to Save the Planet
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/16/2024 11:30:33 AM Post Reply
Who knew sustainability could be so ssssserious and yet, so ssssilly? Apparently, researchers who compiled a report suggesting that humans could potentially replace beef, poultry, and fish with – snake meat. The idea is intriguing, of course. But given America’s dietary hissstory, it might be a hard sell for most of us. A new study reveals that farming pythons in Southeast Asia could offer a more environmentally friendly source of meat. Researchers observed the serpents in Thailand and Vietnam for 12 months, and discovered that raising these reptiles leaves less of a carbon footprint than traditional livestock. Of course, this is probably because snakes don’t have feet.
CENSUS DATA: Americans Still Fleeing Blue
States in Their Droves, Moving to Texas
and Florida
14 replies
Posted by Imright 3/16/2024 8:58:06 AM Post Reply
Americans are still fleeing Democratic run states in their droves and moving to more conservative parts of the country, the latest census data shows. Over the year 2022 to 2023, Los Angeles County in California, Cooky County in Illinois and Kings County in New York all experienced population declines of 119,000, 58,000 and 55,000 respectively. Miami-Dade County in Florida came fifth in the list, potentially because of the high prices caused by Florida’s skyrocketing popularity. The main beneficiaries of domestic migration were Polk County in Florida, Montgomery County in Texas and Pasco County in Florida with gains of 26,000, 25,000 and 24,000 respectively
Biden Tries to Make Taxpayers Fund Abortions
for Fourth Year in a Row
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 3/16/2024 1:19:45 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration is trying to make U.S. taxpayers fund abortions by leaving out the Hyde Amendment from the Fiscal Year 2025 budget released this week. The move marks the fourth year in a row President Joe Biden’s Office of Management and Budget has purposefully left out the Hyde Amendment, a provision that has been part of federal appropriations for decades and prevents direct taxpayer funding of abortion through programs like Medicaid. Republicans have foiled past attempts to remove the Hyde Amendment from the budget. (snip) Killing the unborn is also President Joe Biden’s day-one, number-one priority if he is reelected, his staff has said
Professional Republicans Unhappy Donald
Trump Has Not Reached Out to Nikki Haley Democrats
13 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/16/2024 8:42:35 PM Post Reply
The apparatus of the Republican influence system is not happy that President Trump has not reached out to Nikki Haley and her coalition of Democrats in order to solicit their support. Politico outlines the unhappiness amid the Koch network that President Trump has not called them or asked for their support. The MAGA movement should anticipate the professional Republican apparatus now looking to embed Bush-Cheney-Haley types to control the outcomes of Donald Trump, and the likelihood of a successful presidential race. Nothing angers the professional Republicans quite like ignoring them and being successful without their crustless triangle cucumber sandwiches.
San Francisco man who stabbed Asian woman,
94, multiple times gets PROBATION after
soft-touch judge was told he'd suffered
'trauma' and 'cried' on being told what
he'd done
13 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/16/2024 1:45:16 PM Post Reply
A San Francisco man who stabbed a 94-year-old in the street has avoided jail after being sentenced to probation and a 'behavioral and mental health treatment program.' Daniel Cauich stabbed Chinese and Vietnamese immigrant Anh 'Peng' Taylor multiple times in San Francisco's Lower Nob Hill neighborhood in broad daylight in June 2021. The senseless attack was caught on camera and sent shockwaves through the city during a period of increased attacks on Asian Americans. Cauich was sentenced to five years of probation and a supervision program at San Francisco Superior Court on Friday. 'I am giving you one last chance to stay out of state prison,'
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